My C Drive Keeps getting full even though i hardly have anything installed there. most of my games and programs are on drive D and i also moved my "My Documents" Folder to D. Even so, C drive keeps getting full..
I have a Toshiba Satellite hybrid, with Windows 8, 4GB RAM and 128 SSD hard drive. I have full Microsoft office and very few other programs, there are the Toshiba installed software which I don't use and the windows 8 based 'apps' which I also hardly use.
My 128GB was about 70% full from week one, but now it is almost 100% full, I regularly carry out disk clean up, but I unable to get more than 1GB free on my hard drive, can this be right? How can I resolve this?
Several weeks ago I installed a remote hard drive. I am using it to store automatic system backups.
In the last few days I have been notified that the drive is full.
I am using 245GB on my primary (C:) drive.
The remote backup drive has a 1TB capacity.
It's somewhat surprising to be told that drive is full. Opening the drive to look at the files, there is a long list of subfolders under the folder labelled "Backup". One has a long, arcane number, and the other sub-sub folders seem to be daily updates named C/Users/My Name/ and from one to four sub sub sub folders or file names. Clicking on the multiple sub folders or the file names causes nothing to happen.
How can I clean this up? I would like to continue to back up my system automatically, but the drive seems to be full of garbage.
I bought a new Sony Vaio laptop with Windows 8 pre-installed couple months ago; and all I have done since was installing just the MS Office and the Antivirus softwares. Now for no apparent reasons it shows the hard drive is full and I can not do anything with it. I've tried to create a system recovery with an USB flash drive, but it won't let me do it either.
my windows is in c drive and the c is 40gb and some of my friends tell me that do not install my programs in c drive because when the c drive is near full(as you know the color of drive changes to red) the speed of system will it true?
I just got a new laptop with 1TB hard drive but when I powered it up for the first time its not showing up as 1tb my c drive is showing 372gb and the d drive is showing 537gb.
My photos (regardless if I view them in metro or a desktop folder) won't fill the entire screen. Instead there is a black bar on the left and right of the photo. How do I make images take up the entire screen? I have a Vaio Tap 20 inch all in one with the latest version of windows 8.
I have a full windows 8.1 tablet (not RT), original and comes with Office too, (got the keys). The internal eMMc is 32GB so I learnt from windows that the recovery partition can be copied to a USB. So I did and windows asked, do I want to delete the recovery partition, so I deleted it to create bigger space.
Now, I have some problem with my windows, virus and stuff, so I wanted to recover from USB. The problem is, how do I make full recover from the USB? Some sites say I cannot do it due to I've changed the partition? What?
I have read a lot about windows 8 (and 8.1) and how to make a system image for it.
Well the most people used the 7 file recovery tool in windows 8 to make full system images. But in windows 8.1 it's gone.
Like in this thread: System Image - Create in Windows 8
Now I hear and see everyone making system images with a powershell command.. How to Create and Restore System Image Backups on Windows 8.1
But why doesn't anybody just use the windows 8 (and 8.1) backup function wich also includes a feature called:
include a system image of drives:
It seems to me that if you do this at an clean install it's a lot easier then powershell? (and maybe you can uncheck the backup of files and only include a sytem image?)
I know that at this moment I can still make a 7 file recovery tool image and restore it with windows 8(.1) repair/recovery disc.
But I wan't to know this for the future when I have a system with 8.1 from factory.. (some manufacturers like asus don't provide repair/system restore discs or utils anymore....)
I am having problem with the touch keypad. It is not displaying some buttons such as that of alt, caps , windows key etc. They are all present on the On-screen Keyboard but not on the touch keypad. Although I am using touch keypad without any touch devices, I like the touch keypad more than OSK due to it's sliding feature. How to bring full layout to touch keypad. I think Windows is not providing me any option cause I don't have any touch enabled devices on my PC. How to do it from registry or configuration file or anything like that.
Using Windows 8 Enterprise 64 bit, I have noticed that the full name of a local account (set with the net users "<username>" /fullname:"<full name>" command) is deleted whenever I switch from a Microsoft account to the local account associated with it.
How can we reset the size of the screen that is presented after clicking on a tile in windows 8? I have two monitors and have my desktop going across both monitors the way I like it. However when you click on a windows 8 tile, the screen it brings up fills both monitors. its annoying because whatever I am viewing is centered down the middle of two monitors and trying to read it is awful. I want to be able to set the window size that appears after clicking a tile to be half a screen (only one monitor). How to accomplish this? I know you can go to desktop mode and it will be sized however I like it, but I need to change the size of the windows after clicking the tile.
When watching videos on you tube in full screen, it will leave to normal screen in one min. My drivers are up to date and system do not show any notifications for updates. This problem occurs irrespective of any browser and full screen exits on anything.
I used to have Vista, when I had multiple windows open in an application (and they were combined in the taskbar) the number of windows used to be displayed next to the icon. Now I have Windows 8.1, this feature seems to have disappeared and the only way I can see how many windows are open is to manually count them one-by-one. The only difference when the application combines the windows is that is looks to have 3 windows combined on the right hand side of the application in the taskbar.
Is there any way to get this number back? I think this feature may have been removed from 8.1, but if it has is there a workaround?
It is advisable not to do a full scan for the moment. There was a problem in the latest definition update and in some cases after doing a full scan, if it completes, Windows Defender has been turned off.
Microsoft is aware of the problem and is working on it.
i have a problem when i search for app on start screen, there is no results unless i write the full word. for example, when i search"pain"= "no apps match your search", but when i search "paint" ifound paint what is the problem here?
another question, how can i search for files for all computer not user files only?
Using Windows 8 Pro: Why when I click on any of my folder shortcuts on the desktop, my windows, such as My Documents, open in a little (approx) 4" x 4" window instead of a full window. How to get them to open in full windows.
I've just updated my laptop OS from windows 7 to 8 (clean installation) and now I can't go full screen on my external monitor, which is connected via HDMI (23' 1920 x 1080).
I recently purchased a new desktop and it came with Windows 8 installed on it. Everything worked fine for the first two weeks. Then, I noticed my fan was running at full speed when I'd come into the room after a while. My desktop was in sleep mode, so I was like, Woke my desktop up and the fan returned to normal. Every time my computer goes into sleep mode, the fan kicks on full blast. Okay... maybe no sleep mode, but the fan will shut off when I shut down my computer, right? Nope again. When my computer is shut down, the fan is still running at full speed. The thing is, when my computer is in sleep mode or shut down, the fan runs at full speed, but when I'm using it (like now) the fan is normal.
I've been looking around trying to find something related to my problem. I've came across a few articles on the forums, like Fans still running after shutdown of windows 8. Seems like my same problem, but it was during his install he shut down Windows. However, there was talk of this "bcdedit /set disabledynamictick yes", but I don't really want to mess with the my boot.ini files... I'm not bad at small programs, but I really don't want to toy around and destroy my desktop right now.
I've read some other articles about a Windows 8 laptop in idle mode with the same problem, and they said it was antivirus related. I figured that if that were the case, shouldn't have I seen it during the first time I booted up my desktop?
I think I started noticing this problem AFTER I installed some windows updates from Microsoft... Any way to verify that everything went smoothly, I kinda assumed and left my computer running while it was updating...
I sometimes experience crashes when playing some games, which is perfectly normal and I can understand that no program can ever be 100% crash proof, but I have noticed some really annoying behaviour during and after a crash.
With many games, when they crash from a full screen window they often cause the window switching behaviour to stop working, starting task manager to close the program is nearly always impossible because I cant switch to it. Any error dialogues, with important information, cant be viewed because all I can see is a blank black/white window, which cant be closed or interacted with in any way.
Often I find myself struggling to close a crashed app, and resort to logging off or even restarting sometimes.
Things I try that rarely work:
-Trying to even switch window. -Trying to use task manager. -Right clicking on the taskbar icon to close (doesn't close the app when pressed)
How it is caused and is there anyway to get rid of it?
Whenever I load up Starcraft 2 or TombRaider for example, games that go full screen on my PC, I lose my internet connection. When it comes to Starcraft 2, You need an internet connection to play. I don't know what to do and I've been trying to google up a solution without much success. I have Windows 8 Home Basic and a Netis WF-2117 Wireless PCI adapter.
Using Windows 8 Enterprise 64 bit, I have noticed that the full name of a local account (set with the net users "<username>" /fullname:"<full name>" command) is deleted whenever I switch from a Microsoft account to the local account associated with it. So, how do I have to prevent this?