My laptop won't come out of hibernation. The only solution is to reboot. I sometimes loose info as a result.I have unchecked "enable hibernation support", but it still goes into hibernation.Will the computer stay on if I enable a screen saver?
Greetings. This subject has been well discussed but I haven't seen this particular problem. Hibernate has been working fine on my fairly state of the art PC (WinXP up-to-date, nothing changed, added or removed recently) for ages. Suddenly, on wakeup, it gets to desktop, icons and taskbar and bye bye, shuts down. Just once it has hung before the icons and taskbar phase.
My HP OfficeJet R40xi works just fine when I boot up or re-boot my desktop PC, but if I've shutdown to "hibernate" or "standby" I consistently get a "This document failed to print" error message. This problem started after I installed the SP-2 patch. I've double checked my parallel port settings in system BIOS and Device Manager and I've removed & reinstalled the driver but so far haven't found a solution.
I have configured the powermanagement of my Windows XP clients (XP Prof. SP1 and SP2). I have setup the computers to enter standby after 1 h and hibernate after 2 h. The clients successfully wake up on LAN traffic.I would like to monitor the standby, hibernate and wake up events in any kind of event log.
I run a 24/7 FTP server, but when I'm not around I like to put the pc into hibernation. Is there a way I can get XP Pro to wake up my pc when someone connects to my server?
I have a server at my house that i would like to be off during the night, anyways i want to know how i can put it into hibernation and wake it up at a certain time using scheduled tasks in windows
A Toshiba laptop, running XP Home, for about three months has been intermittently failing to wake up after stand by. At the time the failure occurs, I find the following two errors logged to Computer Management | System Tools | Event Viewer | System:
Source IPNATHLP Event 30005 User N/A Source IPNATHLP Event 30009 User N/A
Does anyone have a clue on where to look for the source of this error?
Windows XP Media center. The power button turned orange and will not restart by system. I have shut off the power bar and turned it back on. Pushed the power button and still have the orange light. The system will not even attempt to restart.
In windows 98 there was a place in scheduled tasks where you could check a box that said someting on the order of "wake the machine to perform this task". I am wanting set my HDDs to spin down when they aren't in use but I have tasks scheduled to run when I am not around. Will XP wake the machine and run Norton and Diskeeper? Yes, after running XP all this time I still don't know it like I should. I mean I learned 2 OS's before this and I figure by the time I figure this one out Longhorn will show up and start me over again.
System has always run well, until I noticed the CPU cooler fan had started to rattle. So I cleaned the heat sink fins, replaced the cooler fan, and fired her up. BUT after awhile, (usually 15-30 minutes), and after the screen saver has kicked in (5 min) the screen goes black, and the system will not respond. If I hit a key the HD light comes on, but that is about it. When I shut the system down, and try to reboot, I get absolutely nothing, no POST, nada. IF I let the system sit overnight, it will reboot the next morning. Checked in the BIOS hardware monitoring section, and CPU temp and speed never rise about 60 C, (shutdown is 110C). Checked Windows, and power scheme is set for nothing to shut down, ever (monitor, HD, etc), and it�s not set to hibernate. Problem did not occur until I opened the case and replace the CPU cooler fan.
All of a sudden without making any changes my computer won't wake up when I move the mouse. I restored the computer to before it happened but it didn't help. Anybody got any ideas as to what the problem might be.
The Laptop is in power saving mode: turn off monitor after 10 min,turn off hard disk after 10 min, system standby after 10 min. Hibernatedisabled. 'Allow modem to bring the cmputer out of standby ' option is checked.Nevertheless, when the modem receives a call it doesn't fully wakes up the laptop: the screen is blank. To fully wake up the computer after modem receives a call, I have to move the mouse or hit a button. It creates a problem when I dial into the laptop remotely and can't physically activate the screen by pushing a button or moving the mouse. The modem should remotely fully wake up the laptop when it receives the call
I am working on a friend's Dell Inspiron 2600 laptop. It went to sleep on me I guess. I have tried function F8 and nothing happens. Also tried the On/Off button nothing.
I have an issue with waking my computer up. I should be able to wake it up from standby with a mouse click. It says so in BIOS, and it works in Vista. It does not work, however, in XP.
I'm trying to find the settings called "ModemRingOn" and "PME Wake Up Event" both in bios but i can't find them.where they are? Like under what options in bios?
I entered my XP run PC into standby yesterday but as it would not resume later, I turned it off using the power button. Now it won't wake up again. I have been sitting in front of a blank screen for 3 hours. The monitor displays "no video signal", so I exchanged monitors but the other one stays blank too. The pc appears to be running but will not boot. I have entered Windows CD to restore but it won't even boot that.
I've installed my e-GeForce MX 4000 64mb video card and enabled dual-monitors i no longer have the standby option. When i go to start-turn off computer the standby option is shaded and i can't click it.
I have re-installed windows XP home using the OEM Key on my laptop. Prior to the re-install, it would allow me to put the computer onto hibernate or standby, now post re-install, I cannot put the machine into standy by.
Recently I installed a Linksys WMP54G wireless network adapter on my desktop (HP Pavilion a556x with Windows XP Home installed). My computer will not hibernate on its own. Settings in power options are correct (I think) and the hibernation is turned on. I looked in the properties settings on the wireless adapter and there is no power management tab.
Thinkpad T41, XP Pro Powermanagement is set to hibernate when I close the lid - Works great Used to open the lid, press the little power button and it would resume from hibernate just great. Lately it won't resume from hibernate. When I press the pwoer button the disk shows no activity and it just sits with a black screen. Typing keys or moving the mouse has no impact.However, wacking the computer seems to wake it up and then everything proceeds as normal. I would rather not have to wack it.
Whenever I hibernate my PC, it dumps memory to disk but then it restarts instead of powering down. But when I choose shutdown, it properly powers down.I have tried everything i know and searched a lot of web sites but i am still not able to solve this problem.Then I came across techsupportalert which recommended your web site. So I hope that you will be able to solve this problem.
I set my laptop, running XP, to "hibernate", which it does for the one time. When I reboot and, later, shutdown, the machine turns to "standby". Is there any way to savethe setting for hibernation constantly and not have it revert to "standby"? It's a nuisance having to set hibernate each time I want it to do this.
XP blue screen error, can?t hibernate, other warning msgs, possible memory leak: need help pls
I have been having intermittent problems as indicated by either: a) one time got blue screen error msg when tried to boot up (forgot details but i think fatal syst error) and next boot up ok, b) pc refusing to go into hibernate upon my command & instead goes into standby or b) again when manually try to hibernate, get msg "insufficient system resources exist to complete the API". My system (I will list info below) worked fine for years. All the problems started when I installed new scanner and its software, which included adobe acrobat.
what is the difference between stand by and hibernate? what do they do? what are there differences and are they of any use? will one of the reducue electricity usage??
I'm using WinXP Home. I don't turn off my machines but hibernate them instead. There's one machine that won't hibernate. I get the message "The device driver for the 'PCI Soft Data Fax Modem with SmartCP' device is preventing the machine from entering hibernation. Please close all applications and try again. If the problem persists, you may need to update this driver". I updated the driver. Still can't hibernate.
when i hibernate the system, it wont hibernate. instead it says 'preparing to hibernate' it just stays their with the message. i have scanned for viruses, spyware etc.. and still i cant hibernate, and also disabled and re-enabled hibernation feature and restarted the syste.
I just reinstalled windows and got it activated, as windows genuine, via windows, but for some reason hibernate and stand by still are not enabled, and i cant figure out why. its win xp pro/media center 2005
After reformatting the HD and reinstalling XP, I find that my Inspiron laptop doesn't have Stand By or Hibernate options. When I close the lid and re-open it it's nonresponsive on a black screen until I turn it off with the Power button. I thought HAL.DLL was missing -- I got that error message once -- but it's there in SYSTEM32 and the bootlog shows it installed as a driver. Is there another driver missing? (I can't decipher all those short file names.) Might it be the wrong HAL, a generic one supplied with the XP Re-Install CD? How do I find out?