Unable To Install Product Catalogs

Jul 29, 2005

Fatal error: Unable to install Product Catalogs

Failed to remove 1EEXCEP.CAT

Failed to remove SP1.cat

Failed to remove ex.cat

Warning: Signature for Windows XP Home Edition Update is invalid

cannot find message OXfffffeob in message file syssetup.dll

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Checking Product Key Before Install?

Jun 19, 2005

I have a used copy of XP upgrade and would like to know if it is being used before installing it. Is there a MS site one can go to and put in product key to see if it is already in use?

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Win Install Using Other (legal) CD Product Key?

Jan 29, 2009

Getting right to it I have a Dell Dimension 4300 that I am fixing up for my daughter adding memory and a larger hard drive. It has Win Xp home installed on it and I have gotten the CD Key # off of it using an extractor. Now my question is because I do not have the upgrade CD (which came with it) for reinstalling it can I use my other (legal) XP upgrade cd to reistall it, using the Key # retrieved from the Dell to verify it with MS for upgrades/downloads, etc. or will I have to use the CD key # which came with my disc.

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Install With Different Product Keys

Mar 3, 2006

I have to reinstall my XP Pro OS on my work PC. The XP CD for that is fairly old and only has SP1. I recently got a laptop with XP Pro SP2. Can I Install the OS using the laptop XP CD that has SP2 and type in the product Key for the older XP machine so I don't have to spend hours updating the SP1 install to SP2. I've done this with MS Office in the past when the silver coating on the CD got scraped off and I just installed with an Office CD from another machine and used the Product Key from the broken CD license. These are DELL machines if that makes any difference. The last time I reinstalled the laptop OS using the CD, I can't remember typing in the product key and I don't want to have any issues with licensing and activation.

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How To Install Product During Uninstallation Some Other?

Oct 9, 2007

I installed previous version of the product..now i am installing the updated version of this product...so installation of updated version removes the previous version.If i want to install this previous version during the uninstallation of the updated version how can i do this?

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Install Freezes At Product Key Input?

Jun 28, 2005

I have a strange anomoly when reinstalling XP. After the installation reboots into device configuration and I "ok" the keyboard config, the product key entry page comes up and locks the system. I am befuddled. I have tried booting into safe-mode (can't boot into safe-mode during setup), restarting the installation, running repair on the installation and chkdsk /r. I was able to install a second image to a new system directory. I would rather not rebuild my entire configuration via the second image. Anyone have an idea why the original installation is freezing as indicated?

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Canceling Xp Install After Entering The Product Key?

Jan 18, 2006

can one cancel a xp upgrade install (over w98se) directly after entering the product key without damaging the current w98 configuration? in other words, can the install process be stopped harmlessly before performing the Dynamic Update which you have a yes/no option? the pc uses a shared wireless net connection and in order to perform Dynamic Update you must have an active Internet connection. if for some reason the pc was to lose its connection would xp not see it and begin automatically installing xp without being able to halt it.

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Install Slipstreamed Pro Onto New H.d. Using Xp Home Product Key

Jul 19, 2010

I'm trying to use a slip-streamed copy of win xp pro to install xp home onto a new hard drive for a friend while using his xp home product key. I thought that xp home would extract the files unique to xp home from the xp pro install because I used the xp home product key. The reason I'm using the xp pro slip-stream is because my friend bought the computer with xp home pre-installed and didn't get a install copy on the o.s.

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Install Disk Get Product Keys

Jun 27, 2005

I have been told that instead of having to buy another retail version of an operating system as long as I have the install disk all I have to do is get a product key through Microsoft for like 50 bucks. How Do I go at doing this I am looking at getting a product key for Windows Xp Pro 32bit.

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Pro Failed To Install Product Catalog

Aug 11, 2005

I just purchased a Win XP Pro OS from a local PC retail store and I installed it on my machine.Everything went by plan.After everything was done.I restart my computer and in the middle of the boot-up I get this message.Setup failed to install the product catalog (Fatal error). And another try to boot it up I get message Error Signature for WinXP Pro is invalid. The third time I get the first message again.I ran the setup disk again maybe I did something wrong No same thin again.Any cure for that?Any repairs possible? Any download from microsoft to solve the problem?

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Home Wont Install - Product Key Invalid ?

Jun 3, 2006

i have been using my OEM version of XP home for the past few years,have reformatted my HD a few times and used the cd to reinstall it without trouble yesterday i decided my computer needed another reformat, so i did so assuming that the installation would work. now every time i enter in the cd key (the CORRECT one that comes with my LEGIT version of xp home), it says my product key is invalid.

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Select Product To Update Or Patch To Install

Jan 27, 2005

AFTER APRIL 11TH, WILL YOU BE ABLE TO DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL INDIVIDUAL COMPONENT UPDATES FOR MICROSOFT PRODUCTS FOR XP?) Let's say for example that it is now April 12th, and a security patch is released for OE 6. Could we just do the following:
1) Go to www.microsoft.com
2.) Individually select the product to update or patch to install (I.E my hypothetical OE 6 question) than download and install the patch?
IS EVERYONE RUNNING XP GOING TO BE PROMPTED WITH SOME MESSAGE SAYING: "ATTENTION: SP-2 IS REQUIRED FOR ALL XP UPDATES." OR, DOES THIS SP-2 MANDATORY APPLY ONLY TO RUNNING WINDOWS UPDATE OR AUTOMATIC UPDATE, meaning that we can still download individual product enhancments by going to www.microsoft.com and selecting by product or service?

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Cc Common Msi Tryin To Install Blank Product Name

Feb 1, 2006

I keep getting this cc common msi tryin to install a blank product name when i start norton system works and its components, I had a trojan and cleaned it with ewido and true sword but i cant get rid of this installer, ran hijack but didn't see anything suspicion. Have run spybot and my AV programs didnt find anything malicious.

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Product Key Invalid, Wont Install Service Pack 2?

Jan 21, 2006

I couldnt install the service pack 2 because the installation says my product keys are unvalid and it gave a website to find the solution to my problem. But I couldn't find anything that fits my situation from this website... It's www.howtotell.com. I have the valid product keys now but couldnt find a way how to reenter it. Is there anything to do beside reinstall WinXP? I have another CD with valid product key.

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Product Key-two Copies That Are Idententical Except For The Product Keys Which To Send?

Feb 3, 2007

My son moved out of town and now wants his copy of Windows XP Pro that he left behind. I have two copies that are idententical except for the product keys. Is there somewhere in Windows that would tell me which copy to send and which to keep? will he be able to reuse this disk to put on a new HD in a new computer? Can he put his old HD in a new computer?

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Monitor Drivers Unable To Install On Fresh Windows 2000 Install

Apr 18, 2005

HI, I just installed windows 2000 professional onto my computer. Everything works fine except that the resolution is really grainy. On some web sites I cannot even make out what the words are. I found out that when I go into my monitor settings in display properties I am unable to install the drivers for my monitor. Does anybody know a way in which I can get around this.

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New OS Install, Some Drivers Missing / Unable To Install?

Jul 7, 2008

I just purchased a used Dell Dimension 4700, it came without the OS installed or the resource cd with all the drivers. I installed the OS this afternoon, but in the device manager serveral yellow ? came up. The flags are listed for the ethernet controller, multimedia audio controller, PCI modem, SM Bus controller, unknown device, and the video controller (vga compatible).

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BSOD Error/Unable To Re-install / New Install?

Dec 5, 2007

After suffering months of freezing PC and blue screens (primarily the dreaded kernel stack error. I have done tried all the recovery tricks from here and MS website, done chkdsk /f & /r repeatedly over four days without using the PC in between, and all the other stuff from here and Microsoft. Bought an expensive Reg cleaner and run it repeatedly. No luck. No recently installed soft or hardware. New Dell desktop. 1 year of trouble-free life until this. I now boot from the recovery XP CD (it includes SP2) to try to reformat the whole shebang and it gets as far as loading setup files OK, then as usual tries to start load windows installation and ... blue screen. STOP error 0x0000007B (OXF78D2524 OXC0000034, OX00000000, OX00000000).
Decided to buy a new HDD and install XP on that. (3 weeks from Dell!) and in machine. Old one disconnected. Tried installing XP from disk. It stalls at exactly the same moment as before (loads up preliminary files, gets to ""starting Windows" and then the dreaded blue screen with the same error message as before. 0X0000007B (OXF78D2524, 0XC0000034, 0X00000000, 0X00000000). So presumably not HD (although always good to have one). Have downloaded Memtest and run it for 24 hours. No RAM errors reported.

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No Product Key-neither The Case Nor The CD Has The Product Key

Sep 1, 2007

there is a GENUINE XP PROFESSIONAL CD with it's case. But neither the case nor the CD has the product key on it. So I am not able to install it on my new HD. Is there any way to install this XP PROFESSIONAL without the product key or get the product key somehow?

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Unable To Install SP2

Mar 19, 2006

I am unable to install SP2.When installing from the web site receive an error message stating failure to install; system is unstable.When installing using the Wizard error message says access denied. I am using XP home edition.

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Unable To Install Any OS

Dec 17, 2005

I had some problems with my system that resulted in me wanting to format and reinstall Windows XP. I booted from the install CD and after the program loaded the drivers at the beginning, the program shut down during "Starting Windows" and I got a blue screen error. Your typical XP error, "Your computer has been shut down before any more harm is caused to it." and something about pci.sys and then a memory location at the bottom of the screen. I tried installing 2 different versions of Windows from 3 different CDs and all froze at the same with the same error. I also attempted to run a diagnostic program from the hard drive manufacturer (Seagate) which freezes whenever I run it (I get to a prompt but I'm unable to type anything). I was able to install Windows onto the hard drive fine when I hooked it into a friends' system but when I put the hard drive back in my system I got "Error loading the operating system." (I assume you need to install Windows on the system that will be using it? It ran fine when hooked into my friend's computer) So, here I am unable to load an OS onto my system and I have no clue as to why. My computer is a Dell Dimension 9100 P4 system.

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Unable To Install Xp

Jul 4, 2005

I am installing Windows XP-Home full Edition on a formatted hard drive (C). When I insert the XP CD into the CD ROM, it goes through a setup process, but continues to go through the same process over and over, restarting the computer and copying what seems to be the same files over and over. Is this
normal? If so, how many times does it take to complete the setup? Is there
another process?

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Unable To Install Hd?

May 29, 2006

I've just recently lost an old HDD to mechanical fault/corruption and so invested in a new 250GB one to replace it [including a switch from FAT32 to the NTFS file system]. I've been through the standard process of installing my copy of Windows XP Home SP2 and it seemed to work fine at first. An important point to note is that my %homedrive% (boot drive), on which my copy of Windows is installed is I:. I'm not as knowledgable when it comes to booting and system files as I am in other areas, and so I need help. I realised this straight away but thought little of it and went on installing my required drivers that came on the other CD I got when purchasing my computer originally (separate drivers CD to the Windows installation disk). For my graphics card drivers (NVIDIA GeForce 5300 drivers) [both latest downloaded version and version from my drivers CD], the installation causes an error just as it begins to install the files/components/etc.:
Windows - No Disk
There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive .
After multiple times of clicking any combination of the three options (Cancel; Try Again; Continue) I receive:
NVIDIA Windows 2000/XP Display Drivers
There is not enough space on drive C: to extract this package.
Please free up 20.28MB and click retry.
[Clicking retry tosses back the Windows - No disk error again which in turn tosses back the NVIDIA Windows 2000/XP Display Drivers error etc.]
At was when I first came across this I realised some programs/operations I may wish to run in future will obviously run into problems such as this. I was searching for an easy way to rectify the problem by changing my boot drive letter to C:, though realising that without a full reformatting and reinstallation of Windows this would most likely cause major boot errors and such, and if not, problems with associations in the registry and etcetera...[I did find an article in the Windows Knowledge Base explaining this could be done but my computer told me otherwise] I'm more than prepared to reformat and re-install... But I don't understand how a drive letter is assigned in the first place. If anyone could please take the time to refer me to a resource that will describe how or give an explanation as to how I've ended up with my boot drive as I: and how to rectify, I would be very grateful! [I'm guessing it's because it's the last piece of hardware that was inserted into my computer and I followed the standard proceedure for Installing windows... But I couldn't say for sure.
I've also consulted the customer support section of the NVIDIA site, also google and this forum's search feature with little luck.

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Unable To Install?

May 26, 2007

XP won't install Here is what happens I insert the om xp home into the cd drive I want to do a CLEAN install every thing goes along fine I enter the key code the loading bar goes half way and just sits there for hrs I get no euros codes I have three sticks of memory tried one at a time changed the cd rome no matter what I have tried it does the same thing have two XP om tied both with the same results I have done a clean install on this machine before with no problem. I am also wondering if I would have the same problem with a new HD?

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Unable To Install?

Jul 5, 2006

My friend wants to do a format and reinstallation of xpsp2 , when she gets to the part that you press f8 to agree to the installation f8 doesnt work nothing happens, its a geniun windows xp that she has used before without any problems , does any one know what the problem could be , thanks in advance Christine

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Unable Install On New Pc Which Has Vista

Dec 23, 2008

I have problem when trying to install xp on a new sata 500gb hard drive I just bought.When installng xp it starts loading on windows then it says windows needs to restart.After happens,I get a blue screen with the following message. A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. stop screen error. Check for viruse your pc.Remove any newly installed HD or HD controllers.Check your HD to make sure it is proprly configured and terminated.Run CHKDSK / f to check for HD corruption, and then restart pc

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Unable To Install IE7 On Even After Reinstall

Jan 9, 2007

I have tried numerous times to install IE7 but keep getting the error message "the following updates were not installed". The other piece of software that tries and fails to install at the same time is the Windows Malicious Software Removal tool. Windows update has verified with that my software is genuine (via Windows Genuine Advantage). Currently IE6 is installed on an OEM copy of XP with SP2 and all security patches. Firefox is my default browser. Has anyone experienced this and/or got a solution. p.s. This has been going on for a few weeks. Yesterday I re-installed XP from scratch as part of a system clean up and have been rebuilding everything but the problem of IE7 not installing is still there.

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Unable To Install Updates

Jan 1, 2007

I am unable to install Windows XPro SP2 updates. Windows Installer 3.1 will not install.Error message reads Extraction Failed: The system cannot find the file specified.

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Unable To Install MSVBVM60.DLL

Oct 4, 2007

Every time I put it in the system32 folder, it changed into msvbvm60.dll.xxx (xxx = random digits) I need msvbvm60.dll for an application that won't work unless it's installed... it gives me "Unable To Locate Component - This application has failed to start because MSVBVM60.DLL was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem." I've installed VB6 but it still has the same problem.

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Unable To Install Programs

Oct 9, 2008

Unable to install ANY programs or updates on my pc.There have been changes made to the permissions, network sharing and connections. I am getting Windows cannot open the local policy database. Access to database has been denied. when trying to access security settings from Admin Tools. although my userid is on the Administrators group with full privileges. my %systemroot% is set to share, everyone with full access. I can send a HJT log if requested. what can I do? there are also many internet pages that are no longer loading (says cookies disabled) even tho they are on the trusted list, and even with BitDefender and ZoneAlarm shut down. I have knocked up against this for 3 days, but do not seem to be making progress.

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Unable To Install SP4 - FTP Is Open Or In Use

Dec 9, 2004

Running a Windows 2000 machine. Machine came with W2k installed 2 years ago. Have all other windows updates installed. Getting this error when trying to install Service Pack 4 - The file c:windowssystem32ftp.exe is open or in use by another application. The taskmanager does not show any FTP specifically running. So I downloaded SP4 to my hard drive so I wouldn't have to get on the internet, and rebooted in safe mode. Then ran SP4 update from my hard drive but I still got the same FTP error. How do I find this FTP process and stop it?

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