Computer Slowed Down: Taking Long Time To Load Interface?
Jan 22, 2005
My system uses Intel 810 Motherboard and Penitum -3, 800MHZ processor. I have Windows XP Professional installed. My problem is that the system has slowed down very much. It takes a very long time to even load the interface fully. Most of the programs in Startup (MSConfig)also do not load. I have recently installed Norton 2005. I have scanned the system for Trojans, viruses, SpywareAdware etc. But nothing shows up. Is it because of NAV?? MSConfig/Startup also does not have any unknown entries.
I believe I have a virus but I can't seem to find information about it. I am unable to clear it up when I run virus checks either.What's happening is this. When ever I open a web page (aol is my home page with ie as my brower) the page takes forever to load and then just after it does load I get a message saying "We're sorry, the content you requested is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later." My computer is also EXTREMELY slow to load pages - pages that use to load within 5 seconds (like when checking email) can take 5 minutes to open, if it opens at all.
I tend to have problems with Firefox taking an unusually long time to load pages, and normally, I can solve that with using a System Restore. This time, though, I can't get System Restore to work. I've tried several times from various checkpoints, but each time I get a message saying "Incomplete Restoration." I know this topic has been posted before, and I tried using the advice given in this thread I disabled AVG Anti-Virus, but I didn't help. I know from the previous thread that you'll need to look at the system restore logs in order to help; so, I'll just post those now to save time.
i really though that with what i have installed in my custom build pc it will load extremely fast, and i mean fast but something is not right and hopefully someone could help me. So whenever i start up the computer once it hits the Blue Welcome Xp screen it will stay there for atleast 30sec, i mean my mouse shows and i can move it but im just waitin there until it fully loads. Once it goes to the main screen everythin else loads with no problem. So, i have run many malware/spyware programs and nothing.
I have old Compaq Presario that I want to clean up and use as a data back up unit only.<not much data just everyday financial files,some pics maybe, resume, etc.>My Problem is the booger is slower than an injured snail! Before I do too much to the machine I want to uninstall any unnecssary programs, which I have a lot. But, the Add/Remove Program tool does not want to open.
When my computer starts, it does the xp loading part. After that my wallpaper comes up, it then hangs for about 5 minutes before anything happens. Does anyone know how to get rid of this?
The comp is cobbled together from parts I managed to pick up, I installed Win2k 3 days ago and already it takes about 3 minutes just to restart the bugger I have ClamWin Free Virus scanner and did all MS updates but it doesn't help.
Just for the heck of it I timed out how long it took for my (Windows XP) operating system to boot up. It turned out to be about 3' minutes and 8" seconds (+/-).I do have several programs that are included in my startup (antivirus, firewall, spyware protector, form filler,it could be reduced if necessary, but I consider all of them pretty essential for my usage. I have a Pentium 4, 1.8 Ghz chip with 1 Gig of RAM.
My computer is driving me nuts,, it takes slow long lately for anything to load on my computer. everything I try to open takes like 10 seconds or more. I get so impatient. Is there something I can do to make things open faster?
Im on a network with a domain controller using dhcp, my computer runs on windows xp. When I booting up and Im connected to the network with my lan connection it boots up in no time, but when Im not on the domain using the machine at home it takes about 5 min to boot up. Why would this be and can I do something to fix it? I should add that my laptop that I had before had the same software and settings but did not take 5 min to boot up when not on the network.
My computer takes a long time to the stage where I can start to use it. I mean like 8 minutes or more, could it have to do with the programs that are started when the computer strarts if so how can I find the folder. I am using windows XP home edition I have a 40GB hard drive I only have used 6 gigs of it. I have 256MB of RAM. This problem is new it never took this long.
Mine is a P4-256MB RAM machine with Windows XP.While viewing some videos thro' my Combo drive, the machime got hanged up a number of times and I had to reset the system with the reset button without properly shutting down the system.Now, I find that the PC takes much time to boot up.
Allright I have just recentley reinstalled XP. This reinstall was precipitated by the fact that I tried to reboot yesterday, and got the strange grey sector bar across the bottom of a blank monitor, which at the time I though was a very bad sign.... hence the reinstall of XP.I should note that I had been planning on reinstalling soon, as I had run a lot of intensive software thru this install, testing various spyware, regmechs, so it wasnt much of a choice/surprise reinstalling XPHome...
My PC has started to go very slow when starting up. It's normal up to the user password, then MSN Messenger starts, and then it just sits there for around 90 seconds. During that time I can start Task Manager, but there is nothing obvious in there. Heartbeat is still going and processors are very low usage. In the system tray, it looks like my webcam has started, but Kaspersky AV does not start until it un-freezes. I can't start anything as the pointer remains an hourglass.
I am posting a computer problem of "The slowest computer of all"? It takes 5 to 6 minutes to boot and then takes on some dialog boxes when clicking 7 seconds to activate, (Show on Screen) and on others, takes 14 to 21 seconds to activate? Sometime you even see the searching flashlite on the screen when you click. The same thing happens with the right click context menu. This computer is a HP a430n running a AMD Athlon(B) XP 3200+ running at 2.20 GHz. It has 1Gig of ram, a GeForce4 MX440 (Raven) AGP 8x graphic card,Integrated AC97 audio and a Maxtor 250Gig hard drive.
I have a main WIN XP Home Edition based computer with an Intel 3118 chip, 2GB RAM,190GB Hard drive with 126GB free, additional drive via USB with 470 GB and 399GB free and networked with a laptop and Dell computer all able to read each other. On the main computer I have 60+ icons on the desktop and have Zone Alarm Security Suite and Forcefield running updated.I have cleaned all computers with Crap Cleaner and Esaycleaner have defragged and deleted all unwanted files but still it takes some 9-10 minutes to boot from hot or cold and the close down of programs also takes between 1-2 minutes.
Our family computer is running like a slug. It takes forever to startup and open programs and the hard drive activity light is always on. It also uses up a lot of RAM for some reason but the CPU usage is normal. I have another hard drive that is in a removable tray that I use, and that has all the same settings and everything, but that one is using a fraction of the RAM and runs pretty good!
My computer is very very slow, I don'i think is the dsl but the os because it take long time to load a page for example when Ill click on firefox it take 20 to 30 second to load the page than when the page is loaded and i switche web page it load very quickly, same think when i'm tryng to upload the outlook express more than 40 second to upload the program, and when performing multitask everything it slow doan even more, even opening tha my computer file it take 5/10 second.
I been running this computer every little thing I load or do takes 3-5 mintues to load, Whether it's winamp or Yahoo Instant Messenger It takes a really long time to load any app of any sort. There has been no changes made to my machine and I scanned for viruses on this machine and nothing is found. Could I get some help in why this is computer is a lag-a-holic? It's been a good machine until it's started to lag.
Operating System - Windows XP running on a HP Pavillion 761n - Missing dll files such as:mscvr80.dll and msvcp80.dll. Can't seem to find these files anywhere or I just don't know where to locate them.
Certain folders on my computer take forever to load after awhile. I've noticed that these are usually folders with a lot of files in them.At first, I thought it was just my external hard drives which were acting up due to it being USB, however, I found out the other night that my program file folder on the C:/ drive took a long time to load, as well.Even if I turn the external hard drive off, cool it off, then turn it back on, those particular folders will still take awhile to load.I've also noticed that if one folder lags, then the others will lag around the same time.
I've had this problem with this computer before, but not for a long time. It has recently resurfaced over the last week (during which the two major changes to my system were the addition of an ADSL router/connection, and the installation of XP Service Pack 2).Basically, I get the little torch (you know the one I mean, that swings left and right, searching), the first time I open "My Computer" after booting. After about 5-10 minutes, it finds my drives and everything can continue as normal. They remain found - it does not happen again until after I reboot.
A week ago it was working normally, but now it does this. What is strange is that I've made no additions of drives or changes to existing drives or their configurations, so I'm assuming it is an OS issue.Note though that it doesn't appear to be an issue affecting the whole of Windows Explorer - I can still immediately type in any folder path and go to it as normal before the drives are 'found'. It is only the main "My Computer" window which is affected
I just installed XP SP2. I have a Sr100T 2.8ghz desktop. I used this cd about a year ago to do a fresh install of xp, and everything worked, I think, I don't remember honestly. Now I used the same cd, installed, but after the Compaq main screen comes up (where it gives options to boot menu, setup, recovery) the screen goes black for about 10 secs, then a tons of white bars in a line appear on the bottom of the screen shows up.
I always wondered if there is something wrong with my add/remove programs. When I open Add/Remove programs, it takes like 2-3 minutes until it loads. Should It take this long? How can I fix this?
A friend of mine got a newly built computer from a guy with a repair business. It takes over ten minutes to start up. HE tells thats normal. IT has 1.8 Ghz dualcore cpu, 2 GB RAM, Win XP pro, Norton and Acer logo flashes on the startup screen. I'm guessing some major hardware problems? Maybe something not compatible?
Ran a boot-time defrag of my primary HDD this weekend. It seemed to complete successfully, however, I now takes literally 5 minutes or more for the PC to move from the Dell splash screen to the point where I can select the user profile. This is a Dell 8100 with a 50MB C: drive and a 250MB drive I am using for backup. Can I get by with reinstalling XP home and patching as needed, or do I need to reformat?
I'm trying to install Windows XP on a machine that was just put together. I started installing XP 4 or 5 hours ago. It's saying 37 minutes remaining right now. almost three hours ago it was at 39 minutes remaining. This isn't my first attempt installing xp on this machine. I've swapped out the HD, the CD drive, tested the memory and checked the jumpers. Everything appears to be okay in the bios (although i'm not an expert). Nothing seems to work. I'm sure it's not the CD, i used it earlier today on my machine with no problems. Any ideas what the problem could be?
I enjoy graphics and video clips but am finding that many of these sites seem to take avery long time to load. I've emptied my temp files, i have tons of memory...just can't figure out what's going on.Anyone out there able to give me some ideas?
I am planning to download and install Office service pack 3 and Windows service pack 2. It was recommended, that before I do, to resolve any computer issues. So I ran virus, spyware, and adware programs. Then, I decided to use the desk cleanup program. After ten mins... there is still only 3 green "chiclets". "Disk Cleanup is calculating how much space you will be able to free on (C. This may take a few minutes to complete. Calculating... Scanning: Compress old files".
I recently purchased Visual Studio 6.0 and want to download a 132MB file with samples of the several venues comprising the Studio. Yesterday, I spent 15 hours at my machine trying to download this large file (56k Modem) and at 131+MB, my connection to my ISP broke and I lost it. I have tried several times before and after this crushing loss and have had similar problems.
Is there any software or other means to "restart" when a downloading process has been broken off and continue the download? That seems possible, say, when downloading Microsoft service packs and upgrades.but can I do it too?