Are 7 "svchost.exe" Process Listings Too Many?

Apr 4, 2008

Task Manager "Processes" tab shows "svchost.exe" appearing 7 times. Most memory usage is in the 3-6,000K range but one is 25,000K. My downloads have been a bit slower lately, but I can't say I've had any dramatically obvious problems. Your "Search" feature turned up 14 pages of threads dealing with this subject. This is too daunting a research project for me. I"m using Windows XP Pro SP2. Do 7 listings of svchost.exe seem excessive?

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Growing Svchost Process Not The Usual One

Oct 28, 2007

one of my svchost instances just keeps on growing and growing. after 2 days of uptime it is about 70mb. i have used process explorer to determine that it is the RPC service that has started the instance of svchost from the Network service account. is it normal that this process keeps growing like this, usually when people have a problem with svchost it is because i hogs the cpu but in my case it is hogging the pagefile. i dont experience any XP slowdowns so i dont know if this actually is a problem. but i want to solve this before it becomes a problem. one time the svchost process was 100mb and kept growing

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Still With Svchost.exe / Generic Host Process

May 3, 2005

I'm still having a Generic Host Process (or something) error on startup. It then says the error is something to do with svchost.exe in: I looked there and deleted the directory as there was nothing in the folder.


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Svchost.exe Process Using More Memory Than Explorer.exe - Is True?

Aug 4, 2005

I was recently informed that if a svchost.exe process is using more memory than explorer.exe, it's a dud. Is this true? Also, I have six svchost.exe processes running at once, is this normal ?

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Svchost.exe Problem Turned Into A Generic Host Process Win32

Sep 17, 2007

Whenever i start up my computer an error message window pops up saying:

svchost.exe-application error the instruction at "0x7c918fea" referenced memory at "0x00000010." The memory could not be "written." Click OK to terminate the program, Click Cancel to debug the program

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CPU Has TWO Listings In Device Manager

Dec 16, 2007

There is an article in this month's PC World "Fast Windows Fixes". The first of the fixes suggests that computer performance can be slowed because drivers for devices you no longer have are still being loaded. It provides a way to ensure that Device Manager also lists drivers for devices that are not currently connected, so I set it to do that.I found no device drivers loaded for anything not connected to my system, but DID find what appears to be a strange situation. Under Processors, my CPU is listed TWO times. The properties for both are identical. It looks like one should be deleted (I only have one CPU on the mobo, an Intel P4 Prescott running at 3.0GHz). But this is the MOTHER OF ALL DEVICES on a computer, so before I delete one of the entries, I want to check to see if it's supposed to have two entries. Can I delete one or should both be there?

I think this may have happened because about 10 days ago, I did a FULL reformat on my HD and reinstalled Windows and all 85 updates since the creation of my Windows CD. I also loaded drivers from other CD's that came with the PC, like my Marvell Ethernet card, Soundmax onboard audio, etc., AND the Asus CD containing the Intel 875/865 chipset drivers. I'm wondering if well before I loaded the latter, that Windows already loaded those drivers and the CD loaded them again. BTW, the driver dates in each entry for the CPU in Device Manager is 4/1/04.

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Lost Ebay Listings?

Jul 22, 2010

Yesterday all my ebay listings disappeared. cant find them anywhere. I have been listing for a number of years and this has never happened before? All listings had time left, days not hours. Ebay are no help atall. Any one out there got a solution.

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Process Manager - Process Leads To Virus?

Sep 28, 2006

when I push ctrl+alt+del i cant get into the process manager!! the process button is not lit and cannot push it!anyone knows what can i do?

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No Device Listings In Device Manager

Jun 20, 2008

I'm using XP SP3 Home Gateway desktop My device Manager has nothing in it. I don't know when it quit showing. I have checked Bios plug&Play, and it is set in Auto. I am also getting an error stating my recovery D: is running out of disk space.

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System Idle Process - Should End Process

Aug 23, 2005

System Idle Process is at top of processes tab in windows task manager. I've read in an earlier post this causes cpu spikes. should I just highlight it and click end process? or is there something else I need to do.

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Svchost Wuaclt Goes Up To About 30k

Feb 6, 2007

When I start my computer svchost one of the many goes crazy pushing CPU up to 100% and it's mem usage to about 90k. At the same time, wuaclt goes up to about 30k, which is also not normal.

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SVCHOST.EXE - When I Start Up Pc

Oct 20, 2006

when i start up this pc, it becomes very slow. I go to task manager and have a look and i see SVCHOST.EXE as a system process. But is Mem Usage is like 40,000 and it is taking up 99 on the CPU and the CPU usage shoots to 100%. I can stop this process and the start bar will look like the windows classic for a bit then change back to regular xp.
i have tried to google it and i see all sorts of things, like spyhunter etc. i have tried all sorts of steps to remove this but to no avail

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Svchost.exe - Two Windows Come Up

Nov 18, 2006

the operating system that i am using right now is Windows XP. Everytime i turn on the computer these two windows come up: the first window is an Application Error for svchost.exe, and the other is a "emcountered a problem and needs to close" window for Generic Host Process for Win32 Services.

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Svchost.exe - Booted My Pc

Apr 25, 2007

i just booted my pc, went regularly until it was launched and the desktop was loaded. Everything was running slowly, i press ctrl - alt - delete and wait 5 minutes for it to eventually come up, i then went to the processes tab and find that svchost.exe is running at 99% CPU I usually end process on that svchost, but then i cant connect to certain servers, and sometimes my sound drivers disappear also(not 100% sure, but this seems to be connected

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Dec 11, 2004

Dell Security Center (McAfee) with Firewall, AntiSpam, AntiHack, AntiVirus enabled. When I booted up my computer, it automatically connect to Internet, I received an error "Generic Host Process for Win32 Service." I clicked the detail report:
AppName: svchost.exe AppVer: 5.1.2600.2180

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Svchost.exe Is Using 100% CPU Capacity?

May 3, 2007

When I start it, after a few seconds, a task is appearing in the Task Manager, called "svchost.exe", which is using 100% of my PCU. I know this task is part of Windows, but I'm wondering why it uses so much CPU... I performed a search on the web and found 2 tips: 1- Performing a registry scan (with RegCure or equivalent), then a spyware scan and a virus scan; 2- Updating my system on Windows Update. I did the first step with the free versions of RegCure and RegistryFix (registry scan), AdAware and AVG Free. But concerning the 2nd step, when I go on the Windows Update site, the automatic update tool performs an infinite search to find the suitable updates for my system

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Svchost.exe Constantly Using 50% Cpu

Jan 2, 2008

My HP Pavilian dv8000 laptop running XP home with media center is constantly using 50% of the cpu for svchost.exe as soon as you log boot up and it never stops.* How can I find out what process is running and shut it down?

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Svchost.exe Cpu 100%: Only Happens In Win 2000?

Aug 17, 2005

after running for a while svchost.exe starts using more memory and cpu usage goes up to 100%. i read about this problem in article 324139, it says it only
applies to windows 2000 though. Im running windows xp home SP2 and im not sure how to fix the problem.

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Svchost.exe Taking Up More Than 98% Of CPU?

Apr 15, 2007

svchost is taking up all my CPU power and making my system extremly slow!

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Svchost.exe Using 100% CPU At Startup?

Jan 20, 2008

I have a P4 512MB computer running Win XP SP2. Latley svchost.exe is using 100% CPU at startup. I have to open the task manager and kill the procces.Although I'vr found several posts on it, I can't find a good solution for this problem.

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Svchost.exe Using 100% Of Cpu's Resources?

Mar 8, 2008

This has been going on for awhile. When I start my PC svchost.exe kicks in and uses all the cpu's so I can hardly get any programs to run. I have resorted to opening up the Task Manager and stopping the svchost.exe that is the culprit. Then everything runs fine. I know that the svchost.exe is most likely a Microsoft program (Windows Update and Windows Defender) that you need to run.

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With Svchost.exe And A Isass.exe

Aug 2, 2007

I'm not a complete n00b and i got rid of isass.exe which was causing my system to shut down in 60 seconds. However I haven't been able to stop another problem I have which is the Generic Host Process for Win32 Services problem that usually comes with blaster. I doubt that it's blaster though. also could anyone suggest a good security combo I could use. Anti Virus Firewall and Anti Spyware I've become quite used to NOD32 and I don't like using the other memory hogs... I need suggestions for anti spyware and firewall that would go with NOD32.. or just any good solution that would prevent this from happening again and that wouldnt consume all my memory up.

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SVCHOST.EXE Using Up All Resources

May 23, 2006

There is a process called svchost.exe using up almost 100% of my resources and making the computer almost useless. What is causing this or how do I find out what is causing this problem? I am running Windows 2000 Pro.

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Svchost Is Choking Up Too Much Of CPU

Mar 30, 2007

Whenever my laptop boot up to Windows XP, just when I thought everything was loaded properly, the svchost.exe would start to show 100% CPU usage. I checked through the previous posts and realised that most of the pp seemed to have the problem only when they are running Microsoft update or when they are using AMD CPUs. However, I am in neither of the 2 categories. Also, I think it was mentioned before that I could possibly check which program that is using the svchost.exe. But when my laptop is having 100% CPU usage, basically it does not respond to any instructions, may I know how can I check the program in that case? Is there something similar to a log file that I can look through?

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Svchost.exe Slowing Pc

Jun 12, 2010

a Dell Latitude laptop with XP pro, SP3 and all updates. Recently I found the cpu running at 3-4 % with only the desktop, Avira, and Windows Defender running. Normally cpu is down to 1% with these programs running. I turned off automatic updates and avira and defender but cpu was still at 3-4 %. How can I find out the cause of this? I do not know which of several svchost processes is causing the problem, this one uses about 35Mb with firefox open, 31Mb when I close it.

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Application Of SVCHOST.EXE

Apr 7, 2010

Xp sp2. WHen my system slows, I check TaskMgr. The main thing i notice, is that there are 6 or 7 seven tasks named svchost.exe. Is this normal? What does svchost.exe do?

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Where Is SVCHOST.exe Located?

Jan 15, 2007

I deleted a file called svchost.exe because Norton said it was infected with a virus. I use WinXP sp2. Now I can't find my taskbar at the bottom and I can't go online.I made a full system back up a few days ago.If I can restore this file(s), I think there were three of them, I think I get my computer to work properly again.The problem is where are these files located? If someone could look on their computer and tell me I would appreciate it.There variations on svchost.I know one was svchost.exe. I also know one was located in Documents and Settings.

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SVChost.exe Strikes Again

Apr 12, 2007

I posted a forum topic about this months ago. I thought the problem was fixed but it came back. My computer going screwy again. I scan my computer for viruses everyday. When the error popped up, I did system restores about 6 times, but still won't fix the problem. I think I have a virus that my virus scan didn't pick up. I am running out of options my last plan is a full restore back to factory default. But SVChost.exe is stopping my backup efforts.

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Svchost.exe Question?

Jun 23, 2010

I have a question regarding the svchost.exe windows file that runs in the background. Besides having 2 of them running at once, which i have read is normal, one of the svchost.exe files constantly runs at around 140,000-170,000k of memory. Even when my computer is just turned on or has been sitting with nothing running. Is this normal? I dont have any excess programs running besides my creative sound panel, logitech g series keyboard profiler, saitek x-52 profile manager, and logitech gamepanel manager. It's beyond me why svchost.exe would take up more memory than a lot of the programs I run.

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SVCHOST Configuration With The Same Results

Sep 21, 2006

Freshly configured windows XP pro. installed SP2 that I had on a disk. installed avg free, when IE is started, an svchost program starts, and eats up 99% of the resources. I try to get the windows updates which I believe would solve this problem, but I can not. I end the svchost process and IE will browse to websites, but still cannot get the windows updates. how can I get the updates which I believe would fix, I have done this very same configuration with the same results on 3 computers, they were all fresh installs.

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Svchost.exe - Downloaded Spybot And Ran It

Jun 20, 2006

I started having a strange problem happening. Upon windows 2000 start up, a DOS window opens saying that it is an instance of svchost.exe running. Now I know this has to run but this is the first time that it ever opened a window when doing it. So I figured something in the registry got whacked. So I downloaded spybot and ran it. It found 153 things that I certainly didn't want running on my computer. I had spybot delete them all. I then restarted my PC. The DOS window still pops up on startup.
I then looked at my start menu to see if something got added there that is starting this up on start up. Nothing. I then manually checked the register against another computer that I have that doesn't have the same problem. All instances of any calls to svchost.exe on both computers appear to be the same

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