Way To Override Processes That Refuse To End

Dec 10, 2008

Need to shut down two processes long enough to delete their associated programs. Every time I end them, they reappear immediately. I've even tried end process tree.

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Many Processes Running: Removing Unwanted Processes?

Nov 15, 2007

Like 78! Where is the best place online to have someone go through and nuke the ones I don't need? todd (Windows XP)

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60 Processes Running At Startup: Removing The Processes?

Sep 30, 2008

At any one time I have approx 60 processes running, even after just booting up my computer. Although I am not a computer expert, this seems like too many to me. I was wondering if anyone could help me by telling me if this definitely is too many to run at once, and if there is some way I can post a list of the running processes and have someone with more knowledge help me get rid of some of them.

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Running Processes: Normal Number Of Processes?

Jul 4, 2006

Win Xp, Dell and cable connection When I do ctrl>alt>del, it shows 17 System processes running. Are all of these necessary? Also, some of the other running processes i recognize, i.e. firewall, IM, anti-virus, but some of them I don't have a clue what they are. Is there a list somewhere of what should/shouldn't be running necessarily?

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Override Any Homepage

Sep 4, 2003

I was playing around with IE one day and I found out that you can override any homepage setting in Internet Options. If you have spyware, or come accross it frequently, then this is a very good tweak for you. 1. Right-click on the IE icon on your desktop.
2. Select Properties3. Now in the "Target" box you will see "C:Program FilesInternet ExplorerIEXPLORE.EXE"  Now by adding the url of the site to the end of this it overrides any Homepage setting in internet options. ex: "C:Program FilesInternet xplorerIEXPLORE.EXE" www.sdgamerz.tk Editor's note: This works only with a custom shortcut to Internet Explorer not the default one that opens Internet Options when you choose "properties".

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Need To Somehow Override My Own Password

Nov 21, 2006

In a bout of insomnia, I changed my administrative password, I am the main user on the computer, THE ONLY ADMINISTRATOR but my daughter visits on the weekend, so I usually add a password.I have tried everything I can think of, the clue is of no help, I need to somehow override my own password, cause it is far away from my brain.Is there anyone who knows how to get into my account?

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Fax Wizard - Ms Fax Driver Override

Jul 20, 2005

running windows xp. purchased faz wizard(from multisource), downloaded software. continued to get error message regarding port problem. working with their support. seems to come down to ms fax wizard driver overrides new fax wizard driver. even went to dos prompt and removed ms fax driver and reinstalled software but still have ms fax driver overriding new driver. do i need to add a port? is it a driver problem? new to this, hope it makes sense.

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Override Software Trial Periods

Aug 28, 2005

How does software keep track of how many days you've been using it? Does it have something to do with the registry?Do you know of any ways to "reset" the software after the trial period has expired? I used to re-load my fresh OS using Norton Ghost then install the software again but it got tedious.

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Running Processes: Identifying Useful Processes?

Oct 28, 2006

how I figure out:what some of the processes that are running on my machine whether they are necessary How I stop unnecessary processes running

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Running Processes: Over 50 Processes On Start Up?

Jun 27, 2008

I have counted over 50 processes on start up, how many should there be, and how do I identify what should'nt be there?

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Running Processes: Shutting Down Some Of The Processes?

Mar 27, 2005

Can someone please tell me how I can shut down some of the running processes in the background.

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Processes Running: Identifying Necessary Processes?

May 21, 2005

How many & what processes are necessary to start and run xp. Some maintanence programs that tell me how many running processes are there is around 20 to 30 processes. Which I think is slowing down the boot up of my laptop.

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Administrator Rights Refuse To Run

Sep 9, 2005

I'd like to know how others deal with programs that require Administrator rights or they refuse to run. I'm currently running Windows 2000 Pro, but I'll be moving to XP and the issue is the same with either OS.I don't want my domain users to have Administrator rights because they install things like webshots and ITunes and other junk that could lead to spyware.How do others balance this.

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Running Processes: Computer Running Very Slow / Removing Processes?

May 20, 2008

How can I tell which processes don't need to be running on my machine? I think that may be some of what is slowing down my comptuer.

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Stubborn Files Refuse To Be Deleted

Jan 12, 2006

I have some old jpg files on my hard drive that refuse to be deleted. I am running Windows XP and NTFS. Is there some tool that I can use to force their deletion

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Some Things Refuse To Delete From Start Up?

Jun 19, 2006

with XP - Pro SR on HP media centre. using msconfig and going to start up list I delete MS Messenger & Real audio update ( I NEVER use these) they are the only items that keep coming back even after several reboots etc.

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Refuse Unminimize Open Any Exe File

Dec 24, 2006

I encountered a very strange problem recently about few weeks ago. Sometimes my laptop will refuse to un-mimimize or let me open any .exe files after being on it for few hours and it'll give me the error sound if I try to ctrl alt delete. Once I close some running programs, it'll go back to normal as if nothing happened. For example, I'm using Adobe Photoshop and I suddenly get a urge to check my email. I mimimize my photoshop, open up firefox and nothing happens. So I think "hmm that's weird" and try to alt + tab back into my photoshop and nothing will work until I close my virus scanner or a winrar file that's opened. I've already scanned my computer for viruses and spywares and there were no results.

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Refuse To Record / Recognised Illegal Discs

Dec 4, 2008

I purchased new blank Sony 700 MB CD RW's for a little more capacity. Windows & my Nero 8 both eventually refuse to record to the discs because they are recognizing them as "illegal discs". This error message must result from the size of the disc as I have no problems with 650 MB discs. I was able to record to one of the discs with another computer.This second computer is 64 bit XP VS my 32 bit. The burners are identical, and the Nero 7 used is nearly identical.I then erased the disc (with Nero 7) and tried it in the problem computer same issue.

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Missing Desktop Icons Refuse To Come Back

Nov 25, 2005

Ever since I installed XP SP2 my Trash Can Icon is missing and the network places icon was never ever there from when I installed XP (few days ago). I miss my icons! Why aren't they there and why do they refuse to come back?

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System Freeze Up And Refuse To Boot Since Doesn't Recognise All Major Changes?

May 29, 2008

I am thinking of buying an "upgrade kit", basically a much better mobo and processor, lots more ram, better sound and video card. It has No hard drive or DVD drives installed, those will come directly from my computer. I have XP installed. my question is, will it: Work great, since XP will detect the new hardware and everything is plug and play now Freeze up and refuse to boot since it doesn't recognise all the major changes

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When Does System Restore/ Refuse To Put Restore Point Down?

Feb 21, 2005

It's clear that System Restore does not simply put down a given Registry of a Restore Point instead of one in existence. Before this System Restore examines for compatibility the coming Registry and established programmed. Sometimes System Restore adjusts them, makes some corrections and informs user about this. But in a complicate situation System Restore cannot make corrections and refuses to put Restore Point down.Where can I read about:

1) What does System Restore control specifically?

2) In which situation specifically does System Restore refuse to put Restore Point down?

3) Is it possible to exclude these testings from System Restore?

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Three Processes Of The Same Name Running?

Aug 5, 2005

Checking in Windows Task Manager/Processes I have three entries for SVCHOST.EXE - all three under User Name are shown as SYSTEM Is this correct and if not, what should I do about them?

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PC Is Overdosing On Processes

Mar 21, 2010

I think my 16 year old son put my (old) computer in a state of shock with all the games, programs, media players etc. Now that he has his own (new) computer, I would appreciate if someone could help clean and optimize my machine.

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Two Processes Conflicting?

Jul 22, 2007

I've recently encountered an odd problem. I was using my PC one day and all of a sudden I realize of the programs and functions dont work...........eg. antivirus program disabled, no network, opening new windows when double clicking on a folder though I've set it to open in the same folder. Anyway, this is Microsoft Windows......it's suppose to mess up every now and then. So I thought I'll reboot to solve this little situation. Rebooted and back into Windows, same problem exsists. I thought stuff it.....lets re-install!!!
First thing back into Windows, things were working fine again except no drivers for VGA and icons are HUGE!!
Continued to install Nvidia platform / VGA drivers.......and weird things started happening again.....
I noticed there are 2 ODD processes running after I install the drivers, they are ............. hsowxuq.exe & xvxmpsq.exe

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Its Not Hosting Any Processes Svchost.exe

Aug 12, 2007

A couple days ago, seemingly on its own, an instance of svchost.exe started preventing me from browsing. Doesnt matter what browser, ive tried IE, IE 7, FireFox, Firefox 2.
I've tried downloading processexplorer, and ending each individual process running inside this problematic svchost.exe tree. Still doesnt let me browse. I get the good old "Cannot locate page" error in IE, and in Firefox, the progress bar down the bottom loads, and I just get a blank white page, even though it says 'done'. However, as soon as I end this particular svchost.exe process, everything works fine. Even though its not hosting any processes.

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Shutting Down Extra Processes

Jan 23, 2005

Ive heard of people shutting down the extra processes to help speed things up. How do you know what you do and dont need?

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Essential Processes To Keep Running In XP?

Aug 24, 2008

What process(es) are absolutely essential to leave running for computer to operate? And if the DAW software requires a process to run for use, will it "launch" that process upon starting the program?I have 45 processes running right now when I boot normally. I'm thinking of partitioning C: drive to be able to boot into "audio" mode where all but the most essential processes are stopped and therefore all resources are dedicated to DAW software. Never had to partition a drive before, I figure it's not all that hard.

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How To Reduce Running Processes?

Aug 31, 2005

on my PC cidamon.exe is running twice & many other programs which i am not aware are also running as shown in task manger.The count is 40 at the moment when the PC is just booted.Ideally speaking we do not need to plug & play all the time with device similary we are not doing many things for which windows is ready in default mode .Can we not reduce this payload on windows ?

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HJT Log - Removing Running Processes

Apr 10, 2005

I have windows xp home with all updates256 mb ramdell 8300cd burner doubles as my rombelow is my current hijackThis log and I'd like to speed upa bit by disableing some of the running processes. Can somebody take a look and let me know which ones I cancan without raising haveck? I don't use McAfee at all.. I use AVG for anti virus.

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How Many Processes Are Running On Your Computer?

Jul 21, 2010

I went through all the processes listed in my task manager and I show 70 running.I checked them all out and most are "system" processes like svchost.ext and things like spoolsv.exe, etc.but a lot are for programs that I need running in the background (my virus software, mouse, keyboard, smiley faces don't laugh! and stuff like that) not to mention the programs I'm working in at the moment.I'm just curious as to how that compares to other XP users.how many processes do YOU have running right now? BTW, I have tons of memory so the all these processes never create slowdowns or other problems, so I'm not asking because I have an issue to resolve. This is simple a case of inquiring minds want to know!

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Shutting Down Extra Processes Safely

Jul 5, 2005

I am getting lag in online games. I checked my running processes and it said that I have 43 running. How do I know which of these I can shut down for good safely? Does that number seem high? Or is that a normal amount?

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