I'm a bit uneasy about the fact that the 32bit XP only supports up to 4GB of RAM. Seeing how hardware has progressed these days, 4GB+ of RAM may be the standard in the very near future. So I was wondering how much trouble is 64bit XP Pro interms of getting the drivers and getting games/software to work?The other option is to 'upgrade' to Vista but I've only heard bad things about it from my friends who've tried it and they all went back to XP Pro...so is Vista really that bad?
I have an Advent T12 Desktop PC, running Windows XP, 3.4GHz Processor, 512 MB Ram, 250gb hdd. I want to upgrade my Ram so I can play 'Brothers in Arms:Hells Highway' can you tell me by how much Ram is needed to play this game? Also will I have to upgrade anything else to play it? From the answer you give for the needed upgrade will I be able to play any of the 'Need for Speed' games?
i was recently going through the Windows XP services shutting down various components that are not necessarily needed that take up RAM. Personally, I have plenty of RAM and didn't really have a problem with it, but wanted to see what would change so I could tweak my girlfriends computer which is running sluggish, even after doubling her RAM to over a gig. (Getting more HD soon...) Everything is fine, however,
I realized that my calculator/ MS Paint/ and all the games under 'Accessories' are missing. I can't seem to figure out what component of Windows is linked with those particular programs. /WinXP%20Services.htm
I don't know much about computers, and by my own admission,I send emails and yahoo, and play games... or I am trying to. I noticed that I couldn't save a photo sent to me on my yahoo email, saying 'your current security settings do not allow this file to be downloaded'.When I tried to download free games off MSN, this was also the message.I have read some of the posts regarding security, and the answers are all regarding settings in OE. Strangely enough, I don't have outlook express, although I used to, so don't know where it has gone.I followed one link going through the 'run, cmd.etc etc' and that didn't do anything, came up with an error message. I have only had this computer 3 months, and can't have broken it already.
well for the past couple months I've been getting this really annoying problem with the "System" process randomly using the CPU A LOT on WinXP Pro. This is only noticeable while playing games that use high amounts of CPU usage as well (two of which are Continuum which is an online multiplayer game and Sims 2).
I've been through many forums trying everything that could possibly be a problem. Removed the registry entry related to avis, set the settings to best performance but no change. Now I would assume that it has to do with something running, but just this morning I shut down all my server process, and basically anything I could.
I just recently replaced my 200 gig ide harddrive with a 1 TB SATA hardrive, as my old one kicked the bucket. I have reinstalled windows xp and all drivers and got everything working. It is working better than ever ,as my old harddrive was sluggish for some time before it died. But now i am unable to play any 3d games. They boot up fine ,but whenever anything is rendererd in 3d it hangs at random intervals for a good 10-15 seconds then continues for a few seconds and hangs again. I have tried half life 2, swat 4 and ceaser 4. Swat 4 even hangs in the menu screen.
Is there a Group Policy in Windows that will disable the Windows games in Windows XP & 2kpro. I don't want to uninstall them. The company that I work for is putting their foot down internet use and game play.
I had a random thought. and I can't find much information on the idea. What happens if I make my XP partition 40 gigs so I had room for programs, but then, for something like Oblivion, Id partition 8-10 gigs strictly for the game. Then Sims 2 id do like, 10 gigs strictly for sims 2. So...would that make the games run faster cause theres only a small area to search, or, is it a waste of time?
I had bought a Compaq Presario 5013wm a few weeks ago. The system came with Vista. I was having a lot of hardware issues with network and gfx card, so I opted to install XP. Well, XP wouldn't install because I had no floppy disks to load the raid drivers with, so I went under the BIOs and changed it from RAID to IDE. So now XP is on and everythings working... kind of. The problem I seem to be running into is some seemingly random crashes. From what I've noticed, they only happen while playing a game and, very rarely, when playing music. Sometimes I can play for hours and other times, just a few minutes. The graphics card is a Geforce 7300GS and it has the latest drivers along with the audio. Checked the temp and it seems to stay between 64-67C while playing a game, which I hear is normal for my card. The BIOs is still in IDE mode.. not sure if thats an issue.. can't turn it to RAID without a floppy drive -__-;. Upon thinking of it, I doubt that's the issue as the few times I was able to play before uninstalling vista, I recall the same freeze.
I have Windows XP Media Center and and ATI Radeon HD 2600 pro vid card. During any type of game play, i.e. COD or Quake, if I adjust the volume or use the Q3E minimizer, I have to exit the game and readjust the brightness in the game system settings before I can play again because the screen gets dark. Other friends I play with do not have this problem
I've always had weird things wrong with my system which I've suspected memory problems, like games that take up a lot of memory would sometimes crash, etc.
I had gotten BSODs before, but RARELY. Now recently, at least once a day I've been getting this BSOD "DRIVER LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO" (something like that)
ok so i formatted twice did a HD surface scan did ram checks and an asortment of other random things and yet still my comp won't let me install random diff games such as maple story and WoW and is running really slow ... also my comp sees me as having a 1.2 GB processer when i really have a 1.6 so thats is also making me mad ... plz help bout to throw comp out 2nd story window ... btw i am running win xp pro corprate edition
I am wondering if someone can help while i play any games on my computer the games minimise to taskbar for no apparent reason. I have tried disabling the virus software etc even updated graphics drivers etc still no joy. When the game minimises i click on it in the taskbar it runs ok for another 10/20 minutes then does it again.
As above really, All my games minimise and the mouse goes invisible but can still be used, very annoying and have no idea why this suddenly happened. I have run AVG and Norton's and they found nothing. I updated my drivers even reinstalled Norton in case it was that. It is driving me made.
I recently found that my Games folder was empty. When I try to re-install the games from my XP Pro cd, I get the errors: "Setup cannot copy the file sol.hl." etc. If I cancel and try to continue setup, It just gives the same error from the next item.I tried to uninstall and reinstall the Accessories and Utilities folder and recieved the same errors. The cd is a Genuine Windows XP Professional Upgrade. It includes Service Pack 2. Version 2002. The cd is not scratched or smudged in any way and I can see the files on it when I browse the cd. I also checked my cd drive by installing two other programs from two different cds. It works fine. There are several things that happened or I did to the computer before I lost the games but I dont want to get into the details if I dont have to (dont want to write a small novel). The most significant, I think is that I had to reactivate my copy of Windows, because I had removed my etherlink card (I only have dial-up here). Also I messed up some drivers and had to reinstall them. I'm not sure which caused the reactivation screen to pop up. When I reactivated, I couldn't connect to the internet and had to do it over the phone, so they gave me a different Product Key to use.I hope that information helps to explain my situation enough. I would just do a clean reinstall of XP, but am now afraid it wouldn't copy the files from the cd.
Since updating to Service Pack 2 in Windows XP, I am having frequent lockups while running games such as, FIFA Soccer 2004, FIFA Soccer 2002, and NBA Live 2003. I have upgraded my video driver and have gone through the typical procedures for eliminating processes and background programs. I also disable virus protection when running the games. I have tried various settings for the video and audio whithin the games, but nothing works! Here might be some helpful info from my dxdiag 9.0 file: Operating System: Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 2 (2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519) Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
Recently I have gotten this low fps in games, wich i think comes from Higher than usual CPU usage My pc is: 512MB ra Pentium4: 3GH Geforce 5200 128mb I could always play most of the games with quite high FPS ( 30-70) And recently i got about 9.. wich really sucks, also when i am using Photoshop, listening music(itunes) ,and while i'm on msn, it starts to be slow, while i used to be able to do that + alot more thingsw ithout high cpu usage, any help?i tried scanning virusses but nothing finds, maybe a better virusscanner, or something, we'll,
I have the following computer that I would like to upgrade so that my grandkids can play their games on it.Is this setup upgradeable to play today games? Would it make sense money wise? What upgrades do you suggest?
Okay so I seem to have this problem with every single PC game I try to play. Basically I'm just trying to focus on possible causes of the problem. When I start a game up, let's say Age Of Empires III, as soon as the intro video comes up I hear some weird clicking or ticking. Then I can play as usual but with the clicking popping up every once in a while.. Then usually after a random amount of time the game will freeze. OR I can actually quit the game and do somethin else for a while but somewhere down the road - my PC freezes. This happens with every game, more often with more taxing games on my video card. Now I know clicking is usually associated with HDDs but I just dunno about that. I have two HDDs and for example. I had Pirates installed on HDD 1 and had the problem so I wiped the drives clean and installed WinXP and Pirates on the other drive and had the same problem. 1GB Corsair Barton 3200 9800 Pro Omega Drivers 120GB + 80GB HDDs MSI K8-n72 delta-l mobo
first off my computer is a dell latitude c640 with xp pro. despite its age i have never had any problem watching videos or streaming audio offline. now it is laggy. if i watch a video it will every so often skip and jump. i then listened to a local radio station that is streamed offline and i get the same thing. lag. all video does it, fox on demand, any amazon video on demand i have and even Internet!
its not my internet connection i will say this. i thought of that but knew it could not be. for one thing i have watched videos before and never had that problem. also i am using my colleges internet connection so yes it has enough bandwidth. then there is the fact that it is not just video online. it is also video offline. downloaded amazon on demand skips, ripped dvd's too and when i watch it on dvd it skips too.
it recently started about sunday. if it helps i installed a few programs prior to this problem. 1)video lan http://www.videolan.org/been uninstalled since2)ms office 2007 (highly doubt this is a problem) 3)service pack 3 was installed sunday night(automatic update)
Ok most of my games are freezing up during gameplay such as Everquest freezes up for no reason or same for Guild Wars. I think its something wrong with my computer (but no sure the problem) or it might be something wrong with the graphic card. I can telll the difference between lag of a game and the game just freezing up for no apparent reason.
I have this wierd problem of a folder opening with every windows startup. The folder is C:Program Filesone.com. The folder and files within are not malware or anything, just some little games that came with my computer that I never got rid of. It is not in my startup folder. I have never run any of the games and don't even remember opening that folder before this started happening.
Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1 Scan saved at 12:36:09 PM, on 6/25/2005 Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)
i just reconfigured my computer and i tryed to install some of my games and all of them failed, for each one i tired to install it gave me errors for them?
I don't know if this is the right section but I don't know where the problem lies. It could be a game issue as it's not happened on desktop, it could be hardware but I doubt it.Any game, any time, the S key will randomly stop working. Any gamers will know the S key usually means backwards in some form or another, or brake.It will just stop working and will only work when I exit the game and re-load it. Obviously this is annoying and some games you can't save when you like and some take ages to load (on this vintage thing anyway).Any idea what it is? I ran ad-aware about 4 days ago, this problem I noticed once about a week and a bit ago, and it's just done it three times on me tonight.Keyboard is PS/2 and is plugged directly into the PS/2 on the motherboard (no USB adaptor or anything). Specs of computer in question are above on the little button next to my name.
Can't hear sound effects in many games (and some system sounds), but I can listen to music and background sounds.Dxdiag sound diagnostics:DirectSound test results: Failure at step 20 (User verification of hardware): HRESULT = 0x00000000 (error code) (it pops up after the 1st hardware buffer test)I searched on google, tried everything.
I bought my wife an HP desktop and ordered it with Vista 64bit OS. We ran into some issue that led to us buying a new printer and it does not run some video games we like to play. We just tolerated it for a while but she hates it so I was thinking about buying a copy of XP and loading it up on her system. Are there any issues with doing this or should it just work? I expect I will have to download some drivers for 32bit but that should be easy enough
This is the WinXP mouse accel tweak. It restores the feel of the mouse back to Win2K style. Very helpful for gamers and those sensitive to mouse movements. Navigate to [HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelMouse]Then, under SmoothMouseXCurve,
Since purchasing my computer a couple of years ago, I have been afflicted with random 'BSOD' crashes. At the outset, they would occur whenever I ran anything intensive (a three-dimensional game, for example). I was told the problem was likely a lack of/bad RAM, so I purchased more. For a while, all was well, until the crashes began occuring again (a myriad, really: IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA, etc.) some months later. Not possessing any vast knowledge of computers, I again purchased new RAM. The problems seemed to subside, though occured still occassionally (no rhyme nor reason).
I open a new page or file my pc opens a new window which is no big problem but my task bar quickly fills up, it never used to do this. I also have a problem when I play certain games the resolution gets adjusted and when I shut the game down items have disappeared from my desktop, to get them back I have to adjust resolution to make icons large, drag items to side of desktop, then adjust resolution back to normal. Fujitsu Siemens, Windows xp, MCE 2002, sp2.
My son wants to play an online game called Americas Army. but he keeps getting kicked out for inadaquite OS privalges it has to do with anti cheat software they run so they say i have to give him administrative privalge on my pc but i only want him to have a limited account cuz with admin he can change my user password and check my personal files witch i dont want if i have to give him admin can i lock him out of the account user area so he can not change passwords???