Types Of Messenger - Self-explanatory

Mar 6, 2004

I am confused by the following 'Messengers' which can be found mentioned on the web: "Windows Messenger", "MSN Messenger" and "Net Messenger Service". (all Microsoft things ?) What are they ? There is also "Yahoo Messenger", but that is self-explanatory.

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Messenger Tries To Load / All Programmed Have Windows Messenger Icon / RPC Server Not Available

Oct 1, 2007

I am running Windows XP on a HP Pavilion ze2000.I think I have a problem with Windows Live Messenger. Actually, I think I have several problems:
1. Messenger tries to load in my tray when I start the computer. It never did this before. It also does the same when I connect to my broadband via dialler. At the moment I am denying access through Zone Alarm. Is this normal?
2. In All Programmes I have a Windows Messenger Icon and a Windows Live Messenger Icon. Again, is this normal? There is only an option to remove Live Messenger in Add or Remove Programmes.
3. There is a "1 contact pending" message above the contact list in my Live Messenger, which leads to a "page not available" message when I click on it.
3. When I close Live Messenger, I get multiple "RPC Server Not Available" warnings which I keep closing but keep reappearing. They appear too fast for me to close them, so I have to restart my machine.

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RAM Types

Jul 31, 2005

What are various RAM types

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Associated File Types

Jun 20, 2005

How do I clean out this context menu? I saw a lot of old entries I never thought even existed. Can someone tell me how to delete them?

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Changing File Types?

Apr 22, 2005

On windows 98 you can simply right click the file name and change its file type. Example: image.bmp can be right clicked and changed to image.gif.I was wondering how you could do that on XP.

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Converting File Types.

Sep 17, 2006

does anyone know any programs that work fairly well for converting m4a files of 320 kbps, to a mp3 of 192 kbps. i used to have a program that did this, but i can no longer find it. i've googled and everything. i can't find much.

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Creating New File Types...

Aug 11, 2005

I recently created a new "File Type" for file extension "H" (C source header files) and changed the "Open with" setting to that of my favorite text editor. Now, as expected, my "H" extension files have my text editors icon next to their names and when I double-click on an "H" extension file, the file opens in my favorite text editor. All good so far.Next, I created a new "File Type" for file extension "C" (C source files) and changed the "Open with" setting to that of my favorite text editor. When I double-click on a "C" file, the file opens in my favorite text editor as expected, however, the "C" files icon has not changed to that of my text editor and when I close & re-open the "File Types" dialog I do not see the "C" extension entry at all.

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Missing File Types Tab

Oct 30, 2007

I have a friend running XP Home that needed to change what program a file type opened with. I had her go to Folder Options to change it but she only has the General and View tabs.Got the file type changed by right clicking and Open With but I'd like some ideas of how to get the missing tabs in Folder Options to show.

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Confused By Disk Types

Oct 3, 2008

What's the difference between SATA IDE EIDE PATA (and a few others I'm sure)?
I want to exchange the 60Gb disk in my PC for a larger one but I don't know what to shop for. How do I find what is compatible with my very second hand Dell desktop?

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Mykeyboard Shift Key Types

Sep 6, 2010

mykeyboard shift key types z

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Installing Two Types Of VPN Clients

Aug 25, 2005

I have two VPN software applications, I can not have the two of them
installed at the same time, only individually, therefore uninstalling one,
and installing the other when needed. Do you know of a way to setup it up under windows so that I can design WinXP/2K to login with various userid’s so that one of the other software package is loaded. Or do you know how to have two of the applications installed (not running) at the same time.

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File Types Icon Are Wrong

Mar 3, 2005

For some reason my file types for MP3 which are associated with Winamp, have the icon for Nero Show Time. Doesn't matter what I do, I can't seem to get the icon to switch to a Winamp icon in my music folder. I can switch the icon in Options and File Types to the winamp icon, but when I go to my music folder the icon is still for Nero Show Time. Even after I reboot it's still the same.

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File Types / Parameter Is Incorrect

Jul 28, 2005

When I open an Access 2003 DB in a multi-user mode I get the following error: "The parameter is incorrect". BUT if I right click on the file name and select Open With - Microsoft Office Access then it opens up just fine. I have tried to re-associate the program with the file type but that did not fix it. It opens fine if no one else is in the database.AND once I'm in the database and I try to click the Save button it tells me. I don't have exclusive rights and it wont' save my changes but it does save changes.

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Find Registered File Types

Aug 10, 2005

It seems that I am having a problem with file extensions.Is there a place that one can find the Registered File Types:

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Cannot Edit/add File Types In Explorer

Nov 14, 2008

I'm running WinXP Pro, SP2, in a two-month-old laptop. Until this week, I could add new file types in the Tools, Folder Options/File Types tab. Now I can't, and I don't know why. I can see the file-types list, but the New, Delete, Change, Advanced buttons are greyed out

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Memory Types - RAM Features And Chips

Jul 23, 2008

I want to know the information regarding the RAM's so how many types of RAM's do we have and what are its features?

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Conversion Of Video File Types

Jun 28, 2005

I can convert a video file to another file type, say realplayer file to mpeg, and which software must I have to do this type of conversion?

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Findstr Across Multiple File Types

Sep 23, 2009

Using findstr to find strings is fairly easy. I am trying to search recursively through a path, but only want to check one of three file types: *.java, *.properties or *.xml.I know how to do one:Code :findstr /pinsc:"my weird search string" *.java But how to tell findstr to look only in *.java, *.properties and *.xml files without having to run findstr 3 times?

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Reversing File Types Association

Aug 5, 2005

I Clicked on a game file to look in side with notepad and didn't unclick the
box so i wouldn't associate notpad with the file. Now it's associated with
notepad. How can I Put it back so windows will say no file types is
associated with this exetention?

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Print Out Of All Registered Files Types

Aug 19, 2005

Is there a way to get a list of all registered file typesand there program
association.If you go under folders and then the File Type tab it will show you all the extensions and programs there associated program.I have a program that hijacks some extensions as its own and I want to go back and associate the extensions with the proper program

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All Types Of Audio Files And Added Them To My Library

Oct 22, 2005

I've just bought an MP3 player and I've installed the software that is packaged with it. The program searched my HDD for all types of audio files and added them to my Library. What happened next was a complete blunder on my part: what I did was go through each file in my Library and delete those that I didn't want and keep those I did. I didn't pay any attention to what I was deleting, and I believe what I did has to do with a disk problem I'm havin'. I don't think my computer recognizes my D drive anymore (excuse me, please, I don't know much-- I mean the drive that plays DVDs/CDs). When I view My Computer, the D drive isn't displayed. Another example: when I'm in WMP and tryin' to copy tracks from a CD onto my HDD, there isn't a D drive listed to upload from.

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Wrong Icon Displaying For Certain File Types

Aug 3, 2005

I've got XP Pro SP2. My JPE, JPEG, JPG files are displaying the Netscape icon next to them even though I have gone to Windows Explorer Tools Folder Options and set it up so that Photoshop opens each of these file types. The Photoshop icon is displayed in the Folder Options as it should be, and the files do open in Photoshop, but if I go to File > Open in Photoshop, all of these files have the Netscape icon. How do I make it so the Photoshop icon is displayed for these?

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Certain File Types - Thumbnails Not Showing Up In Explorer

Apr 30, 2009

I have win XP x64 Pro. I have Adobe Acrobat Pro 9 installed & Autodesk Design Review 2010 installed.In windows explorer I can't see PDF or DWF files as thumbnails, I just get an icon image. I can see JPG, AVI, WMV, etc. They all give me a thumbnail image that is correct. I tried reinstalling Adobe & Autodesk Design Review and still nothing. I did however catch something odd. If I open Adobe, then click open, and browse to a folder within Adobe, I can see thumbnails for all file types, PDF, DWF & JPG. The same for Design Review, I can browse from withint the program, and it all looks correct. It's REALLY slow to generate the thumbnails, but they do eventually appear. And once generated, it's cached and the next program snaps them right up.

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Unable To Edit File Types/Associations

Aug 16, 2006

I am having a problem with file associations in that the options in Folder Options/File Types are grayed out. These are the New, Delete, Change and Advanced buttons. I noticed that I had a problem with my associations when my computer stopped keeping the changes I made using the Open With/Choose Program method. I installed Foobar2000 media player today and when I tried to associate media files within the configuration preferences I get the error message "An error occurred while changing file type associations. If you are using a limited account, please contact your system administrator.

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Changed A Few File Types / Files Don't Work

May 29, 2005

I am having 2 problems. My boyfriend changed a few file types and named a program to open them. (One was Sims2 Pack files) now the files don't work. How does one change them back, when one doesn't know what opened them in the first place? Also I have some DOOZIES of virus/and or/spystuff. (One of the things is a red ball with an x in it, that sits in my systray. I found out that it is impossible to clean (ie format) my C: partition.

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Viewing Types Of Folders - Resets To Thumbnails

Nov 2, 2007

As the tittle states whenever i restart my computer it changes all the file tiles of when you view folders into thumbnails. I want them all to be into Tile view format or atleast MOST of them. I already tried ticking "saving specific folder settings" in the options but it still resets it to thumbnails after i re-start my computer.

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User Account Types - Internet Using Dialup

Aug 10, 2005

I recently installed Win XP Professional and have a question about User
accounts.My computer is a standalone PC with 5 users. No network. I connect to
the internet using dialup. I have a lot of older software, and games too, and I read see over and over that you have to have administrator privileges to run them.From messing around in Linux in the past, I know that it can be a bad
thing for everyone to be logged in on administrator accounts. Even the
XP help files say that you should only log in as administrator when you
absolutely have to. My problem is that the "Limited" account is too
limited, and the "Administrator" account is too open.

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Unable To Find Difference Between Several Laptop Types?

Dec 2, 2006

Could someone quickly tell me what is the difference, in lamens terms, and above all which is the best bang for my buck. I am about to buy a laptop and just cannot make a decision. 64 64 x 2 Core 2 Dual Core Core Duo

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Lists Hide Extensions Of Known File Types And Uncheck

Aug 12, 2002

Ever wonder where you file extensions went?  Working with files when you can not tell what the file extension can be a huge pain in the butt.  MS has made it possible for all file names with the extensions to be shown.in any folder that contains files.  Click on the tools menu and select folder options. Then click on the view tab. Locate where it lists Hide extensions of known file types and uncheck it

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Keyboard Suddenly Types Wrong Letters Don't Work

Jun 14, 2006

I was in the middle of typing and suddenly none of the keys work properly. Most of them won't type anything and the rest are jumbled. "c" will print "-", n will be 7, ";" will be the "page up" key etc.I've reinstalled the keyboard drivers but no success. language/region settings are US as always. no idea why it's suddenly scrambled. keyboard is microsoft wireless multimedia keyboard 1.0A. batteries are fine. XP system.Please help. this is really causing a ton of trouble. I'm using software kboard to type this.

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Resetting [File Types] Parameters In [Folder Options]

Nov 22, 2005

I recently somehow misconfigured different actions for the [File Folders] file type under [File Types] in [Folder Options]. Now whenever I go to open a folder, it opens a new window for that folder, even though [Folder Options] is set to browse in one window. And I have tried EVERYTHING, and know the only possible solution is to set the paramaters for [File Types].

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