Auto Complete Doesn't Work

Apr 17, 2006

Just installed XP and "Auto Complete" doesn't work as long as I'm logged-in as Administrator. As soon as I switch to "Guest" user, it's works fine. I've heard of this issue before and I've seen it appear on a number of search engines- just no appropriate fixes for it.

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Chkdsk Auto-runs On Boot But Won't Complete

Nov 5, 2009

Today when booting up the pc, chkdsk autostarts (it usually doesn't..) but it hangs in the same place each time.I'm running XP (updated), but not in English, so the quotes are translated as accuratly as I can: It first confirms files (step 1 of 3) It then confirms index(?) (2 of 3) It then says "Correcting error in index $I30 for the file 106330" (twice)And then "sorting index $ I30 in file 106330" Then it just stand like that (waited 3 hrs).There is no sort of "work noise" or lights from the machine, just the fans.. I've tried restarting a few times, but no difference.The only thing I did yesterday that might have had this kind of effect is installing Gimp, but I can't see how.

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Doesn't Reboot - Safemode Doesn't Work

Jan 15, 2008

Was never able to restart after that. Normal boot shows the windows initial screen, but eventually just restarts, safe mode does the same thing whether it's with network, command line or plain safe mode. Last known good configuration does the same.Needed to use a file so decided to remove the HD and re-install to another PC. I did have access to the file in question but now I'd like to fix the problem.
The other system uses AVG. I started a scan and it detected Cekar.d (A0003977.exe, wdfmgr.exe and initially ntldr.exe), Dropper.Inor (ntdetect.hta, A0003979.hta), PSW.Generic5.ABVW (ctfmona.exe), PSW.OnlineGames.AAFI (ctfmonb.exe), PSW.Generic5.AFYK (ctfmond.exe), PSW.OnlineGames.ZWT (LotusHlp.exe) and some others but for whatever reason the scan stopped. I restarted it and now the AV still finds most of the threats it was seeing before but not Cekar.d. in the ntldr.exe file.

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Auto Run For DVDs Or CDs Doesn't Come Up

Dec 11, 2004

Well I seem to be getting the problem where the auto run for DVDs or CDs doesn't come up. I know the cds have an auto run so don't try suggesting that the disks don't have it. I have no idea where or how to fix this problem.The drive its self has no problem reading the disk or running the disk what so ever, it just won�t auto run, which means I have to waste time going into my computer and clicking on the drive. So I�m wondering if there�s a setting somewhere that has disabled the auto run feature. I'm using windows XP if that helps at all.So if anyone here can help me, that would be great and I�m sorry if this is in the wrong section or whatever.

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Computer Doesn't Auto-login Anymore

Aug 17, 2010

I only have 1 user on my computer, but it doesn't automatically log-in for me anymore. I never changed the settings, it just did on it's own this morning for some reason. Also, now for some reason instead of going to a screen saver when I'm inactive for like 10 minutes, it will instead take me back to the log in screen. Also, how can I stop Windows Messenger (a weak version of MSN Messenger) from starting when I turn on my computer? I'm using Windows XP.

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System Restore Wont Work / Complete?

Dec 1, 2007

I tried to use the System Restore function on my HP and it runs, but gives a message that System Restore can't complete and doesn't work. I even manually set a Restore point and tried to go back and restore using it, but got same message?Do I have any options, such as reinstall Restore or is there something else I can do?

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Auto Run Won't Work

May 31, 2006

This is driving me batty. I can't leave my computer for someone else to use, coz the autorun isn't working. My hubby isn't terribly computer literate and so doesn't know how to find the run command, and it's just too hard to teach him. Therefore if I'm away for a while, he can't use the computer to look at anything or put a game on for my son.Can anyone tell me how to turn my autorun back on. I don't even know how it got turned off.

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Auto Run Does Not Work

Dec 26, 2006

I have Battlefield 2142 DVD edition. For some reason auto run doesn't work so I right click > explore > setup and it loads. It starts up install shield > Choose setup language (English) > starting install shield wizard > error. The error happens at that same point every time. The error report for -5009 : 0x80040801 is this:

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Auto Play Will Not Work

Jan 29, 2005

I just got a Samsung DVD/CD+RW and it's been working great. However, one thing bugs me. Auto Play will not work with it. I have options in the drive's properties menu to choose what actions the drive should take when a media CD is installed. I have it set so that any type of media is AutoPlay. There're no options for data discs. However, no matter what kind of disc, from movie to Windows XP nothing happens. I have to open up My Computer and then browse for the auto play.

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Put Any CD Or DVD In Either Drive Auto Play Will Not Work

Jul 4, 2005

I have an AOpen DVD Reader and a Samsung DVD Burner drive in my XP Pro SP2 system.My problem is that whenever I put any CD or DVD in either drive the auto play will not work, if I open up My Computer and click on the drive Icon it will open up in the folder list but there is no Auto Play option.I have run the CD Auto Play from K'K line 10 and also restore Auto Play Icon, line 17 but none of these have worked. I have also run the repair tool from Kelly's Korner line 234 right hand side but that is unable to repair the function.

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Auto Run/Play Error: System Restore Wont Work?

Sep 10, 2010

Auto Run and Auto Play just quit working. I did the basic, went to the drives concerned, the Auto Play is enabled, looks like.The msconfig option is out of my expertize level. Would someone know what happened, and how I can get those options working again?BTW, the System Restore quit working, too. I tried to roll back to a good working setting, but SR didn't restore. I tried several times, different dates.

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Auto Play Option With DVD Wont Work: Have To Start Manually?

Dec 29, 2007

When I put a dvd in the dvd-player for a game or anything, it used to autostart that dvd. But suddenly, it doesn't autostart anymore. I have to start it manually, by clicking the drive and choosing "autorun". It is the same for other drives as well, such as cd-rom drive. How do I fix this?if it's possible, I would like not to install any programs. So are there any configurations or properties I can check?

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Screenshot Doesn't Work

Sep 3, 2010

i have a laptop and i know the keys to take a screenshot but it doesn't work .there is: fn+insert,prnt scrn sysRq but it does't work.

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Try Run Windows Normally Doesn't Work

Jul 27, 2007

This isn't my machine it belongs to my grandpa. It has XP SP2 on it. It loads just past cmos screen then reboots itself. no message or nothing. Try run windows normally doesn't work. Try run safe mode with network support NOPE.

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Reformatting Without F2 - Key Doesn’t Work

Feb 12, 2006

my friend tried to reformat my computer but for some reason my f2 key doesnt work out of all the keys on my laptop. i still get blue screens every once in awhile all related to windows. is there any other way to reformat besides going through the f2 during reboot?

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Msconfig Doesn't Work

Aug 4, 2005

why is it in win 2k msconfig doesn't work when typed into the command line?

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Definitive SEARCH In Doesn't Work

Aug 26, 2005

Going to START/Search button then adding parameters to close up search such as choosing "Case Sensitive" DOES NOT WORK. When I pressed Go for the search, all kinds of files popped up in the search such as Realization.doc, Capitalization.xls, anything that had the letters liz in it when I had typed in the "File and Folder" box Liz (Capital L lowercase iz) and then a space after the z. I have files named Liz(space).this and Liz(space). that, and that's what I was searching for. But files still appeared that had lowercase liz in the middle of a word like Capitalization. So what's the point of having a Case Sensitive box to check, when it doesn't work! Am I doing something wrong here?

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Ctrl Alt Delete Doesn't Work

Feb 10, 2010

Ctrl now opens the bookmarks side-bar in firefox when I try to ctrl + c to copy something it does in fact copy but it opens the bookmarks sidebar every time. Also I cannot ctrl alt delete to open taskmanager anymore.

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Bunch Of Stuff Doesn't Work

May 19, 2009

Alright, my in laws are having a problem with their computer and they said that last weekend Windows XP (SP3) asked to reactivate so they did without a hitch. I've never had a computer ask to do that unless I changed some hardware (which they did not) but maybe it's just never happened to me! So last week (a couple of days after the reactivation) they said weird things started happening. For instance if you go to the start menu to active windows, it comes up with a blank screen, the Windows search function comes up with a green screen and the little dog but that's it, IE doesn't load unless you type in an address and I couldn't get any web page to load that uses Active X. I ran the Kaspersky online test with no problems found and I couldn't run the antivirus from Eset because it requires Active X. Windows media player also doesn't load, it just brings up a blank screen. My father in law was able to defrag the computer though. I didn't have much time to really play with it so I'm not 100% sure what else isn't working but I know Firefox, Utorrent and VLC work fine. Has anyone had a similar problem or know where I should start to fix this?

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Aug 28, 2005

I just installed WinXP Pro on an Asus k8v deluxe mobo And ctrl alt delete doesnt work. Any ideas? Im sure there is a simple solution i am overlooking.

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Run Regedit Doesn't Work Anymore At X64

Oct 25, 2008

some hours ago, I tried to run regedit as usual by using "Start | Run", but it said:regedit.exe - Unable To Locate ComponentThis application has failed to start because clb.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix the problem.
I checked my running processes as well as restarted the PC. clb.dll was located at SysWOW64 (being a 32-bit dll, obviously) but not at System32 (where only 64-bit-files are stored), copying it to System32 didn't change anything.After a while of searching the inet in vain I realized I hadn't tried to start regedit.exe or regedt32.exe in SysWOW64 (but regedt32.exe in System32, which gives the error), and surprisingly, it worked. Still the problem remains: I can't start it using "Run" anymore (which worked since 18.05.2005), and I didn't change anything big but uninstalled WindowBlinds (a windows skinning software which worked quite well for many months). Could WindowBlinds be the reason, and if so, how? Moreover, will I experience further problems?(msconfig still works normally and can be started by "Run"; often, this isn't possible when encountering the regedit clb.dll error).

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Keyboard Doesn't Work After Booting

Jul 13, 2010

A friend of mine has been given a computer without a keyboard. It works fine except WinXP doesn't find a keyboard when a normal PS/2 keyboard is connected. The keyboard is working fine when running DOS or BIOS setup. I tried reinstalling WinXP but the keyboard doesn't work after booting the XP cdrom.Now the computer says "Restarting XP installation" after booting from the hdd. But it doesn't complete the installation without an usable keyboard.

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Entering Explorer In Run Box Doesn't Work

May 22, 2006

I have the option to 'open explorer window' in winzip checked so it opens an explorer window of the destination I unzip files to. Recently I noticed that stopped working. Then explorer crashed causing my start menu to disapear so I used ctrl-alt-dlt to open task manager and entered 'explorer' in the run box and clicked ok. Nothing happened. explorer did not reopen.I then figured out if I entered 'c:windowsexplorer.exe' in the run box explorer would then open.I'm guessing both these problems are related as it seems winzip is unable to to open explorer.Does anyone know how to fix this? I just recently scanned for virus' with 2 seperate scanners & and scanned for spyware with 2 separate programs and im clean & i only surf with firefox. So its not virus or spyware.

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Started To Updated USB - Now USB Doesn't Work

Aug 2, 2005

my system only has USB & a new USB2 device I recently bought automatically
started to update the USB 2.0 system, now none of my input devices work in
Windows XP.I've now read article 813139 & it says:"Note If you are using a USB keyboard and a mouse input device, Microsoft does not recommend that you update the USB 2.0 host controller driver by means of Device Manager. If you do this, the keyboard and mouse do not function, and you cannot control the system or safely restart the computer."

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Second Hard Drive Doesn't Work

Oct 28, 2007

So, I have the same problem few seems to have here, my 2nd HDD doesn't show up. The problem came when I formated my main HDD and installed XP on it. After that I can't get the 2nd HDD working.First of all, it shows on BIOS, its connected with cables (tried several, thought if the cables were broken), shows on control panel, on system. But I can't see any drives, not a single one. It has worked correctly for over 5 years, which 4 of them has been with the main HDD and XP, the same thing I have now.The 2nd HDD is Samsung SV4002H, I have few pics to clear the problem.

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Boot Editor Doesn't Work

Oct 6, 2007

i have recently downloaded boot editor and as it did not work the first time i uninstalled it, this was yesterday. Today i turned my pc on and the system speaker beeped and it didnt even show the first loadup screen that says energy at the top.

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Spell Check Doesn't Work

Mar 3, 2006

i just posted this and spell check thought teyh was ok, didn't offer up they. 2:15 isn't bad. you removed 2 checkmarks, how many still remain? what are teyh? i don't see any anti virus system in hjt. you need protection.

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MS Automatic Update To SP2 Doesn't Work

Apr 3, 2005

My OpticPro 9636T scanner parallel port scanner initially would not work under Windows XP Pro. Plustek does not support XP on this model. I finally found a driver from Germany. When installed with right mouse clicks, it installed in English, and worked perfectly. Since the MS automatic update to SP2, it no longer works, and the driver from Germany won't install.Does anyone know of a driver that will work?

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Network Connection Doesn't Work

Nov 9, 2008

My laptop works fine for wireless connection, but doesn't work for wired LAN's. There is no QoS Packet Scheduler in the Network Properties and if I click on Install it doesn't come up as an option. How do I find QoS or download it in order to install it?

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IE / Firefox Doesn't Work Correctly

Oct 8, 2009

I have a very specific issue here with user wallpapers. I have about 20 remote offices or so that are set up with a company wallpaper and we are using BGInfo so they can easily tell us the info we need to support them. Many computers are on sales floors and we need to keep them from changing the wallpaper for obvious reasons. I have tried the solutions of using a Group Policy, changing the registry keys, denying permission to registry keys, etc . . .

All of these solutions either have the problem that the user can still right click an image and set it as the background (IE, Firefox, Paint, Image Viewer), or it does not let BGInfo work correctly. I have spent a couple days searching forums everywhere and cannot find a a solution yet.

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MSN (Live Messenger Plus) Doesn't Work

Mar 5, 2007

i have MSN (Windows Live Messenger Plus) and sometimes it doesn't work. i type in my username and password then it logs in. but it doesn't do anything. and then i have to close it with the task manager otherwise i can't do anything on my computer at all. can anyone help me with this? 2: my rightclick doesn't work. i don't think it's the mouse cause i'm very good in reparing mouses. sometimes my computer restarts when i'm in the middle of something, without me actually clicking restart.

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