C: (system) Disappeared From System Restore

Mar 31, 2005

I recently repartitioned my HD to C: System (NTFS) D: Bootmagic (FAT) E: Spare (NTFS) F: Documents Backup (NTFS) using Partition Magic 8.0. (D: is actually in front of C: on the drive map) Now all I have on my System Restore are D,E, and F. How do I get C back on there?

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System Restore - Uses System Restore - Point Prior To Running Virus

Jul 6, 2005

If someone downloads and runs a trojan and then uses system restore to back
to a system restore point prior to running the virus, is that computer still
infected?Nocturnal http://www.spywaretalk.org

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System Restore Wont Work: "System Restore Encountered A Problem And Has To Close"?

Mar 10, 2005

Installed Norton Internet Security 2005 and now, whenever I try and do a system restore it says "System restore encountered a problem and has to close". It does this all the time, even in safe mode. Symantec has mentioned that I should turn off NIS2005 and try system restore. If it then works it is a Microsoft issue. I have been onto the Microsoft websites and they do not mention how to repair or reinstall system restore

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Restore System - Cannot Restore Your System To An Earlier Date

Dec 13, 2004

S/Restore system when operated comes up with "Cannot restore your system to an earlier date" Have checked for all spyware and viruses (Nil) Have tried disabling the system and also making new restore dates to no avail. Would kindly request any posssible solutions to the above also any other programme I could install to carry out the same or similiar functions to "Systems Restore

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System Startup Screen And Boot Loader:F10 For System Restore?

May 26, 2008

i rescently had to format the drive for a fresh copy. I have installed xp home retail version and realised i wanted to try something diferent. At system start the computer starts up prior to the windows boot screen and displays COMPAQ in big bright bold letters with option of F10 for system restore which is no longer on system (reformated) as well as other options for boot select pres ESC and F1 for setup.Can i remove this from my system? and then can i create a menu with 2 options 1 load windows normaly and 2 install a disk image stored on a hidden partition? maybe like the F10 key assighn that to access the imge and install it.

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System Restore Wont Work: System Reboots Every Time?

Jun 8, 2006

I am trying to use the system restore function on windows XP, but every time i select a restore point and the system reboots, it says that the restoration was incomplete and "no changes have been made." I have tried multiple restore points. Microsoft.com suggested that i verify that the task manager, WMI, and system restore services were running, and they are. I also tried disabling my antivirus program, but the same thing happens.

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System Restore Not Restoring System - Unable To Save Jpeg

Jun 22, 2005

I am trying to do a system restore and my system runs it all but when all is done I get a message saying that no changes have been made to my system and that the system restore was unsuccessful. The reason I am trying to restore my system is because Photoshop is suddenly unable to save as a jpeg? It doesn't recognise the jpeg format when saving and saves as a Photoshop document. THen it wont recognise the file to open it. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the program to no avail. Funnily enough photoshop elements has no problem with it.

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System Restore To Save Space - Backup System Files

Aug 12, 2002

By default, Windows XP keeps a backup of system files in the System Volume Information folder. This can eat up valuable space on your hard drive. If you don't want Windows to back up your system files:1. Open the Control Panel2. Double-click on system3. Click the System Restore tab4. Check "Turn off System Restore on all drives"5. Hit Apply6. You may now delete the System Volume Information folder.Warning! If you turn this off you will not be able to use Windows System Restore to restore your system in case of failure.

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Activation Couldn't Open System Restore - System Information

Feb 14, 2008

It did not come with Windows installed, but came with the Windows SP1 disc and drivers and such. I installed all those, and was off to a great start. But a few hours later, I discovered I couldn't open System Restore, System Information, or Windows Media Player. Since these are all applications that come with Windows, I figured I must have messed up the installation. Being on moderately knowledgeable about computers, many times, my solution is to simply reinstall a program. So, I figured, I have this installation disc still sitting here from just a few hours ago, why not just give it another go?

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System Restore A Good Idea - Logon Operating System

Apr 29, 2008

The situation: A reasonably new PC, clean and working properly. Several new programs are installed, including Firefox, Winamp, desktop publishing, photo manager, and security software (not the antivirus, standalone scanners.) Everything appears to be fine.I log on to Windows Live OneCare to use their "Safety Scanner" to, as they say, check for PC health issues and optimize performance. Mind you, the site recommends users log on once a month for the full service scan. As you know, the scan includes the removal of what it refers to as invalid registry entries. "Oh boy," right? The registry. Except you'd like to believe the official Microsoft site won't screw up your programs.

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System Restore Shows Wrong System Drive?

Jun 26, 2005

I have XP Home version and have had some unusual issue wth System Restore. When I bring up utilities for system restore, it shows drive I as the system drive instead of drive C.I can sort of understand why this might happen because I installed a new 200 gig drive 5 months ago and made my old C drive I. My system tells me that C is my boot drive and I am not having any real problems except with restore. Looks like something is wrong in restor's database.

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Finding System Differences With A Previous System Restore?

Jul 5, 2005

Our application using MSJVM suddenly stopped working on one of the computers. The user claims that the application worked well about a month ago and stopped after that. The precise time when it stopped workign is not knwoen. He does not recall running any Windows updates etc., after that. Is there any way we could use system restore or something like that to find the difference from the current configuration to the one about a month back?

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System Volume Information Folders After (System Restore)?

Sep 6, 2003

The System Volume Information Folders contain your System Restore points. You can delete the oldest ones manually if you like. These folders are hidden system folders on each drive. In order to gain access, follow the directions below depending on your version of XP and File System:Windows XP Professional or Windows XP Home Edition Using the FAT32 File System Click Start , and then click My Computer On the Tools menu, click Folder Options On the View tab, click Show hidden files and foldersClear the Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) check box Click Yes when you are prompted to confirm the change Click OKĀ 

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All Profiles Stored By System Missing After System Restore?

Dec 5, 2008

This is a machine running on windows XP SP2 1200mz AMD.After restoring system to an earlier date, I am unable to run any program that requires a user profile. I believe that a .dll is currupted. I am not sure but I don't think that the registry is finding the wups2.dll file. I tried the regsvr32 command but could'nt get that to work. Outlook Express will ask for a user profile and password. This never happened before.

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System Restore - Bold Date Available - Microsoft's System

May 27, 2008

I am having a problem using system restore.The only "bold" date available, as an earlier date, is today's date.I have tried all 5 methods from Microsoft's system restore help and suppport page for WindowsXP, to no avail.Each tells me that System restore is working.I used the one date (today) that was avaialable and it "restored" without a problem.How can I get the calendar to show an earlier date?

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System Tray Is Missing Icons Until System Restore'

Sep 2, 2006

I am running Win XP Pro with SP2 (standard setup). The problem: A couple of the icons in the system tray don't show up on re-boot. Specifically, the 'safely remove hardware' icon, and a backup utility called 'second copy' that runs on startup. When I 'restore' to the exact same point, everything is fine. When I reboot, gone again. And when they are gone, I can't run the backup utility (it won't start). What is different about the restore utility that makes it work if I restore to the same exact point. This all started with I tried to uninstall and reinstall Norton Utilities (which seems to be working fine).

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System Won't Shut Down Normally / System Restore Wont Work?

Sep 25, 2008

Over the last two weeks, my XP started to take longer and longer to shut down. Now, it doesn't and I have to manually press the startup/shut down button.
XP is 2002 version; SP ;, 2.3 GHz CPU; 2.29 GHz and 0.99 GB RAM.My virus/security suite is Zone Alarm.I tried to use System Restore and though it does shut and restart the computer, system restore tells me it could not restore the computer.

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System Wont Work After System Restore?

Jul 24, 2005

I have developed a very strange problem on my PC, everytime I have to press the reset button on my case, or there's a power cut when Windows reboots, it will boot to the desktop fine and I can move my mouse but no windows, no programs or anything will open.

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Unable To Find System Restore In The System?

May 29, 2006

I formatted my pc the other day cause i had so much rubbish on it that i thought it would be easier to do so. I normally play yahoo pool so i need java sun for it too work or microsoft virtual machine, I prefer using virtual machine cause it loads easier and doesnt seem to crash. i cant install virtual machine onto my pc cause it says i have the wrong operating system for that version. java sun 5.0 is installed on my pc but not properly and wont load so i went to unistall it and get this message "error transforms, verify that the specified transform path is valid" I'm not sure what to do, I was gonna do a system restore but i cannot even find that on my pc.

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System Restore Not Creating System Checkpoints

Aug 7, 2005

I am running windows xp home spe2 on my computer. System restore will not create the "system checkpoint" for me at a given time interval. I will list what I have done so far to help diagnose my problem. I typed eventvwr.msc in the run line. Clicked system on the left, then source on the right. I found some events for sr, but these were the ones I did myself when turning off, then back on system restore. Task scheduler and system restore services are running. I confirmed this by typing cmd, then net start in the run line.

I have the space allowed on my hard drive set to the max, and there are 25 GB free. I am able to create manual system restore points and they are also created if I install/uninstall a program. I have reinstalled system restore using the sr.inf file. I used the "xpsystemrestoreponitsfrequency.vbs" to change my time interval to 1 hour just to see if it worked, but it didn't. I checked my registry settings for system restore. Disable SR is set to 0. Restore status is set to 1 (I posted that because I thought one means
disable in the registry, but I don't know what restore status is) I do have a screen saver on, my system is set so the hard drive turns off after 1 hour, but never goes into standby or hibernation. I am not sure what else to do at this point or what to check. If anyone else has suggestions, please let me know. At this point I am frustrated because I can not get this to work.

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SP2 - System Restore Has Totally Screwed System

Sep 18, 2006

I was using system restore with Windows XP SP2 to restore my system to an earlier point, and when the system restarted, everything was extremely slow, none of the drivers were working (graphics accelerator, internet, etc), and half the programs, including virus scanners, won't work. I've tried starting the computer in Safe mode, but it's still slow, and when I try to open system restore, I get the message: "System Restore is not able to protect your computer. Please restart your computer, and then run System Restore again", and this reapears no matter how the computer is started.

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System Restore - Operating System Queries

Jul 27, 2005

I read somewhere?{and forgot to note where} that system restore "does not restore everything"! Correct?What doesn't it restore? Isn't it primarily personal stuff that you should backup anyway? Can anyone provide a list of what it doesn't restore or provide a link to? that gives this info?Is it in the help/tutorial/tour of xp and other OSs that have it?Remember! =There's no such thing as a stupid question but they're the easiest to answer!" TSG says so! So there!

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Icons Disappeared From System Tray

Nov 25, 2006

Two icons have disappeared but occasionally reappear for one or two secessions. I believe this happened after the Microsoft updates early November but that may be just a coincidence. The programs are still running when I check in services and I am just wondering why this is happening. The icons that disappeared are Webroot's Spyweeper and Pure Network's, Network Magic, my network manager program. My system specs are P4 2.8mhz 1024mb ram 160gb hdd running Windows XP Home.

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Floppy Drive Disappeared In System

Jun 26, 2005

Look at Device Manager and noticed the yellow on my floppy drive and tried the standard uninstall > restart fix but it does not work. My Computer shows no floppy drive. The note on startup is: Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing.

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System Restore Wont Work: Previous Saved Points Unable To Restore?

Jul 29, 2005

I recently downloaded some drivers as I was trying to install a new printer who's software would'nt load. This did'nt solve the problem. I decided to get a printer that I had had before, Brother DCP-110C as I knew this had worked well. I tried to install yesterday (28th July) but could'nt and my PC keeps switching itself off near the end of the installation. I then thought I would use System restore to go back to a happier time when I had the first Brother printer. previous saved point wont let me to restore

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Restore Registry Using System Restore? Blue Screen, PC Won't Boot?

Sep 15, 2006

I was messing around with CCleaner and deleted something to do with an old version of McAfee (which isn't even on my computer anymore) from the registry. Yes, it was stupid to mess with the registry I guess because I failed to make the backup and now my computer won't boot. I get the blue screen that says there was an error 0x0000008e, or something like that.

I have tried using F8 and choosing the last known good configuration but it doesn't work. Also, I can boot into safe mode and I tried running a system restore but after it finished and I rebooted, it said that I couldn't restore from that point.I haven't really tried another restore because I am a little afraid to do anything. I don't want to risk losing access in safe mode because I need to be able to back up some of my files if in case I have to do a reformat.

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System Restore Won't Restore: Blue Screen Error On Start-up

Nov 4, 2006

My computer had a turn yesterday and kept giving me the blue screen error on start-up, so using my windows disk I managed to run chkdsk. So I can get on now, but certain things won't run, like Media Centre, Firefox has forgotten my settings and also my iriver doesn't get acknowledged when I plug it into a USB port.So I am trying to run System restore to go back a couple of days.I can get into restore, and go through everything up to the point where you click 'next' in order to restore it.I click on next but nothing happens, it just stays there.

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System Restore Wont Work: Unable To Get Restore Points?

Feb 13, 2005

I am unable to acess any of my or XP's restore points. When I went to restore to an earlier date. All appeared to be going as it should. However, when I got to my profile a message window came up that said unable to restore to (chosen date/time) etc. I chose 3 other restore points over the last month, thinking it might be some recent problem, still a no go. Any help would be greatly appreciated? Is there a utility to use to check and see if there is something corrupted?

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System Restore Wont Work: Unable To Use Restore Points?

Apr 8, 2005

I'm trying to do a system restore without success. It goes through the motions but after it restarts always say "cannot use restore point, no changes have been made to your system". I'm trying to correct a font setting change that happened without my knowledge.

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Drives Disappeared And System Not Longer Found

Sep 5, 2005

Does anybody know why these have disappeared from my screen and can no longer be found in My Computer? How do I get them back?

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Restore Shut Off: System Restore In Safe Mode?

Apr 26, 2006

i want to restore my laptop. had restore turned on until about 3 weeks ago shut it off. question:if you shut off restore does it still keep the last restore points? and is there a way to restore in safe mode (cant boot in reg mode) if restore is shut of. when i try and turn on sys restore in safe mode it say "i cant"

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