Unable To Restore?

Dec 9, 2008

Here is my situation. I have an infected computer. I have only 1 partition on my computer and that is the C: Before my computer was infected I copied the contents of that drive to an external HD and then unplugged it. This was done before my PC was infected.
Now what I need to do is copy the contents from my external drive and make them my new primary C: so my computer will no longer be infected. I need some software that will boot without my infected OS and allow me to do this but am not sure what to use.

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System Restore Wont Work: Previous Saved Points Unable To Restore?

Jul 29, 2005

I recently downloaded some drivers as I was trying to install a new printer who's software would'nt load. This did'nt solve the problem. I decided to get a printer that I had had before, Brother DCP-110C as I knew this had worked well. I tried to install yesterday (28th July) but could'nt and my PC keeps switching itself off near the end of the installation. I then thought I would use System restore to go back to a happier time when I had the first Brother printer. previous saved point wont let me to restore

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System Restore Wont Work: Unable To Get Restore Points?

Feb 13, 2005

I am unable to acess any of my or XP's restore points. When I went to restore to an earlier date. All appeared to be going as it should. However, when I got to my profile a message window came up that said unable to restore to (chosen date/time) etc. I chose 3 other restore points over the last month, thinking it might be some recent problem, still a no go. Any help would be greatly appreciated? Is there a utility to use to check and see if there is something corrupted?

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System Restore Wont Work: Unable To Use Restore Points?

Apr 8, 2005

I'm trying to do a system restore without success. It goes through the motions but after it restarts always say "cannot use restore point, no changes have been made to your system". I'm trying to correct a font setting change that happened without my knowledge.

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Unable To Restore Data From System Restore ?

Feb 11, 2008

Anybody ever try this to repair System restore . You can reinstall System Restore with these steps: 1. Click Start, Run, In the Run box, type "C:winntinf" without the quotes and press enter.2. Look for SR.INF and RightClick on it, then LeftClick it, select "Install" Follow the prompts, Reboot and System Restore will be ready to use.Mine does not restore, not even in Safe Mode so was looking for a fix

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System Unable To Restore

Jan 7, 2009

on recent boot up i was surprised to see a different but familiar desktop =. one that i used before. also the system was acting strangely and very sluggish. i suspected a problem with recent downloads and tried the system restore. there was only one available restore date even though the OS has been running for six months.
i tried this restore point but got message "unable to restore to this date- no changes have been made " i can not find a way to increase the number of automatic restore points.. i then did an error check and defrag and system seems to be OK now but am puzzled with system restore function..

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Unable To Restore System

Dec 12, 2005

Win XP Home SP2..I am having problems with system restore. When I try to open system restore and restore my system to a previous time, i get this message: SYSTEM RESTORE IS NOT ABLE TO PROTECT YOUR COMPUTER. PLEASE RESTART YOUR COMPUTER AND THEN RUN SYSTEM RESTORE AGAIN.When I do just that, the same message comes up again and again.I next go to the control panel and open up the system properties window. Under the tab System Restore I try to check the box: TURN OF SYSTEM RESTORE FOR ALL DRIVES. I do this to try to clear out the cache or restore points and I get the following message:YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO TURN OF SYSTEM RESTORE. IF YOU CONTINUE ALL EXISTING RESTORE POINTS WILL BE DELETED, AND YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO TRACK AND UNDO CHANGES MADE TO YOUR COMPUTER.

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Still Unable To Use System Restore

Jun 29, 2005

I am still unable to use system restore. Running WinXpPro SP2.

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Unable To Use Restore Disk?

Sep 23, 2005

We had a power outage and now when you turn on the PC it gets as far as the XP screen, then quits and starts again. This will happen forever until you turn off the power button again. I put in the restore CD but when it says hit 1 or 2, regardless which I hit it gives me and A: prompt and says Bad Command.P.S. It's an emachines 2385, 512K, Celeron 2 Gig processor

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Unable To System Restore?

Feb 7, 2007

Am running Windows XP (sp2) on HP Pavilion Home Edition Running Norton Internet Security-2007 edition Windows Defender Spy Bot Search and Destroy Seems I can't run System Restore Disc space usage for this is set to Max When I try to run Restore, I click on Bold Date next I click on Restore point-usually system check point after it goes through the bells and whistle it comes back Unable to Restore My question is, why doesn't it go back to where I want it to?

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Unable To Restore Firefox Mozilla

Nov 8, 2009

Bought my daughter a new inspiron mini, it is only a month old.For starters it will no longer open Firefox. I reloaded Firefox and it still does the same thing, nothing happens, then a crash message from Mozilla.The machine is running real sluggish, and efforts to use "restore" are not working. I tried four different restore points, going back to the first and restore goes through the motions, reboots, then I get a message that say the machine was unable to restore, no changes were made.

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Unable To Restore Missing Files.

Jul 11, 2007

I'm having some issues with one of my PC's. After about a minute at desktop, it would completely lock up. Using msconfig, I was able to isolate (at least) one of the things causing it: a service called 'Windows Management Instrumentation'. Keeping it, and it's co-responding service, unchecked in msconfig, stops the freeze, and allows my computer ot seemingly work as if all is well. However, I'm skeptical that is the case.
Also, another problem occurred yesterday....all of a sudden my admin account no longer displayed on the login screen. I had taken my PC to a repair shop last week, and the guy created a new account...this account has administrator priveledges, just as the old one does. However, it is missing a lot of files and documents that were from my old account. When booting in safe mode, both accounts still display. Why is this?
Another question, does anyone know what the service CaReTaKeR-CT NetMgr is/does? It looks a bit seedy, so I've currently disabled it.

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Unable To Restore After Trojan Attack?

Apr 24, 2005

After I got the trojan.tooso.f virus I lost system restore in my computer. It is completely gone. I have searched for it and it doesn't show up at all. Is there a way to re-install it with out re-installing windows XP?

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Unable To Perform System Restore?

Nov 13, 2008

I need to restore my computer to an earlier date, but when i tried to find the system restore, it was not there. First i went to start, all programs, accessories, and system tools. When i saw that it was not there, i entered the run command for it. When i did that, i got the same message you would get if you enter an invalid command. After that didn't work, i entered "msconfig" in the run box, and then once the system configuration utility appeared, i went to the tools tab and highlighted System Restore, and clicked Launch. But then a window popped up saying the following: "The system cannot find the file specified".
I am about 75-85% sure that the rstrui.exe file was deleted by one of the young ones fiddling around inside the system folders. What i do not know is how to get it back. I remember one time when the windows sound recorder executable file had gotten deleted, i just downloaded it from the internet, put it in the right spot and it was fixed. I can't seem to do that with the system restore executable file. Any ideas on how i can fix this?

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IE Pages Wont Open - Unable To Sys Restore

May 12, 2006

I have three problems which I think may be related and need help. Issues began with IE - some pages time out and won't open at all, others open very slowly. Checked my settings, etc. I uninstalled a recently installed program, AND then, planned to restore my computer to an earlier date using System Restore. Turns out I was unable to complete a Sys Restore to ANY previous checkpoints, after multiple attempts. So I decided to boot up in Safe Mode to check it out - and found out I couldn't open Safe Mode either

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Unable To Retrieve Files: Restore Points Are Gone ?

Sep 26, 2009

I have got 3 partitions on my HDD namely C, D and E drive.C is the windows drive , the other two are normal data storage drives. Yesterday when i started the PC, i found that all the folders on my E drive have become empty and the files which i can see do not work. Everything on the partition has become useless.Even though all folders show 0 files, the used disk space is same as before.Is it some kind of virus?

One more thing, i tried to system restore. When i reached the system restore screen, i found out that all my restore points are gone and i cant restore my PC to any earlier date, even though i have assigned nearly 20% of each disk for creating restore points. Even the calendar in system restore screen wont show a previous month except the current month.

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Unable To Defrag, Checkdisk, And Restore System?

Sep 10, 2008

i cannot use disk defragmenter, when i click analyze or defragment it says "Disk Defragmenter could not start."i try to check the disk and it says "Windows was unable to complete disk check."last, i hope windows system restore could solve my problems, but after i select the restore point, i cannot click 'next', i clicked it and nothing happened.

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System Restore Is Unable To Protect Computer

Mar 29, 2007

I clicked on system restore and got the message " system restore is unable to protect your computer . Please restart and try again" I rebooted several times and got the same message .I then accessed system restore with view of switching it off and on again.i checked the on / off box then clicked on apply changes and got the following message"System restore encountered a problem trying to enable/disable one or more drives. Please restart your machine and try again later"I then thought that if i slide the disc space bar down to zero it may clear out system restore but i got the same message as when i tried turning it off .i went into safe mode and searched for the wininit.ini file with the view of renaming it but this isn't the problem.

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System Restore - Unable To Locate Component

Sep 5, 2005

i did a system restore on my husbands pc now i am getting the message:Explorer.Exe -Unable To Locate Component This application has failed to start because BROWSEREUI.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem

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Turn Off System Restore - Tick Box Unable To Use

Aug 7, 2008

Ive recently had this problem with this vundo strain of trojans and tis located in my system volume information folder.. So i did a little researching and figured out that no virus remover will be able to remove it since windows wouldn't allow me to delete or remove it in the first place.Thus the alternate method being the turning off of the system restore function and thereby deleting all system restore points. Although i came across a roadblock in that even though i am the administrator on my computer i am unable to check or uncheck the turn of system restore option in the system restore tab in the properties of My Computer.

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DVD Device Won't Recognize / Unable To Do System Restore

May 19, 2007

Not sure what has happened here. Toshiba Laptop M70 WinXP home SP2.Initial issue Unabel to read files off the DVD/CD Matshita DVD-Ram UJ-8415 When checking "System" Hardware there is a yellow caution ! beside it indicating an issue.Action: Uninstalled device and rebooted to let windows find appropriate driver.
System said found new device and identified it by name. But still the trouble indicator.Tried a couple of things to no avail.I have the toshiba - product recovery disk but I cannot access it due to the DVD error. so I attached my external DVD (usb) device Thinking I could load the disk in it and recover the drivers or what ever. My Freecom DVD now has a Trouble indicator on it as well. so it appears that the devices won't recognize.(tried to instal again - system recognizes it initially then show the trouble indicator again.

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Unable To Install A New Local C Drive Without Restore Cd's?

Jan 28, 2006

I have a 300se gateway with 512 Mb of memory and A WD 20 GB local "C"and I have a new volume ''E'' drive that Is a Maxtor HD 120 GB's and I want to replace the the @20GB local drive with a new Western Digital 1200JB, 120 GB drive. I have Norton's ghost 9.0 and I have backed up an Image of my c Drive to my E drive and I need to know what else I need to do to make this a smooth swap and as far as I know it's not possible to do this drive installation or upgrade with out my restoration Cd's for my operating system.

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Unable To Perform System Restore On An HP Computer?

Mar 27, 2010

I've had my HP computer for quite some time (5 years at least), still runs great and all. But here recently my harddrive crashed when trying to do something (still using that harddrive), when I tried to use the system restore feature from HP,it wouldn't let me, so I had to get a WindowsXP disc from someone. Using their copy of windows won't let me update windows or anything, so I decided I would just system restore using HP's system restore. (Format and reinstall my windows), but when I hit the F10 at bootup, it does nothing

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Unable To Connect And System Restore Not Working

Aug 27, 2009

My prob is with a desktop It goes like this:1. Internet stopped working on system - noticed "search.iMesh" in address bar, with "IE cannot display the internet page" message displayed. Finally found and uninstalled iMesh stuff. 2. Now have Google back in address bar but unable to go online - even via Microsoft default.
I've tried 5 diff. dates with System Restore but no luck. So used flash pen to put ComboFix on and it shows up with "This machine does not have the Microsoft Windows recovery console installed".

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Unable To Restore My Default Boot Screen?

Aug 5, 2005

after installing a lot of dekstop themes,my windows log on/offf/shut down/boot screen"welcome screen".....all changed to another...the problem now is ..i need to set up a new win xp package ...this boot screens conflicts with setting up the new one as there is a problem in the kernel..it doesn't identify it as a microsoft file...got my problem??!!!...please help me to restore my win xp default boot screen..log off...extra so i can set up my new windows normally..

i was facing the problem of not being able to connect to the internet for trojan removals reasons...after sick of not having a solution..i decided to reformatt or set up a new windows...now i can'tdo this either....

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Minimised Window In The Tasbar - Unable To Click On It To Restore

Jul 16, 2010

I use a program called Visagesoft expert PDF to create multi page PDF. I booted up my computer the other morning and printed to the program but now instead of the dialog box i visagesoft usually display it only shows as a minimised window in the tasbar. I am unable to click on it to restore the dialog box.

I have tried uninstalling the program checking no stray registry entries remain and reinstalling the progam but still have the same issue. This seems to be the only program thats effected. No system changes / upgrades have been made on this system. I have a number of similar builds all running the same software and none of these have had anyproblems

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Unable To Play Or View Avi Files After System Restore?

Apr 2, 2007

recently i did a system restore to fix some problems that came up after my siblings used my computer. before the system restore i could play avi files no problem, but afterwards the media player can only play the sound.ive tried several movie players such as divx, windows media player, klite movie player, and vlc. all of them can play the audio but not video.i updated my divx codec and downloaded a new fddshow codec but it didnt work. k-lite codec pack comes with a whole lot of video codecs to play any movie format, but it still doesnt work.

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Erased Recycle Bin Icon - Unable Restore File

Mar 9, 2007

I erased my Recycle Bin icon off my desktop. Now that I need to restore a file I am unable to find it. Where do I go to restore my recycle bin?

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Unable To Perform System Restore To A Prior Date?

Jan 12, 2005

I've tried unsuccessfully to restore my windows xp to a prior date, following the tutorial, with the response: "your system was unable to be restored to the prior date."

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Unable To Remove Old Restore Points To Get Extra Space?

Oct 31, 2009

I create a new Restore Point each month as I start my monthly maintenance sequence and also SpyBot seems to create one. I see by the Restore Point calendar that there seems to be a Restore Point for each day in October. I'm curious as to what process is creating these Restore Points but mainly I'm wondering how to delete some (most) of them. Aren't they consuming a humongous ammount of disk space?

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Unable To Remove - System Restore Doesn't Work

May 20, 2007

Very recently I managed to open a .exe file which contained a rather nasty strain of something which has come back to bite me. When I start up Windows XP SP2, I get an error message telling me that "Generic Host Process for Win32 Services has encountered a problem and needs to close." In addition iexplore.exe starts up in the task manager on every startup, without the browser launching and my baseline RAM usage is 80MB or so higher than normal. Now I have blocked iexplore.exe with my firewall, I have scanned my computer with Norton internet security 2007, Spybot S&D, Adaware SE and I have deleted the .exe file from which the infection originated. Unfortunately, though some minor infections were discovered, the problem at hand remains unresolved. MSConfig does not show anything about iexplore.exe opening up on startup., or any other program I do not want for that matter. I am at my wits end, and I hope someone here can figure out what I cannot....

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