Cannot Open Anything Just The Internet

Nov 13, 2006

I Start up the Window Xp.Click the C:/ folder and it shows there an error i can't open anything just the internet and .exe files it shows there a problem with Windows explorer AppName: explorer.exe AppVer: 6.0.2900.2180 ModName: shell32.dll ModVer: 6.0.2900.2951 Offset: 0018ce02r.

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Internet Explorer Cannot Open Internet Site

Oct 9, 2008

i us msn as home page but started recieving this message, Internet Explorer cannot open the internet site Operation aborted, however other pages load ok, i am running xp home, how can i cure this?

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Internet Explorer Was Not Able To Open Internet Site

Sep 21, 2010

I am receiving an error "Internet explorer was not able to open this internet site" Also, it seems to be trying to download the pdf file

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Internet Options Won't Open

Jul 23, 2010

Internet Options won't open in Windows Xp Pro Sp3 from Control Panel or anywhere else. I have checked SYSTEM32 and there is inetcpl (control panel extension file) and inetcplc.dll. I have tried opening Internet Options in Run, no luck. I have also run a VB script written by someone on the web to Remove Internet Restriction. Didn't work.Here is the error message I get when trying to open Internet Options from within Internet Explorer 8 (I usually use Firefox BTW, the latest, and this update was two days ago.

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Internet Options Won`t Open

Jan 8, 2007

My problem is that Internet options won`t open in the Windows control panel.

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Internet Options Will Not Open

Mar 16, 2010

It doesn't mater if I use IE tools or control panel, when I click (internet options) it doesn't open. I'm running windows XP and I have not installed anything new. I have all the anti stuff, ( SuperAntiSpyware -Trend Micro - Advance System Care - Easy Cleaner) I've even turned them all off, but it still won't open.

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Internet Explorer 6 Won't Open

Sep 9, 2008

I am running windows 2000,and I can not open internet explorer 6. I do not have firefox to use, however i am connected to the internet because my antivirus is updated daily., and was able to get emails through outlook express.

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Internet Explorer 6.0 Will Not Open

Feb 25, 2005

All Internet Explorer files ending in htm or html will not open. I get a window first from IE saying they have to close then a "Windows can't find."what ever I am trying to open at the time. I am a beginner at this and this is a royal pain. Also I am getting "Server Busy" box telling me to retry or switch to and when I do either nothing happens until I click a million times and finally a script error will come up.I am using Windows XP. Please help as soon as you can. I have some file work to do and this has stopped me cold.

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Internet Explorer Cannot Open

Feb 26, 2006

I run Windows XP. Everytime I click on my internet explorer icon I get the following message: Ineternet Explorer cannot open the internet site is set as my home page. I can type in and access my mail, but if I try to click on the home button I get the same message as above.

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Internet Explorer 7 Will Not Open

Apr 15, 2007

I'm running Windows Xp x64 edition and just today, when I tried to open my Internet Explorer 32-bit edition, nothing would happen. When I clicked on my Internet Explorer 32-bit icon on the desktop I would get an hourglass symbol next to my mouse cursor for not even a second and then nothing. My Internet Explorer 64-bit edition and my Firefox work just fine, but I would really like to use my 32-bit edition because all my favorite sites are stored in there.

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Internet Explorer Will Not Open

Jun 18, 2008

When I click on the IE ICON it will act like it will open but then nothing.I removed WIN XP SP3.I tried to to restore to an earlier time (useless as usual).I installed Firefox and have had no problems getting a great connection

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Cannot Open Internet Explorer

Sep 21, 2005

I have Windows XP. My computer is one year old and never any problems till now. For the last week I cannot open Internet Explorer 6.0. I get a Runtime error message. Microsoft Visual C+++ Runtime Library ("Runtime Error", Program C:ProgramFilesInternetExploreriexplore.exe).Any ideas how to fix this and what the problem may be. I have not installed anything new or changed anything on my computer.

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IE Won't Open/PC Won't Download Files From Internet

Oct 12, 2008

I have a Dell Inspiron E1505 with Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3. I had Internet Explorer 7, and for about a month I would get a "Error: Operation Aborted" every now and then and I would have to open a new window, so Friday morning I downloaded Internet Explorer 8 Beta to see if it would remove the problem. It didn't, so I tried Firefox, but I found both IE 8 and Firefox to be annoying, so I decided to remove them both and go back to IE 7, but this caused a whole different problem. I think that I might have done something wrong while removing the programs because now IE doesn't work at all. Now whenever I click on IE, the IE screen will flash for about a second and then disappear.

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Unable To Open Internet Options From IE

Aug 16, 2005

I Hope someone has seen this I am being told that I am no longer the administrator of my computer, and can not change the internet options. I have Win XP Home SP2, IE 6.0.2900.2180 BTW, I am the only user and I have complete admin rights.

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Internet Explorer Won't Open After Update

Oct 13, 2006

After an automatic update to Office XP & Windows XP yesterday, I cannot open Internet Explorer I cannot download anything from Microsoft Update, I cant even download the new I/E 7. Currently running XP Home SP2, with I/E 6.00.2900.2180. I tried to download a help guide to correct this off MS site but I can't download a thing. I can get on my AOL ok.

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Cannot Get Internet Explorer To Stay Open

Jul 2, 2005

I am running a dell 4600 computer. I have windows xp home addition. My problem is when i go into exp. it opens and goes to where i tell it to, then is stops, freezes and then an error box comes up saying they have encounter an error and must shut down. It also says that if i continue to have this problem, to restart my computer. Well i have restarted my computer 4 times and the same thing keeps happening. I have run the Adware program i have and have found some bugs there, but it doesn't seem like that is what the problem is.

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Internet Explorer 7 Wont Open

Sep 12, 2008

IE runs in the task manager but wont start when u click on the icon..have done system restore reload IT AND STILL NOTHING.

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Open Internet Explorer - Kernel32.dll

Jul 3, 2007

I deleted the IE 6 because it was giving me an error when I tried to open it and got Mozilla because I was tired of trying to figure it out, yes I know, what a way to handle it heh. there are things I need IE for, MSN Messenger winks for one unless someone has found a way to make it work without IE. I installed IE7 on my computer, but it is doing the exact same thing that IE6 was, error when you try to open it Internet Explorere encountered a problem and needs to close.

Error details : AppName:iexplore.exe AppVer 7.0.6000.16473 Modname: kernel32.dll
ModVer:5.1.2600.3119 Offset: 00012a5b

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Can't Open Internet After Installing Ares

Nov 3, 2007

I can barely open Internet,have to work hard to open even TechGuy page. My comp is SOOOO slow..I can't open Internet,although I have connection. By the way. I have quite few space on PC AND It seems to me that my problems started yesterday after installing Ares. DAMNED Ares. Now I want to uninstall it ,but can't..Can't even open Ares. I think its what makes my comp slow.

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Internet Not Accessible When Open Other Account

Jun 9, 2010

Hi, I'm running Windows XP, and I've been having a particularly annoying problem with it. Every time someone is on an account on the computer the Internet works fine, then when that account is logged off and then another account is logged on the Internet no longer works, I have FireFox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer; and none of them work after this log off then log on sequence. The only way to fix the problem is to re-start the computer instead of logging off and then logging on to the new account when the computer reboots. This problem doesn't seem computer threatening at the moment but it is very annoying and I would really like to have this problem dealth with.

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Internet Explorer Cant Open Due Some Application Inteference

Mar 23, 2010

I am no longer able to open Internet Explorer due some application inteference.The problem is not a connection problem.How do I determine the inteference and remove it so I can connect to Internet Explorer?

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Internet Shortcuts Open Print Dialogue Box?

Jan 18, 2007

copied the url, desktop > right click > properties > new > shortcut which brings up the new shortcut box. Paste url > next > named it b&b, clicked finish, thought I was done. and clicks on the link. It promptly opens up the printer dialogue box. That was in Firefox, our default browser. Tried it in IE, same thing. All other icons work fine. Only when I create an internet shortcut do I get this issue, and I don't even know how to begin to google for it.

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Internet Explorer Crashes Every Time When Open

Apr 27, 2006

My internet explorer just started crashing every time i open it, and also the kazaa lite prog crashes the same way. i haven't tried any other programs, but this is what hijackthis says:

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 23:05:57, on 27/04/2006
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

Running processes:

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Open Internet Explorer - White Screen

Mar 19, 2006

Any one know what the problem might be? I try to open Internet Explorer but all i get is a white screen. When i try to open some files from my desktop a window pops up asking me if want to Open/Save the file. Im always asked if i want to open/save files even if theyre part of my system. I believe its a problem with explorer.

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Service Pack 2 Won't Open Internet Programs

Oct 10, 2006

After I upgrade to SP2 and restart my system all my usual programs boot up,AIM,Windows Live Messenger,IE . They quickly close and the security box pops up tell me to unblock them, I then put all the programs i want on the Allow list. However it seems like all programs that use the internet will close as soon as they are open.I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling SP2 but it seems like I can only use programs that use the internet in SP1.

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Internet Explorer And Control Panel Won't Open

Sep 1, 2005

I am not able to log on to IE or my control panel. It just started doing this yesterday. I don't know where my Norton antivirus software went. It is also missing now. The system is very sluggish.

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Internet Explorer Cannot Open Page / Error

Dec 2, 2006

i recently installed the lastet mcafee antivirus on my system became slow and it said virtual memory too i immediately Uninstalled Mac after this i am unable to use the internet.any site i try to open msg displays as internet explorer cannot open this page..what do i do?

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Internet Explorer Will Not Open Multiple Pages

Jun 30, 2005

I have reset IE, changed setting and my IE will only open one window and not allow me to go back. Every time I try to open another IE window the original window becomes the new one. I don't have any virus or spyware, I have checked for all that.

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Internet Explorer Tries To Open When Start Up Computer

Jul 10, 2005

whenever i start up my computer, internet explorer tries to open up a site called '' but it cannot open the site. i've tried numerous things to get the internet explorer to not come up anymore, but nothing has worked. i've tried getting spyware, but about 5 different ones didnt do the trick. does anyone know how i can get this to stop occurring?

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Open Internet Explorer Without Home Page

Oct 26, 2004

1. Create a shortcut to the Internet Explorer executable and place it on the desktop or quick launch area.

2. Right click the shortcut and select Properties.

3. Change the "target" value to "C:Program FilesInternet ExplorerIEXPLORE.EXE" -nohome

Substitute C: for the drive letter Program Files is present on.Originally posted by simonize

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Internet Explorer Open Page Without Picture

Jan 20, 2006

Recently I have been having problems loading some websites such as It takes a long time to laod and it doesn't load any pictures Just text. The same goes for and some random webistes. It is just extremely slow. How can I solve this problem? I am running XP Pro and EZ-Armor Anti Virus and Firewal; however, the problem exiists with or without firewall.

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