Daylight Savings Time Dates Wont Changed As Specified?

Mar 5, 2007

i was going to wait and see what they did at work about the DST problem and then apply a similar concept at home.They supposedly patched XP (at work)for the new dates for DST but then they went and changed all the times in my Outlook Calendar,at least in the two extended date intervals ,by 1 hour. I really don't understand the last part.If I have an appointment at 10:00, it still is at 10:00 DST not withstanding, at least I think so Shouldn't Outlook match the appt time with whatever time the system clock is displaying and work accordingly?

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Daylight Savings Time - Setting New Dates?

Jan 26, 2007

If I'm not mistaken, daylight savings time beginning and ending times will be changed this year. Am I to assume that we only have to make changes on Servers of which the clients get their time from? Outside of that, other systems that aren't server dependent such as UPS machines and such, will need the time to be changed manually?Just curious if anyone has already started to work on this.

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Change In The Start/stop Dates Of Daylight Savings Time Break Auto?

Mar 4, 2007

I have Windows XP Pro, SP2.I was wondering what affect the new daylight savings time start/stop dates will have on Windows and if there is something I should do. Has this been addressed by an update? Somebody please tell me if this has already been addressed and if not is there anything I should do?

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UPDATE: Time Zone/Daylight Savings Time?

Nov 27, 2006

Since Windows has been released several time zone changes have occurred, and beginning this coming year the Daylight Saving Time period will change in the US. Specifically, DST will start three weeks earlier (2:00 A.M. on the second Sunday in March) and will end one week later (2:00 A.M. on the first Sunday in November). Thus, Microsoft is releasing an update to address changes that have or will take place in several countries. The update will be delivered automatically to Windows XP SP2 users starting December 12th (or can be downloaded now by clicking here) and will be included in Windows Vista.

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Daylight Savings Time Changes Automatic Or To Do Manually?

Feb 26, 2007

With the date of Daylights saving time changing will this affect how the computer clocks spring foward to daylight savings time? Will I need to do it manually or will it be automatic, like in the past?

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Removing Daylight Savings Time Dialog Box?

Aug 3, 2005

Twice a year, XP displays a dialog box telling the user that it's changed the time due to daylight savings time.I want to keep this dialog box from popping up, but I can't find a way to do it.I understand that I could turn off the automatic adjustment,and thus have the dialog not appear.But I want the adjustment just not the dialog box.So does anyone know of a mystery registry key or function to help me? I've been throught technet & msdn etc.

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3rd Party Fix For 2000 And NT For Daylight Savings Time?

Mar 5, 2007

Since Congress passed the New Daylight Savings Time effective this year, computers without Windows XP or updates or without Vista will not reset its time correctly this year (or future years)--it will be 3 weeks late in the spring since they are starting DST three weeks early and one week early in the fall. So for Windows 2000 and NT

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Installation Canceled Due To Daylight Savings Time Settings?

Mar 7, 2007

Ok, I've got 5 XP pro sp2 machines, and 1 Server 2003 Small Business Edition. I downloaded update # 931836 which Microsofts web site said would correct the issue. I burned the file to a disc and proceeded to each station to run the update. On the XP pro sp2 machines windows told me the update I was trying to install was canceled because the current time zone update on the machine was more current. On the Small Business Server I get an error that reads,"Update.ine file is invalid and the installation quits. Is it possible that the critical updates that my machines automatically install have already taken care of this issue and I just need to let it go?

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Daylight Savings Time Automatic Switch Back To Manual?

Oct 29, 2006

I had the box checked on the computers on my network to automatically go to daylight savings time. Because of a particular application, I decided that I didn't want to automatically switch back to standard time at 2:00 AM. I would do it manually later.So I unchecked the box on the server and all of my PCs on the 28th. When I got ready to make the manual change around 5:00 AM on the 29th, they were all already on standard time. Does this mean that the box only affects going to daylight savings time and that it will always revert to standard time?

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Daylight Savings Time Extension / Fixing Computer Clock?

Jul 26, 2005

If and when the extension of Daylight Savings Time goes in effect will we be able to fix our computer clocks with a simple patch or will we all have to buy new versions of Windows.

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Daylight Savings Checkbox Missing?

Apr 3, 2005

The DST checkbox seems to be missing from my Time Zone tab. On the Date & Time tab, the time zone shows as U.S. Mountain Standard Time. I recently upgraded from XP-Home (SP2) to XP-Pro (SP2). This issue did not exist in my Home version. Any ideas on how I go about "fixing" this--other than manually changing the time?

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Daylight Savings Update - Using TZupdate.reg?

Mar 10, 2008

We have about 100 computers on our network. I had installed late last year the "How to configure daylight saving time for Microsoft Windows operating systems" on our domain. This morning, about 90% of the systems were updated correctly. I'm not sure what the issue is that not all systems updated with the correct time. I have gone and rebooted a couple of the systems and had the user log back in, but they still have the wrong time. I know I can go in manually as an admin and update the time, but I was hoping there was a more efficient way.

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Clock Wont Stay Reset For Daylight Savings?

Mar 12, 2008

My system clock on my XP system will not stay advanced 1 hour for Daylight Savings Time. After about 1 hour it will jump back to one hour earlier.It should have changed automatically for DST since I had the box checked, but it didn't, so I thought it odd I had to change it manually for DST. But it won't stay changed, it keeps jumping back an hour after about an hour's time.

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Registry Key That Is Changed After Change The System Time?

Aug 4, 2010

I would like to know what the registry key is that is changed after you change the policy for "Change the system time".

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How To Copy Folders And Files Without Changing Modifications Dates

Jun 6, 2008

We have several folders with sub folders and files that we like to copy from one PCWinxp to another PCVista. Is there a way to copy these folders without changing the modifications dates? Meaning to preserve all the modifications dates on all the folders, subfolders and files.

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Local Area Connection Deleted - Restoring Dates

Jun 7, 2005

I went out to go grocery shopping earlier today and when I came home my computer disconnected from AIM and said this:Generic Host Processes for Win32 Services encountered a problem and needed to close. Under more details it said : szappname : svchost.exe szappver szmodname : unknown szmodver offset 00000000Technical information says : svchost.exe.mdmp appcompat.txt
When I execute the ipconfig /all command it doesnt list anything and Local Area Connection is missing from my network connections. What happened and more importantly how do I fix this. I tried restoring my computer to several different dates within the last half week and I still get the same problem when restoring to all those dates.

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Changed From A Dial-up Connection To Cable: Search Engines Changed?

Mar 1, 2005

I changed from a dial-up connection to cable (Road Runner). Since then, my search engines have changed (when I search from the IE address bar, it uses MSN search now), and many pages that load, although faster, have the message "error on page" at the bottom. Outlook Express became my default email with the Road Runner email address, but most of the time it does not respond. Also, several games are slow to respond or do not respond at all (specifically CSI games and Hunting Unlimited). I run adaware and spybot at least once a week if not more, and defrag regularly. Are there extra precautions I should take with a cable connection?

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System Restore Not Able To Restore To Certain Dates

May 7, 2005

zipped over 30 gigs of files cause I planned to reformat, but realized the 5 of 8 of the .zips were corrupt. I dont have the money for a zip repair that can unzip 5 gig .zip folders (if someone has a link to a free one thatd be nice), and I defragging and error-checking didnt fix them. Also ,Seems like whenever I run a system restore before when i .zipped them (so i cand get them back to be unzipped, yellow folders) it says I cannot restore to this date, no matter which date I try.How can i Sys. restore and get the files out of my corrupt .zips?

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Restore Dates Not Able To Restore

Mar 8, 2005

Just notice that when I turned on Windows Explorer many of my files had disappeared. I then tried to run Restore and I went back and ran several restore dates and they kept coming back saying that it could not restore this date. Just wondering how normal it is to have 5 or 6 past restore dates not able to restore? And how many times should I try this before I find a date that is going to restore? Seems like I may be having a problem with restore also?

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Computer Date / Time And Year Change Each Time Boot Up

Oct 11, 2007

Each time I turn on my computer and as it is boots up it will delay for a time with a line that reads something like Automatic IDE Configuration and then a message that my date and time are incorrect. The date goes back to Nov. 2003. Once I correct the date, time and year things seem to perform ok.

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Computer Facing Slow Boot Up Time / Speeding Up Time?

Jan 15, 2009

How do I speed up the boot up time? It seems like it takes forever for my pc to boot up. Plus how do I find out what programs are loading at start-up? I'm currently running winxp and connected by cable to the internet

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Winxp Computer Running Slow (from Time To Time)

Aug 28, 2006

i dont know where the reason could be, since i didn`t install any new programs or had virus problems. It just becomes slow, then I restart and sometimes it helps and sometimes doesn't.

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Time / Date Clock Looses Time After Shut Down

Sep 3, 2007

I have a 4 year old computer that runs perfectly, except when I turn it off at night and then back on the next day, I loose a few hours on the time date at bottom of screen. I ajust each time I use it but the same thing happens each time I turn it off. Could it be the clock battery or? My operating system is Windows XP Home

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System Shut Down Time To Time - Crashes

Feb 12, 2006

i do scans quite a bit and delete alot of things everytime. there is the msn spyware thing that keeps coming back after i delete that, as well as many other things i dont even know about. some of my devices just shut them selves down from time to time (mouse, scanner/printer, and otherthings i cant remember but the key board is fine) and after a few seconds turn back on. and the whole thing just crashes sometimes. i did that scan thing but im not sure if i did it right.

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 10:57:17 AM, on 13/02/2006
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

Running processes:

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Mouse Freezes Time To Time - Ran Adaware6,

Oct 3, 2005

My mouse/pointer is STILL freezing after about 5 minutes of being logged on. I am using the touchpad mouse that is on my laptop. I have ran an updated version of Adaware6, Spybot, CWShredder & AVG Anti-Virus. I also have Spyware Blaster Protection enabled. I don't know what else to do but ask you guys if you see anything funny in my hijack log... Is it normal to have 4 entries stating info about my startup page? My start up page should be Ada County Sheriff, not Toshiba or Ebay

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Documents History Clears Itself Time To Time

May 27, 2008

My Start -> Documents history clears itself from time to time...Why? Is that a setting? Is it a hardcoded setting? Can I adjust it (registry setting)? Is there a max number of documents that will go into the Documents history? Is it a hardcoded setting? Can I adjust it (registry setting)?

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Can't Syncronize Time With A Time Server

Oct 24, 2004

For some reason, as of yesterday night, I can't syncronize my computer time with a time server. When I click on the time on the bottom right hand corner, and under the Internet Time tab, I can't syncronize the time using both and servers. When I use the Windows server, it gives this error message: "An error occured while Windows was syncronizing with The time sample was rejected because: The peer's stratum is less than the host's stratum."

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Why Does Freeze From Time To Time?

Oct 6, 2006

I just wondered, why does Windows XP freeze here and there? I would think, from what I understand of preemptive multitaking, that worse case, Windows should just slow down, but now freeze like I see it do. It is like it gets taken over by one program or stuck on one task? I am not jsut referring to this computer, I have seen this on about every Windows XP machine I have used in the past few years.

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IE7 Flashes From Time To Time

Nov 13, 2006

I'm new to forumz with a question about IE7 that I use. From time to time the interface flashes and I can't seen to get it to stop or know what's causing it. I use spysweeper and norton IS-2005. Been using this combo since '05, but this problen started only 3months ago.

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.exe Files All Changed To .lnk .exe Won't Run

Dec 5, 2005

all of my .exe files have become unexecutable and are now all .lnk ran a virus scan off of the cd and it came up with nothing, read some forums and thought it might be a registry problem so i tried the registry fixes off of

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Net Framework V1.1 Changed LOG OFF

May 11, 2005

Microsoft's .Net Framework v1.1 changes the user's logon and shutdown method (due to the installation of ASP.NET and sets up an additional user account).I'm aware of how to change the logon annoyance so that process skips the password check and goes straight into the Windows XP Professional SP1 desktop. It's the "shutdown" method I'm referring.Net Framework has created a very annoying "dropdown" menu option list when you want to restart, logoff, shutdown, etc., instead of the Windows XP simple 3-choice icon option which is in plain sight after you select Start/Turn Off Computer. Does anyone have a fix as to how to return to the original way of shutting down prior to .Net Framework's tampering?

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