Too Many Programmes

Jan 13, 2009

my desk top takes ages to load, I have read somewhere that I may have to many programmes on start up, most of the time I just need to connect to the internet, is there any way to stop some programmes running on start up, and if so is it easy to still access the other programmes once I have done this if I need them, I have windows XP,

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Need Help For Add Remove Programmes

Sep 25, 2005

I went to control panel and to add remove and i double clicked it none of the programs appear it just says please wait while the list is being populated.
i can't get to delete anything now.

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Slow Programmes Home

Feb 28, 2005

When clicking icons to start or re-awakening programmes from the bottom tray they take a very long time to activate. Programmes from the bottom tray re-activate in stages. Shut down is taking a lot longer as well. SP2 is installed but it was like this before that was installed.

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ASPI Drivers - Get CD DVD Programmes Working

Aug 12, 2002

I have had some bad times trying to get CD/DVD programmes working with XP. This was down to the ASPI drivers which I have now downloaded and installed. PowerDVD, AudioCatalyst and a few others now work how they were meant to.Click Here to download the ASPI drivers from Adaptec

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Background Programmes Interfering System Restore Process

Aug 25, 2007

I have a 300gb (D)drive and an 80gb (C) drive. There have been a number of occasions in the recent past when due to virus infestation or software failure I have wanted to use the System Restore function. The system restore opens , I select my earlier date and the process commences but within a few seconds the progress bar shoots to the end, the PC shuts down and restarts and then I get a message that it has not been possible to restore to the selected date. It doesnt matter what date I select, I cannot restore my system. In the belief that all the background processes and programmes were interfering with the restore proces

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Programmes Running Under Services Tab In System Configuration Utility

Jul 5, 2008

I have windows xp home edition. I know the startup tab is all the programs that load when i turn my computer on. What are all the programs that are either stopped or running under the "services" tab? What would happen if I disabled them all? Do I need them? I am just trying to make my computer a bit faster and Between my startup tap and services every single box in startup is checked and my problem is I don't know what the abbreviations mean and I don't know if I can safefy turn them off.

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Norton Antivirus 2005 In Stalled -almost All Programmes Corrupted

Jan 12, 2005

Everything that I open is coruptted ALMOST everything, some programs will install correctly, but after a short few hours some of them will not even open, like when say I click on Dvd Shrink it just does nothing.
Ive Reinstalled the programs plenty of times NOTHING.
Half Life 2Norton Antivirus 2005 in stalled from 2 different cd roms that have been cleaned numerous times will not install says corupted cab files or various other files corupted

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