Very Slow Machine And Frustrating

May 30, 2006

a classic slow responding computer, complete with slow opening of browser, choppy videos (buffering related I guess) on Windows Media Player 10 and general sluggishness all around. I'm careful to keep up to speed on my Spybot and Ad-aware SE programs and run my McAfee virus program regularly. They all have appeared to run clean. At the most recent startup before this writing, Task Manager told me there were 53 processes going on. Is that way too much.?

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Very Slow Machine

Apr 25, 2007

my pc is running especially slow. it appears to be free from any viruses or spyware i run avg, adaware and spybot alongside symantec corporate edition antivirus and all scans come through as normal. any ideas what could be causing this? i know this is a bit vague.

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Slow Machine -hijackthis Log

Apr 26, 2007

xp pro toshiba laptop has slowed to a crawl. have run the gamut of virus scans, ad aware, spybot, and other attempts to find the issue.

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Machine Very Slow - Best Hardware?

Jul 22, 2005

the PC that I'm using (Dell 4600) is a great little machine, but it has many issues: very slow (despite 3.2GHz processor and 2G RAM), has noise in its core audio, and its HDD fragments too often to be useful for video editing. No biggie - so here's my question: For XP, what would be the best machine out there for audio and video work? I feel that my current machine's bottlenecks and other difficulties coul be residing within its motherboard, hence, my consideration for a possible replacement. If there are any good experiences out there, I'd like to know of them, be they with manufactured PCs as well as ones built part by part (names of motherboard manufactures would be great).

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Slow Machine Not Much Faster After New Memory

Jul 22, 2009

I have a Dell Dimension 9100 with 3GHz Pentium 512MB ram, running windows XP. It was top-of-the-line when I bought it, but is now about 4 years old. Over time, the machine has been running slower and slower, especially since I run Apple's itunes, and firefox, which I assume are resource hogs from looking at the Task Manager's processes tab. Lately, it has taken forever for the machine to load windows, or wake up from sleep. Nothing dramatic or noticeable that I could point to, just a gradual slowing down. I always attributed it to an aging computer and lack of memory. So this week, I purchased 2 GB of additional RAM. I've correctly installed it and confirmed, from MyComputer System Properties, that I now have 2.5 GB of RAM installed. I was expecting a big change in speed, but there doesn't seem to be that much of a difference. I have Symantec FireWall and AntiVirus running, ( it was original to the system) and am afraid to remove it.About a year ago, under advice of an IT friend, I also installed AVG and Spybot Search&Destroy.

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Very Slow Startup On Very Fast Machine

May 29, 2007

Recently, my computer's startup in Windows XP has been getting slower and slower, the first loading screen takes a little while, but the most annoying part is that once I'm inside Windows, everything appears loaded, except for the icons in the taskbar, and I cannot click on the Start button or do anything, I must wait for the entire system to finish loading before I can do anything. I don't have many programs in my startup either.

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Most Frustrating - 2kPro Hangs Randomly - BSOD

Mar 30, 2005

This fight between my computer and me has been going on for over a year & it's getting really annoying - because nothing I've tried works! Symptom: In the middle of doing anything...or even when I'm out of the room and computer is idle...the damned machine just stops! No error message, no BSOD -- nothing. It can happen anywhere from 2 or 3 to maybe 10 times a day. When I'm working, I can tell when computer has hung up because suddenly it ignores a command or keystroke. I can move the mouse pointer around the screen, but the cursor stays in its last functioning shape. Here's a curious thing: no keys work but I can click a mouse button between 6 and 8 times while moving the cursor around, and then the box gives one "beep" sound and that's the end! Now, the mouse cursor won't move either and I have no choice but to power off & then reboot. (<ctrl><alt><del> doesn't work, of course

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Frustrating IE - Empty TIF - Manually Delete Cookies

Nov 20, 2005

I've been messing with these issues for over two weeks now and nothing seems to work.The following settings are in place and always have been: Internet OptionTIF settings: look for new content on every page visit Advanced: empty TIF on exit History: one day only....manually delete/clearI have manually emptied all TIF folders and using the %temp% command at the run line to bring up the truncated hidden Content.IE5 folder emptied that as well.I have manually deleted all cookies in the folde

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Machine Is So Painfully Slow To Open - HDD Health

Jul 10, 2010

Toshiba M50 XP Machine is very slow to boot up, and it then takes at least 5 minutes for Firefox to open after that.Every scan I run gives the machine a clean bill of health, and often congratulates me on the machine being fully clean.Just today I added HDD Health, and that gives a report of excellent health, and a 100% rating, even though the machine is getting on for 5 years old.When I look at Task Manager Processes during the long boot up it says "not responding".I am with Eircom Broadband, and my Eircom Mail, using Thunderbird, says that it cannot contact server.I can get the mails on other machines - Win 7 or Vista

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Machine Running Extremely Slow - Mcaffe Program Caused More Slowdown

May 30, 2005

My emachine is running so slow that you have to wait for the START key to respond! I ran adaware and spybot, they found data miners, ad programs etc. I also renewed the mcaffe program lately which has caused additional slowdown

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Remotely Accessed Machine's Data Can Be Copied To Local Machine?

Nov 20, 2009

Can I copy the data of remote desktop to my Local machine.

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Computer Running Slow - Not Just Internet Slow But Onboard Slow

May 10, 2010

Lately my computer has been extremely slow, not just internet slow but onboard slow. For example, if I click on an application from the desktop it will sit there for 10-20 seconds before anything happens. Occasionally I'll click multiple times on something and nothing will happen then 30 seconds later it will open multiple instances of things. This delay has been happening with just about anything I click on, acting like the computer's busy doing something else when nothing else should be going on. I've looked in the task manager and the applications column will be blank

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Will 32 Bit Xp Pro Run Ona 64 Bit Machine

Apr 25, 2008

was wondering if 32 bit XP Pro will run on a 64 bit system

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Can't Run Anything 16-bit (on A 32-bit Machine)

Oct 28, 2006

I don't have an x64 machine, just a 32-bit Core 2 Duo. So, I don't know why I can't run 16-bit applications and DOS programs. Whenever I try to run something made for Windows 3.x or a DOS application, I get "NTVDM.EXE has encountered a problem and needs to close, sorry for the inconvienence..." Is it corrupt or what? This is a brand-new machine. I need to run several old MS-DOS applications and they won't run. COMMAND.COM but not CMD), EDIT.COM, QBASIC, they all bomb out with the error.

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OS On Same Machine

Mar 9, 2006

gotta guy with a machine that had XP on it he wanted to put a new copy over the old copy but only had the recovery disk. Anyway it turns out he now has 2 copies of XP on the machine. How Can I remove both copies and re-install a fresh copy of XP.

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Use Same HDD On New Machine.

Oct 27, 2007

I'm almost done building a new machine for a friend. He's not keen on all the hassle of reinstalling software on the new machine then adding all the personal touches again.I wondered if it might be possible to take the HDD out of his existing machine - giving him two HDDs, and making this transplanted drive the master drive and renaming it C: and renaming the new HDD to E:To my way of thinking, the new machine should boot up from the transplanted drive and boot the OS (WinXP), which should find and install the new hardware in the new machine then continue to run as if it was the old but with the faster CPU and bigger RAM of the new machine.This would obviously save heaps of time reinstalling WinXP, Office, Antivirus plus backed up data, emails etc. etc. etc.

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Installing Xp Different Cd But Key On Machine?

Sep 16, 2009

I was recently given an IBM laptop, with xp pro installed on it. as i suspected the xp pro on it was not the original os and obviously will not pass genuine validation.I have the original key for the home edition that was on the machine but not the original disc. Can I use my own disc to do a fresh install but use the original key that came with the machine.

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Installing Win Xp Pro 64 On Machine

Apr 21, 2006

if i try to install xp pro 64 over a xp pro when booting from the xp 64 cd if i will be prompted upgrade or full installation ? if so do you recommend an upgade or a clean install, this is a new machine with win xp pro but it has AMD 64 PROCESSOR on it, so is capable for 64.

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Do Not Have Any Viruses On Machine

Jul 1, 2005

Under Tools, Internet Options, General, Home Page, there are entries listed that I don't want. MSN is my Home Page but there are some pages listed that I want to remove. I have tried just deleting them but they just come back. I do not have any viruses on my machine. There are just 2 entries that I want to delete.

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Don't Want To Open Machine

Jan 30, 2007

I have an old PC that I am installing NT 4.0 on it. I don't want to open my machine to see what kind of NIC card it uses. Is the another way to do it, please? if so, how?

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Upgrading To Machine

Jan 8, 2005

I will need alot of the software on my 98SE hard drive if i install the HD for the 98 machine as slave will XP be able to access it?

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2 OS On One Machine / Formatted One

Apr 10, 2005

I had two OS on two partitions, one WIN98 (c:/ drive) and the other winXP pro (d:/).I loaded win98 and then rebooted to dos, formatted c (need the disk space).I reboot and it tries to load win98 and not winxp (which is located on d:/).How do i change the boot process so it lods winxp pro from d ? BIOS?

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Ghost In Machine Or Something Else?

Apr 27, 2005

I use Windows XP home edition SP2 but when I shut down the computer, it will shut down but after a while it reboots itself, what is wrong with the thing?

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Format On HP Machine

Jun 3, 2005

Trying to help a friend but I am having troubles attempting to format this HP machine. I wonder if the HP software changes the way windows work, anything you guys know about HP?

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Machine Has Been Trojaned

Jun 27, 2005

I need desperate help from someone right away. I have popups from Aurora and yeild manager coming up everywhere. Have tried to run ad=aware to no avail. It tells me to reboot constantly, which I have tried to no avail. Have reset start point to prior to last installation of ipod software and they are still there. Ran virus scan with Norton and got hundreds of hits!

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Machine Seems To Be Possessed

Nov 4, 2006

just recently my XP machine seems to be possessed! The menus and web pages are jumping around on their own, can't figure out why this is happening. Everytime I open a web page, open a explorer window, or even try and use the run menu, the menus, scroll and drop downs just jump back and forth between choices, it is even happening when I open outlook and try and read emails, I can't because it keeps scrolling randomly back and forth. it is even happening when I open any and all programs, like when I open wmp or winamp, it just jumps around like someone is playing with everything! Do I have some weird virus, or did I perhaps disable something and not know it? I have been a tech for years, and I am stumped on this one, and it's my own machine!

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Multible OS On Same Machine.

Apr 2, 2007

Is it possible to have to operating systems on the same computer? I have a laptop that had an older version of Windows and then I upgraded to XP, but it seems like the old OS was not removed and now my 10G HD is maxed.

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Drivers For E-Machine

Nov 20, 2007

My friend has an E Machine Model #W3107 with XP-Home. She had to use the "recover disk/restore disk" that came with her E-Machine. She says she can't get on the Internet, can I help her. I looked at her "Device Manager" and I found "yellow ? " on the side of Other Devices, Multimedia Audio Controller, Other PCI Bridge Controller, PCI Simple Communications Controller, SM Bu Controller & Video Controller (VGA Compatible). I tired to find each of this drivers and can't seem to find any. This machine has a "Recovery Partition on it (H) and a Local Drive (C).

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What RAM Is Installed On My Machine?

Oct 31, 2007

When I go System properties and I find that I have 1.5GB RAM installed on this machine. I would like to know how its divided? 1GB + 512MB OR 768MB + 768MB.

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Formating Machine Running Xp Pro

Jan 31, 2005

i'd like to format my machine running xp pro and do a fresh install do clear all the clutter can you tell me how to go about this and of anything i need to look out for

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Installing SP1 Or 2 Machine Freezes

Feb 26, 2005

just found the web site and am hoping someone could help me as i am getting nowhere on the Microsoft web site. I have just re-built a friends machine and am now just using windows update to update XP and everything else. I have no problems getting the small security updates but i now need SP1 and/or sp2. The SP wizard begins and starts inspecting the machine, then as soon as its starts creating a SP1 or file the machine freezes. Any ideas why this is happening? The machine had SP2 on it before it needed re-building.

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