I have tried installing this software left, right, up, down and safe mode and no matter what, I get the same error message: "you do not have access to make the required system configuration modifications. Please rerun this installation from an administrator's accout." Well, I have. Over and over. Tried the built-in admin account nada. I am listed as a system administrator, and it don't work there either. Even tried the "run as." option zip, zilch. So what's the sitch? Is there something that needs to be turned on? Or what? Tried the ctl-alt-del bit too, didn't work. What am I missing? Using WinXP Pro, SP2.
I am running WinXP Pro on IE6. Macromedia Shockwave is not working. It claims to be installed, but does not work. I do not think this is isolated to IE as I have tried it in Firefox as well, with the same result. Flash works great. Shockwave does nothing.I have uninstalled and reinstalled several times. I have gone all thru the FAQ on the Shockwave site and did everything it told me to. I have uninstalled via Windows and via their uninstall program. I have reinstalled from two different links. I have rebooted. Nothing works! I have active x all enabled, and all cookies are enabled. Pop-up blocker turned off. no spyware detector that runs in the background. No firewall. I have no idea what the problem is, but it seems that there are many people experiencing the same thing, from the looks of the forums over there.
Resolved a SpySheriff problem yesterday through Security forum and now having a Mozilla problem, Techguy suggested a post here to try and resolve it.On XP SP2. Upgraded to newest Mozilla 2 days ago. Since then keep getting 'Illegal Operation in Plug-in Shockwave Flash' This pops up repeatedly and after few times being closed it shuts down Mozilla.
My system: Windows XP SP3 I have downloaded videos instrustions that show: Shockwave Flash Object However, when I click on the icon to pay the video(s) I get the message: Windows can not open this file - to open this file Windows needs to know what program created it. Windows can go online to look it up automatically, or you can manually select from a list of programs on your computer. What should I do. P;ease advise.
I just got a brand new mp3-player Well, Ive fixed it up and re-installed the drivers and WindowsXP keeps telling me that the device is ok and drivers are correct, but I can't see the player from anywhere, not even from the program included on a disc.Why is this? What should I do? Really want this to work
I've never had a problem viewing videos on Firefox but now I'm told I need to install Adobe Flash Player - but I'm unable to.I did a system search for AFP but nothing shows up. Does this mean I don't have it on my computer? How could I see videos before this past week but can't now? I have no problems with IE, which I use occasionally but Firefox is my favorite.
I cant install Flash Player 9 on my computer at work, it is running windows xp. I can install other programs like Google earth, but the installer for Flash Player 9 asks for admin priviligies. actually it doesnt even ask it just says you do not have admin rights. My questions is, is there another way around it?. I have downloaded the program to the computer but just cant open it to install. Maybe there is a trick or maybe another version of flash player that doesnt have the install searching for admin rights first like Google Earth.any Flash Player will do. If anyone can maybe find a version that I can install or maybe a trick I can use to install it. My boss is on vacation untill after the new year, and nobody in my office has the abbility to log on as admin on my office computer.
I was trying to get 2 PC's to be able to see each other in the network, and while modifying permissions I must have accidentally done something, now I (Administrator account) can't install anything cause I get the "you do not have permission" message.
About every 10 seconds I get a message on my screen asking if I want to install Adobe Flash Player. I don't but can't find a way to get rid of this annoying message. I have Windows XP.
I am working on my friend's computer which is running Windows XP Home edition on a Compaq Predario computer with 512 MB ram and 160 GB hard drive and AMD Athlon 2.16 GHz CPU. I was trying to install Zone Alarm but get the message that I don't have permission to use the Add/Remove Windows Components. I need to log on as administrator but don't know how. My friend has three user accounts (Mom, Kelsey and ******** Account). None of them use passwords so I doubt if any administrator account has one but I can't figure out how to log on as administrator. I tried accessing the .exe file in Windows Explorer but when I did I got the message: C:DOCUME~1MOM~1YOULOCALS~1TempVSINIT.dll. You probably are missing a necessary root certificate.
I am unable to install Adobe Flash Player to view videos I am unable to disable the Windows Firewall because of "group policy".How do I attach a Hijack log to this post?
When I open to read my e-mails I get a message saying Failed to install Adobe Flash player Activex Setup. What can I do to remove this message when I openmy e-mails?
Unable to install Adobe flash player. Tried going to site (uninstall, reinstall MANY times) with no luck. Read some of these other recent posts regarding, tried those suggestions, still no luck. Now the window for installing keeps popping up on its own asking me if I want to install, I click yes and nothing happens.
One of our visiting consultants reset the Administrator password, and has now forgotten it. I cannot install updates/software with the administrator privilidges - for this Ineed to have the password, which we do not know. Is there any way of resetting this password?
Downloaded SP2 for Windows XP Home and immediately lost all video (not audio) in both Real Player and Windows Media Player. Removed each of these and reloaded "fresh" version - same problem. Then removed SP2 and presto - video returns.
Everytime I boot I get an "Administrator has prohibited access to CD/DVD DRIVES and removable storage devices" All of my USB ports and my CD are greyed out with a red circle and bar symbol. I am running XP Pro with SP3. I am the only user of this computer and I did not restrict them. I have gone in with the secret administrator account and it is also locked.
Normally I reinstall windows when I run in to this problem, 9 times out of 10 caused by a virus. This time I decided to try and restore policies and get rid of the virus by hand... but I couldn't find a guide telling how to get these policies back! Has anyone created a guide or done this before? I figure if the rights can be taken away, they surely can be given back.
Is it possible to use a Windows XP .ISO file with the free VMware player? I know how to use VMware player to boot a bootable ISO, and it works with others (like BackTrack2). But with a Windows XP ISO file (its a bootable XP installation disk ISO), it gives an error saying it can't find the hardrive for the installation. Anyone know how I can do this successfully with just a virtual CD image (not a physical CD) and without the need to install anything extra?
For months I had no problem ripping cd's and playing the music on WMP10. Suddenly the system will no longer do either. Clicking on any of the listed songs results in other music playing which,obviously was not affected. I might add that listed number of times previously played were all erased. Has a new policeman for copyrighted music shown up somehow?
Whenever I play a DVD on my computer there is no sound. Ive tried several DVDs and several different players, even Microsofts own Windows Media Player.
My current DVD player, Roxio DVDMax Player, is broken, and I'm looking for a cheap or free DVD player so I can see if its a hardware problem, or Roxio before I buy a good replacement.So anyone have any ideas on free/cheap DVD players, or a full Player.
I have just started experiencing this problem after installing a new backup hard drive. I am searching a large folder of mp3 files to copy to my mp3 player.Periodically and seemingly at random the folder I am searching through resets.That is it blinks and shifts back to the top of the folder.So I then have to remember where I was and find the place that I left off.
When I save to cd I can not play it in my dvd player it is a new dvd player that supports high mat and video cds. I can play the cd in my computer in windows media player but to send one to some one who doesn't have a computer they can't use it. what do I do to save it in a format that most dvd players will host.
When I insert an audio CD into my CD ROM drive it plays automatically and then I do not know which media player plays the CD. I have WMP,iTunes,GoldWave,Realplayer and quick Time in my Entertainment folder.Task manager does not indicate as to which application or process is being used for audio.I would like to know which program/application is in use at the time the CD is playing. Besides I do not want to disable the autoplay of the CD.
At some point, in the last week, or so, I started to download this program. Within seconds, my computer froze. I could not back out of the download or even shut down from the START menu. I had to do so manually.Ever since, I see two boxes on Start-up: one says "TrayApp" and asks me to insert a CD-rom disk to access the program. Another says "Error 1706" and that no valid source can be found for TrayApp product. Every so often, I see a screen asking me to insert a disk for Viewpoint Media Player. My CD-rom drive is not functioning, so I couldn't do that, in any case, even if I had the disk.
when i start my computer a blue screen comes up saying that a problem has been detected and windows must shut down to prevent damage. the technical info says STOP: 0X000000BE (0XFC7A4000,0X01C74121, 0XFB8B84A,0X00000008b).ialmdev5.DLL - address BF027000, Datestamp 3c44cc8c ialmdev5.DLL is the program causing the problem, i searched for the file in my computer and it says its a graphics driver so i didn't delete it, my dvd player and cd both haven't been working so maybe this is why, what should i do so i can get my computer to run regularly.
I am using windows xp sp2.I installed flash player from adobe download site.it says flash player 9.28 installed properly but websites which require player, does not seems to be finding flashplayer on my pc.How to resolve this problem.
Whenever I attempt to use Windows Media Player 10, I can see a picture but can't hear any sound. My speakers are still working as I've checked various sites and viewed clips and could hear sound with no problem. I am using Windows XP. How can I fix this?