I performed Disk Cleanup several times to delete all the files in, "Compress Old Files," however, it continues to show 1 KB. I don't know the identification and location of the sticking file.This just occurred recently as Disk Cleanup has always deleted the unwanted files before.How do I delete it manually and where can I find it? Why won't Disk Cleanup delete it? Is it fixable?HP Laptop Windows XP Home Edition.
Wow, this is kind of odd I ran disk cleanup and noticed that the size of the temporary files it wants to delete totals about 56 GBs, which is pretty much everything on my HD.It did this once before, only it just deleted Windows, which is pretty ironic.I've tried running chkdsk with the r parameter, and it found nothing, so I'm not sure exactly what to do with a Windows-specific issue like this, especially seeing as I have no restore points other than the latest one, which was just before I found this all out. Reformatting is NOT an option.
When I run Disk Cleanup, it says it is scanning the disk, and I hear disk working noises, but in just a couple of seconds it presents me with its list of proposed files to delete.It *never* offers to compress old files, though I certainly have files that qualify. Just to test it, I clicked on the Options button and changed the default "age" of files to compress to 7 days instead of 50. Disk Cleanup *still* didn't find any to offer me.
I use "C:WINDOWSsystem32cleanmgr.exe sagerun: 1" in Windows Task Scheduler to run Disk Clean at 12.01 am every night. What syntax should I use to clean the other disks sequentially?
I've got a moderate amount of mp3 albums on my c drive and alot of the time i might download more and just place them on my desktop, anyway i tried to download a good pc game to install and play and i got a pop up saying OUT OF DISKSPACE!! then it asked me to free disk space so iam like how can all the space just be up all of a sudden? what can i do to get more disk space its very annoying.
I have my defrag fixed for the Volume Shadow Copy, but now my disk cleanup won't work. It starts then it stops. Any Solution? I really don't want to do a PC reinstall that Dell advised before I got my answer from this forum on fixing the volume shadow copy problem.
I am having a problem with cleaning my C drive. I tried last night about 2 am to use the Accesories/System Tools/Disk Cleanup and this morning at 10 am it has done NOTHING. It's like it's stuck on stupid or something. I had to go in and manually delete some files, but I am afraid to go to far with that.
Cleanmgr.exe is designed to clear unnecessary files from your computer's hard disk. You can use command-line options to specify that Cleanmgr.exe cleans up certain files. You can then schedule the task to run at a specific time by using the Scheduled Tasks tool.To start the Disk Cleanup tool, either run the Cleanmgr.exe command, or click Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click Disk Cleanup. Disk Cleanup supports the following command-line options: /d driveletter: - This option specifies the drive that you want Disk Cleanup to clean. /sageset: n - This option displays the Disk Cleanup Settings dialog box and also creates a registry key to store the settings that you select. The n value, which is stored in the registry, allows you to specify tasks for Disk Cleanup to run. The n value can be any integer value from 0 to 65535. To have all of the options available when you use the /sageset option, you might need to specify the drive where Windows is installed. /sagerun: n - This option runs the specified tasks that are assigned to the n value if you use the sageset option.For example, in Scheduled Tasks, you could run the following command after you run the cleanmgr /sageset:11 command: cleanmgr /sagerun:11This command runs Disk Cleanup and includes the options that you specified with the cleanmgr /sageset:11 command.
My daughters Disk Cleanup Utility was hanging when compressing old files. Microsoft has posted an easy fix but the end result is that Disk Cleanup no longer works at all. Has anyone experienced this problem?
When I try to run Disk Cleanup, the message comes up, "Disk Cleanup is calculating how much space." but the progress bar is frozen at about 10% and nothing happens.How do I unfreeze it so the utility will run?
When using the Disk Cleanup, if you never want to "Compress Old Files" (which is often annoying and takes a long time) follow this tip: Locate and then click the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerVolumeCachesCompress Old FilesOn the Edit menu, click Export, in case you change your mind.On the Edit menu again now click Delete. Thanks to Microsoft for this tip:http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;812930
Windows system32/hal.dll missing,today i help sister run some virus scan and clean up her notebook,then i run disk cheanup and it deleted all system files.and i click restart,and i saw this word "Windows system32/hal.dll missing".
Using Windows XP Pro. When disk clean-up block appears (not always)the compress files goes on forever. The process doesn't proceed to temp internet files, recycle bin etc.
Have WinXP SP3. When I use Disk Cleanup feature, I cannot remove 'compress old files', even though it is checked. Should they be removed? Any harm in removing them? If not, how do I do it?
How to make disk cleanup work properly? It used to work. Now afte you selected/checked what you want to clean up, such as recycle bin and temporary internet files, then it only goes to four or five bars and never completes. Does anyone out there have an answer to this problem without causing a virus from downloading something to fix the problem?
I am planning to download and install Office service pack 3 and Windows service pack 2. It was recommended, that before I do, to resolve any computer issues. So I ran virus, spyware, and adware programs. Then, I decided to use the desk cleanup program. After ten mins... there is still only 3 green "chiclets". "Disk Cleanup is calculating how much space you will be able to free on (C. This may take a few minutes to complete. Calculating... Scanning: Compress old files".
I opened Disk Cleanup and chose More Options. I clicked on Windows Components and decided that everything on the list was just fine. I clicked Next and I guess I should have clicked Cancel. The box said it was deleting files, etc and I wondered why, when I hadn't checked anything and all the boxes were unchecked. Anyway, I then went to System Restore and created a restore point so I could do the cleaning up of my System Restore. I am so mad at myself because I know I should've created a system restore point prior to doing any of the Disk cleanup!!! When I had finished cleaning up with Disk Cleanup, I tried to copy some info from a newsletter, only to find out that my WordPad program was not available!!!! Where could I have lost this program, in Disk Cleanup???? I need help to find out how to get my Wordpad program back, since I can't use system restore.
I know it was here at my last login, but Disk Cleanup is no longer listed in Programs>>Accessories>>System Tools, and the shortcut that I had placed on my Desktop is gone as well. This is the second PC on my in-home network, running XP Home edition, that this has happened to within the last 9 months - I have Norton Internet Security (all current and up to date) on all three boxes - anybody know what 's going on?
Janet has a "Time" Notebook which has developed an odd effect when scrolling ( pages, or lines). Instead of the page or line moving downwards smoothly, it ripples.this happens whether she uses the built-in mouse or one plugged into a port.It's a PS2, if that is of any use.She has a new optical mouse and XP found the software for it but the rippling happens with the new mouse as well.Any ideas would be most gratefully received.The Notebook isn't here with me.We've run Spybot, Disk Cleanup, Defragmenter, and a scan when the computer is switched on. She uses Zone Alarm and AVG Antivirus.I downloaded XTeq Setup and set the number of lines to scroll (3) but the same thing happens.
Windows XP: I did a Disk Cleanup and accidentally chose compress old files. My computer is now slowing down. Is there any way I can find these compressed files and un-compress them permanently?
Whenever I do a "disk cleanup" on my hard drive, it shows a whole bunch of categories which can be cleaned up.When I do, there's one category ("Web Client/Publisher Temporary Files" )which always shows 32KB before AND after the clean-up.Could that be associated woth FrontPage 2003, and if so, where are these 32 KB hiding? (Which files[s] I mean?) How come "Disk Cleanup" does not delete these files, even though it tells me that "these files can be deleted safely"?Can I delete them manually?
I went to go do my normal clean up on my computer and it says that my disk cleanup and defragment tools are not installed. I just used them 45 or less days ago and I know that I didn't manually uninstall them myself. I am the only one that uses this computer.
I have Microsoft Office 2003 on my computer. When I run disk cleanup, under the files to delete it lists Office Setup Files. I never want to delete these files. So my question is, how do I get this option for deleting these files out of disk cleanup so it doesn't check these files every time I open the program.
I recently sent my computer for repair due to virus-related problems. Anyway, the repair person had to reinstall Win XP(Home) from scratch and told me that he had partitioned the drive (and without my permission!) in two: DBackup and CSystem (Backup consists of the files from the previous system). I notice that there is a duplication of files due to this partition. For example, song A would appear twice on Win Media PlayerCDocumentsandSettings/Owner/My Documents/MyMusic/SongA AND Dmydocbackup/MyMusic/SongA). I don't know if there are any duplication of other files yet. Plus, I realised during Disk Cleanup that the system's Temporary Internet Files is located in 'Backup drive' instead of 'System'. Shouldn't this folder be in the other drive i.e. system drive, since Backup is just,well, backup(of the old drive). The WINDOWS folder also appears in both drives.
I've never had partitioned drives so this is causing major headaches for me. If there is a need for me to un-partition my drives to clear the mess, can I do it without re-installing the whole system from the Cd? Sorry it's a long one How many times can you reinstall from the Cd before it cannot be used anymore (I hear there is a limit)