Since moving to Win XP I have found that Win Explorer Search Files & Folders function does not work properly (as Win 98 did).I need to search a subset of the files (for example *.pas) to find a file containing a string (for example TLargeInteger). Win 98 would have found this but Win XP returns with no item found when there is definitely a file(s) with that string in it in plain text (ie not unicode). Is there some subtle selection I am not making or is the Win XP Search function broken.
I tried to change the start button text just now (following the instructions here: but I ended up not liking it because the search function was rendered unusable. Anyway, I read that there was another way to do it by just renaming the original explorer.exe (to something like ORIGINALexplorer.exe) and replacing it with the modified version (now named, explorer.exe) and putting that in C:/Windows. This way, there's no need to go into the registry and the search function is still usable.
Whenever I try to use the Start|Search|For Files or Folders function of Windows XP, I get the following Error message box stating, "A file required to run Search Companion cannot be found. You may need to run Setup". (1) Does anyone have any idea what caused this problem? (2) What file is missing? (3) Can I fix it without having to run Setup?
My "Search" fonction does not start. I used it without problems for months but when asked I get now only the first window with the dog and nothing else.When I click ctrl + Alt + Suppr I get: "Search not responding". I tried to set the system to several previous restore points: No result
would any one know how i can restore the SEARCH function on my pc? i think my problem started when i uninstalled software, even though the uninstall went smoothly and without any obvious problems. whenever i click on START/SEARCH i get a message stating: "a file required to run SEARCH COMPANION cannot be found. you may need to run setup". i get the same error message when trying to search inside a folder.i'm running XP, and only have a recovery cd for WINDOWS, so if part of the remedy requires the full WINDOWS OS software, i'm out of luck.
It has been some time now the find button on the start list has disappeared...The search option in the folder view of the windows explorer disappeared too and the F3 key has no effect whatsoever (except when I use it inside Firefox.then it starts the firefox page search feature).This "may" have happened some time ago when I tried the "Windows desktop search" program that I didn't like and uninstalled later?)Anyway here I am using Google desktop which is too memory hungry (its database occupies 4GB on my C drive).I tried googling the internet and found 2 or 3 solutions that failed with me .Is there a solution?
At the end of November, the folks over in the Security forum were kind enough to walk me through a huge problem I was having. My computer has never been better except for one small thing. my "search" function doesn't work. The little doggy is there and if I enter something and then ask it to search files and folders (or anything for that matter), it goes off to search and then nothing happens. Eventually I get the "Program not Responding" window and when I close it, my desktop blinks off for a second and then my Norton systray button is missing.It's weird and I'm sure I deleted something inadvertently while I was getting rid of that terrible trojan. I was just wondering if someone had a suggestion so that I could restore that function. If not, I'll leave it alone because I'm just happy to have my computer back to normal almost. I thought I was going to have to throw it away until those guys saved it for me.
It seems that this problem surfaces every once in awhile. I have not been able to connect it to any actions done previous to its occurrence. The problem is that when I attempt to search in windows I get a "Unknown error" message. In the past I have gone to reinstalling Windows but that is rather tedious. So if there is any other way to get the Search function back I would like to know what it is.
WinXP Home with SP2, after removing a bunch of spyware the search feature in Windows no longer works. It says the files are missing or something along those lines.
For some time now I have not been able to use my Windows XP Search function. It doesn't even start up, from either of the two spots I use it. The first is by clicking the Start Menu, and clicking Search; the second is by right clicking My Computer and clicking Search. Both do nothing when clicked (at all, not even an hour glass or anything). It's almost as if teh executable for the function has disappeared. I have been pulling my hair out for a couple months now. I have searched many forums and have tried the fixes such as registry keys; running (regsvr32 C:WINDOWSsrchasstsrchui.dll); running sfc /scannow; kellys-korner help pages;
I seem to have done something that has knocked out my Start Search (or was it start find) function. when I click on start search, I get a kind of disabled Internet Explorer box instead of the familiar search options with the usual buttons for location, file name, etc. This seems to have happened shortly after I got rid of the animated character and did a lot of other XP performance tweaks. I did turn the indexing service off but turned it back on and that did not help
Occasionally when I search for a file or folder using Start>Search I get a report that one or more files were found but they don't get displayed in the display box. Sometimes, when I redo the search the results will get displayed. Does anyone have any idea how I might correct this problem? I have XP Home Edition.
The search function in windows xp appears to be disabled. Clicking on the Search button in any window has no effect. This might or might not be related to a second problem I'm experiencing. System Restore has been mysteriously turned off and I cannot turn it back on. Checking off the 'Turn off System Restore' checkbox and clicking on 'Apply' results in the following message: "System Restore encountered an error trying to enable one or more drives. Please restart your maching and try again." Restarting, of course, has no effect. Btw, the 'Status' section of the System Restore window indicates the following: "(C) Turned off. Not sure what that means.
When I use Windows XP search to search within files for certain text it is not working. I know what I am searching for is there, but it cannot find it.I found an article from MS which advised me to turn indexing off, which I did and it does still not work.
Apparently there are folders that I just can't see In searching for where my captured video files were, my search function aimed me at c:documents and settingsall users documentsmy videos. When I looked in c:documents and settingsall users, there is no 'documents' folder I went through the process of changing my folder options I had already checked 'show hidden folders', but unchecked 'hide extentions for known file types' and clicked 'apply to all folders', but it still doesn't appear
What ever happened to the nice Windows Search function? All of a sudden I have something called Desktop Search. My Windows used to find anything on my entire HDD. Now it returns no results in a fraction of a second if what I'm looking for is not actually on the desktop. What's going on here?
For some time now I have been unable to use the windows xp search function. It starts out all right but always crashes before it completes anything. Sometimes it actually manages to find some files before it crashes.I cannot see any pattern as to a specific location causing it to crash. Originally I thought it was doing it cuz I had WordPerfect open whenever I started the search, but recent attempts to run a search with NO programs open give me the same crashes.
basically every time I start my computer I get the error in the title of this thread. I searched for it using the search function and no "userint32.exe" exists on my computer.what does that file do and how important is it?can it be replaced or disabled so that windows doesn't search for it at start up?
I have a HP Celeron Laptop with Win XP installed. Whenever, I am going to use the Search function from Start Menu, it is giving an Error Message saying that a file required to run Search Companion can not be found. I need to run setup again. How can I solve the problem without running setup.
1) By mistake i uninstalled the AVG free Antivirus Installed at my system, Since than i am unable to re-install it. Every time I try it, it shows an error report:Local machine: installation failed Installation:Error: Action failed for file avg7dos.lng: creating file....Changing language to 67698688 failed
my computer was infected. I used to able to do a search from the address bar, but now I'm hyjacked to some sort of porno search engine.I use spybot,zone alarm,AVG, webroot. I've tryied using Hyjack this program in atempt to find problem.Still suffering!!! Any suggestions ?
What are the rules for a case sensitive search when searching for all files and folders in XP. I have set the option, and have tried searching in both upper and lower case options, and still get the same results.
before we did the system restore he was able to type a word into the address bar and it would do a search, now it does not, says page cant be display. If you type in a url it works fine. I have check the advance settings and it is check to use the address bar as a search. Do any of you guys know how to fix this so he can use the adress bar as a search.
When I right click the "Windows" directory in Windows Explorer and select "search" and do a search for "Hosts", the search finds the "Hosts" file in the "C:WINDOWSsystem32driversetc" directory. All well and good because that's what I want and expect.
However, when I right click on the C: drive itself in Windows Explorer and select "search" and do a search for "Hosts", the search fails to find the Hosts file in the "...driversetc." directory. It does find hosts files elsewhere. For example it finds "Hosts.txt" and "Hosts" files that I placed on my desktop.
When I right click a drive in Windows Explorer and select "search", I damn well want to search the entire drive. Unfortunately, Windows has apparently defaulted to some kind of limited search. How do I force Windows search the entire drive?
I attempt to start search from the start button explorer hangs. when i open task manager it shows explorer is using up all of the cup time and the only thing i can do is end the task and restart. Whenever i start a search from within a window it works perfectly.
I'm having some trouble opening my Local Disc (C:). When I go to My Computer and then double click the drive icon, it brings up another window that's just a search window allowing me to search the C drive. Usually when you double click it just browses to whats in the drive, but I don't know what happened. I can right click the icon and select "Explore" and it will work fine, but I do not want to have to do that every time. Is there some option I must have turned off maybe?