System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 8 Pro, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3520M CPU @ 2.90GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9
Processor Count: 4
RAM: 11983 Mb
Graphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000, -1984 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 243845 MB, Free - 168572 MB;
Motherboard: LENOVO, 3434CTO
Antivirus: Windows Defender, Disabled
I'm here for a "system folder" I cannot get rid of but as I'm posting my system info above I realize that Antivirus shows Disabled! I just checked Action Center and Windows Defender shows ON for both antivirus and spyware. Why does the info utility show Disabled??
Now, for the reason I posted, a couple weeks ago I was playing with different desktop apps to reply to phone texts via my pc. One of those apps required my phone to connect via Bluetooth to my pc so I went ahead and made the connection. I didn't really like the app so I uninstalled and also went to Devices and Printers and uninstalled the phone from there.
Now when I open My Computer ('Computer' in Windows 8), I see:
Hard Disk Drives (1) - Windows(C
Devices with Removable Storage(2) - Flash(D and BD-ROM Drive(F
Other(1) - SGH-T889 System Folder
Portable Devices(1) - Galaxy Note 2 Portable Media Player
My annoyance is with the Other(1). I know for a fact the "SGH-T889" is my phone's model number. Under Portable Devices I see the phone as well because I have it connected to the pc but even if I disconnect it, the 'Other' category remains. When I try to click, right-click, or do any type of clicking on SGH-T899 Explorer just hangs indefinitely. I need to restart Explorer to resume.
I want to get rid of this "Other" field. Underneath the SGH-T889 it says 'System Folder' in gray lettering and it shows an icon of a cell phone. But again, I cannot click on it without it freezing on me. There is no more phone in Devices and Printers or anywhere else I can think of.
I've got a laptop with two NTFS partitions on it; one for Windows 8, and another for storage of random things. Both are NTFS-formatted, and they're on a basic disk.
The problem is: When I open the "Computer" window, it only shows me the C: drive that I'm running Windows from. Other things are there... the DVD-RW, network folders, other computers on the net, etc. But the H: drive (the other NTFS partition I use for random storage) isn't there. HOWEVER..... if I go up to the address bar and type in "H:" and hit <Enter>, it takes me to that drive, and the H: drive suddenly appears in the folder-pane on the left of the window.
It does the same thing for any USB drives I plug in. I can type their drive letters into the address bar, and then it'll take me to that drive and it's icon will show up in the left-hand folder pane. But then, when I navigate away from that drive, it disappears again.
It's like Windows is hiding them from me unless I know the address, kinda like how putting "$" at the end of a shared folder name does it with network shares.
Ok since Windows 8 there was a cool feature within windows explorer that would show the content of a shortcut folder at the bottom without having to click on it.
Then 8.1 disabled the feature and hidden the feature really well. It took some time doing, actually it was probably more of a fluke, but I was able to turn on the feature again.
But now it was some how rested and the feature has been disabled again, and I can't find it.
What the feature is called, all I know is that if you open up your file explorer go to either of your Documents / Music / Pictures / Video folder, it then would show the contents of your shortcut folder from your other hard drive. The view at the top, lets say you went to pictures, would show all the folders that you have in the Pictures. You'd have a description above the folders that says "Pictures (how many folders you have)" and below that the file extension. Below that you would have the "(The name of your shortcut) (how many files/ folders you have)," the extension, and then the content that are within the Shortcut all within the same explorer.
Iam running 8pro 64 bit. when I open an file explorer window, sometimes there is everytihg, but most of the time, there is just "desktop" and it is searching.I have to manually right click and open new explorer to get it to show all drives and locations. Also, when I get into a window with movies or pictures, all the files are white, no thumbnail! I have no virus and the installation is new and it is from the Microsoft site. all updates are installed.
I am trying to get embedded album art to show in W.Explorer for m4a Mpeg4 files. I am not talking about the art on the folder but the art in the files itself. Mp3 shows up no problem but m4a is being difficult.
Any easy solution aside from using a shell extension.
The only possible solution I found in another thread and will post it here: "I fixed the problem as it was mainly due to corrupted registry for some strange reason.i imported the .mp3 dile extension key from registry and opened it using notepad and replaced all .mp3 extension with .m4a and saved it as .m4a.reg and run it and had to do a system restart after that thumbnails again started showing up in windows explorer as normal.such as in the below screenshot"
My question: I don't have a corrupted registry as I just did a fresh install only a week ago. So, is it possible for me to edit the registry as this person suggests? how would I go about doing so exactly? I have no experience messing with registry files .
when i plug my samsung note 2 phone in it shows in file explorer with no problems
The computer knows my nexus tablet has been plugged in because it gives me the option to eject it, but it does not show in explorer so I can not drag and drop files on to it
I connected my digital camera to the computer. Windows installed device software to use the camera.
Initially, I saw small image previews. Once all the pictures were loaded, I no longer saw the image previews. Now all I see is a Windows logo and a harddrive icon.
Recently I installed a fresh copy of windows 8 on my PC. it was nothing wrong with it till I installed Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 (v. & did a reboot.
Now non of my files including picture, audio & video files show thumbnails or even tags (ex mp3 files). I've tried the solutions stated about turning thumbnails on & off with no luck. in my folder options the option "Always show icons, never thumbnails" is UNCHECKED.
I also have some difficulties pinning folders to windows explorer taskbar icon since then.
Annoying error of windows explorer. Windows explorer is getting crashed while opening any folders accidentally, especially folders with large number of files and images. first it appears as windows explorer is unable to load files thumbnails (any kind of files) and appears as white or blank icons regardless the type of file. then when opening my computer in another window , it couldn't load even contents of drivers and hangs as "searching for items".
All this happens suddenly after weeks of normal windows usage. I resolve it by backing up system using Acronis image. but the problem persists. I tried virus scan with no success using AVG. I made thorough scan for C with no result too.
Note that this problem I found with Windows 7 and it forced me to upgrade to Windows 8 then I'm experiencing the same problem now. I don't Understand why.
Note: I think there's no hardware (HDD) error cause I'm running Ubuntu 13.04 alongside Windows and it's browsing files perfectly.
I just purchased new Insignia multi-card reader connected to machine, got the windows connected sound, but nothing in the windows exporer pane (what was My computer in XP and Win 7)...went ahead and connected my cf card... still nothing, should show Nikon D3 (all may cards are named for the camera they get shot in ) ... ???
card is a transcend 16gb 1000x ... computer is win 8.1 pro 64bit, 16gb ram, processor: AMD a10-7850KAPU with Radeon R7 Graphics, Motherboard: Asus A88X-PRO
I recently installed Windows 8 and have noticed that at some point the tags stopped displaying in Windows Explorer for media files such as mp3 and m4b.
This affects my collection of Music and Audio books that I had to perform a big resue operation on.
I can't sort them according to the tags that had been set in iTunes or mp3 tagger. This has always worked previously and the tags have displayed fine.
It's just empty where the tag should be, even for files which I know are tagged, and where the tag displayed previously, in Windows Explorer.
I am running sfc /scannow for good measure, but is this a known Windows 8 problem, perhaps? Any tips for getting the tags to display again? I don't fancy doing this sorting on a file-by-file basis, it would take a week....
I have 2 HD's in my PC, yet I can only access one. Never had this problem before when formatting in W7.
When formatting i delete all partitions and create new ones. The thing is windows creates 3 extra partitions with my first one (recovery - about 300MB, system - about 100MB and MSR - Microsoft reserved about 128MB) and 1 extra partition with my second one (also MSR - about 128MB).
So i then have 4 partitions made by MS and 2 partitions i made myself (partition 0 and 1).
The next thing i do is select partition 0 and resume the setup.
When i check my HD's under "Computer" (dutch version of Windows). Only one HD shows up.
Since refreshing win 8 my DVD drive doesn't appear in 'computer' and doesn't boot from the win 8 disk. The green light on the drive flickers and you can hear the drive reading the disk.
This is the 5th time I've had the charms not showing up forcing me to shut down then computer by using the button in the front of the thing. what do I do to fix this so if the same thing happens again, the charms do come up.
I have a TDK 16GB usb pen drive that shows in Device Manager when inserted but not in Computer. It does sometimes appear but very rarely. I have updated all driver via Device manager an they are fine.
I am currently running Windows 8 64 bit and when I go to "My Computer" it is only showing my C: drive. I know my other drives (internal, external and dvd) are working because I can enter the directory name (ie. H: or E:) into the address bar and the content appears. Is there any way to fix this problem so that they show up in "My Computer"?
my WESTERN DIGITAL hard disk was running smoothly and i can access all datas.....but today 1 disconnected it and there after it is not showing on "my computer"...
bt d indicator light is on and it is rotatng insise......but cant access it ....
I have run into some networking problems and I think I have narrowed it down to the homegroup provider.
I have 4 windows 8 pro x64 computers connected to a router. Up until now, I have been able to disable the homegroup provider service because I don't want to use the homegroup and don't want to see it in my file explorer. I have been able to connect to all the shared computer drives up until I tried to disable the homegroup provider on my netbook. When I did this I lost the ability to connect to other shared computers. I re-enabled the provider, however I still cannot see drives on other computers. I can now see my netbook on the other shared computers.
In Windows 8 Explorer ( have they changed the name of it ) you know, the file manager. In the left side, the top of the "tree" you have Desktop, Downloads, etc ....
I created a folder when the pc was new called Jack's Stuff. Later, much later, I decided I didn't like the name with "stuff" ... so I changed it to Jack's Place. Instead of the typical My(fill in the blank). So it changed there. But following through the tree to it's origin down finding it through USERS>Jack ... etc. It's still in all cases called Jack's Stuff. Now this is not typical for XP and before that. I jumped right from XP to Windows 8.
Why didn't the name change everywhere and not just at the top of the tree? Is there a way to insure the name changes everywhere if you rename a folder. Oh, I tried going through USERS>Jack and changing it but I forget right now but it didn't work out completely kosher.
Since 2 days ago I've noticed that I cannot create a new folder with File Explorer by any way possible. Using the taskbar or the SHIFT + Ctrl + N. Even when saving projects with Save File as... and trying to use the "New Folder" text string button does not create any folder. Using CMD prompt or powershell all works well as with Total Commander which i only installed to see if it could create folders and it does. Other programs that auto create folders also works well (i.e. Foobar when transcoding to new unavailable folder). My Windows 8 Pro is original, it's a 4 month old install, I've not made any customizations, no registry hacks, Windows is bare apart from Classic Shell which i only use now as a custom button to go to start screen with the mouse. I also made a custom High Contrast Theme that i use at night or when eyes are a bit tired. It's 2 months old so it's there long before the problem.I've not installed any new programs in the last week apart from some updates from FileZilla, Foxit pdf and Notepad++.Last system update is COPICOM from 13 July.I followed this guide which as not resolved the problem: I cannot find a way to create a new folder in Windows 8. -
Whenever I go to open my Explorer folder or if I haven't opened it in a while it is very slow to open. Takes maybe 5-10s to open up when normally it used to be instant.
This is the folder I am talking about if there are any confusion: View image: Explorer
Suddenly every time i try to browse Downloads folder, explorer.exe freeze and stuck in not responding. Task manager shows 50% in cpu, and memory usage just keep getting bigger.
I have tried booting into safe mode, and i could browse the same folder. But after i get out from that folder and try to open it again, it freezes again.
I have tried cccleaner, but no luck there. I am using windows 8 pro x64 with 8gb of ram.
It happened randomly a few times in the past, but not every time like now. Didn't installed anything new for few days. And the constant freeze started today.
I've been having a network problem since Refreshing Windows 8.1 Pro Update 64 bit on one of my PC's. I've been able to see other PC's OK but unable to see some devices (eg Diskstation NAS etc) on my network (all connected using Ethernet cables).
I've tried all sorts of things to cure the problem and all to no avail.
I just noticed that in Services there was no Computer Browser so I guess this is my problem. I copied over the browser.dll file from another PC (using the same operating system) to the Windows/System32 folder but after a reboot there was still no Computer Browser in Services. I ran a couple of scripts I found, a registry hack and something else to restore the Computer Browser then I uninstalled the Client for Microsoft Networks, rebooted and re-installed the client.
Now when I look in Services it's listed as Browser instead of Computer Browser and in the Description column it says "Failed to read description. Error Code: 15100. The error code has now changed to error code 2.
What I can try next other than a clean re-install?
It was very upsetting in case of Windows 7 the system explorer was unable to retrive folder size information. It was possible to preview file size in detail view but not folder size.
How is this feature in case of Winodws 8 explorer. Is the appropriate hook exposed in API or is it still missing as it was in case of Winodws 7?
I have an external HD connected to my Windows 8 machine. It's split into 2 partitions with lots of files and folder on each. On one partition while in Windows Explorer the "New Item" option only has "Folder" as one of it's items. Same if I right click, "Folder" is the only item. On the other partition "New Item" shows a list of items including text file, bitmap file, shortcut etc. Something happened recently as I have text files I've created since a few weeks ago. Also, if I create a new folder, while in that folder the "New Item" shows the list of items text file, bitmap file, shortcut etc. How to change this?
I Installed Windows 8 Pro on my PC and another Same PC of my brothers....
Both PCs are exactly same i.e. Compaq Presario SR1924IL except our RAMs and Hard Disk... He has 1.43 GB Ram and I have only 1 GB... He has 160 GB hard drive and again, I have 80 GB Hard Drive but when We installed Windows 8 Pro on our PCs the System Properties Are Different... We have Pentium D processor which in His Case is 2.80 GHz and in my case it's 2.67 GHz..