Cant See My Address In CC List While I Receive The Mail
Sep 13, 2009
I have Laptop with WXP installed. I am using Microsoft Outlook for mailing. Some time it happens that I receive a CC of mail send by someone but when I open the mail; I don�t see my address in CC list while I receive the mail. Normally when I receive a CC of mail, I found my name in CC list.
I have done something in my settings to cancel my ability to reply to or forward e-mail I receive. I use Outlook Express on Windows XP home. Can someone give me specific guidelines/directions on the procedure to correct this problem.
I have the XP home and had the Zone alarm installed. Since I have installed the new service pack for XP I have problems with the outlook. It shows me sending & receiving error and doesnt open. I reset the account again for outlook after consulting the ISP but still not luck.
When I try to send or receive mail in Outlook Express 6, I get an error message 0x800CCC0D along with socket error 11004. It's telling me the host cannot be found, to check that the server name is entered correctly. This began immediately after I clicked the stop button while I was downloading mail and then clicked on send/receive a minute later. My connection to the internet is fine. I checked all the vital information, POP3, SMTP, my password, everything. I removed all the information from my account and reinstalled it, still the same error!
I am using Windows XP Home edition. How do you delete an address from the list of automatic webb address list in the Address box? I tried highlighting it and entering delete but it doesn't get deleted.
have an e-mail address to e-mail Microsoft for hotixes? I have tried doing an e-mail request but when I put in my PID it says I should contact my computer manufacturer. Does anyone have a direct e-mail address I can use at all? If not, I suppose I will have to ring them, it just seems silly because all it's for is a hotfix.
I have had this problem in the past, solved by rebooting. Must have been something I have done, Bill would never make a mistake like this one.The problem is that all of a sudden, my keystrokes are desrever i.e. reversed. This results in passwords being entered incorectly, a pain because you cannot see it happening. You realise what is going on when you click on forgotten password and your e-mail address appears backwards when typing it
I had gone to a couple of gaming sites researching on some games and out of nowhere, it had popped up adult sites all over the place. I did all my spyware software and cleared out all the adult crap, but all of a sudden, they are showing up on my address dropdown list! Even after running the software, I thought that would clear them off the list.Is there anyway besides clearing out all of the history that I can get rid of the one or 2 individual adult web addresses?
A minor problem. When my "Favorites" list becomes crowded I highlight items and delete them. Simple. Now the dropdown list from my Address Bar has become crowded and I realize I don't know how to delete old items. Can't highlight and delete like the Favorites.
I've lost the facility to use the drop-down list of previously used addresses. It sticks in my mind thaat, years ago I did this and just went to internet options/advanced, and fixed it from there. I can'at do it now.
I upgraded to Windows Live Mail and now am unable to view my previous e-mails in my hot mail account that i have had for years. How do i retrieve these e-mails that i believe are still on the server?
I don't know what happened, but my default e-mail program in MS Word changed by itself and now when I try to send to and mail recipient it uses Outlook instead of Outlook Express like I originally had setup.
I am running xp pro. I can not get an internet connection through my ethernet card. When I hook up my modem through usb it works fine but unable to utilize my full download speed capabilities. Hooked the modem up via ethernet to laptop and it worked just fine. The only thing I can find wrong that I don't know how to fix or what is causing it is the fact that the physical address of the card comes up as the broadcast address (FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF). Very strange.
I opened my computer and decided to goto internet through the my computer window. So I pressed home button of my key board so the My Computer window converted to a web page. But after that the address bar disappeared. I closed the window and restart the machine and opened the internet explorer, but still address bar is missing. I checked under the tools and I can see the tick infront of the address bar.
We have run across a problem here with APIPA addressing. After we install Windows updates, Windows assigns an APIPA address in the 169.254.x.x range, instead of getting an address from the DHCP server. The effect is that the computer loses connectivity with the network and the Internet. You can confirm this problem by running an IPCONFIG and checking for an address in the 169.254 range.
Releasing and renewing the address does not correct the problem. Assigning a static IP address resolved the issue. Searching the Microsoft Knowledge Base, we found a registry hack that will disable APIPA addressing on the computer, and this does correct the problem so the computer can connect to the network again. We assume that the problem is a result of an update from last Tuesday, but we have not determined which update is the problem. We are still looking. Our concern is that as DHCP leases expire with computers in the field, that this effect may appear. If you get calls for loss of network or Internet connectivity, have the user run IPCONFIG, and if they have an APIPA address, the registry hack is outlined in KB article
Outlook Express folder list and Contacts list are not showing. I've walked her through the process of clicking on View at the top of the Outlook Express Interface and setting the Layout items so that her Contacts and Folder list should be on the screen, but they are not. I've tried everything I can think of to rectify the situation and I've run out of options. The way it is without her folders list she cannot access her deleted folder and her sent folder and cannot delete anything from those folders. Is there anything else I can do to bring up those her contacts list and her folders list?
after every use of internet i delete history,cookies and files by using internet option(tool menu)but some address stays and they never get delete please can somebody tell how to delete those from address bar.
Not sure if this is the right place to ask this question, so I hope you will excuse me as it is my first time here. This question is from my brother who cannot get a web address to enter into his address section on IE. What might you suggest he do so I can pass your information on?
I use Microsoft Windows XP Pro SP3 with Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 SP3.
It has been my experience that, out of the dozen or so Junk e-mails that I receive every day in my Outlook Inbox on my computer, there are usually one or two that are actually not Junk at all, and those I have to identify as "Add Sender to Safe Sender's List" and re-route to my Inbox. It is for this reason that it is very important that all my e-mails are downloaded from the server to my computer - including the ones identified by the software as "Junk" - because the software obviously is not perfect.
A few weeks ago I noticed that I was not receiving my usual quantity of about a dozen Junk e-mails per day. I did not think too much about it at the time, because, although some days I did not receive any Junk e-mails at all, other days I might receive one or even two
When I receive an Email attachment I click on attachment but I cannot open it. I get this:"This file does not have a program associated with it to perform this action"
I have developed a problem attaching and sending/receiving URL's. On receipt from a known sender i receive *.url in the attachment box and when i click to open, a window appears saying " Windows has found that this file is potentially harmful. To help protect your computer, Windows has blocked access to to this file." I have recently started using Microsoft Anti Spyware Beta version and am wondering whether this is having an effect.
I have tried the simple fixes without success. I tied to forward a link to a Christmas Carol to numrous, probably too may friends. They seem to have received them, at least most people, and there is nothing shown in my Outbox. HOWEVER, I CANNOT SEND ANY EMAILS. I have communicted with my ISP and they confirm that thre is nothing wrong on their end. I have openned and closed Outlook. I have rebooted my computer. I AM SENDING THIS FROM A DIFFERENT Computer. I have checked my settings. I have tried to send items and deleted them. I have tried working offline. Notthng works. I need this computer at work to send emails.
When i send an email with attachment, my recipients could only receive the email message but not the attachment if they use outlook express. But if they use outlook they can receive both attachment and email message. As these users are of different companies i suspect the problem is the settings on my side. Is there anything i can set to resolve?
Several items I've tried to update give me an error message " Can not update can not connect to server ". I don't know what's going on. There's no firewall blockage problem, my Anti virus is affected, my Gmail account won't check mail or new open mail. Not sure who else is affected, have been getting Microsoft downloads as recent as this morning.
Before I did a complete restore of windows home edition, I copied my windows address book to a floppy disk. Now when I go to copy the floppy back to windows address book an error occurs and it won't copy. could it have something to do with a mark that looks like this~.
when i start my pc i get this message which takes a couple of clicks to remove "access violation at address 46243 of address 46243 cof" but it does not seem to affect my pc,just annoying..
I have my computer set to receive updates automatically. This usually happens as I shut down, when I have notification that updates are being downloaded and installed and the computer will shut itself off afterwards.All has been well until this week. I found that there were still 2 updates waiting for installation. I checked the little sheild and tried to download and install manually. I had a 'failed' notice.The two updates are - Microsoft excel 2003 KB955466 and Microsoft Outlook 2003 junk email filter KB957257.I am not too worried about these as I do not use Outlook, and rarely use excel. However, I do not know why they are failing.
i think outlook express 6 and norton internet security or norton antivirus are least something is wrong. i can't send or receive emails. i contacted cox intenernet service and they had me go through some things but i was only able to send and receive emails that one time. they said it had to do with norton antivirus. but, they could be wrong.i will also contact Symantec.can someone please give me some advice on how to get this back up and running?i will have to keep checking back, because the email doesn't work.
I have my computer set to receive Automatic Microsoft Updates. My computer recently changed when I start up my computer by pushing the start botton it would boot up and show my selected background screen and then I could click on my ISP Icon on my desktop to go online. My problem is when I now push the computer start botton my computer boots up but then shows a blue background screen with My Name and NO password which I never supplied, but I have to click O K and then it brings up my selected background screen to enable to click on my ISP Icon to go online. I have went into User Accounts and have found NO WAY to remove my Name. I have recently set my computer up to go on my DSL online automatically and it won't until I click O K on the user box.