How do I transfer pictures in Skydrive to Photos, & if I Select all of them & select Download will they still also remain in Skydrive. And what dows 'Upload' mean & how do I use it.
The metro photo app (that comes with Windows 8) is showing photos on the live tiles that were deleted over a week ago.
I've turns lives tiles on and off. I've unpinned from the start screen and then re-pinned. I deleted personal info from the tiles from the settings screen. I've verified that the photos are not on my computer (photo app is only showing the computer and skydrive).
This issue it happens for too long I can't open photos of any kind with the windows photo viewer, I don't know how it happened and I don't remember when. When I try to open nothing happens.. its like something happens for a fraction of a second and nothing. I tried almost everything, well, accept for restore but there is no chance I am doing it the cost is too big.
I just noticed that when i try to view a photo file, two processes pop for a fraction of a sec and immediately disappear, one is COM Surrogate and the other Windows Problem Reporting.
I made a screenshot file so that when I take a screenshot I can shove the screenshot in there. Should I be using another program? as now I am getting my screenshots coming up on my Start screen's live photo's tile. How can I control which of my pictures appear in my start screen's photo tile please or in my slideshow. (I've got on my laptop adobe photoshop elements 12)
First I thought it was slow. Then I got tired of waiting and figured out how to associate all my photos with the windows photo viewer from the desktop apps like I was used to with Windows 7
However, I would like to give it a fair chance to work. So, I am posting here.
When I click on the photo app, it shows some folders, sometimes it kicks me back to the desktop before I can click anytime. Other times, it may show a photo for a few seconds before kicking me back. Either way, this is not acceptable.
The app is not closing. It is still running because if I click the left corner, I see it and can access it again, if over for a second.
Is this experience common. I have had my windows 8 pc a week and I switched over to windows 8.1 about two days after I initially got it setup. I am a very experienced Windows 7 user. I am trying to be open minded about this new operating system.
I have a photo in SkyDrive that appears when I click on shared, to the left. It is the same as the photo I see when I sign in to my pc. Is it in SkyDrive because it is shared with my sign in?
I wish not to have anything in SkyDrive but when I click on the file and click to remove it, nothing happens.
It seems to say it is a file I shared but that no one can share. I wonder if I have to remove all my family photos in my pc for this file to be removed from SkyDrive.
Obviously my knowledge of this is quite limited although I have read many tutorials and other pieces of information. How to remove this file?
I have downloaded, and, I think, disabled autoarrange. I am now able to rearrange the photos in a standard desktop file. However, it does not carry over to my photo gallery. There is probably a step I have failed to complete, but I can't find it.
I used to use Picasa to resize photos when I used Vista. From what I've read, Picasa and Windows 8 are not compatible. I'm looking for a way to resize photos that is free. Can I do it with what is already in Windows 8 or do I need to download software? One possibility seems to be pic resize.
Before upgrading to 8.1 I had a cool Photo Viewer. It was the default viewer so I do not have an app name.
When I selected Photos from the main Start screen, there would be 10 to 15 photos on the screen at the same time and different sizes (large thumb nail). Plus the photos changed individually in a random way. Selected photos randomly from different folders. Very cool.
After upgrading to 8.1 all I get are full screen individual photos in a slide show format.
Is there an app that I should download or am I missing something?
I have just bought a new sony vaio laptop and I am operating windows 8.1 I have downloaded all my holidays photos into a folder, however, I want to rearrange them in a different order. I am unable to do this as the photos are being arranged in date & time order....and I cannot seem to change this. I have even 'renamed' the photos in the numerical order that I want, but the computer returns them back to date & time order.
How do you attach a photo to document ie for car sale in magazine to the document. Not attachment to e-mail which I have sorted! have photos in/ file /my photos and skpe at the moment.
When I open a picture and I try to go to the following picture by the arrow.The following error appears: " All your photo source are hidden . To show some , change your settings." ????
I am experiencing issues with trying to upload photos to walgreens website for printing. for some reason it is telling me i have no access to those files, and that the folders are empty when trying to access them through walgreens websites. i have tried to reset the sharing & security settings still with no success.
I have just had a factory reset & for some reason I can't get my photos in Pictures in File Explorer back into Photos. If I insert a flash drive with pictures on it & select 'Import' in Photos, it will import the photos but after supposedly downloading them, nothing! I have the 'Show photos & videos' box ticked off in Settings on the Charms panel.
I am new to windows 8 and started copying my photos to my new laptop. I placed them into the Pictures Folder but noticed it wasn't using any space in the D drive. So somehow (not really sure what I did) I've ended up moving my photos to the D Drive but in the process my Pictures Folder has changed to D:
Windows 8 problems. How to easily and quickly download selected photos from my camera. When I tried it was taking forever as the system seemed to be going through opening every single photo on my camera and I gave up waiting. I just want to be able to download the latest ones not all of the ones I have on my camera.
I have a system with an SSD and HDD and i store my pictures on my HDD.
Using the properties of the picture library, i added the directory of my pictures stored on my HDD. However, when i open up the standard pictures app of windows 8, all i see are the pictures in my c:usersuesername_000
I cannot open photos which I transferred from my old PC as MDI files. I have downloaded an MDI viewer but it is only free for 7 days and cannot get it to print in the right format. I have downloaded an MDI converter which gets the photos on the screen ready to print but won't print unless I pay for a license.
My photos (regardless if I view them in metro or a desktop folder) won't fill the entire screen. Instead there is a black bar on the left and right of the photo. How do I make images take up the entire screen? I have a Vaio Tap 20 inch all in one with the latest version of windows 8.
I've been trying to send a copy of a photo from the PC to a website, which is normally easy. even sent photos to this same site before. but now when I try to do that I get something called ONE DRIVE which brings up videos instead of my list of photos. how do I fix that?
I am importing photos and videos from CANON VIXIA HF 200 HD camcorder. When I choose "Date Taken" as the sort order for the folder, date is not detected at all. All the files are tagged with date under Dec 26, 1899. I have used the same SD card to import in a windows 7 PC, all the dates are detected correctly. This issue happens only with CANON camcorder. It works fine with a NIKON camera - Dates recognized correctly.
We recently acquired a few Dell Latitude tablets for use at my work and I'm looking for an app which will easily and quickly allow me to take a picture, draw notes on top of it, and then save the file to be transferred to our server later. We need to document certain conditions at various locations while working in the field and this technique seems to be our best bet. We're currently doing this with ease with our iPads but I can't find anything for Windows 8. I'd be happy using the iPad to do this task but that would mean we would need both tablets since the other program we need is a Windows only program and the reason we bought the tablets in the first place.