I just got the results from a Secunia scan which said that ,the installation of Sun Java JRE 1.5.x/5.x is insecure.the solution,new version can be downloaded from the Sun website,,,ok but I have Java 6.10 which is build 1.6,so what to do? I also have in add/remove programs ,Java Access Bridge ,,what is that,do I need it.
& also Java DB,what is that & do I need it? I can have Secunia ignore that Java but I take insecure warnings seriously & if I have programs or apps that I don't really need then I would like to free up the disk space. Oh,I use a screen magnifier/reader, Zoom Text, if that has anything to do with Java.
I had my hard drive replaced and a new install of everything. My concern is how do you find out what version of Java you have on the computer? I went to Add/Remove and it is not there. I remember seeing it somewhere but can't recall if its the old Add/Remove on the other drive or I just happened to run into it. I went into Windows, Java, and it told me nothing about the version. Has a bunch of zipped files and don't want to open anything that I don't know about. I have 3 folders, classes, trustlib, and packages. Nothing shows what version, if its even installed. I know you need the new update for it, if its not installed now, is it needed?
I need to uninstall an old java version which is not working correctly. I have jre 1.3.1_13 in the Add/Remove programs with 0.95MB (I think the normal version should have >15MB) however that is the only version that is recognized. All programs try to use that version and so none of them work. For example, a shortcut to a java program does not have the "Open" option when I right click the icon (the same shortcut has that option on the other computer where java works correctly). Also, on the java website, this shows that I have that version. The problem is, I also have installed version 5.0 update 6, but I can not uninstall the old version, because something is corrupted and the uninstall process freezes before it is removed.I have tried deleting all registry keys and values belonging to the old version and it still does not recognize version 5.0 and so I can not launch any java programs from my computer. If I download the 1.3.1 setup to try and re install, the setup process also freezes. However, I can install most programs with no problems, and I can uninstall all programs except java, from the Add/Remove panel without problems too. How can I completely uninstall this version? Or, even better, how can I uninstall ALL java versions to start from scratch with a clean install of one version only? Where can I see all the registry keys and values belonging to each java version? Or maybe there is an easier way to fix this.
In checking my ADD/REMOVE I noticed that I have both Java 6 updates #5 and #3. One is 136mb and the other 133mb. To save some memory is it alright to delete that older update?
I would like to update Java. I deleted Java 2 RunTime Env, SE v1.4. I delete Java(TM) 6 update 3 contained in ADD or Remove Programs, keep it or delete it? What Java do I keep as there still remains Java Control Panel in the Control Panel folder.
On my husband's computer windows xp SP2 I wanted to update Java to 6 version 1.7 so I tried to remove 6 version 15 but it wouldn't do anything. No error just wouldn't remove. So I removed it with windows installer cleanup utility. Then I downloaded the new version and it's not in add and remove programs. So I was going to remove it and re install it and I can't find it in the windows cleanup or in cc cleaner to remove it. I clicked on the coffee cup in the control panel and it says he has the newest version.
Today I wanted to install new version of Java Runtime Environment but I have Windows Installer error: http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/2...sinstaller.png Where is a problem ?
I have a friend that I am trying to help and I am stumped. Her sister downloaded a program and every since then she can't access pogo.com. It gives her the following error.applet(s) in this HTML page requires a version of java different from the one the browser is currently using in order to run the apple(s) in this HTML page, a new browser session is I had her click ok to start a new session and still a don't work. I check her java version and it is up to date. I then had her clear her temp file and cookies. Still won't work.
I have .NET Framework 1.1 installed (with 2 Hotfixes) and also .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 1 (including Hotfix). Secunia PSI tells me that my version 2.0.50727 is insecure. I have run microsoftupdate but no additional update comes up as being needed.Can I uninstall 2.0 and use just 1.1? Or should I uninstall 1.1, now that I have 2.0 installed, and ignore PSI? Or leave it as is? Do I even need .NET Framework at all?
Is it possible to track/trace down who accessed an insecure wi-fi connection using their computer or laptop? Say the MAC address of the wireless adaptor is spoofed, and the "Computer name" is not identifiable, is there any other way of tracking down someone who used an insecure wi-fi connection?
I can't install JAVA on my computer. I get error 1722 from java. I have followed everything on the page regarding how to get around this problem but with no success. The log says (in Swedish):tgrd: patchjre, plats: C:ProgramDelade filerJavaUpdateBase Imagesjre1.6.0.b105patch-jre1.6.0_03.b05patchjre.exe, kommando: -s "C:ProgramJavajre1.6.0_03" (tgrd=action, plats=place, Delade filer=shared files) I really need java! I have tried so many things now and I really hope someone out there can help me.
I'm struggeling to get an new "my own" version of XP installed to my old working laptop. My old working had anther XP installed, but I tried to remove it before installing my own. The problem is; while installing it comes with an error saying that the my version doesn't fit to the original version...how do I clean the laptop fully? I'm using a tool called fdisk, aefdisk, but probably not correct
I have bought in Hong Kong a Asus netbook, wrongly I was given one which hasnt been uploaded with the English support version.I cant read Chinese, so I cant get through to the stages of the Chinese windows xp menu to use the Asus xp support dvd version. But I need to know, at which stage I have to use the Asus xp support dvd version. Without being able to do so, I cant use my net book.Could anyone give me a foolproof stage by stage guide how to overcome this problem, without getting the netbook locking me out.
I recently replaced MSJVM with Sun Java. I want to ask if the Java Plug-in Control Panel 1.3.1_02 is supposed to be removed. In the Add/Remove programs
Probably a stupid question but it's bugging me. I just bought a new computer with xp mce 2005 installed. I noticed though that when I right click on my computer it says it's version 2002 service pack 2. Is that normal?
Does anyone know when the 64 bit version of XP will be coming out? I know there is a beta test version floating around, but I was wondering about an official release.
I installed the java 6 update 11 And when I sign into the program that is linked to it may computer restarts. Thought I had a virus so I completely reformatted drive and reinstalled windows(running xp home edition). When I uninstall the update the program works but is real slow.
I'm having a problem updating my java.I presently have j2se RTE 5.0.9 installed.I tried several times I get update version 10 with no luck.Everytime I went to the java site the 09 was listed.Now I see a new update to Java 6.0 and today is the 3rd try for that but when I click to download the site is always unavailable.With the exception of tuesdays Microsoft critical updates my system is up to date.
I've updated java on a new install of xp.before installing java 6 update 6 I uninstalled what ever java could be uninstalled from add/remove programs. I've just been in there now and I find that I have both java 6 update 6 plus java 6 update 4.
I uninstalled old JRE and tried to reinstall. It will download the installer but then it never starts. I have tried cleaning registry using ccleaner. I have tried downloading off line version but I get an errer about datacab1 may be corrupt. Any help would be appreciated.
I uninstalled Java a while back so I could install the latest version and now I can't even reinstall it. Says "Error applying transformations. Verify that the specified transform paths are valid."
I have been trying to install Java from Sun Microsystems and am constantly getting this message: "The installer cannot continue with the current internet connection settings" Is there a settingI even disabled my internet connections to install without any luck.
I got the upgrade from ME to XP this past weekend. The Java Plug-In from Sun Microsystems is required to be able to generate the mailing labels online. When I try to create a label I get that security bar up top. I do click on it and choose "Install Active X Control" but I keep getting the following error message, "The installer cannot proceed
XP Pro, SP2, After installing the latest Sun Java 5.4 (required to run several programs) I simply get a blank box where the app is supposed to be running. The same holds true when I attempt to open the Java Control Panel. It's blank. Java is enabled in Security Settings and allowed in my Program Access and Control Settings. Sun Java 1.3 works fine but several programs require the updated version. This is quite annoying and inconvenient. Any one having the same or similar problem? I've checked the KB, Also looked in Symantec KB (I have Norton Systemworks '05 and Internet Security '05), and checked for any conflicts with my Radeon 9600 pro vid card drivers. I've also looked for .Net conflicts. All updates are current for all products and drivers.
so i play diffrent game and the they need java it works but when im triyng to make games the java wont come out to open for exzample they come out as a notpass and lines on it .can anyone tell me what da problum is
I am using Windows XP. My computer won't let me view Java even though I have it enabled. Certain websites can't be viewed correctly, or it tells me I need to enable Java. I have Active Scripting enabled. I've tried uninstalling Java and reinstalling it again, but it doesn't work.