Disable Local Intranet" Zone

Dec 26, 2007

I was getting a warning-bar alert when I was testing my own IIS-webpages (using local HTML+ASP). During my testing, I "enabled Local Intranet" zone, and want to disable my choice. I tried InternetOptions>Security>"restore all zones to default level", but I am not getting the warning in the warning bar.

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IE 6.0 Sp2 And Local Intranet Security Level

Jul 1, 2005

using: IE 6.0 sp2 on IE Local intranet whats the default Security level for the zone?Medium or Medium-low.

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My Antivirus Avast And Zone Labs [zone Alarm Firewall] Not Working

Jun 17, 2006

those programs do not work with windows vista. any idea?

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Two Local Disk - 7.82mb On Local DiskC -74.5gm On Local DiskD

Jul 18, 2005

i have two local disks: local disk ( c ) and local disk ( D )...
i can't reformatt my compputer because local disk ( C ) don't have enough
space, how do i ease local disk ( D )??? i have 7.82mb on local disk ( C )
and 74.5gm on local disk ( D ).

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Application To Run Over The Intranet

Oct 29, 2008

I have a small program, written in VB2005, with the standard splash screen provided from VB. When I have the program available through a share directory. I can't run it on another computer. Both computer running Windows XP. It comes up with this error: "Application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by security policy. To grant this application the required permission, contact your system administrator, or use the Microsoft .NET Framework Configuration tool.If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately.

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Intranet Communication Stopped

Aug 25, 2005

I use winchat.exe in the "C:WINDOWSsystem32" folder to talk with two other computers on my network. Against my better judgement I have installed SP2 on one machine as an experiment and am already sorry for doing it. First..the firewall is completely off. When you dial from the computer with SP2 installed the other 2 do not respond, they did before. When the other 2 computers dial the computer with SP2 installed it will not respond, it did before. If I cannot use this feature now because of this SP2 is there a way to uninstall this nightmare?

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Intranet Security Using Win2000

Sep 3, 2007

I work at an company of which I choose to remain anonymous. We have an intranet set-up, and I would like to get onto the internet, just to watch videos or check e-mail during the slow hours. It will display the intranet, the webpage for the company itself (the public webpage), the testing site for our recruitment testing, and thats it.It gives me a message as if you attempted to access google from home, but unplugged the ethernet cable. Today I accessed a site I run through angelfire through ftp.angelfire.com, and it displayed the contents of my server, but I can't see the photos or anything.

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Search Function - Difference Between Local Hard Drives C And Local Disk C

Sep 29, 2005

When you click Start>Search>All files and folders, there is a drop-down list of places to look in. Two of the items on that list are:

Local Hard Drives (C and

Local Disk (C

What is the difference between these two items?

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Intranet Connection Dies With Bit Torrent

Mar 7, 2006

I posted this here because I assume it has more to do with my actual computer setup than anything else, but I apologize if I am mistaken.I am currently running WinXP SP2.I have this problem in that quite often when running my bittorrent client (Azureus), I just lose connection with my router and I cannot regain connection uintil I reboot the router...even rebooting the comuter doesn't seem to do the trick. This happens with certain trackers more than others, but only with bittorrent, and not even at extreme upload or download speeds. I can be uploading at 20kb/s and downloading at even less and lose it, when at other times I can be uploading files to web host at 200kb/s without problems.

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Type In Http://intranet So It Loads The Iis Server Up?

May 4, 2006

I got a PC running windows server 2003 and i was wondering on my client pcs how can i type in http://intranet so it loads the iis server up?

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Unable To Open Intranet Login Page Of The Site

Sep 25, 2008

We have an intranet site named as Employee Self Service (ESS). In my lap top I am unable to open the login page of the site. But I am accesing the same site in any other office desktops. Kindly help me out how to get rid of this problem.

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Sp2 Internet Zone Setting

Aug 1, 2005

my IE sp2 internet setting is set to Medium. i would like to know if the
following setting is right?

Automatic prompting for ActiveX controls

Binary and script behaviors

Download signed ActiveX control

Initialize and Script ActiveX controls

Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins

Script ActiveX controls maked safe

Is those setting right? are there any site that show the default sp2 internet security setting?

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Cannot Install And Run Zone Alarm

Jul 22, 2006

With a new laptop tried to install and run Zonealarm but in vain. Then i deleted windows xp home edition firewall but still i download zorealarm but it doesnot work. Also i try to run ''Spywareblaster'' but it says:'run-time error 438: object doesn't support this property or method.'

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Zone Alarm And Firewall

May 25, 2007

I've been using Zone Alarm's firewall for several months now without a hitch. I turn on my computer today and get a Windows Security Alert notifying me that no firewall is detected even though it seems to be on. Is it something wrong with Windows or Zone Alarm? And how can I tell if Zone Alarm is actually in this case functioning?

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Zone Alarm Not Recommend

Jun 21, 2005

Steve Gibson of GRC.com does not recommend Zone Alarm. "I would not, could not, and do not recommend
ZoneAlarm today."

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Error In Ie Using Zone Alarm

Nov 22, 2005

i have used Zone Alarm almost since they have started. Unfortunatly they have been bought by Check Point an Israeli Company. If you get a notice to update say no. They have added what I call a VIRUS OF THE WORST KIND!!! It says your computer has an error and won't let you get on the INTERNET! I have tried everything. Reformatting my disk, reinstalling windows and leaving Zone Alarm out and it still comes back. I have tried almost evey ANTIVIrus on the Internet plus almost every Spyware. I righclicked on it and Notepad came up and said that it has intwined itself in Bellsouth DSL Software so I can't get to the Internet. I reinstalled Bellsouth and for a short time I can get to the Internet like now. BE very careful. Bellsouth has a security suite that allows me to get to the Internet, But I can't go to more than one site and I have to Reboot. It also fouled up my Printer even with the Bellsouth Security Suite and I had to remove my printer and Rinstall it. CAUTION!!! I also deleted it out of the Registry and it came back!

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Zone Alarm Is Shutting Down My PC

May 1, 2006

Windows XP Home Edition.I had the free Zone Alarm edition installed and working for some considerable time.I did uninstall it with the uninstall procedure.Now I have downloaded the free Zone Alarm program again but when I go to intall this my pc shuts down.

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Enable Hidden 5th Security Zone In IE6

Aug 12, 2002

You actually have a 5th, hidden, security zone in your IE6 Internet options->Security->Zones know as "My Computer". Yep, you can protect yourself from your own system. It's normally kept hidden on purpose because the average user doesn't need to lock down their system THAT tight. But if you're a regular here, you're not that average. One other possible reason (just a guess) is that it might help stop the spread of trojans and bad ActiveX controls. HKEY_CURRENT_USERS ....

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Zone Alarm Warning Message

Apr 19, 2006

I have xp home, and have Zone Alarm.I have been getting this message come up quite often, which I deny, because I can't find out anything about it. does anyone know what it is and should I allow or deny it please? The only thing I can find out is that it 'could be potentially malicious

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Command Line Time Zone?

Jun 28, 2005

I know you can use the net time command to sync a PC's time with another PC, but what about setting the time zone and daylight saving time? Can these settings be changed from a command prompt

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Live One Care - Zone Alarm

May 28, 2006

I suppose I became bored(or stupid) but I decided to give Windows Live One Care a try. I like the idea that it has a two way firewall.I've tried Zone Alarm, but it's just too much trouble! Any opinions on this? I haven't read anything on this forum one way or the other. It has a 90 day free trial, so if I don't like it I can always reinstall my Avast,which I was having NO trouble with.

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Firewall And Zone Alarm Are Enable

Sep 27, 2005

I have my winXP firewall enabled and at the same time, zonealarm. Will it have a conflict? Do I need to disable WinXP firewall? Or can I have the two running at the same time?

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Kerio Firewall Better Than Zone Alarm

Aug 25, 2005

Though not being a computer professional or expert, wish to state that for many years I have been using ZoneAlarm Free version as my Firewall software. Recently tested the Kerio software and realized Kerio better in appearance, presentation, uncomplicated etc. and the best is the easiness in creating rules. In Kerio you could create Firewall rules straight away from the connection prompt. I am using the free version of Kerio.With best regards, Brother Brock.

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Need A Free Firewall And Zone Alarm

Sep 24, 2006

Can anyone suggest a free firewall for Windows XP? I have used ZoneAlarm for years but recently have been having a lot of problems with "server not found" and am sick and tired of rebooting everytime I want to get on the net.

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Problem Up Until Zone Alarm Upgrade

Jul 9, 2008

I run off XP and have Free ZoneAlarm Firewall installed. No problem up until today, but after an XP download upgrade, could not get internet access. Removed ZA and used Windows Firewall and no problem. Reinstalled ZA and no access, so now back to MS Firewall.

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Zone Alarm : Getting A Blocked Message

Jul 7, 2005

I am currently running the free version of ZoneAlarm so that I can use the firewall. I am getting a blocked message that indicated that the firewall blocked something that seems to be coming from my cable internet provider.

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Possible Zone Alarm Hanging System

Sep 25, 2005

My housemate had a terminal case of unprotected windows, i sorted his machine out (spybot, adaware, regclean, avast!, zonealarm, mst defrag, mbm5 - as was overheating prevoiously - sorted now).Now the system sometimes hangs after zonealarm requests access for a MS process.I am also getting an error i don't understand, not sure if its anything to do with the first problem; The browser service has failed to retrieve the backup list too many times on transport DeviceNetBT_Tcpip_{B31AE179-7318-4162-86B6-D25BF39A9BD9}.

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BSOD After Zone Alarm Update

Oct 15, 2010

I updated ZoneAlarm. Now, my XP machine will not bootstrap normally. I see the BSOD go by, but, it vanishes so quickly, I can't read it. I downloaded a tool that claims to read the minidump file, but, it's empty, so no help. How can I view the vanishing BSOD?

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Install Zone Alarm - Log On As Administrator?

Sep 29, 2005

I am working on my friend's computer which is running Windows XP Home edition on a Compaq Predario computer with 512 MB ram and 160 GB hard drive and AMD Athlon 2.16 GHz CPU. I was trying to install Zone Alarm but get the message that I don't have permission to use the Add/Remove Windows Components. I need to log on as administrator but don't know how. My friend has three user accounts (Mom, Kelsey and ******** Account). None of them use passwords so I doubt if any administrator account has one but I can't figure out how to log on as administrator. I tried accessing the .exe file in Windows Explorer but when I did I got the message: C:DOCUME~1MOM~1YOULOCALS~1TempVSINIT.dll. You probably are missing a necessary root certificate.

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Latest Update Vs, Zone Alarm

Jul 20, 2008

My sister tells me that after receiving a Windows update about a week ago, Zone Alarm stopped allowing access to the Internet. She uninstalled it and went to ZA website. They told her to download a new version that would compensate for the Windows update. She did, but it slowed her computer quite a bit. She also says that it interrupts Outlook Express from time to time.

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Computer's Time Zone Is Screwed Up

Mar 15, 2007

my computer for some reason thinks I'm in the Atlantic (Canada) time zone (GMT -4.00 hrs.). That's what I had to set it to to get it to sync to the correct time. Fact is, I'm in the Eastern time zone (Delaware, to be exact) which is GMT -5.00 hrs.

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