Any Effective Internet Accelerator Or Booster To Make PC Run Faster
Dec 14, 2005
I would really like to know if there is any effective internet accelerator or booster to make my PC run faster and increase the speed of web browsing/loading pages.However,I can find many such programs on the internet but problem is which one really work wonders.I am currently using cable modemwhich allows me to surf with download speed of up to 1.5Mbps.Besides upgrading to a higher tier bandwidth broadband internet access,I would be glad if you can suggest some other methods to increase speed.For your info,I am running on windows XP Pro Serv.Pk2
My dell dimension 2350 , windows xp home just keeps running slower and slower . i have defragged , deleted internet files , history ,etc. , but no help . i have not loaded any games or programs , i just handle emails and do some surfing . will running the banner reccomended registry booster II make my beast faster , and do so safely?
I just cleared the temp files, and removed some unnecessary programs that load up at bootup Is ther ea program or another way to get my computer up to speed? I have a regular PC for work, and my programs are NOT memory hungry.. and i have 2 gigs of RAM on this
I just reinstalled xp and all the drivers for my comp and updated to sp3, so i was wondering if there is something i can get rid of or turn off that can make my system run faster because pc 2700 ram dont come cheap I have a compaq presario V2565, with an AMD Turion 64 1.8GHz, ATI Radeon Xpress 200M AGP, and 512Mb of ram.
I had a random thought. and I can't find much information on the idea. What happens if I make my XP partition 40 gigs so I had room for programs, but then, for something like Oblivion, Id partition 8-10 gigs strictly for the game. Then Sims 2 id do like, 10 gigs strictly for sims 2. So...would that make the games run faster cause theres only a small area to search, or, is it a waste of time?
Seems like this would be a common question, but I didn't find it anywhere. Feel free to refer me to an appropriate post if there is one.My old laptop bit the dust, and I've got a loaner. It's very low on memory and everything is just really slow. The obvious solution is to add more memory but I won't be able to do that for awhile. In the meantime, is there anything I can do to increase this computer's performance? I searched online and found a lot of hype about disabling services, but upon further research it seems like that won't actually help, with the possible exception of turning off Themes or indexing.I don't run anything fancy on this computer, mostly Firefox, Thunderbird, that sort of thing. It's an Hp Pavillion ze5600 running Windows XP.Keep in mind that I know more about computers than the average office worker, but only slightly. I appreciate any suggestions you have. I have done things like disk cleanup, defrag, virus and spyware scans, and getting unnecessary programs out of the startup, but that is about the extent of my knowledge.
the wife was listening to music (on the hard drive through winamp not the cd player) last night - two songs into list the music stops - she checks the computer , monitor is off, cue light is flashing orange and the computer appears to be running.puzzled, she tries a restart. upon restart,the computer appears to be on- power supply on, fans are running, lights are on, but there is no image on the monitor, monitor cue light flashing orange. i check the system this morning and get the same basic results. aditionally, the cd drive and the floppy drive are unresponsive, apparently off- no "drive" lights. thinking, but running out of ideas and looking for some suggestions.
I recently installed Asmw PC optimizer and Accel speedtec.I find that both cannot really speed up my pc in real time.Can anyone kindly recommend a marvellous internet speed booster for super fast surfing.Operating system:Windows XP connection type:Cable modem(2000kbps)
CNET used to have an online class for making XP run faster, it really worked great. I just reinstalled my XP Prof OS and cant remember all the little goodies do you guys still have those available anymore? As A matter of fact there were all kinds of really cool online classes you could take, but i cant seem to find any. Where did they go?
I'm in need of finding out what services are enabled and what are not as the 'tech' that worked on my computer disabled many services to make my computer go faster. I didn't want it faster I wanted it usable and functional. If you could point me to a list or provide a list that would be awesome.
My OS is Windows XP Service Pack 2 and my CPU is 3.2 gig, a memory of 1 gig ddr. I'm trying to look for a software to boot my PC faster. I've tried Microsoft Bootvis but didn't improve the the cold booting and rebooting. Anybody knows what's the best way to improve the performance of my machine.
Does anyone know anything about Webroot Accelerator? I just downloaded the free trial and im not sure i see a difference in my surfing speed. has anyone else tried out this app.?
I am in the process of installing drivers onto my computer. I just reinstalled XP Home Edition on my Dell Inspiron e1505/6400. So far I have installed the following drivers: and (I think) Modem...I'm not sure if the last one worked or not.Now I'm trying to install the video driver and it won't work, This is the error window that pops up.One or more files required for installation are either missing or corrupt.Setup will exit.
It would be great to download drivers that sped up your hard-disk access by 10's of percent wouldn't it? Well perhaps you can, Intel has made their Application Accelerator (IAA) available since last September. It reduces storage sub-system bottlenecks apparently. If you have a compatible Intel chipset (810 to 860) and a Pentium Celeron, III , 4 or Xeon chip then get on down to : through everything before you start downloading and installing. You may need to pre-install the Intel Chipset Software Installation Utility if you have XP running on a 830 or 845 chipset. Intel also provide a chipset identification utility if your unsure of what you have - it's linked from the same page.Intel claim very significant increases in boot times and application speed. On a personal note, on my P4 2GHz, applications do start a lot faster. I suggest you do some benchmarking first (a stopwatch is an easy way to measure boot time). I would be interested in results people have had. This also works for 98SE,ME,NT4 and 2000.
I keep seeing the following statement in my 290 studies. It is used almost constantly. Nobody has thought it important enough to explain what it means, but they use it all the time. "When determining the effective permissions on file or folder access accross or through a share.
I've loaded Norton Antivirus on my friends Dell computer and now it runs so slowly the computer is unusable. I've subsequently heard that this can be a problem and that trying to uninstall NAV using the uninstall programme is not very effective.
Anyone know of a good effective way of removing Intel retail thermal tape from the processor?I'm just going to remove it and replace with Arctic Silver.
If anyone can give me some help on this I would be very grateful.I first noticed that there was a "Google Update" asking me if I wanted to update. So I proceeded with the download. The last thing to download was the Adobe Reader 8 but unfortunately it could not download successfully this Adobe Reader 8. It mentioned something about not being able to locate the Adobe Reader 7.0.7 - Italiano.msi. Note,I am actually residing in Italy hence the "Italiano.msi" but my first language is English. So then I tried to locate this Adobe Reader 7.0.7 by going to Programmes and then to the "Adobe" file, where I discovered "Acrobat 7", then double clicked on "Active X", then double clicked on "Acro PDF.ITA , whereupon it told me it was impossible to open this file but that it can search the web to locate this programme. It took me to Windows File Association where it said it did not recognise the file. It told me to go to Windows Live Search. Information. Click here to Run a Free Scan for ITA Errors".It was here that I downloaded this "Uniblue Registry Booster". The Uniblue Registry Booster has detected 89 6errors in my files! It is asking me to repair it by clicking the button.Now I am really scared because I don't know if I have just introduced myself to a "gimmick" and to a virus!
I recently purchased a new MOBO for my first build a few weeks ago (ASUS msn32 SLI Deluxe), and it has a few nice little utilities that make the experience of building a PC a fun one - that is, until you try to use them! lol~AI Gear is a utility that (with the interface of a gear shift) allows you to up the power of your processor, or to go into a power saving mode, if you will. AI Booster is a very cool little OC'ing utility that makes it easier for newbie people like myself to OC within a controlled environment without the fear of screwing something up in the BIOS.Now AI Gear and AI Booster can't run at the same time. So if AI Booster is set up to launch on start up, there's a pop up that will prompt you to disable AI Gear so the booster can be used.
I have a valid installation of Windows XP Home in English with CD. I received "Uniblue Registry Booster 2010" in Spanish on a CD. if I install "Uniblue Registry Booster in Spanish on a Window XP platform that is in English, will the registry repair software be able to read the registry keys to repair/clean. Or must you have a Windows platform in Spanish for a registry repair/cleaner in Spanish.
Just installed RegistryBooster and scanned OK. When computer restarted a RegistryBooster dialogue box appears offering to scan and I want to get rid of it, but can't as there is no apparent way to do so. So can anyone please tell me how to remove it?
I downloaded the free trial version of the System Booster that is supposed to be part of the new version of XP (I think?).Does anybody know about this? Is it legitimate? It seemed to be. I have noticed a small increase in overall speed of loading programs and apps, but it could be my wishful imagination.
The specs on my desktop are better than those on my laptop. Why does my desktop not run like I feel like it should? Are there some simple ways for me to test it's performance and possibly locate the reason for it's sluggish behavior?
I currently use a UK dial up connection with Connectfree to access the internet; generally without any problems. There now appear to be a number of "faster dial up" applications available (all at a cost of course) that claim to enhance speeds on average by a factor of X5. For example - Onspeed in the UK. Does anyone have any experience of any of these applications or know of any similar applications that are free. At the end of the day, I assume it is only a packet compression tool?