Resources Overburdened By Background Processes

May 6, 2008

I keep getting the blue screen of death, I've got some RAM on order (and I have cleaned out the box and dedusted the heatsink on the cpu) but while I'm waiting for it I want to clean out the background processes. How do I do that? How do I know what is junk and what isn't?There are about 70-80 things going on in the background even before I activate any programs. The bulk of it is SYSTEM and HP-Administrator.

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Running Processes In The Background: Running Server In Background?

Jun 25, 2005

I'm running a server and i was wondering if/how i can run it as a background process, the console screen is really annoying when minimised to the taskbar.

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Many Processes Running: Removing Unwanted Processes?

Nov 15, 2007

Like 78! Where is the best place online to have someone go through and nuke the ones I don't need? todd (Windows XP)

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60 Processes Running At Startup: Removing The Processes?

Sep 30, 2008

At any one time I have approx 60 processes running, even after just booting up my computer. Although I am not a computer expert, this seems like too many to me. I was wondering if anyone could help me by telling me if this definitely is too many to run at once, and if there is some way I can post a list of the running processes and have someone with more knowledge help me get rid of some of them.

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Running Processes: Normal Number Of Processes?

Jul 4, 2006

Win Xp, Dell and cable connection When I do ctrl>alt>del, it shows 17 System processes running. Are all of these necessary? Also, some of the other running processes i recognize, i.e. firewall, IM, anti-virus, but some of them I don't have a clue what they are. Is there a list somewhere of what should/shouldn't be running necessarily?

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Running Processes: Identifying Useful Processes?

Oct 28, 2006

how I figure out:what some of the processes that are running on my machine whether they are necessary How I stop unnecessary processes running

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Running Processes: Over 50 Processes On Start Up?

Jun 27, 2008

I have counted over 50 processes on start up, how many should there be, and how do I identify what should'nt be there?

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Running Processes: Shutting Down Some Of The Processes?

Mar 27, 2005

Can someone please tell me how I can shut down some of the running processes in the background.

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Processes Running: Identifying Necessary Processes?

May 21, 2005

How many & what processes are necessary to start and run xp. Some maintanence programs that tell me how many running processes are there is around 20 to 30 processes. Which I think is slowing down the boot up of my laptop.

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Insufficient Resources - Free Up Resources

Dec 19, 2007

When I've been using my computer for a while and try to place it in 'Hibernate', I get a message that states the there are not enough resources. Is there a way to free up resources so it can go into hibernate

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Running Processes: Computer Running Very Slow / Removing Processes?

May 20, 2008

How can I tell which processes don't need to be running on my machine? I think that may be some of what is slowing down my comptuer.

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Background Button Gone: Wont Change Desktop Background?

Aug 24, 2008

the Background button is gone and i can't change it it is flat blue Help

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Three Processes Of The Same Name Running?

Aug 5, 2005

Checking in Windows Task Manager/Processes I have three entries for SVCHOST.EXE - all three under User Name are shown as SYSTEM Is this correct and if not, what should I do about them?

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PC Is Overdosing On Processes

Mar 21, 2010

I think my 16 year old son put my (old) computer in a state of shock with all the games, programs, media players etc. Now that he has his own (new) computer, I would appreciate if someone could help clean and optimize my machine.

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Two Processes Conflicting?

Jul 22, 2007

I've recently encountered an odd problem. I was using my PC one day and all of a sudden I realize of the programs and functions dont antivirus program disabled, no network, opening new windows when double clicking on a folder though I've set it to open in the same folder. Anyway, this is Microsoft's suppose to mess up every now and then. So I thought I'll reboot to solve this little situation. Rebooted and back into Windows, same problem exsists. I thought stuff it.....lets re-install!!!
First thing back into Windows, things were working fine again except no drivers for VGA and icons are HUGE!!
Continued to install Nvidia platform / VGA drivers.......and weird things started happening again.....
I noticed there are 2 ODD processes running after I install the drivers, they are ............. hsowxuq.exe & xvxmpsq.exe

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Svchost.exe Using 100% Of Cpu's Resources?

Mar 8, 2008

This has been going on for awhile. When I start my PC svchost.exe kicks in and uses all the cpu's so I can hardly get any programs to run. I have resorted to opening up the Task Manager and stopping the svchost.exe that is the culprit. Then everything runs fine. I know that the svchost.exe is most likely a Microsoft program (Windows Update and Windows Defender) that you need to run.

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Cpu Using 100% Of System Resources?

Aug 19, 2007

cpu using 100% of system resources how badly i tried i couldnt rectify this problem n i hell don even wats causing this.

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SVCHOST.EXE Using Up All Resources

May 23, 2006

There is a process called svchost.exe using up almost 100% of my resources and making the computer almost useless. What is causing this or how do I find out what is causing this problem? I am running Windows 2000 Pro.

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System Resources May Be Low

Jan 11, 2005

AcaCandy (or whoever) in another post you suggested my system resources may be low.So I searched TSG for info re: how to go about checking system resources.

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System Resources Box

Mar 11, 2005

I just recently upgraded to xp pro fromWindows ME. On windows me, when yu right click on my computer under properties, you can see how much resources the system is using. Where in XP PRO can I see how much resources my system is using. I believe i ran into it by accident but I don't remember where now.

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Xp Running Out Of Resources

Aug 16, 2007

running xp sp2 on a dell inspiron 9300, xp sometimes starts to lose resources, failing to open new applications, new explorer windows or lacking parts of guis in applications, such as explorer button bars or parts of menues. but if i then close an already open application to free some ressources and repeat the action that failed (e.g. opening a new explorer window) xp might be able to do it properly. i can repeat this a couple of times, until i'm down at only a minimal number of windows/apps and will have to reboot. after reboot, everything is normal again.

here's some more examples of strange things i've seen:

- explorer windows won't open at all, no error msg, system sometimes 'beeps'

- an explorer window might not display the buttons-area under the menu, but only a windows-logo in the center.

- an explorer window might display without the task area (blue area) that's usually on the left side

- whole applications won't start, sometimes giving error messages, sometimes not

there is no consistant error message that would identify which resource type the system is running out on. the system is constantly scanned for viruses, trojans, et. al. using symantec antivirus and hijackthis. there is more than enough memory (2gig) and taskman will display enough free memory when i encounter those situations. the system is used daily (sleep mode at night, no hibernation) and the problem might show up after 3 days or only after 3 weeks.i first suspected photoshop and dreamweaver to mess up something when running in parallel, because the problem always showed up shortly after those two apps had been run together. i stopped doing that, and found that it still happens, but it will just take longer.

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Looking For System Resources In XP

Jun 16, 2005

How do you view system resources in Windows XP? Windows Me had a resource meter. I can't find that in XP. The Help system did not offer any help. Doesn't Microsoft have a resource meter for XP? If so, where is it?

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Its Not Hosting Any Processes Svchost.exe

Aug 12, 2007

A couple days ago, seemingly on its own, an instance of svchost.exe started preventing me from browsing. Doesnt matter what browser, ive tried IE, IE 7, FireFox, Firefox 2.
I've tried downloading processexplorer, and ending each individual process running inside this problematic svchost.exe tree. Still doesnt let me browse. I get the good old "Cannot locate page" error in IE, and in Firefox, the progress bar down the bottom loads, and I just get a blank white page, even though it says 'done'. However, as soon as I end this particular svchost.exe process, everything works fine. Even though its not hosting any processes.

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Shutting Down Extra Processes

Jan 23, 2005

Ive heard of people shutting down the extra processes to help speed things up. How do you know what you do and dont need?

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Essential Processes To Keep Running In XP?

Aug 24, 2008

What process(es) are absolutely essential to leave running for computer to operate? And if the DAW software requires a process to run for use, will it "launch" that process upon starting the program?I have 45 processes running right now when I boot normally. I'm thinking of partitioning C: drive to be able to boot into "audio" mode where all but the most essential processes are stopped and therefore all resources are dedicated to DAW software. Never had to partition a drive before, I figure it's not all that hard.

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How To Reduce Running Processes?

Aug 31, 2005

on my PC cidamon.exe is running twice & many other programs which i am not aware are also running as shown in task manger.The count is 40 at the moment when the PC is just booted.Ideally speaking we do not need to plug & play all the time with device similary we are not doing many things for which windows is ready in default mode .Can we not reduce this payload on windows ?

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Way To Override Processes That Refuse To End

Dec 10, 2008

Need to shut down two processes long enough to delete their associated programs. Every time I end them, they reappear immediately. I've even tried end process tree.

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HJT Log - Removing Running Processes

Apr 10, 2005

I have windows xp home with all updates256 mb ramdell 8300cd burner doubles as my rombelow is my current hijackThis log and I'd like to speed upa bit by disableing some of the running processes. Can somebody take a look and let me know which ones I cancan without raising haveck? I don't use McAfee at all.. I use AVG for anti virus.

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How Many Processes Are Running On Your Computer?

Jul 21, 2010

I went through all the processes listed in my task manager and I show 70 running.I checked them all out and most are "system" processes like svchost.ext and things like spoolsv.exe, etc.but a lot are for programs that I need running in the background (my virus software, mouse, keyboard, smiley faces don't laugh! and stuff like that) not to mention the programs I'm working in at the moment.I'm just curious as to how that compares to other XP many processes do YOU have running right now? BTW, I have tons of memory so the all these processes never create slowdowns or other problems, so I'm not asking because I have an issue to resolve. This is simple a case of inquiring minds want to know!

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Network.exe Keeps Tying Up Resources

Jan 1, 2007

My computer has been really dragging. At some point I decided to do the ctrl-alt-del thing and noticed in the "processes" list that there was something called wmpnetwk.exe that was using up all of the processor. I wasn't sure what it was at first (thought maybe malware), but after checking out some search links I'm under the impression it is something related to media sharing with WMP11. I've had WMP installed for awhile and this just started recently. Severaly times I've ended the process, but as soon as I notice my computer dragging again, I check and I see the wmpnetwk.exe process running. How to I shut it down? I'm guessing it is required for some things, but can I put it temporarily on hold until I actually need it?

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Cust.exe Eating CPU Resources

Dec 31, 2004

My computer is running incredibly slow. I ran all the anti spyware I have and ran a cleanup and defrag. I went into the task manager and cust.exe is using 98 percent of the cpu. Has someone seen this before?

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