Reboot Into Safe Mode From Command Line

Nov 29, 2007

Am I correct that there is a command line to reboot XP into safe mode?

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Cant Start After Checking Safe Mode Box In Run Command

Nov 29, 2009

I was trying to fix my brother's computer because I kept getting a website redirect and I know something's wrong with his computer. I ran Malwarebyte's, Ccleaner, and AVG and they didn't catch anything. I came here after googling and seeing some advice to another person with the redirect issue, and did the run: msconfig: checked the safemode box in the BOOT tab. So I restarted his computer (it's running XP) and kept trying to restart in safe mode but it kept taking me back to the screen that gives the option to start in safe mode or normal. No matter which mode I chose, it kept coming BACK to that screen so I finally just manually shut it down.

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Boot In Safe Mode With Command Prompt

May 30, 2010

When I try to boot my computer, it runs through the "Windows Loading" screen with the progress bar. Then it comes to a prompt screen informing me that Windows could not be loaded and it gives me options that I must choose from.1. Boot in Safe Mode
2. Boot in Safe Mode with Networking 3. Boot in Safe Mode with Command Prompt
-Boot with last known configuration that worked -Boot Windows Normally

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Lost Command Line -- Line With Site Addresses WinXP

Dec 28, 2006

Somehow the line that you put web sites -- after the http --has disappeared. I'm sure that there's a simple way to get it back but I'm new to WIN XP.

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Continuous Reboot - Not Even In Safe Mode

Sep 16, 2005

I am trying to help a friend with his computer and I love to learn stuff so this is still kind of fun... but it is getting old.When the computer is turned on we get the Window's splash page, then the compaq splash page, then a text screen with "Safe Mode, Safe Mode with Networking... etc" I have tried all the options, none of them work.I have used F10 to get into the system utilities to try to boot off the CD. I cannot find an option to make the CD boot first, only the option to enable of disable the different IDE devices. I have played with all those options and nothing works. I have even disconnected all the IDE devices except the CD drive and tried to get it to boot like that.

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Safe Mode Doesn't Reboot

Aug 6, 2008

I have a acer travelmate , xp professional.I found out I got a virus an Hacktool.root kit.I couldn't get any chance to delete this. So i try the last choise left : run a full scan with norton but in safe mode.Well i change the boot.ini and select the safe mode.Since then I've been able to boot my xp!all the time is starts to reeboot is coming out a select options rebboting which none of them is the right to start xp.Now Do you know any way for change the boot mode.

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Computer Won't Reboot & Dont Run In Safe Mode

Mar 17, 2007

I have been having problems with restarting my Windows XP home media center. I was trying to install a second monitor to my desktop and decided to disable my NVIDIA GEFORCE 7300LE and also think I changed the video/ monitor settings to auto somewhere in the device manager. Ever since I did that my computer won't reboot past the dell and windows logos. I have the dimension E510.

The thing is that this version of the xp didn't come with an installation disk for me to reboot the sequence so it keeps asking me for a diskette. I can't even go into safe mode only the f2 setup. PLEASE help me! I really don't want to lose my files.

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Reboot Loop / Can't Access Safe Mode

Aug 8, 2008

I had a problem with windows xp rebooting after everytime during the loading screen. I tried doing chkdsk /k with no use and then I tried to repair the installation. Now i can't finish the setup and can't access safe mode because it says. Windows XP setup can't run in safe mode.

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Computer Stuck In Reboot / No Safe Mode

Nov 9, 2007

I returned home the other day after shutting my computer down for the first time in a couple weeks. I turned it on it got to the Windows log on and shut down and constantly reboots over and over. I tried chkdsk /r I couldnt get /f to work by itself Last know configure didnt work I foolishly tried this LINK Then I read in another forum that it could be a bad driver. I do recall when I was able to get in safe mode an error for my printer came up so I want to get in safe mode and try to uninstall it. but now safe mode won't work and after doing that part in the link its says I have 2 O/s to choose from?

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Can't Reboot As Keyboard Not Functioning Even To Access Safe Mode

Nov 15, 2009

Have been trying to fix my dad's computer which has been having a series of Blue screen problems realated to BAD_POOL_CALLER. Followed advice on Microsoft site and invoked Driver Verifier Manager and used Standard settings.

system won't reboot at all. I can get into BIOS area but once it continues past that the wireless keyboard is disabled and therefore I can't select Safe Mode or Last working config mode. It continues into Windows XP and then crashes and reboots again.Ideally I need to be able to make the wireless keyboard work so I can get into Safe Mode,uninvoke the Driver Verifier somehow at the BIOS stage

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Command Line Interface - 'ipconig' Is Not Recognized Command

Jun 28, 2005

When I try to run command line utilities such as ipconfig, netstat etc.. on
the command line interface I get message such as like that:


'ipconig' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

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Avg / Adware Fail In Removing Virus - Error Reboot In Safe Mode

Aug 11, 2009

I'll try to remember, to the best of my ability, the sequence of events...Suffice it to say that I downloaded and tried to install something I shouldn't have. I Immediately tried to get out of the errors from AVG (free version) and stop the install. All seems good, then IE keeps opening to bogus ad sites. I realize I've got something. AVG and AdAware both fail in removing this Win32Trojan.tdss (I think AVG gave me this description). AVG tells me to reboot to remove it properly. Reboot throws me into "can't verify this installation of Windows". Boot in safe mode work, then I get the same error on reboot...even in safe mode.

I don't have the original Windows CD (separated from husband and software at the same time; cannot find any software now), but it's a Dell and it came with Windows XP Home (product key on box), but I installed XP Pro instead. Don't know what product key was used or how to get it.....

Error Code 0F00:0244
Error Code 0F00:1A44
Msg: Block 6442285....

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Blue Screen STOP: C0000218 Automatically Takes To The Startup Options To Reboot In Safe Mode?

Mar 18, 2006

When I start PC, it automatically takes me to the startup options part to reboot in safe mode, safe mode w/ networking, safemode w/ prompt, last known good config, & normal startup. Getting Stop c0000218 {Registry File Failure} The registry cannot load the hive (file) SystemRootSystem32Config

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Command Line For RDC

Aug 11, 2005

Does the "remote desktop client" have a command line option?

I run 2 RDC sessions from my WIN 2000 PC and I would liek to create 2 shortcuts which load the RDP settings with userand passwords.

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Dos Command Line

Jan 9, 2009

Just built up a new computer. Installed Windows XP Home SP3. Installed fine but couldn't get online. Found out I needed to install the drivers from the motherboard install disk. It installs the drivers but then it has to reboot to finish. When it reboots it goes to a command line promt to make a raid disk. Problem is that I don't have a floppy disk drive in the computer. (Come on, I didn't think ppl even used em anymore.) If I try to take the CD out and run windows, It gets to the XP load up screen then restarts. Unless I run it in safe mode. My question is this:Is there a command i can use in that prompt to save the Raid Disk info to another drive or port. Like a USB port or External Floppy Drive?

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Command Line List

Feb 11, 2005

An A-Z Index of the Windows NT/XP command line

ADDUSERS Add or list users to/from a CSV file

ARP Address Resolution Protocol

ASSOC Change file extension associations

ASSOCIAT One step file association

AT Schedule a command to run at a later time

ATTRIB Change file attributes

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Partition - Using Command Line?

Dec 11, 2006

I received a Fujitsu Amilo, 80GB notepad running WinXP.

I'm trying to partition the disc into 4v20GB drives. NOw I have tried to use the Windows Doc Management facility - it does not work! You know, when you right click on the Primary partion (there is one only partition shown - 79GB) but, previously with previous computers, when you right click, the sub-menu that appears has a 'make new partition' selection. With this computer, when I right click, that selection is greyed out and unavailable. Now I must explain that the suppliers of this computer did not supply the original Windows didk but rather what they call a 'Recovery disk' What I assume is that this 'Recovery' disk does not supply the partitioning facility.

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Command Line: PC Information?

Dec 18, 2007

Are there any command(s) that will output PC information?

PC name
MAC address
IP static (yes/no)
Amount of RAM
Processor Mhz

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Check IP From .exe Or Command Line?

Apr 25, 2008

i need to check my IP from a command line behind a router. I know there are several ways to gain your IP from online but in this situation it realy needs to be only from command line. anyone know any .exe's or commands that would allow this

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Can Connect Via Command Line

Oct 20, 2009

I have two Windows XP one Home, one Professional machines attempting to connect wirelessly to a vanilla Netgear access point. The XP Pro machine connects fine. The XP Home machine sees the Wi-Fi network, connects, accepts the password, and says it's connected -- but Web browsers and other Windows network apps will not connect to the Internet (they just hang for a long time before timing out).But If I open a command prompt, I can ping external sites and even use command-line ftp to connect to sites without a problem.I've gone over the network configuration of both machines and can't see any difference between the two. The Netgear access point doesn't have any kind of MAC address filtering turned on. Is there something I should be looking for that I'm missing? As an extra added strange data point I've tried to connect to the network via a Mac OS X machine and saw the same behavior as on the XP Home machine GUI-based programs won't connect, but command-line utilities will. Meanwhile, an Apple iPhone was able to connect and work perfectly.

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Way To See Permissions By Using Command Line

May 30, 2007

I have Fedora Core 6 and use KDE.Is there a way to see permissions by using the command line, so you can see the results of a "chmod" command? I know you can see permissions by right clicking the file in Konqueror.

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Help Writing Command Line

May 24, 2008

I'd like to send a command to a program installed on my XP machine. I already have the command: /cursor='no'but I'm not sure how to structure the complete command line to the appropriate program. Could someone give me an example of a command directed to a program installed in C:Program files?

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Command Line For PFX Certs

Sep 16, 2005

Is there a command line for installing pfx certificates with no user interaction? Websites or examples would help.

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Run Defrag From Command Line

Aug 12, 2002

Open a command window and type defrag /? to show a list of commands.Exampel:defrag c: /analyce will show how much your disk is fragmented.

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Syntax For Command Line With Spaces

Sep 7, 2005

I need help writing a command line.

I need to pass a filename as an argument to an executable file. The
filename may have a space in it, and the executable filename has a
space in it. For instance:

"Executable File.exe" "C:Argument File.mde"

But that doesn't work. What is the proper syntax?

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Compressing Files From The Command Line?

Jul 12, 2005

Is it possible to use Windows XP (Compressed (Zipped) Folders) from the command line, passing it the name of a file as a parameter.

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Use Command Line To Rename Many Files At Once?

Jun 8, 2005

I've got a very specific task in mind: I'm creating a CD full of mp3's which will play on my portable cd player. BUT: for it to 'see' the mp3s, all the file names have to be preceded by 3 digit track numbers, i.e. 001, 002, NOT 1, 2, or 01, 02.

Rather than re-label 'em all by hand, I'd like to use the rename utility. The only problem is that the rename utility doesn't 'add' the zeroes in front, it 'overlays' the zeroes over the existing label, so I get a bunch of files all numbered '00'.

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Command Line To Resolve Crc Problem

Sep 1, 2007

I need to work with xp copy to resolve a crc error with an Outlook Express file. Unfortunately when I type the following:

cd Documents and Settings I receive the following response:

Too many parameters - Documents

I cannot copy the file in question in Windows so I am using the Dos commands.

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Command Line Minimize All Window

Nov 5, 2008

I'm trying to find the command (to which I can create a shortcut) to minimize all windows (Windows Key + M) and restore all windows (Windows Key + Shift + M) in Windows XP.

I'm aware that there is a Show Desktop shortcut, but that's not what I'm after.

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Change Theme Wit Command Line?

Jul 14, 2005

Is there a way to change the theme with a commandline command?

Whenever I startup, I get a default from our server. I want to change
this without having to go to my display settings.

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Command-line Tools Are Not Recognized?

Sep 29, 2005

When I try to run ANY command-line tool at the Command Prompt I'm getting this error message :" 'Ipconfig /all' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."The old DOS-based commands are recognized, like: DIR, PATH, CD, CLS I can't find the reason of that.

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