SHFOLDER.dll And WSOCK32.dll Not Valid Windows Image
Sep 24, 2007
I keep getting the following message: The application or DLL E:WINDOWSsystem32SHFOLDER.dll is not a valid Windows image. Please check this against your installation diskette. I also keep getting the following message: The application or DLL E:WINDOWS system32WSOCK32.dll is not a valid Windows image. Please check this against your installation diskette.
So two days ago my computer suddenly decides that when I arrive back home it would want to start running like a win 95. Thus, I promted to shut it down. Once it arrived to the loading screen after the reboot nothing occurred. I then decided to wait... 30mins later it goes black and then the message arrives: "Winlogon.exe-Badimage The Application or DLL C:/Windows/System32/sfc.dll is not a valid windows image. Please check this against your installation disk settings." I have alot of stuff on my computer I need for work, is the only option to deleted everything and re add XP?
When right clicking my windows XP desktop and selecting properties I get the following error:"Rundll32.exe - bad image" The application or DLL C:windowssystem32 hemeui.dll is not a valid windows image. Please check this against your installation diskette."This error began occcuring after installing new video drivers for my 128 DDR ATI Radeon 9700 TX video card. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers, and returning to an older set of drivers. No luck. While in safe mode I get the same error.On a potentially related note, attempting to access system performance settings from system properties also gives the same error.Otherwise everything else on my system appears to be working perfectly fine.
The machine is a Dell Dimension 2350 wiith 512 ram, XP Home. The full error message is "The application or DLL C:Windowssystem32DNSAPI.dll not a valid Windows image. Please check this against your installation diskette." I ran a windows install and selected repair. This got the system booted up. I then loaded Avast A/V and removed many viruses. then I downloaded windows updates, after I installed SP 2 and the system reboots the error message above comes back and windows is stuck at a black screen. Is it possible to copy the DLL using repair console and if so where to find DNSAPI.dll?
I have a Dell 1100 Inspirion laptop & can't use it, an error states that I have a bad image & winsrv.dll is not valid. It also advised me to check my installation disk. I have Windows XP Home Edition. Can you help me boot my windows so I can try to fix the problem. All I have is a blue screen with the error messages everytime I tried to turn on my laptop.
I just installed an HP Deskjet 5740. I could not find the install disk, so I installed the drivers and software through the HP Support Website. Now I am receiving an error box that will NOT close. It reads the following: hpcmpmgr.exe - Bad Image. The application or DLL c:WINDOWSsystem32msxml4.dll is not a valid Windows image. Please check this against your installation diskette. I tried to run the HP software updates but that would not work.
I just recently had to get rid of a virus, and even though multiple virus check software says that I'm clean, I'm still having trouble in that I can't connect to the internet through dialup anymore. Looking through avasts log shows that kernel32.dll, winsock.dll, and wsock32.dll were all infected, so I believe that there is residual corruption on these files. Because I can't just replace kernel32.dll, I was wondering if there was a way I could fix both winsock.dll and winsock32.dll. I have my xp reinstall disk and was thinking maybe I could extract it from there, but have no idea how to do this.
I have just installed Windows XP SP3 in my computer. Everything is normal except when i browse a folder that has image files (at least .jpg). It makes thw windows explorer hangs (stop responding) and i have to end it then restart it with task manager.
I use Office 2000. I think the latest big patch windows sent out. This was the one dealing with the Metafile Vulnerablity. Whenever, i click on a microsoft word document I get Windows Fax and Image viewer. The only way i can get it to open in word is to use this route. Right click the file>click on open with<choose Microsoft Word. This is just really annoying and i believe its related to the patch
I am trying to create a full HD image of my Dell c800 Laptop using Drive Image 7 (circa 2003) to an USB HD. I have tried twice and received failures about my HD having bad sectors OR locked sectors. I ran check disc with repair and did not find any problems. Re-ran check disc from the boot disc that came with the application and found no problems with the disc. Tried again for a backup and received the same error. I am thinking it is one of the programs I have loaded has a locked sector or one of my processes that loads during boot is the problem?
working on a dell dimension 4600 with the product key reading "Windows XP Professional 1-2CPU" i am re-installing widows xp pro on there and its saying the product key is not valid.
I have a Dell 8400, XP Home Edition SP 2 that came pre-installed. I purchased a retail XP Pro SP2 upgrade. It won't install. I get the message: The pid is not valid for this version of Windows XP. Provide the pid that came with the Windows XP upgrade CD. I know its not from the Product Key I'm giving it being invalid, because when I intentionally type it in wrong, I get another kind of error message about a bad PID. Also, I purchased the retail from a large office supply chain. So, why can't I use a retail upgrade XP Pro on top of a OEM XP home?
I am trying to install windows and it says that certain files are "not vaid windows xp file image", or some nonsense like that. I click retry it will continue. I get to the actual windows installation screen and it comes up with some fatal error, its different every time.I am using a real genuine copy of xp sp2.
I downloaded it ran it and rebooted but I am still having the same issue. I am trying to install a program and still get This is not a valid win32 application. All the EXE Icons look like the old MS Dos Icon's. I am currently scanning the machine but am most of the way through and no viruses have been found.
This is my first post so I'm likely to appear stupid. I'm of average computer competence but love the things. Short story is this:I have an accounting program in which I have data files for each year of my business. These have been successfully backed up for years on CD and now JumpDrive, and stored on the desktop with a shortcut for easy access.I downloaded and installed SP2. Now when trying to open a file, I get the message C:XXXXXXXXX is not a valid Win32 application. It always was before so what changed?I cannot back up my current files because that is the name I've always used. The computer doesn't recognize the name as valid so I have no security. An ancillary problem is that years ago, my adorable husband somehow associated my old data file to be opened with MusicMatch. (We don't even discuss this.) I managed a workaround so that I got the files to open with their program application even though I could never change the icon from MusciMatch. No harm no foul. No longer. Post SP2, the danged thing went back to opening MusicMatch, ignoring my old workaround. Messing with it for hours got it to where I'm now getting the invalid file messagel.
I cannot access the C drive, get the above error message. Also, when doing a right click "OPEN" and "EXPLORE" are not written correcly, I can only see some weird characters. Could it be a virus?
This is Bhaskar and I am very new to this website, Can anyone help me with the following problem? I have XP Operating System, FAT32 file system and when ever I load my PC, it will scan the C drive and stops at this particular file called " pagefile.sys first allocation unit is not valid. The entry will be truncated.39 percent completed." and nothing happens later :-(
I'm trying to run Regedit. I type REGEDIT and I get an error message saying "Regedit is not a valid Win32 application"It runs msconfig and sfc /scannow but not regedit. It did before. The only thing I have done differently is install more ram today.
I have an accounting program in which I have data files for each year of my business. These have been successfully backed up for years on CD and now JumpDrive, and stored on the desktop with a shortcut for easy access. I downloaded and installed SP2. Now when trying to open a file, I get the message C:XXXXXXXXX is not a valid Win32 application. It always was before so what changed?I cannot back up my current files because that is the name I've always used. The computer doesn't recognize the name as valid so I have no security.
I have been installed by windows xp sp3 after intallation all program work after i have reboot a dialog box appear that says explorer exe is not a valid win32 application and some of program was like this and windows file protection always appear.
I have Windows XP on my machine and I downloaded Oracle 9.0.2 from Oracle website and when I unzip the files and click on Setup.exe, I get the message c:downloadsdisk1setup.exe is not a valid Win32 application. I did complete virusscan, rebooted the machine, tried to unzip the files into a different folder and everytime I am getting the same message.