I have gone into my recycle bin on many occasions, and there are never any files in there. At the bottom it also says "0" objects. As a novice, what have I setup wrong, and what can I do to remedy this?
I have a download accelerator called DAP. DAP has an option to send a file that you downloaded to the Recycle Bin. I used that today and then emptied the Recycle Bin. When I emptied it, the Recycle Bin icon stayed the same (it looked like the Recycle Bin was still full). When I opened the Recycle Bin, it was empty. But the "Empty Recycle Bin" button in the Recycle Bin box
It seems my recycle bin keeps saying I have 17 items, i keep emptying it but it always says the same thing. I open it up to look inside but there is nothing there. but it shows files in it every time.
I have not had a problem for a while regarding my desktop icons not refreshing, but have recently had my recycle bin display as the full icon when it has nothing in it? When I click refresh in the recycle bin menu,it remains "full"(I have even checked to see if its full by opening the "bin,but nothing shows up after opening it),and I was wondering if anyone familiar with this particular problem might have an easy solution?
On an XP PC, when I try to empty the RECYCLE BIN I get an error message: Cannot Delete dc2: Access is denied (If you click OK, you get the window again. Click OK the second time and it goes away)... and it fails to empty it. I can go into the BIN and do a CTRL A and hit delete and all is fine. A search for dc2 shows 6 instances on the PC and they are all know entities in various locations.
I'm trying to do some general hard-drive cleanup, and deleting temporary files and whatnot. Regardless of how I select any group of files from any directory, or even from the recycle bin, it simply opens the delete dialogue and says it's deleting, but nothing happens. It stays there interminably. Never finishes, never deletes any files. It doesn't hang , I can cancel and stop it, but nothing has happened in the interim. I'm stumped. I did search and follow the thread on an earlier post MSKB, but that didn't help.
Tried the cmd command you suggested for corrupt info file, 4 files still there. I've tryed crap cleaner, reg cleaner, spybot, restoring the registry, Still same result, Please help. At least now I have it where if I delete a file it will delete the ones I put in now but still leaves them 4, before it kept adding before I used all them methods and I got rid of my Norton SystemWorks as well as tryed NukeZilla
I deleted some files which I assumed would go to the Recycle Bin. When I later decided to remove them completely they were not there. Does the Recycle Bin empty automatically on Shutdown? I have not selected the "Delete Immediately" option. I have since checked the Recycle Bin whenever I have deleted files and they do appear in the Recycle Bin but are gone when I shutdown and reboot. I thought files were supposed to stay there until I emptied the Bin in case I want to restore them. Have I altered the settings in some way and can I change them back?
Not sure how this file got here. Probably from downloading crap on Limewire. I came across a file in one of my folders that i tried to delete, but nothing happened. Theres no error message at all. It just doesn't delete or do anything. When i try to rename it it does nothing. When i try to move it it does nothing. I'm stumped. Also, when you right-click the file, there is no properties option. I tried one of those move on boot programs to delete it, but when i drag the file into the deleter box, it says the file cannot be found. I think i may have caught a virus.
Recently my son sent home 3 CDs with photos from his travels in South America.2 work fine, the third one cannot be read on my PC, however I can see the photos on my DVD (not computer) player. DVD lists 110 jpg files, 2 photos seem damaged and the slideshow gets stuck on them, but I can restart the slideshow from good photos. he sent many disks up to now, I burn CDs for photo storage on regular basis,this is the first time I experienced this kind of problem .
When I try to right click on the disk to open it in Explorer my PC shows empty disk. I tried to open the disk from different applications like ACDSee 5, copy the disk using Roxio Easy CD creator to no avail
My daughter is running win XP professional on a desktop Gateway P4 (about 3 years old) and after successfully cleaning up incredible amounts of spam (Look2Me- horrible!), I found that her recycle bin shows no deleted files. It doesn't even show that they are being deleted, yet they disappear. Of course I have all the usual checked off in both the Recycle Bin Properties and in Win Explorer like 'view hidden files and folders'. It's also set to '10% max size', '1 setting for all drives', and 'show delete confirmation' (which it does not do). Also strange to me is that there is only a Global tab available in her recycle bin properties. I run XP Home on my desktop and laptop, and there are 2 other tabs for both C and D drives. She has no windows login set so there are no administrator rights set which would prohibit me from deleting. I've searched through article after article online and even downloaded a recycle bin fix (restorerecyclebin.reg) from a reputable site. I then attempted to do a manual fix to delete the recycle bin and let Windows replace the bad component (Info2 - whatever this is), which suggested using the command prompt (CMD) and typing in a series of directions, but when I type each line in and press 'enter', it doesn't recognize the direction (I'm not too sharp in the DOS area!).
Just deleted Norton System Works 2004, and installed Norton System Works 2005 Premier. Since that time my recycle bin shows full even though there is nothing in it. Went back to standard recycle bin from Norton Protected Recycle Bin with the same result.
alright, i got mad last time iw as here and swore i'd never comeback but well i'm desperate I have managed to somehow recycle my recycle bin. Can't find it in a search.
My system is set up with three harddrives and multiple partitions on each drive.I know that if I just delete a file, it's stored in the Recycle Bin and not actually deleted, even if I empty the bin.However, since the Recycle Bin is on the C: drive, if I delete a file from another drive's partition, and then I use Eraser on the Recycle Bin to overwrite the files inside, are the files still on the partition and the empty space on it now has to also be Erased?
All the entries on the "all programs"list show empty although the associated programs are still operative. Any clues as how to fix this? Useing XP Home SP3
The folder for My Documents appears to be empty. If I open it, it basically looks like a blank folder. If I open properties>general for it, it shows that it takes up 0 bytes in size/size on disk, and it has "0 Files, 0 folders".
How do I get my visited websites to remain. Twice in the last week, I've lost the recent websites I've visited. I have IE6 and when I click on the drop down for the address bar, the box is empty. People usually want to delete this, but I want to be able to keep it.No viruses or spyware.
i just bought a new laptop. an HP pavilion if it helps. and having copied over some music from my old desktop to the laptop i tried to move 5gigs of music from one folder on the laptop to another one for ease of sorting. i pressed ctrl x and then ctrl v. it was copied ok as i saw it all in the folder. i closed the folder and opened itunes to add the folder to the library. it seemed to not have any music in it.. so then i tried to reopen the folder i just created with the music that was very definately in it. but it is now empty and i get Access is denied.. the music has dissappeared and doesnt appear on any searches i run. i cant delete/open/move or do anything to the now empty folder.it just coes up with D:music is not accessable. access is denied.the odd thing is that i have another 10 folders all empty and undeletable in another bit of my laptop that i want to delete as they are blocking me copying in an addon for WoW.as you can guess im not exactly a genius at this stuff. and just trying to tidy up my pc has resulted in several hours frustration and lots of swearing.
I acquired an 80gb external HD from a freind. It is not clean it so I want compress a lot his files and folders and leave one to side for while till its safe to delete it all. I have permission to delete everything. But I am being a little cautious.The trouble is one of the directory is huge, about 20gb, with many subdirectories and folders. There many instances when whole list of folders are empty. There could be 100s or 1000s of these empty folders.Is there a freeware filemanager with a filter that I can use to isolate all the empty folders and delete them. And how would you use the filter. I would then be able to defrag the HD.
When I click on start - all programs, the list opens, but only three programs are there now. Set program access and defaults, Internet Explorer, and Windows media player. All other program links are gone. This is very recent, and the only thing that has changed recently is the XP service pack 2 downloaded and installed. I am currently running McAffee 2004
Just ran my Add/Remove Programs utility from the Control panel, and it said populating please wait. Half an hour later, the list still has nothing in it ! Windows XP Home Edition SP 2 How can I fix this?
When I go into the add remove programs from the control panel, the list never gets displayed. I get a 'Please wait while the list is populated...", but nothing happens after that. This is on a fresh install on a new PC, with only about 6 programs installed (Photoshop, Photomechanic, etc). Nothing out of the ordinary.
in my start menu My recent documents folder it always displays as empty Ive activated it following Start>Properties>Customize>Advanced> Checking the box under recent documents history...but files that open wont appear..
Also I went to the registry and did the following under and in the entry NoRecentDocs History put the value to 0 and it still would work. I don't think I have the Tweak UI program on my Machine, I did not see it in my control panel, still I removed a app. called Power Toys for win, having this still no effect on the situation
On one of my hard disks there is a folder that wont delete. When I try to delete it, it says: "Cannot delete FOLDERNAME: The directory is not empty." if I try and open the folder it says: "F:Folderfolder is not accessible. The file or dicectory is corrupted and unreadable." I have loads of stuff on the hard disk so I don't fancy reformatting it. No O/S is stored on it.
When I place the cursor on one of the folders in My Pictures it shows to be 90KB, but when I double click the folder appears to be empty. I get "no file selected"There are two other folders like it, all the rest are normal.What has happenned to my photos.
I ahve tried and tried to add sounds to my "empty trash can" and the new Quicken 2006. I have redone the individual programs for the sound I want and saved it and applied it. Everytime I go back the sounds are not there
Recently, my windows address book (Documents & Settings/User/Apps/Microsoft/Address Book) has stopped working on my Windows XP SP2 desktop. The *.wab file is in the proper place and is of the right size but when I open it using Outlook Express or simply by clicking on the file itself, it opens empty and, at the same time, creates a new file name in the Address Book folder which uses the first 6 letters of the actual file name. On this same computer, with another address book, this shortened file name does not appear and the address file opens properly. It only occurs with one particular address book file.
Assuming the *.wab file was corrupted, I copied in a backup file to replace the corrupted address book file. The backup was made at a time when the address book was working properly. Unfortunately, the backup file demonstrated the same behavior, opening empty and showing the shortened file name.I then copied the original address book and the backup copy to another computer and found they both opened empty and both created the 2nd file name. On that same computer, other address book files open properly.At this point, an address book file, from my backup, which was working fine at the time the backup was made now fails and does so on two different computers.Other address book files open normally on both computers.I am at a loss and do not know how to recover the contents of the original address file.
Audio went so I checked my device manager, ohboy it's EMPTY.I then check the services well no icon for that now so I use CMD, I can't get the services to DO anything.