Valid Copy Of Says: "you May Be A Victim Of Software Counterfeiting"

Sep 24, 2006

I've been running a copy of XP for over a year that I purchased from and it is just now telling me that my copy is not valid. I've been having some recent problems with my computer: one day I turned on my computer and tried to log in and it told me that my profile had become corrupt and that it was going to log me onto a temporary profile(ran very slow)... something along those lines. Decided to reinstall XP which fixed nothing, and then searched around online and decided to just make a new profile and copy my files over to this profile from the corrupt one. Computer ran very well for a while, until.

my computer to receive this error message: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: <windows root>/system32/ntoskrnl.exe. Please reinstall a copy of the above file. I reinstalled this file by accessing the recovery console.

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Just Appear You May Be A Victim Of Counterfeiting

Jul 14, 2006

this thing just apear,i have a real os win so how can i get out that anoing icon?

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You May Be A Victim Of Software Counterfeiting?

May 9, 2006

"You may be a victim of software counterfeiting" My ex received this message on her WIN XP PC a few days ago. Seems her copy of XP is not the real deal. She is not very computer literate and the PC was a hand-me-down from her nephew. Needless to say this scared the @#!!@ out of her and she is convinced the PC police are on the way to her door. I have a legit copy of XP Home that I no longer use or need and can give it to her when I see her in about a weeks time. But until then my concerns/questions are Is she on some sort of counter that might prevent her from using the PC before I can get there and install the legit copy of XP that I have?

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Victim Of Software Counterfeiting?

May 22, 2006

I'm not that good when it comes to computer nway when turn my pc on. where i sign in to my personal setup it gives me this me message that say. you might be a victim of software counterfeiting.. and i don't know what it means. and my pc seem to be going very slow right now.

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Victim Of Counterfeiting? - Resolve Later Allows You To Log On

Jun 5, 2006

You may be a victim of counterfeiting ! My sons 2nd hand pc running XP is getting boxes with this message (You may be a victim of counterfeiting) there is also a 5 pointed starlike icon in the system tray which gives a yellow box with the same message ,when you switch on the pc there is a 16th screen box bottom right corner same message ,when you log in a 1/4 screen box comes up same message with buttons to resolve now(?) and resolve later,which by hitting resolve later allows you to log on and the pc seems to work fine.

It does appear to be from MS,anyone else encounter this? Whats the story? As well an unrelated occurance ,on the forum index for this thread when I run my mouse over the forum topics and get the little hint box that tells you a bit more I am getting in amongst the words (are you ready for this?) swastikas??? I do have a Japenese font called Kagijuuji that has swastika like symbols and it looks like one of these.

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Microsoft's Victim Of Counterfeiting Warning

Apr 18, 2007

I naively downloaded a Microsoft Program which checks whether you have a genuine copy of Windows XP. The results came back that I don't have a valid, genuine copy. The fix is to spend $149 to get a genuine copy. In the meantime I have 2 warnings that come up every time I turn on my computer: "You may be a victim of software counterfeiting."

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Victim Of Counterfeiting - Star That Appears On My Desktop

May 31, 2006

Apparently I purchased a counterfeit version of Windows XP Pro. Recently I allowed my system to be updated as I have have many times in the past. This time I was asked to accept a user agreement. I did not read the user agreement in details but I think it did mention something about this counterfeit check. Now I have a star that appears on my desktop and is constantly bothering me with a pop-up balloon that states "You may be a victim of software counterfeiting". I would graciously pay the amount they want for a valid license which is $ 149 but the problem is I read on their "win xp boards" that in most cases you end up having to reload their acceptable version of Windows XP. We don't have the time to start from scratch. In my opinion, Microsoft needs to do a better job policing who is a valid dealer and who is not.

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Victim Of Software Counterfeiting - Not Pass Genuine Validation

Aug 13, 2009

This copy of Windows did not pass genuine validation. The product key found on this computer is not valid for use in your region. Began to appear after my friend returned home; his adult grand daughter had cared for his home, during his absence. Also, wallpaper is now black. Had been 1 of XP's standard wall papers. I can change it to an XP wallpaper, but after reboot, black wallpaper. My friend is unable to find his XP Pro CD; PC built by a family friend a few years ago. There is no COA on the computer [ exterior and interior surfaces ]. From my research, I have learned that the XP PID is frequently noted as to have been black listed.

"The particular Product Key you are using, which ends in 3R89F-D2KXW-VPK3J, is a widely pirated key, and it looks like it recently had a geographically block put on it to try to curb its use, which probably explains why it was showing as Genuine up until recently."

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Install Valid Copy Rid Of Pirated Copy

Dec 19, 2004

Windows xp pro and discovered that it is a pirated copy. I want to get rid of it and install my valid copy of 98se. do i format my hard drive i do have files i want to keep.

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Service Pack 2 Won't Install - Copy Of Window Is Not Valid

Nov 17, 2007

It boots to either Win 2000 or XP Pro. I run XP most of the time. Updates been coming in everyday. It won't install SP2 because the copy of Windows "may not be valid". Any way to get around this garbage?

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Software Counterfeiting - Wallpaper Becoming Black

Sep 19, 2009

get rid of the msg "You may be a victim of software counterfeiting" & the wallpaper becoming black

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Message Saying That I Am A Victim Of Conterfeit Software

Dec 20, 2006

I am having problems wen my computer starts up i get a message saying that i am a victim of conterfeit software and windows Xp isnt a genuine copy on my comp...i bought the comp with XP on it my tiny so it has to be now this only happened yesterday and i have had comp 3yrs.Also it wouldnt sign into interent wen this happened

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Error- I Am A Victim Of Conterfeit Software

Jan 29, 2007

I am having problems when my computer starts up i get a message saying that i am a victim of conterfeit software and windows Xp isnt a genuine copy on my comp...i bought the comp with XP on it my tiny so it has to be now this only happened yesterday and i have had comp 3yrs.Also it wouldnt sign into interent wen this happened

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Is Not Genuine U May Be A Victim Of Software Counter

Sep 27, 2006

I am using window xp. but my windows is not licenced. One day by mistake i chose the option of windows update through internet. i did not get success to do so. Rather i am facing a problem from that day. The problem is that every time when i start computer i get a message that '' Your windows is not genuine, you may be a victim of software counterfeiting.'' and every time i have to wait for some time due to a countdown timer.An icon has also been automaticaly added in my system tray. if i click on this icon this gives the same message.

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Pro - Consumer Fraud Victim / Not Authenticate

Dec 12, 2006

I was a victim of consumer fraud where I paid someone that I got out of the yellow pages to erase my Dell 8200 Desktop (after crash of 4 years worth of data loss) and reload Windows XP Home Edition as was when purchased. Long story short, the "certified, licensed, Member of BBB and Chamber of Commerce." I have XP Pro un authenticated that Windows will not authenticate, update unless I pay them for a authenticated copy. First of All, I am not made of money. Secondly, I have a copy of XP Home Edition that came with the pc.

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Desk Top Shows You Are The Victim Of Counter Feiting

Dec 16, 2009

my operating system is windows xp i tryed to update now its shows "you are the victim of counter feiting" how can i resolve this problam if the operating system remove and reinstal may work?

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Copy Error: Setup Cannot Copy The File Upnpui.dll

Jul 4, 2005

I'm trying to install UPnP on my system but I get this error message. The
dll file IS there. I have tried downloading the file from the internet and
Browsing to it on the desktop but it always gives this error message.

Why can't Windows accept this file?

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Copy A Licensed Copy Of Software To Another Cd?

Sep 6, 2005

Im trying to copy a licensed copy of software to another cd. The software is on a 700 meg cdr.However there happens to be 1.5 gigs of files on the cd. How can i transfer the files to another cd the same way. Im trying to make a backup copy of my Microsoft office 2003 cd just in case anything happens to the original.

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Product Key Not Valid

Nov 4, 2009

working on a dell dimension 4600 with the product key reading "Windows XP Professional 1-2CPU" i am re-installing widows xp pro on there and its saying the product key is not valid.

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Application Or DLL C:WINDOWSSystem321033dwintl.dll Is Not A Valid

Jul 9, 2008

It pops up when I try to start different programs. Games, movies, whatever.

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Pro Upgrade Not Working - The Pid Is Not Valid

Sep 5, 2005

I have a Dell 8400, XP Home Edition SP 2 that came pre-installed. I purchased a retail XP Pro SP2 upgrade. It won't install. I get the message: The pid is not valid for this version of Windows XP. Provide the pid that came with the Windows XP upgrade CD. I know its not from the Product Key I'm giving it being invalid, because when I intentionally type it in wrong, I get another kind of error message about a bad PID. Also, I purchased the retail from a large office supply chain. So, why can't I use a retail upgrade XP Pro on top of a OEM XP home?

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Rundll32.exe - Bad Image Not A Valid

Sep 27, 2003

When right clicking my windows XP desktop and selecting properties I get the following error:"Rundll32.exe - bad image" The application or DLL C:windowssystem32 hemeui.dll is not a valid windows image. Please check this against your installation diskette."This error began occcuring after installing new video drivers for my 128 DDR ATI Radeon 9700 TX video card. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers, and returning to an older set of drivers. No luck. While in safe mode I get the same error.On a potentially related note, attempting to access system performance settings from system properties also gives the same error.Otherwise everything else on my system appears to be working perfectly fine.

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The DLL C:Windowssystem32DNSAPI.dll Not Valid Win Image

Sep 10, 2006

The machine is a Dell Dimension 2350 wiith 512 ram, XP Home. The full error message is "The application or DLL C:Windowssystem32DNSAPI.dll not a valid Windows image. Please check this against your installation diskette." I ran a windows install and selected repair. This got the system booted up. I then loaded Avast A/V and removed many viruses. then I downloaded windows updates, after I installed SP 2 and the system reboots the error message above comes back and windows is stuck at a black screen. Is it possible to copy the DLL using repair console and if so where to find DNSAPI.dll?

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Won't Install Says That Certain Files Are Not Valid

Jun 1, 2006

I am trying to install windows and it says that certain files are "not vaid windows xp file image", or some nonsense like that. I click retry it will continue. I get to the actual windows installation screen and it comes up with some fatal error, its different every time.I am using a real genuine copy of xp sp2.

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No A Valid Win32 Application

Feb 4, 2006

I downloaded it ran it and rebooted but I am still having the same issue. I am trying to install a program and still get This is not a valid win32 application. All the EXE Icons look like the old MS Dos Icon's. I am currently scanning the machine but am most of the way through and no viruses have been found.

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Valid Win32 Application

Feb 17, 2005

This is my first post so I'm likely to appear stupid. I'm of average computer competence but love the things. Short story is this:I have an accounting program in which I have data files for each year of my business. These have been successfully backed up for years on CD and now JumpDrive, and stored on the desktop with a shortcut for easy access.I downloaded and installed SP2. Now when trying to open a file, I get the message C:XXXXXXXXX is not a valid Win32 application. It always was before so what changed?I cannot back up my current files because that is the name I've always used. The computer doesn't recognize the name as valid so I have no security. An ancillary problem is that years ago, my adorable husband somehow associated my old data file to be opened with MusicMatch. (We don't even discuss this.) I managed a workaround so that I got the files to open with their program application even though I could never change the icon from MusciMatch. No harm no foul. No longer. Post SP2, the danged thing went back to opening MusicMatch, ignoring my old workaround. Messing with it for hours got it to where I'm now getting the invalid file messagel.

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D: Is Not A Valid Win32 Application

Apr 19, 2010

Error comes up saying that D: is not a valid win32 application .

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C:is Not A Valid Win32 Application

Mar 4, 2007

I cannot access the C drive, get the above error message. Also, when doing a right click "OPEN" and "EXPLORE" are not written correcly, I can only see some weird characters. Could it be a virus?

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Cmd.exe Not Valid Win32 Application

Aug 28, 2005

Trying to open the command prompt in XP and all I get is "c:windowssystem32cmd.exe is not a valid win32 application".

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Printer Handle Is Not Valid

Sep 8, 2006

I have moved my lexmark x1100 all in one to another pc I am now getting the message 'the handle is invalid ' what does this mean and how do I fix it?

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Valid Key For Pro CD In English To French

Sep 25, 2006

If I have a Windows XP Pro CD in English with a valid key, and that I change my CD for a Windows XP Pro French CD, will the key still be valid?

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