System Down - Missing System File

Jan 3, 2008

"Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: c:windowssystem32configsystem. You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the original CD-ROM. Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair." The problem is that I purchased my PC 6 years ago from a retailer fully loaded and I received NO discs with it. Since I don't have the original CD-ROM, can I burn the files onto another CD from a website? Does anyone know which files I need? My PC is an HP multi media center 873n running XP home.

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Config System File Missing Or Corrupted /system Wont Start OS?

Oct 14, 2007

The system can be restored by using the Startup CD and pressing R for recover, but I do not have any cd. The only one I have it the recover cd, but it is my understanding that if I use the recovery cd that I will erase everything from my computer and I can not do this.I tried to read the other threads about the same problem, but to be honest I do not understand them and I just do not have the startup cd - maybe it is the same as the recovery cd?

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System Wont Get To Startup / System File Missing Or Corrupted?

Dec 15, 2008

When I start the laptop, the first black screen loads, and then directly skips to an error message saying "Windows cannot start because the Windows/system32/ config/system file is either corrupt or missing." Then it prompts you to try to load Windows using the installation CD.which I do not have! Whoever's reading this, PLEASE please help me, the laptop's like, my life, and I haven't had the common sense to back up anything

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System Not Start Due To System Ced File Missing

Jan 14, 2006

I tried to start my computer and I suddenly received the following message:"Windows 2000 could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINNT/ SYSTEM32/CONFIG/SYSTEMced startup options for Windows, press F8." I'm not sure how to fix this problem. I have tried to press F8 --but nothing happens. I'm afraid a virus has destroyed the data on my hard drive.

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Unable To Start PC .. SYSTEM File Missing.../Windows Could Not Start Because The Following File Is Missing Or Corrupt:

Feb 4, 2005

So my sister gets hold of a computer in the house and ruins it, and here is the dilemma I am facing: I turn on the computer and right away i come to this message....
Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:
Attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the Original CD-ROM. Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair.
So I enter the cd rom and press 'r' for repair, I choose C:windows, however before it can begin to repair it asks me for an 'Administration Password' which I have no idea of after many attempts.
I do not want to have to format the pc since I have some very important files on it. Any help is appreciated.

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CD ROM System File Missing Or Corrupted

Sep 24, 2008

My CD ROM/DVD player recently stopped working on my Omitech computer. From My Computer - I can't see the drive anymore. In the device manager - it has a yellow exclamation mark on it. I tried updating the driver but the message was that the software was already the best match. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling but it says a file is missing or corrupt. I bought a new external CD ROM - but have the exact same problem with it. I went to Run and put in sfc /scannow and there were problems that maybe could be fixed - if only it could read the XP CD - then it could fix the CD ROM. But it can't read the CD because of the problem with the CD ROM. (a whole in my bucket story.) So - how can I fix the problem if it wants a CD to fix the problem but the CD ROM is not working to read the CD?

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Missing System File - SYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM

Mar 10, 2005

On startup this computer Windows (XP Pro) will not start because the file WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM is missing or corrupt. Is there a way to replace this file?

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Config/SYSTEM File Missing Or Corrupt?

Apr 8, 2007

I have encountered another problem!

Ok, so, my computer wouldn't boot up right? I had to repair the installation etc and activate Windows, which I did today. The just recently, I was in safe mode trying to fix the PC, and then it restarted, and now everytime I try to start it up, it says,

The file Windows...../config/SYSTEM is missing or corrupt and it says I have to repair Windows, using the disk.

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Boot Up - System File Is Corrupt Or Missing

Jan 2, 2005

When Windows XP boots up, an error message states that a system file is corrupt or missing. Which command scans Windows system files for missing or corrupt operating systems files and replaces them with the correct Microsoft versions?

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Corrupt Or Missing System File - Windowssys32configsystem

Jul 13, 2005

I have a 2.4 2 gig ram and a raid hard drive on my computer with 4 x 80g I'm not that raid literate and a friend helped me set it up but I know my way a bit with computers. The other night all of a sudden the computer froze up and when I tried to restart it I got this message

windowssys32configsystem with the corrupt or missing system file. First I tried getting my windows CD and using the "r" option to repair it but when I do that I get this message "Setup did not find any hard drives on this computer etc..." I was perplexed by this and went into my bios and under primary hardrive it detected nothing. I hit ctrl S for the raid utility and in the raid options it shows the 4 hard drives. I opened the case made sure everything was connected right and the 4 hard drives are hot still.

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System32/config/system.sav File Missing Or Corrupt?

Jul 6, 2008

My problem started when I booted my computer. Windows (XP Home Edition) started with the message that windows/system32/config/system.sav was missing or corrupt. It told me to use the recovery console to solve the problem. I saw with the recovery console that the system.sav file wasn't missing so it had to be corrupt (0 bytes in filesize).

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Wont Boot 32config System File Missing

Jul 31, 2009

Tried to boot my xp pro today and received the message windowssystem32configsystem file Missing.Pressed f8 key on start up but am unable to move the cursor to select anything. To top it all I dont have the windows boot disc as I bought pc second hand.

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Repair MFT - Missing SYSTEM File And Boot Stops?

May 7, 2007

I have tried FIXMBR, FIXBOOT and now trying to reinstall using the guide in another thread. I do not get the same R option when I get to the SETUP screen. It looks to me like it will fresh install XP and wipe everything. Originally I was getting missing SYSTEM file and boot stops. I found what I thought was the SYSTEM file and put it into the directory but it still will not boot. I just get another new error.

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System32 / Config / System File Missing Or Corrupt

Jan 27, 2008

Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: /windows/system32/config/system
It states that I can put in the originial setup CD-ROM and select 'r' to start repair but that doesn't help me. My laptop did not come with a windows cd as I bought it preloaded from BestBuy. So about 4 years ago when my computer was overcome with the Sasser worm, I reformatted and loaded a friend of mine's Win XP Pro cd on my laptop. I still have the CD but when I hit 'r' (Boot partition recovery) it does its little DOS thing and then gives me a Disk I/O Error. I am thinking that maybe it is trying to boot from a floppy drive and not my CD drive and thats why I am getting the I/O error?

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Restart System - Message NTLDR Missing File

Feb 26, 2005

I just now installed the KDE Cygwin (kde-cygwin)for Windows on my Win XP SP2 machine. However, upon restart I am now receiving the message "NTLDR Missing". I have tried following the instruction found on numerous forums and at but I continue to receive the same message every restart. This is what I have done so far: Restarted with the Win XP CD-ROM and went to the Recovery Console. Logged into my C: drive using the admin password. Copied "F:i386NTLDR" and "" to the root of my C drive. Ran "bootcfg /rebuild" and then "fixboot". After doing all of the above I restarted and am still met with the "NTLDR Missing" message. Again I booted back into the Recovery Console and checked to see what had been written into the boot.ini file using "bootcfg /list" and this is what I got:

[1] ""
OS Load Options:
OS Location: C:WINDOWS

Does this look right?? I tried typing the "fixmbr" command in and was met with the message, "This computer appears to have a non-standard or invalid master boot record." which was followed the threat that if I continued then I might lose all of the data on my drive, which is not an option for me. I am trying to avoid the need run a "repair installation" from the Win XP boot CD. That would require a lot of PITA work to update Windows back to SP2 and reinstall a bunch of other apps.

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Operating System Not Start Due To File Missing Or Corrupt

Nov 30, 2008

I have been searching for how to fix my son's computer which comes up with windows system32 config system - Windows could not start b/c the following file is missing or corrupt. He has a Dell and everything I've read seems to give warnings about doing recovery with a Dell. There was no OS CD with it.

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Missing Files - Autoexec.nt System File Not Suitable For Running Ms Dos

Dec 13, 2004

I'm getting a message: autoexec.nt the system file is not suitable for running ms-dos and microsoft windows applications.choose close to terminate the application. seems I'm missing these files:


I tried to recovery them off the recovery disk but they are not there either. is there someplace I can get these files? I went to microsoft.comsupport and tried to put them in through notepad like they said and it did'nt work, must be doing something wrong.

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COMPUTER REBOOT - Missing File WINDOWS/system32/config/SYSTEM

Jan 22, 2008

I have a IBM comnputer and I used my sisters reboot disks. She has a set of five disks to use.. they say IBM/Leveno ghost. When I tried to wipe my system clean and reboot, it said "the following file is missing or corrupt" /WINDOWS/system32/config/SYSTEM

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Paging File Too Small/missing:a Program System Guard 2008 Has Installed Itself?

Dec 18, 2008

a program called "System Guard 2008" has installed itself. It slowed down quite a bit and eventually crashed on me. Now it wont boot up all the way. I turn it on, it will get all the way to the Windows password screen, then once I enter my password and click on the green arrow, I get a warning message that my paginf file is either non existant or too small. Then once I click "OK" on that warning message, the screen blacks out, restarts the boot process, gets to the password screen, and that cycle just continues over and over. Ive tried to boot into safe mode, safe mode with command prompt, last known good configuration

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Getting Error Config System Is Missing Or Corrupt / System Wont Start?

Jun 10, 2008

My computer, a dell dimension 8400 with windows xp home edition, keeps coming up with an error saying:Windows XP could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32Configsystem.i ran boot utility and scanned the computer and the drives come up fine with the test(except the hard disk which popped up errors on a constant.)

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Getting Error Config System Missing Or Corrupt / System Wont Start?

Jun 8, 2006

i have windows xp pro installed on my pc along with linux mandrake 10.1 and one day while my dad was surfing the net the sreen turned blue and some type of error message came up and it said to do something if it happend again but i ignored it becuase i thought it wouldnt happen again so i restarted and when it came back on it went to a black sceen and i couldnt do anything but if i let it wait there it would come up with an error saying that windowssystem32config system was missing or corrupt

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Config System Is Missing Or Corrupt / System Wont Start?

May 10, 2010

I'm running a Dell XPS 600 with Windows XP Professional Media Center Edition. Well, OK, it's not really running.I used System Restore to return my PC to a point about six weeks ago when the system was more stable. The PC rebooted, and now it won't boot any more due to a missing/corrupt CONFIGSYSTEM file.It won't boot from either of my CD drives, either. I've used the boot Setup to alter the boot sequence but that doesn't help, the system just doesnt recognize those drives during boot. For this same reason, I've been unable to access the Recovery Console.

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Missing System32 Config System / System Wont Boot?

Aug 14, 2007

I have a laptop, a Dell latitude d610 that says:Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: windowssystem32configsystem I attempted to try the fix listed here: but when I went to copy using the command: copy c:windowssystem32configsystem c:window mpsystem.bak into the tmp directory I created it said: File could not be copied.

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System32 Config System Missing / Unable To Boot System?

Aug 4, 2010

So i booted my t400 ibm laptop and this error message popped up as stated in the message title.My harddrive is in achi mode and i was wondering if i switch the harddrive mode and do a repair with an xp cd, will i lose any files?

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System32 Config System Missing / System Unable To Start?

Jul 26, 2005

Windows XP could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM This is the error message i have. I have a copy of windows xp pro. i have no backup disk.

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Getting Error Message Config System File "corrupt Or Missing"?

Jan 17, 2005

All of a sudden I cannot boot up my Toshiba laptop (2.3mhz pent4, 512 RAM, Windows XP Home with SP2). I get the error message "Windows XP could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:C:windowssystem32configsystem".By hitting the F8 key when starting I can get the start menu and I've tried booting into safe mode and I've tried "boot using last known good configuration" - but still get the same error message.

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System Missing A File Named "perfmon.exe" At Every Startup?

Sep 6, 2005

Is perfmon.exe a critical system file?Or would the computer still be able to boot properly if the file has been removed from the system (including the registry entries - all of them regarding perfmon)Windows server 2003, had a virus attack, junior administrator deleted the virus "perfhmon.exe" from the system and all registry entries, but in doing so also deleted the legitimate "perfmon.exe" and its registy entries.I would like to know how i may be able to re-install the files and their corresponding registry entries

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All Profiles Stored By System Missing After System Restore?

Dec 5, 2008

This is a machine running on windows XP SP2 1200mz AMD.After restoring system to an earlier date, I am unable to run any program that requires a user profile. I believe that a .dll is currupted. I am not sure but I don't think that the registry is finding the wups2.dll file. I tried the regsvr32 command but could'nt get that to work. Outlook Express will ask for a user profile and password. This never happened before.

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Config System - Missing /corrupt / Unable To Use System?

Aug 23, 2007

I was on my computer when I was done I decided to actually turn it off which I never do I always leave it running. My computer was working completely fine I ran virus scans all that shizz, the next day I turn it on and it says:Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt windowssystem 32configsystem You can attempt to repair this file by starting windows setup using the original setup CD-Rom. Select "r" at the first screen to start repair.

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System Tray Is Missing Icons Until System Restore'

Sep 2, 2006

I am running Win XP Pro with SP2 (standard setup). The problem: A couple of the icons in the system tray don't show up on re-boot. Specifically, the 'safely remove hardware' icon, and a backup utility called 'second copy' that runs on startup. When I 'restore' to the exact same point, everything is fine. When I reboot, gone again. And when they are gone, I can't run the backup utility (it won't start). What is different about the restore utility that makes it work if I restore to the same exact point. This all started with I tried to uninstall and reinstall Norton Utilities (which seems to be working fine).

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System Restore Tab Missing From System

Aug 23, 2005

I turned off system restore to eliminate the current restore points. Now I can't start system restore because there is no longer a System Restore tab. I get the following errors in the System event log:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: SRService
Event Category: None
Event ID: 104
Date: 8/21/2005
Time: 20:45:23
User: N/A
Computer: D875PBZ.............

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