Faster Boot Up: Hiving Different Heavy Programs?

Nov 9, 2006

Do you have any tricks I can do to help my system boot faster? I have windows XP with 1 gig memory. I Load zone alarm (free), AVG virus protection (free) on the right task bar, on the left is outlook express, firefox, ie7, and the desktop icon. I have the ms powertoys software,

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Faster Computer: Dual Processor And Heavy Ram?

Oct 6, 2006

I just downloaded the latest version of Nikons Capture NX photo program so now I need a much faster PC.Nikon program recommends "Pentinum 4 2Ghz or better"
What would be better?Dual processor? if so, which one? Video card? RAM 1GB is too slow....Maybe 2GB? 3GB? 4GB What else should I look for?

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Faster Way: Software To Boot My PC Faster?

Dec 11, 2005

My OS is Windows XP Service Pack 2 and my CPU is 3.2 gig, a memory of 1 gig ddr. I'm trying to look for a software to boot my PC faster. I've tried Microsoft Bootvis but didn't improve the the cold booting and rebooting. Anybody knows what's the best way to improve the performance of my machine.

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Faster Start Up Times And Faster Computer Speed?

Nov 17, 2006

What can I keep from starting up when I turn on my computer in order to make my computer faster starting up?

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Old PC Wont Boot Faster Than My New One?

Apr 14, 2007

Well i built a new PC a while ago, and i was about to sell my old one when my mother said she wanted to buy it from me (she offered to pay for it; I didn't ask her to buy it).SO anyway, tonight I wiped my old computer and put Windows XP Pro back on it. Well i was amazed at how much faster it boot into windows than my new PC. It does about 3-4 bar moves (the green bar moves front to back 3-4 times) and then bam, into the log in screen/ desktop.It takes my new PC about 8 bar passes to boot into windows.

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Getting My Xp To Boot Up Faster: Takes Long Time?

Sep 1, 2005

I have a Dell computer less than 2 years old a Dimension 4600 Pentium 4 3.2 ghz 120 hard drive before my computer use to boot up really fast but now it takes pretty long also I'm trying to remove all the junk I'm not using any more but I'm scared that if I remove something something else may mess up because sometime I see names that I don't remember my self downloading them

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Getting My Xp To Boot Up Faster: Takes Long Time?

Sep 1, 2005

I have a Dell computer less than 2 years old a Dimension 4600 Pentium 4 3.2 ghz 120 hard drive before my computer use to boot up really fast but now it takes pretty long also I'm trying to remove all the junk I'm not using any more but I'm scared that if I remove something something else may mess up because sometime I see names that I don't remember my self downloading them

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Tweaks To Make Boot Up And Shut Down Faster?

Sep 8, 2006

what kind of tweaks can on do on a PC to make it boot up and shut down faster?

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PC Optimization - Make It Faster Run Faster?

Aug 1, 2008

I just cleared the temp files, and removed some unnecessary programs that load up at bootup Is ther ea program or another way to get my computer up to speed?
I have a regular PC for work, and my programs are NOT memory hungry.. and i have 2 gigs of RAM on this

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Hangs Frequently Following Heavy Activity

May 29, 2006

Windows Xp on my machine hangs frequently following heavy activity like running a game or simply when running normal programs like media player. I have a dual boot system with 98 on an other drive. The same thing happens there too. I ran a surface scan using Scandisk on 98 to see if there are any bad sectors on the hard drive, but the results turned up no errors. This problem has been recurring for the past few days. I dont know if this is a hardware or software problem, so bear with me if I posted in the wrong section.

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Slow Startup: Having Lots Of Heavy Files?

Feb 7, 2006

Fairly new laptop - HP Pavilion - slow startup - not overly slow - would just like things to speed up. I do have a lot of large applications on here that I want to keep because I use them. Anyway - if someone don't care to look over my HJT file here it is and will take constructive critisim and suggestions for speeding this thing back up.

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Programs Reload Themselves And Start Up Again On Boot Up

Dec 8, 2005

I frequently use the MSconfig file to uncheck programs to keep them from starting up automatically at windows boot up. However, its not too long before the programs reload themselves and start up again on boot up. Im guessing that using these programs for some reason they load themselves up at startup. Most notably is the yahoo messenger and quicktime programs. I dont want them loading at start up but everytime i do use them, they put themselves back in the start up routine. Is there anyway to stop them from doing this?

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Delete Programs That Start During Boot Up?

Dec 5, 2007

I have reached that point where I have way to many programs that boot up when I start my PC. I have Windows XP and it takes a day and a half to boot up. Can anyone tell me how I can review all the programs that boot up and delete the ones that I don't want?

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2K Boot - Cannot Open Any Programs Including IE For Several

Nov 4, 2004

About a month ago, something strange began happening on my computer. After the desktop icons and the system tray icons have loaded (they havent been updated or changed for a long time), it's seems like some other process is being loaded or run which I cannot see. When this is happening, I cannot open any programs including IE for several - maybe up to 30 or even 60 - seconds while my computer does "something".

For the first couple of weeks, I could open IE after systray progs loaded, but as soon as opening IE something invisible would steal the focus of the IE window. This behavior then turned into it's current state a couple of weeks ago, which is that I can't open anything at all for quite some time after systray loads. If I try clicking on any programs to open them, then after my computer comes back from whatever it's doing, all the progs will open up for as many times as I clicked on them. I would like to clear this up for convienece sake but more importantly to make sure there's not something invasive going on with my computer.

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Removing Programs That Automatically Run When You Boot Up

May 26, 2007

I have an XP Pro and I know there is some place I can go to remove all of the darn icons in the lower right hand corner. All I need there is my fire wall and my antivirus. It takes so darn long for the computer to boot and wondering if this is part of the problem. If I just delete them are they still running in the background some where?

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Boot Without Number Of Programs Loading

May 24, 2007

I would like to boot without a number of programs loading. I understand it is possible, just don't know how to do it.

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Stop TSR Programs Starting On System Boot

Dec 14, 2009

Has anyone got an idea of how i can permanently stop TSR's (systems started processes) from starting on system boot? System is XP

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Making A Boot Disk With Specific Programs

Aug 25, 2009

Are there any guides here, or on the web someone might know of that shows you how to make an OS boot disk with specific programs ready to install?

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Possible To Make It Faster?

Aug 16, 2009

I just reinstalled xp and all the drivers for my comp and updated to sp3, so i was wondering if there is something i can get rid of or turn off that can make my system run faster because pc 2700 ram dont come cheap I have a compaq presario V2565, with an AMD Turion 64 1.8GHz, ATI Radeon Xpress 200M AGP, and 512Mb of ram.

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PC Should Be Faster Than Laptop

Jul 28, 2007

The specs on my desktop are better than those on my laptop. Why does my desktop not run like I feel like it should? Are there some simple ways for me to test it's performance and possibly locate the reason for it's sluggish behavior?

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Faster Dial Up: Like Onspeed In The UK?

Feb 19, 2005

I currently use a UK dial up connection with Connectfree to access the internet; generally without any problems. There now appear to be a number of "faster dial up" applications available (all at a cost of course) that claim to enhance speeds on average by a factor of X5. For example - Onspeed in the UK. Does anyone have any experience of any of these applications or know of any similar applications that are free. At the end of the day, I assume it is only a packet compression tool?

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Having Multiple Partitions Faster?

Jul 25, 2005

Does having multiple partitions on a hard drive speed up performance?

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How To Make My Start Up Faster?

Aug 31, 2007

How To Make My Start Up Faster and Shut Down it seems it takes forever to start up and turning it off

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Would Make My Games Run Faster?

Mar 18, 2007

I had a random thought. and I can't find much information on the idea. What happens if I make my XP partition 40 gigs so I had room for programs, but then, for something like Oblivion, Id partition 8-10 gigs strictly for the game. Then Sims 2 id do like, 10 gigs strictly for sims 2. So...would that make the games run faster cause theres only a small area to search, or, is it a waste of time?

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Low Memory / How To Make It Run Bit Faster?

Oct 1, 2006

Seems like this would be a common question, but I didn't find it anywhere. Feel free to refer me to an appropriate post if there is one.My old laptop bit the dust, and I've got a loaner. It's very low on memory and everything is just really slow. The obvious solution is to add more memory but I won't be able to do that for awhile. In the meantime, is there anything I can do to increase this computer's performance? I searched online and found a lot of hype about disabling services, but upon further research it seems like that won't actually help, with the possible exception of turning off Themes or indexing.I don't run anything fancy on this computer, mostly Firefox, Thunderbird, that sort of thing. It's an Hp Pavillion ze5600 running Windows XP.Keep in mind that I know more about computers than the average office worker, but only slightly. I appreciate any suggestions you have. I have done things like disk cleanup, defrag, virus and spyware scans, and getting unnecessary programs out of the startup, but that is about the extent of my knowledge.

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USB 2 Still Slow - Transfer Faster

Sep 29, 2005

I realise you've already seen a few queries on this, but I can't find
an answer to my particular problem.I just bought a USB 2.0 PCI card and installed it. But I'm not getting any difference in transfer speed when downloading mp3 files to my mp3 player. My mp3 player used to provide a pop up message when I
connected it to my PC saying that it could transfer faster, but it no
longer does that despite my transfer rates still being the same.I've checked the device manager, and I do get something appearing stating I have a "Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller" so I'm assuming that I do have the USB 2 installed.

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Is IDE Hard Disk Faster Than USB?

Jun 21, 2005

I have a 10,000 RPM HDD attached to my computer by using USB port. Do I loose any HDD speed? Is IDE HDD faster than USB HDDs?

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Unable To Make Pc Faster?

Dec 9, 2005

when i click on my Desktop Icons or on Start and one of the programs in there, it takes about 15 seconds for it to go, can i make this faster?

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Faster Dial-up Download?

Feb 15, 2005

I've tried tiscali and tesco IPS (currently tesco), with both IE and firefox. Modem is 56K yet downloads are between 5-6K. I've looked at the 'about;config' for firefox yet that seems to be for broadband users only.

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Making My Computer Run Faster

Sep 25, 2008

I have an old computer that's running windows xp, and I want to know what I can delete from my add remove to make things run faster. I use disk cleanup and defrag often, as well as a free registry cleaner every now and again (which seems to pick up the same problems every time, i think mostly because error files are with programs that came preinstalled on my computer that are long gone, if anyone knows how to get rid of those let me know). I'm running on only 512 mb of memory. How do I view other specs? I can also provide a list of the things in add remove if you like so you guys can tell me what's unnessesary.

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Faster Browsing With Dial-up Connection?

Aug 16, 2005

Is there a way to set my computer up to browse the internet with greater speed?I know, I should get cable right?

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