Need To Lock Desktop Settings

May 1, 2006

I'm looking for an open source solution to lock the settings on XP systems. I work in a school and students are constantly changing desktops, themes and appearances. It is getting pretty old to go around and reset this settings. Due to working in a school we have a limited budget, zero, so it must be open source or freeware.

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Right Click On Desktop PC Will Lock Up

Jul 4, 2006

When I right click on my desktop my PC will lock up. I get the hourglass pointer and then I can't click on anything else. I have to manually shut the PC off and start it up again to run it.

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Remote Desktop Turns On Laptops Num Lock - Driving Me Buggy

Oct 21, 2005

Okay this is driving me nutso - I have checked the RD client on the PC side and there is nothing to turn this off anywhere...

I have a desktop which I always have Num Lock on as it has its own dedicated keypad. The problem is when I Remote Desktop into my laptop my laptop does not have the dedicated keypad the numbers on the keypad portion are actually 1/3rd of the letters on the keyboard (I.E I,O,P would be 7,8,9) when numlock is on. It's fine until I disconnect and I go home...

When I get home I start typing as I normally would but half the letters look like numbers because the Num Lock is still on from when I used Remote Desktop to connect in.

I know the obvoius solution is to turn off Numlock on my PC before I disconnect Remote Desktop from the Laptop but I really just want the Laptop to revert back to its original keyboard state once I disconnect...

Anyone know of a solution?

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Num Lock Or Caps Lock Resets Computer

Jul 8, 2005

Why should a computer reset sometimes when the Num Lock or Caps Lock key is pressed? I have tried turning Num Lock off in the Bios to see if that would help. But same thing happens The system is as follows Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition BIOS Version DateAmerican Megatrends Inc. 07.00T, 02/04/2001 Motherboard MSI745 Ultra Processor AMD Athlon 1200 (BUT SHOWS UP AS 900) Keyboard DescriptionStandard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natural PS/2 Keyboard.

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Settings For Active Desktop?

Jan 16, 2005

Where are the settings for active desktop? I need to turn mine off.

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Desktop Display Settings

Jun 24, 2006

while changing the background colour to my desktop from blue to black, i was told to "please wait" while it changed the colour. as i was waiting, the whole monitor except for the "please wait" box went black and white. you know, i actually kind of liked it. it wouldn't be bad to work in black and white from time to time for a change.

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Desktop Settings And Removing Shortcuts

Aug 1, 2005

I'm using WinXP Home SP2. A lot of my desktop shortcuts aren't represented
in C:Documents and Settingsusernamedesktop. Also, I set up a new user for
my grandson expecting to see a clean desktop with only a recycle bin. I got
five shortcut icons with nothing in C:D & Susernamedesktop, and I couldnot
move the icons to the recycle bin. Can somebody tell me what's going on?

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Lock My Account No Really LOCK

Apr 30, 2007

I am sure that everyone knows that you can lock your account in XP, blah, blah.But if I am doing something important, I don't want other administrators to be able to log me off!Is there a registry key/local poicy/other solution so that only I can unlock my account when I lock it?

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Desktop - Wallpaper Alignment - Stretch Settings

Feb 14, 2008

For some reason, my desktop/wallpaper isn't going all the way to the right margin. There is about a 1/2" area of just black at the far right side. I checked my settings and it's set to be "centered". I tried the "stretch" setting and that didn't work either. I haven't messed with any settings or recently installed any new software.

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Compaq Desktop PC / BIOS Settings Locked?

Dec 6, 2004

I made the huge mistake of deciding to wipe ME and re-load an operating system (XP) onto a Compaq destktop PC (800mhz).To cut a long story short, with the re-formatted hard drive installed (NTFS), upon trying to get the PC to boot from the CD ROM to install XP it will not go any further than telling me that it cannot detect an operating system. It doesn't want to let the bootable CD ROM take over, although you can hear the CD ROM spinning, as if trying initiate a boot-up. I have tried everything - trying different CD ROMs, different ribbon cables, unplugging other hardware etc etc, but it always stops at the aforementioned message. When I go into the BIOS to see if I can alter the settings to force the PC to only boot up from the CD ROM (and try other things), the command (F10) to make changes, or to save the changes and exit will not work. It is as if the feature has been locked to stop anyone altering the BIOS settings. I haven't come across this before.

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Do Not Have Desktop Screen Saver Appearance Settings

Dec 23, 2005

I have Windows XP Home Edition,I have Noticed that my tool bars are gray and in classic view.I go to startsettingscontrol paneldisplay and open it, the only option I have is Themes.I don't have desktop, screen saver, appearance, or settings. Anyone know why those options have disappeared. When I boot in safe mode I have most of those choices except screen saver and under appearance the only choice is classic. I went Start, Run and typed Services.msc Double-clicked the Themes service and it was already set at Automatic.

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Desktop - Apply Change To Theme Settings - Never Save

Dec 22, 2006

whenever I try to apply a change to my theme settings, the settings never save. I try to choose the Windows XP theme. When I apply it, it reverts back to the Modified Theme setting.

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C:Documents And Settings - User Local Settings Disappeared

Apr 1, 2006

I found images in Windows Picture and Fax viewer that I want to delete. I can delete them one-by-one, but that takes time. I went to Disk Cleanup up and deleted all Temp and Temp internet files, but the images are still there. I checked Properties of the images for the file names, went to Win Explorer, but only found C:Documents and Settingsuser, there was no subfolder for Local Settings and, obviously nothing after that. I did a Search in Explorer, including hidden files and folders, for the file names and the searches resulted in nothing. I am back to deleting one-by-one, but my concern is, Where did everything from Local Settings on go to. BTW, I also run Skybot, Adaware and Norton virus weekly

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Lost Settings, New User Made In Documents And Settings

Apr 29, 2010

When I started up it says Win.ini corrupt. Then it starts up as a new user losing track of Favorites and Start Menu and Desktop Icons, Display and Folder attributes. Under
Documents and Settings it has added Dave.U5R2D5 in addition to Dave which still has all the information. I tried switching the 2 Filenames to get back to what it used to be but gave an error message and didn't do it and started another new file.Is there some way to use the old Dave file?

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Loading Settings Saving Settings Startup

Sep 11, 2004

I'm having a major problem with XP Home Edition. When I start my computer, I get the Loading Settings screen, which automatically switches to the Saving Settings screen and then goes back to Loading Settings, Saving Settings, etc, etc, (the "Windows XP Startup" and "Windows XP Shutdown" sounds repeat themselves one right after the other). By the way, I have the XP tweak that skips the Welcome and log on screens at startup since I'm the only person that uses the computer. I've tried Debugging, Safe Mode with Command Prompt, Restore To Last Working Settings and a few others, but nothing is working. I ran Spybot just before shutting down the computer the last time it worked and got the "Congratulations! Your system contains no spyware" message. When I restarted the computer, I started having this problem. I also have Norton Anti Virus 2004 and did a Live Update (manually) a few hours before this started happening.

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Num Lock

Apr 25, 2008

I have Win XP. My Num lock wont turn off, and when I type words I dont get letters, just numbers.

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Possible To Put A Lock On Folder

Aug 5, 2008

Is it possible to put a lock on a folder so you have to enter password to access the contents? I tried using locker.bat but couldn't get it to work.

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Num Lock On At Boot

Jan 26, 2010

I work as a technician in a number of Primary Schools and I have been asked by some of the schools if there is a way to ensure that Number Lock is switched off on all machines before they log in. I have done a few searches on google but have no results that work.I have tried editing the registry however this only works AFTER they have logged in. Disabling Num Lock at boot in bios doesn't work as windows likes to override this setting.The reason i have been asked for this is that the schools have Laptops which the children use and when they are typing in their usernames they are obviously getting a mixture of numbers and letters in the username field.Does anyone have ANY ideas how i can disable the number lock at boot?

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Can Lock A Folder On PC?

Jan 8, 2006

My pc is used by all the family, other than having my own user password is there a way to have a password protected folder?

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Way To Lock Task Bar

Aug 29, 2005

Lock the taskbar at the bottom of the screen so that no one else can move it even if they take the tick off.

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Lock Up Freeze

Aug 31, 2006

I've recently started experiencing a frustrating problem with my XP system pc which I hope someone can help with.My pc will boot up fine to the normal desktop.I can start/run "some" programs without problems ie. Windows Explorer - Norton Utilities/Antivirus - Belarc Advisor - Ewido Easycleaner.Other programs such as - Internet Explorer - SisoftSandra - Aol - Windows XP system Restore - will "almost always" cause the pc to Lock/Freeze with no use of the mouse/keyboard or access to the Task Manager to close the program.The lock-up's appear to occur when I try to run Internet based programs such as AOL - IE but will also freeze with SisoftSandra & the XP Restore facility? Very occasionally I can start/run AOL - IE and all other programs without problems but these occurences are few and far between.

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PC Auto Lock Every Few Hours?

Jan 4, 2005

PC will auto lock every few hours. You must then unlock by pressing CTRL+ALT+DLT and then enter the Windows password. This PC is equiped with Windows XP and is part of a Network. The screen saver is not engaged.

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Unable To Lock System

Jan 8, 2007

Im having a Lenovo laptop with the Windows XP OS installed in it.Firstly, Im unable to lock the system i.e if I try Control + Alt + Delete, the cursor automatically goes to the top left corner & I get the small window for closing the screen.Secondly, the Omnipass tool of finger printing was also installed in the system.Now, since my brother had got it for me, He has his finger printing to be recognized.Now, if I want my finger to be recognised, howw do I do it so that I do not need to depend on him?

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Reformatting / Cannot Lock The Drive

Jun 15, 2005

I'm trying to reformat an XP SP1 computer, with just one hard drive, a CDburner and a floppy that doesn't work. Whenver I try format c: (from the C drive) I get this: Quote: Format cannot run because the volume is in use by another process.Format may run if this volume is dismounted first ALL OPENED HANDLES TO THIS VOLUME WOULD THEN BE INVALID.Would you like to force a dismount on this volume? (Y/N) y Cannot lock the drive. The volume is still in use.

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Nums Lock Not On By Default

Apr 30, 2008

I want the nums lock to be on at start up.I have turned it on in BIOS and when I shut down it is on. But when I boot back up it is off.What can I do to have it on by default?

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Lock-up And Reboot All The Time

Jan 1, 2009

Several strange things happened after a lock-up and reboot. Defrag and System Restore will not longer work. Norton Internet security advanced protection turns off. I have also had a problem receintly when starting up where a box opens that says "DWRCST tray icon encountered a problem and must shut down". Also, I am able to log onto my IPS and some websites will open as they should and when clicking on others, a page opens that says Internet Explorer cannot open this page. This also happens when I try to open this website, so I must use another computer to get here.

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Lock Down And Disable Most Features

Sep 17, 2005

i need to find a computer program so i can desable most fetures in widdows e.g task mrg or certan bits of the control panle and stuff like that Posted using the interface, at author's request Articles individually checked for conformance to usenet standards.

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Any Way To Keep Num Lock Permanently Active

Feb 7, 2006

I want a way to keep num lock active, even if I press the key. I use it for macros in one program, and different macros in another using the number pad in another.

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Turns On Number Lock

Jun 29, 2010

Despite setting the BIOS to turn off NUM lock, when XP boots it turns it back on. I haven't been able to find anywhere in XP to turn it off.

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Number Lock Defeated

Jan 1, 2007

I set up a new Dell Optiplex 620 lunchbox with XP SP2 Pro recently that has an issue I don't know how to resolve. I'd like the computer to start with the Number Lock engaged so I went into the BIOS and made sure that it was set to always be on. But when Windows takes over the startup procedure it shuts the Num Lock off. Why is Windows doing this and how to I fix it? Registry edit?

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Remove Pc Auto Lock

Sep 20, 2005

I realise my pc would auto lock itself after some time of non usage. I have already disable "on resume, password protect" option under screen saver tab of display properties. How can i solve this?

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