Service Pack Slowed Down The Syatem -cant Connect Internet
Feb 18, 2009
I recently had to format my father's pc due to rubbish and problems on it. Other than running slow, everything was working fine.
I formatted and re-installed windows xp professional and then began to add programs back on. When I came to plugging his router back in (plug in and go) it said the USB port wasn't supported. I have since found out I need 2.0 drivers installed.
I downloaded the drivers and it won't let me install them as I get the message "Please upgrade your system to Service Pack 1 or above and then run this setup program again" I have on disk already sp2 and sp3 but it wont let me install these either as it saying the system requires sp1 first.
I have windows xp and just downloaded service pack 2.Before this I ran with only 32 - 35 processes. After downloading I starting running 48 -51 processes and making my computer very slow.
I am about to download and install XP Service Pack 2. When I attempted to do this when SP2 first came out, my computer slowed almost to a standstill and I uninstalled it.
My friend just got the net however she cant use it because she needs SP2. shes on SP1 Shes using a wireless connection. she cant connect to the net to download SP2 then to SP3. so is there a way I can download it? then pass it to her via USB? Link to download?
I finally relented and installed service pack 2 recently and my computer has been EXTREMELY sluggish and has frozen up a few times. Currently, two LAN icons appear in the tray at the bottom, one with my DSL connection, the other saying there is no connection
If you have Internet Explorer 8 and Service Pack 3, can you get conflicts if both are installed? I have had lots of conflicts, like freezing up and slow loading. To fix it, I had to revert back to 7.
After I upgrade to SP2 and restart my system all my usual programs boot up,AIM,Windows Live Messenger,IE . They quickly close and the security box pops up tell me to unblock them, I then put all the programs i want on the Allow list. However it seems like all programs that use the internet will close as soon as they are open.I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling SP2 but it seems like I can only use programs that use the internet in SP1.
Should I turn off the Internet Firewall before Service Pack 2 is installed? After it is downloaded, then am I protected or do I have to go back and turn on Internet Firewall? Thanks! I don't quite understand what I should do about the Internet Firewall.
i went to windows update and updated to service pack 3 and internet explorer8. i am connected and can get on yahoo messenger but cannot open any web page says i have connection problems
Once I installed sp3, I could not get past the windows loading screen, so I started in safemode and uninstalled sp3 that way. My question is, does uninstalling sp3 remove sp2 as well. I can not see sp2 under add/remove programs, but my windows update history says I downloaded sp2 last May.
"Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage". Most likely causes:You are not connected to the Internet. The website is encountering problems. There might be a typing error in the address. What you can try: Diagnose Connection Problems "" I diagnosed Connection Problems and this came up:Windows cannot connect to the internet using HTTP port (80), HTTPS port (443), and FTP port (21). It suggests that my firewall is at fault.
I have had Windows XP on my computer for 3 years, during that time I have had no problems with updates. A couple of days ago updates were running when I got the following message box. Service pack 3 setup. Access denied1! Microsoft will now un-install the current updates. At this point I was in a hurry to leave and shut off my computer thinking that when I started up again, the updates would resume their activity.......
Every time I try to download SP2 computer restarts during the installation, specifically when its making backup files. I got this error signature after the computer rebooted I have a Widows XP Home edition.
If you go to Microsoft to download it it is old and it do't have all the updates. The Date Published is 08/10/2004.Is there any place to get the most updated version?
i have heard many good and bad things about teh new service pack and being a novice i am having a hard time trying to find a straight yes or no answer anywhere all im finding is very technical answers that i do not understand half of what people are saying
I have a retail version of Windows XP Pro without any service packs. Where can I download SP3? I looked at Microsoft's website but it is way to confusing. I think I downloaded SP3 but it said it was meant for IT professionals to be used on a network.
I have service pack 3 on my desktop pc with windows xp. is it possible to downgrade to service pack, my wireless usb adapter will work on it properly, This is what I was told to do by a tech at Linksys just now, although it worked fine last night, they know they have issues with service pack 3 on xp, and have not got a driver working yet for service pack So they told me to downgrade my pc to service pack 2 until they do have a good driver
I tried downloading service pack 2 and it messed up my computer and it takes a while to get onto it and the internet is slow. I can only use it in safe mode. Please tell me what to do, besides reboot the computer, for I have done that 2 times already.
I normally remove the updates/SPs from my Windows folder after a few days of running with the SP installed. All those packs can take up a ton of space. I move them to a separate folder for safe keeping for about a week, then, if all is well, I delete them. I don't think I've deleted the IE7 SP, but I don't know what the SP number is.
Is there any way to get a copy of service pack 1 OTHER than from Microsoft?....I bought my copy of XP Pro at a computer show and its license key is no I can't install the version from MS
Concerning windows XP i'm being promted with an update to install service pack 3 (SP3) i'm currently running on (SP2) i've researched on (SP3) but before installing the upgrade would just like to know from users already using (SP3) what their comments are.