Security :: How To Get To Safe Mode For Networking When F8 Fails
May 8, 2013
I have a virus on my new computer the FBI Cyber moneypak virus and using F8 or the space bar does not bring me up to where I can access safe mode. It just continues booting to the user login. I have also tried to sign in with the other user account that is an Admin as well and no luck there either.
Win 8.1 Pro x64. Got to the safe mode screen with the nine choices for start up method. 5 or F5 is supposed to restart with networking, but the connection isn't happening. Attempts to make it bring message that I have to start Windows normally.
I'm trying to update a driver by launching in safe mode but I cannot since even if I boot with "safe mode with networking", I can't select any Internet connection.
I guess I have that white screen virus. I think I could handle removing it but I need the desktop and safe mode is stopping lots of tricks. But I cannot get to anything.
now that windows 8 no longer has safemode or the old F8 menu how do you remove a stubborn virus or malware that after booting attepts to lockout the user and prevent other programs running. back in older versions you could boot into safemode or boot from a bootdisk and cleanup, so now whats the procedure ?
My screen seems to have a grey filter overlaying it. See attached.
When i booted it in safe mode, the screen is showing the right vibrant colors. When i booted it back to normal mode, the screen is greyish but strangely the mouse is showing the correct white color.
I have googled across numerous website but none of them bring me closer to the issue. I have read the thread, Personalize Suddenly Greyed Out but this is not what i encountered. The options or buttons or selections did not grey out, it affects the screen only.
I cannot afford a system restore because i shared this laptop with my gf.
I had to boot into safe mode for virus removal and now all it will do is boot and start safe mode, then reboot again. It just keep doing it over and over. This is a new upgrade to a windows 7 pro OS and I am using 8 pro.
Cannot boot in normal mode. Tried to do that by going into the advanced repair and doing a normal startup, just keeps going back to safe mode and as soon as the screen starts to open it reboots.
Does Windows 8 have a Safe Mode and were do I find it. the reason I ask this is because I have tried going into Safe Mode in Windows 8 by hitting the F8 key so I could run my virus scanner to see if there are any virus that it may not be finding under normal mode. But when I reboot my computer and try going into safe mode in Windows 8 nothing happens.
I've discovered that Win 8 dumped the F8 key on reboot to enter safe mode, now it seems that you have to go through a convoluted process within Win 8 to set up boot into safe mode or alternatively through "msconfig".
What if you can't boot into Win 8, wasn't that one of the uses of safe mode?
Win 8 looks quite messed up to me and more complicated to use, maybe a little faster to reboot and more flashy, but apart from that not very convincing.
I was trying to get AMD drivers working properly so that FIFA would stop crashing. I read somewhere that installing the latest AMD Catalyst Beta with separate Intel drivers would work. I tried that, rebooted, and now I have a black screen after the Windows splash logo, with my mouse pointer visible if I move my mouse. So clearly something went wrong with the graphics driver installation.
No problem, I'll just simply boot into safe mode, uninstall the drivers, and experiment with some other drivers.But no. F8 doesn't work, I know. Shift-F8 doesn't either. So I got my installation media, surely there would be a way to boot into safe mode with it!
Here's what I get.
There's supposed to be a 'Startup Options' button here, but for SOME reason, it's not. I have no clue what to do. I cannot fathom HOW Microsoft managed to make booting into SAFE MODE such a puzzle for an end user.
Some more background: After a similar graphics driver adventure last week, I got into safe mode (phew), tried to uninstall AMD drivers. I got an error about how this the installer cannot run in safe mode (what?!). I tweak some registry key to get it working. It failed to uninstall properly. I rebooted, and then I was absolutely unable to get OUT OF safe mode. Nothing I did changed that, each and every time Windows booted to safe mode.
I can't remember the last time I had such a bad experience with a Microsoft product. backing up files in my C: drive and simply installing regular Windows 8 over this. BUT I can't access my C: drive via Ubuntu because Windows has LOCKED that partition because of it's fast-boot nonsense.
I am using ASUS (S550CB) and given installed win 8 at purchase time so, no cd,key&backup provided to me. And unfortunately i also didn't make the backup. And now a BCDBoot file is missing as a result at boot time a blue screen come.
But now i pressed the F9 at boot time so, a screen open in which option's are available to open windows(I think it is a safe mode) or to troubleshoot(for image recovery back up), I select image and it is saying that there is no recovery image in this computer add a cd/dvd for backup/recovery image.
So, my question is can i open the openwindows(Safe Mode)(pressing F9) and take a back up in my USB and then again to recover image. Is that possible because my BCD/Boot/ file is missing?
How I might create a bootable USB for our ASUS T100? Since it has no CD drive, it obviously came with windows installed, so I have no product key or ISO (whatever that is). I have also had much difficulty trying to get it to boot in safe mode...
With Nero 2014 I was forced to install it in safe mode (I got strange error "1158" otherwise). However when the installation reached MSI files, it was unable to continue.
This REG file below enables MSI installer in Safe Mode and Safe Mode with Networking.
Reboot is required after REG is imported:
Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSafeBootMinimalmsiserver] @="Service" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSafeBootNetworkmsiserver] @="Service"
I can't boot into Windows 8.1 at all or even safe mode..I have tried startup repair etc etc ....I also tried the bcdedit trick to boot directly into Safe mode with the command prompt option no dice either..I would rather not do a refresh or reset pc..Matter of fact I have tried both options and even with a clean 8.1 disk I can't ....It gives me the error message remove cd or media and restart no matter whether i have the disk on or not. i think it might be a problem with the boot or something or its booting to the wrong device perhaps a USB ? i do have bitlocker on the drives and when i got to do a startup repair it asks for my key and i obv have it on other media which is my usb which won't read the key from it anymore..
I have a friend who has tasked me with removing the dreaded "Interpol" scareware virus from his Windows 8 laptop. Sadly, this means he can't boot into Windows 8, as the virus just locks him out. How can I boot into Safe Mode, so I can run the "Power Eraser" tool from Norton (handy tip!) to remove it?
If this can't be done, how can I tell the PC to boot from the DVD-Rom drive?
Using Windows 8 Pro.I have tried all the various permutations to get into safe mode (ms config, start up options etc.).
This is what happens: I use MS Config or one of the other ways (tried them all!) to get into safe mode. The computer seems to be booting into safe mode when I get a blue screen (not BSOD) which pops up and very quickly disappears, and then the computer reboots normally (into Windows 8). The screen says something like 'Windows has encountered a problem and needs to restart'.
SVF1521P2EB from PC world.Trying to use a recovery program I always use for all my laptops and desktops and have created a bootable USB Stick and also a DVD bootable disk. Both disk and usb work on all other systems but this Sony Laptop.
Have USB stick in the usb2 port not the usb3 port due to compatibility issues with backup/restore on usb3. The stick is a usb2. I have gone into bios and set usb and also tried dvd as first boot device. Will not boot.
Have tried the assist button on the laptop and the restore (boot from dvd/usb media) also does not work, as stated these both work on other laptops and desktops.
I have tried to find the boot option menu or safe mode startup. I have tried this by pressing various buttons each time on boot usually F2, Del, esc, F12, F10 on other systems and also F8 which does not appear to enable the laptop to start with a manual boot.
All I seem to achieve is the Vaio screen and straight to Windows8.
I do see the sony recognise the usb as the green light is flashing, no message of boot failure.
1) What is the boot option at startup to manually select a boot device.
2) How to boot into safe mode.
3) How to possibly rid the boot up screen displaying the VAIO logo.
4) Get the Sony to recognise either the bottable dvd or usb to backup the system without using the sony or built in miscrosoft bootup.
Final result should be a full image backup of the hard drive ona an extarnal harddrive/usb stick for future restoration.
I tried to reboot into Safemode via msconfig>startup>minimal boot
Not only did Windows not reboot in safemode, but now, after the Windows splash screen, I get stuck in a black screen with no cursor.
Troubleshooting steps thus far: Automatic Windows repair via the Windows 8 setup Windows Restore Shift+F8 which gets you to Win 8 boot manager (but no option for safemode)
I'm pretty disappointed that something as basic as restarting in Safemode is causing this problem.
bcdedit /deletevalue {default} safebooot this cmd boots me back into Windows, but it does not explain why the problem occurred in the first place.
I have protected my pc at work and locked it down so that no employee can access windows 8. Only problem is that yesterday I accidently pressed reset button midway whilst windows was loading and it brought up the safe mode screen. Since I have a full backup image of my drive, I can always reload my preferred setup whenever I want via usb install, so I don't want windows to run into safe mode at all - EVEN IF IT MEANS I COULD LOSE DATA!
My question is How can I disable this safemode feature from starting at all if windows crashes?
I have Lenovo laptop with Windows 8.1. I enabled safemode and restarted my laptop.on Login screen, it asks me to enter microsoft account password and my wifi is disabled. When i enter the password, it says password is incorrect. How do I login?
My win 8.1 pc died after the fan control was accidentally disengaged. I replaced the cpu and the video card while I was at it, going from nvidea to amd.
The pc booted up ok, I installed the amd drivers, rebooted. Then I uninstalled all the nvidea software.
Now when I boot, there is some kind of loop going on after the initial blue window sequence. The screen is black but some screen icons flicker repeatedly and there is a mouse cursor.
I cannot get it to boot in safe mode to try to repair this. I made a recovery disk with my other 8.1 machine but it doesn't give me startup settings. The command line from the recovery disk also seems unable to set any safe mode flag.
how to boot into safe mode in this final RTM or Msdn version of win 8. I know that in the release preview version of win 8 you had to manually activate safe mode through command this still the case in this version of win 8?
I cant log in, into my account, I was trying to customize my windows 8 themes, folder, appearance .etc
I watch a vid in youtube were it showed me to change a file named Shared32.dll
I am sure it was this file that cause it to kinda mess up... Icant boot safe mode because of this...
When I turn the computer on it goes to my log in and password title... but I try to log in , and it does nothing....It shows this "The User Profile Service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded". I tried to boot in safe mode but it doesn't show nothing ...
I cannot log in... so basically I am logged out forever...
I recently tried to update my graphic driver through Windows Update and it caused the screen to go black. I thought I would be able to boot in safe mode and restore the changes, but it does not seem to be as easy as that in Windows 8.
I can access BIOS with F2, but nothing happens when I hold down or tap F8. I have tried to search around for a solution, but they are either not working, require the OS-CD or me to be able to log in somehow...
My computer lock-up after 2 secs log into windows (due to drivers problem). I need to boot my computer to safe mode directly and use driver sweeper to fix the problem. However, I'm not able to get into safe mode. (F8, Shift+F8) doesn't work neither.