Temp - Internet File - Update Files

Sep 3, 2005

After applying some recent Microsoft security updates my temp internet files
are not being deleted when I close the browser despite that option being
selected in the advanced options. the same thing happened when I updated the
wife's laptop at the same time. I have tried uninstalling the most recent
updates but to no avail.

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Temporary Internet File - Temp File

Dec 15, 2008

I have been searching for some lost photos on my Toshiba satellite with windows 98. I ran a search and found the photos searching for *.jpg but the file it says they are in is the Temporary internet file and Temp folder. I know these folders save info from the web pages I've viewed so I'm trying to find out where those pics were viewed on. Does this make sense?

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Temporary Internet Files And Temp Folder

Jun 9, 2006

I have XP system. Can someone explain my temporay internet folder C:documents & settingspaullocal settings emporary internet files? I can clear all the files and then open My Yahoo or go to any internet site and the folder will then have maybe 100 files in it. If not cleared out in a couple days it can have 800 or more files in it. I do not do a lot of browsing but that folder baffles me. Is it supposed to do that or is wrong? I run anti virus & anti spam programs

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Cannot Change Temp Internet File Cache Size?

Jul 25, 2005

I can not change the size of the Internet Temp File cache. The slide bar moves, but the size of the file remains the same. No matter what size I select, 10, 15, or 20mb, the error message "Set size to 1 or 0" appears. If I set the size to 1, I get the same error msg. This is causing no end of problems with my e-mail. It takes upwards of 45 seconds to open each e-mail. And in most cases I can not go to any ref'ed URL mentioned in an e-mail.

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Delete History - Temp Internet Files FOLDERS

Jun 15, 2009

im trying to customize Windows XP Pro to my liking very strictly and for some reason i just cannot delete the History and Temporary Internet Files folder, i 100% do not want them there but if i try delete them it comes up with History is a Windows system folder and is required for Windows to run properly. It cannot be deleted.iv'e tried booting into Linux and deleting it off their but when i booted back into windows it replaced them again, i also logged in as the SYSTEM user and deleted them but to no avail. I seriously do not want them folders their, and to my knowledge they ARE NOT required for windows to run properly.

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Drive Encyption And Paging File/Temp Files Changed By Itself?

Jan 9, 2007

I am trialing drive encryption (TrueCrypt) and have created an encrypted D drive. I set my paging file to exist on the D drive so it is also encrypted and therefore safe and done the same with the temp directories.The problem is the screen goes all funny at boot time (splits into 4 sqiggly screens) and then comes up. It was unable to create the pagefile as there is not yet a d drive.

You have to use truecrypt to make the d drive by putting in the password, which makes sense since that's what keeps the data safe.The temp directories are used after the d drive becomes available but the pagefile.sys is not created or used that I can tell. This is a problem because either it means I have to keep the pagefile on the unencrypted C drive which is a security risk or I have to do without a pagefile entirely.

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Temp Folder / C:WINDOWS Temp File

Nov 26, 2007

can i delete C:WINDOWS temp file

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Temp Files Not In Temp Directory

Oct 6, 2006

Have Windows XP Home Ed (Serv Pack 2)

Have a number of "Temp" directories on the C root directory (Directory names such as: "Adobe Acrobat.temp" - "Console.temp" - "Display.temp" - "DLA Writing.temp" - "McAfee.temp" - "Intel chipset.temp").

Near as I can tell these directories were created when I installed these programs, but not completely sure.

I have learned the hard way that, "Not all temp directories can or should be deleted."

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Temp Files Not In Temp Directory

Aug 9, 2007

Have Windows XP Home Ed (Serv Pack 2)Have a number of "Temp" directories on the C root directory (Directory names such as: "Adobe Acrobat.temp" - "Console.temp" - "Display.temp" - "DLA Writing.temp" - "McAfee.temp" - "Intel chipset.temp").Near as I can tell these directories were created when I installed these programs, but not completely sure.I have learned the hard way that, "Not all temp directories can or should be deleted."Have no problem keeping these directories in the C root directory IF THEY ARE NEEDED. Otherwise want to keep HD clean, lean, mean

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Temp File Causing Errors / Removing File Permanently?

Oct 26, 2006

I have a laptop, and a file named 1.tmp has appeared (how or why I do not know) in my c/windows/system32 folder that throws up an error message window saying it cannot find the program to run the tmp file, and that appears on my screen every time I log on.So; I thought I could simply go into the sys32 folder and delete the 1.tmp file by putting it in the trash can, as it obviously does not belong there.BUT it will not let me, if I try I get an error message telling me I do not have access or the disc is full even when I use the administrator level so now I am completely at a loss and I do not understand.

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Cleaning Out Temp Files - Show Hidden Files - Folders

Aug 6, 2009

I was just wondering if it is a good idea to clean out the :WINDOWSTempC:Documents And Settings(Username)Local SettingsTemp foldersperiodically.I know i have to uncheck the show hidden files and folders, Do i select all in each folder afterwards and delete everything?

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Temporary Internet Files Folder - Index.dat File

Jul 9, 2005

I use Windows Explorer to access the subject folder to make sure Internet Explorer has deleted the cache and usually I could see one file in the Content. IE5 folder named index.dat. I've been doing this for years without any problems. A couple of weeks ago I went to do this and I was unable to see the folder structure below the Temporary Internet Files folder nor the index.dat file. But if I log on as another user I can see the Content.IE5 folder, file index.dat, and the randomly named subfolders beneath folder Content.IE5. I
checked the Windows Explorer properties to see if my view was being restricted but the settings appear to be the same for both user IDs.

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Temp Internet Page Size

Jan 9, 2007

Using WIN XP (Home) with all updates. After installing IE7 and running my RegCleaner I noticed an inordinary number of files being clean by my Cleanup pgm, How can I check page sizes of temp files and what is the optimumn size ?

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Don't Know Which Temp File To Delete?

May 4, 2006

Windows XP - very new beginner. Went through the whole process of finding all of the bad stuff. I am supposed to delete this, the temp folder. When I typed in the directions, (C:WINNT emp) what came up looks very different from what I saw at first. I did a search for Temp or temp folders to see if it was another one. I got a long list in each. What do I delete?

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Can't Delete Temp File

Mar 25, 2005

Has anyone seen this file before,~DFEE9A.tmp.I'm trying to delete it out of my temp folder, because when i try to save a picture it will only save it as a BMP file. I can delete it in save mode, but when restart it comes back. I checked my startup folder and reg. but i don't see anything different in it.

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Need To Keep The Temp Files?

Jun 24, 2005

In the Local Settings Folder there is a folder with Temporary Internet Files and Temp Files.I understand the Temporary Internet Files and know what to do with them.My question is do I need to keep the temp files?

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Temp File Corrupt And Not Accessible

Apr 29, 2010

my temp file is corrupt and is not accessible i cant install new program and etc.

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Unable To Delete A Temp File

Aug 24, 2008

I can't seem to delete this from my temp files. I have a Windows XP.

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Cannot Delete The Temp Files

Apr 16, 2008

When I clear my temp files and ck back to see if they are gone, they are still there. I know how to do it so why isn't it empty?

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Delete The Temp Files?

Sep 13, 2005

How do I delete temp files?

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Temp Files - Delete Them All

Aug 18, 2005

Any problem deleting all .TMP offf my windows XP setup? What are the risks?
How come Disk Cleanup doesn't get them all?

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Way To Delete Temp Files

Jul 8, 2010

I know there is a way to delete temp files but i forgot

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Get Rid Of Files In Temp Folder?

Jun 5, 2006

My browser files have are very confusing.My C:Documents and SettingsUSERNAMELocal Settings Temp has some junk, but some of it is active system files- which shouldn't be there.One folder in ''Temp'' is called ''Cookies''. Another folder in ''Temp'' is called ''History'' and contains ''History.IE5''. also ''temporary internet files''.There is also a ''History'' folder one level up (where it should be) that has no''History.ie5''. There is also a ''Cookies'' folder two levels up (where it should be). It seems to be an exact duplicate of the one in the ''Temp'' folder, I deleted all the other files in ''Cookies'', but they reappeared later.If I try to delete(in safe mode) everything in the Temp folder, I discover that they reappear after restart. how can i get rid of files from temp folder.and also how can i restore History folder which has no historyIE6 sub folder.same with temporary internet folder.

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Temp Files Folder In SP2

Oct 16, 2005

Windows XP SP2 temp files I would just like to know if I can safely delete ALL the temp files in this folder, if for no other reason than to free up some space, or maybe speed up things a little bit. A simple search under Windows Explorer(*.tmp )has some files show up as Windows emp, some as Windowssystem32, and some as Program Files PC MightyMax, but all of these are listed as tmp in the TYPE heading of Windows Explorer.In addition, I've never used the Hijack This program before but I will now to submit what I guess is a snapshot of my system...?? Perhaps someone could suggest adjustments, if any, as my system does run slow on many occasions. My specs are as follows: Windows XP SP2 Home Edition, IE6, McAfee Internet Security Suite 2005, 2.4ghz processor, 256MB RAM, 40GB hard drive (NTFS file system).

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Temp Folders And Files

Aug 30, 2005

Since receiving a curt 'wrap on the knuckles' for not doing my research properly into another annoying prob I had, I tend to hold back and read through as many similar posts as poss.I can see the ways to get rid of temp files etc but I do not understand what is happening in my partic. case.I have a home/self build (28 May 2005)comp. for flight sim usage in the main.The help I got is no longer there for me.In My Comp/Winxp(D/Temp there are currently 52 Files & 5 Folders using 4.93MB on disk.

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Many Temp Files - Optimizer

Nov 16, 2006

Need reassurance, I ran an optimizer (PC Pitstop) and one of the entries was that I have 373,445 temp files. Is it safe to delete these? Shoud I back up the registry first?

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Large TEMP File What Will Happen If I Delete It?

Aug 4, 2008

I have a TEMP folder on my hard drive that is over 12 Gb.in size. What is the purpose of this file and what will happen if I delete it.

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Create Batch File For Cleaning 2K Temp

Aug 26, 2005

I am trying to set up a batch file in win 2k that will delete all the files in the temp internet files folder, cookies, history, winnt temp folder and so on but I am having a problem, unlike the old system 98 and ME it doesn?t want to accept the paths to the directories.I have tried the following paths but no go.Mydocu~1defaul~!cookies*.

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Cant Delete All Of Web Client Publisher Temp File

May 11, 2006

Ok, this is the deal...I did the disk cleaner several times and it still wont delete the 40,764KB. I would be very happy if I only had 32KB but that is not my case.

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Want To Delete All Cookies And Temp Files

Feb 13, 2007

i would like to delete all cookies and temp files, i no how to delete everything. what i dont no is how to keep my login and password cookies that log me in automaticly can some tell what cookies i keep for this site to keep my login stuff.col.tia

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Accumulating Temp Files In My Emp Directory - Get Rid?

Jan 4, 2010

For some reason I am now accumulating temp files in my Windows emp directory at a rate of 2 EVERY 2 minutes. They are 0kb in size and consist of nothing if I open them in notepad. They are named along the lines of A401 or B01 and I don't know where they're coming from. I see no unknown processes in taskmanager and I have virus checked and adaware&spybot checked my system to no avail. I left my PC (which is standalone and not connected to the Internet) running overnight, doing nothing, and there were over a 1000 temp files the next day.

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