Network / Sharing :: Connected To WiFi But Cannot Load Any Webpages After 8.1 Upgrade
Oct 22, 2013
So after I upgraded to 8.1 I have been having internet connectivity issues, it says Im conected fine but cant load any web pages. So I ran trouble shoot and this is is what I got back. (See below). Sometimes troubleshoot will fix it other times not, this time it did.
Issues found :
The default gateway is not available
The default gateway is not available
The default gateway is a device that connects a local network or computer to the Internet. A broadband modem or router is usually the default gateway.
Basically, whats happening is, it says connected to the internet, however, it won't load any site. We've attempted this on Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Google Chrome. The weird thing is, we have found that she can connect to sites by using the site's IP, but not with the actual address. Also, Skype is working perfectly fine with the connection. Its just, web addresses that cause a problem.
Running on Windows 8 and her computer model is a Satellite c55-A and the processor is intel(r) core(TM) i3-3120m cpu @ 2.50ghz 2.50 ghz. The manufacturer is Toshiba.
Also, this was a problem encountered on any router connected to. However, if we can not get this solved, will resort to attempting to restore to factory settings.
Using inspiron 5200 with windows 8, internet is showing that it is connected on the taskbar, is sending/receiving information. Browser is not working. Was working fine until I connected directly to the modem instead of wireless, now cannot access internet using any browser. When I open windows mobility center the icon for wireless network is missing.
I just bought a dell xt2 on ebay it came with windows 8 pro. My problem is that it goes into limited connection every ten minutes, even when i am next to the router. The error I get when i trouble shoot is the Default gateway is not available.
I recently bought a dell inspiron 5520 laptop and I am able to connect to internet using my broadband ISP username and password and they had provided their own modem which works like a charm..
But as soon as I try to connect my laptop to LAN using the Ethernet cable in my room it says "LIMITED CONNECTIVITY" and while fetching the details of connection it shows -
Though it shows large amount of data sent and received.. and hence I am not able to surf internet.. All my frnds are able to do the same using their laptops in my room ..
And as for the wifi... It scans for networks and shows limited connectivity and I cannot access net .
I have my ethernet cable connected right now, but I can't even load my wifi connections at all. I live in apartments so everyone around me has wifi and my phone and iPad is clearly connected, but it won't load any connections.
Why Windows 8.1 is giving me so many issues. My laptop is unable to stay connected to the wifi for long and sometimes I am unable to connect. My phone and tablet stay connected to the wifi while my laptop can't. I tried all the remedies for it and yet it has issues. Is it because I had installed spotflux and tunnel bear on my laptop?
I have a tiny wireless piece from realtek that my dad had bought. This piece was working fine up until recently. I had built my own tower and put the piece in there from our old one.. All has been working up until now. Now when I turn on my new tower the wifi connects but does not work. No browsers load and none of my services are working. It also messes up the wifi connection for the other devices around. My sibling will be using their laptop playing something like WoW and when I power up my tower the lag hits. From time to time it will drop my laptop's internet connection entirely. However, this is not the case recently. The router we use is a linksys e2000.
Every now and then the pages load but they are slow and blocky. My dad says it is usually caused by a loss of packets but I did the packet test in cmd and only had a 1% loss.
I have recently up-graded my laptop from 8 to 8.1. Since that time, the laptop will not automatically connect to my home wifi. If I try to connect manually, it will say "unable to connect to network" and that's it, no more clues! The only way I can connect is by selecting 'restart' and then it will re-boot and connect automatically. If I 'shut-down' after use (or hibernate) it will not re-connect until I have selected 're-start' which is time consuming and annoying!
I use a small usb modem for my internet access and using a usb wifi adaptor and a virtual wifi router I was able to share my internet around home quite affordably.
Every now and again the software 'virtualrouter' would cause a crash. Maybe once every 3 months.
When I updated to 8.1 the software no longer worked, nor did any other. What's more it cause a DPC-Watchdog violation within a few minutes.
When I say the software doesn't run, one of two things happen. My old program 'virtualrouter' runs as normal, but none of my devices can connect. The network is available, but connection is impossible.
With other programs I get told that the wifi adaptor is not enabled. Which it is.
Something has changed in the upgrade and I don't know what. Every option and test I've run and enabling of virtualisation says that it should work. But then the BSOD arrives.
I seem to be going round in circles trying to reconnect a working Windows 8 laptop to the WiFi after upgrading to 8.1
It refused to recognise the existing and working WiFi upon reboot after upgrade.
I have twice ran the 'netsh wlan delete profile name=[profile name]' command to remove the profile, rebooted the machine, re-added the profile, nothing happens.
The network symbol in the system tray when clicked doesn't show the profile I created, so I can't select it to connect to (though I set it to auto connect?), it just shows 'Hidden Network' , but when clicking this and I enter the SSID and WPA2 key, it just errors with a failed to connect message.
This was working fine, that's how I downloaded the update, now it's broken!
I have Windows 8 and no matter what browser I use, it takes a long time to load any page on a website. It had worked great until about a month ago. We have two other computers in the house (one with XP and one with 7) they seem not to have issues, so I don't think it is a connection issue. The XP is a laptop, the 7 is a desktop.
My internet is currently not loading pages properly since I starting using a Telsta modem that came with the internet bundle (T-Box and Modem set). My D-Link modem stopped working due to old age I guess and doesn't turn on anymore. So I set-up the Telstra modem (with the included filter that I was using on my old modem, the D-Link and pages were loading fine).
For example when I try to load Facebook sometimes or it does not load the page, sometimes only the text-based version on Facebook and but sometimes on Facebook images and video's don't load. But on Youtube it works fine and loads videos perfectly like my old modem does. But some / most websites don't load.
I think I am close to being capped (but not sure why that would allow Youtube videos to load in 720 / 1080p)
I used to have this problem long time ago, it disappeared, but it came back again. Basically, whenever I load up a webpage, via chrome, internet explorer or anything, sometimes it would fail to go to the website entirely and give me an erorror that the website is not found without even checking with the server (I know cause it happens as soon as i click enter with no query to the server whatsoever), when I click refresh or go again, it then loads. Sometimes webpages doesn't load properly, elements of pages go missing like pictures, layout messes up, etc.
This is not related to web browser only, as Steam also does those problems while browsing through the store.
My system:
Windows 8.1 Core i5 4670 MSI z87-G43 gaming motherboard Sapphire R9 290 8GB RAM Killer e2200 Gigabit NIC
I have three Windows PCs - 1 Windows 7 Pro laptop, a Windows 7 Home Prem PC and a Surface Pro (Win 8 Pro).
Lately (the past month or so) I have had trouble opening a couple of webpages, notably from the Win 8 Surface Pro. Sometimes it opens OK, many times it fails to open, with the spinning wheel on the tab. It times out.
The other PCs have no problem opening wikipedia whilst this problem is evident on the Win 8 Surface Pro. This problem exhibits itself whether I use my default FF browser, or if I use IE as browser - same problem.
If I use Control Panel > Network > Properties and DISABLE IPv6, then wikipedia opens fine right away.
A reboot of the Surface Pro fixes it for a while, but it returns. A reboot of the router (Linksys E4200) also seems to improve the situation, temporarily.
Been having trouble this morning with my network drive in my Home Server. It normally connects fine at startup and it all of a sudden wont work.
I have isolated it to my Desktop as i can connect off of my Laptop fine.
The name of my server is Homeserver( and I have shared a folder inside the drive rather than the drive its self. This image shows how I'm trying to connect to the folder. And this is the error I'm getting
I have tried: Resetting ip / dns flushing etc. sfc /scannow (Says everything is fine.) Windows 8.1: files in folders on network drive not visible W2K3 Server can access W8 W8 computer cant see W2K server Also tried disabling norton on my desktop but still wont work
When I go on the app store I receive a massage saying my internet is not connected when in fact I am connected to the net and can go on line with a browser. Similarly all the apps show "offline" status. Funny thing is that when on the startpage I can see that the financial ticker is uptodate, but when I go on the app it says "offline" and shows news from 10 days ago.
I have just set up two new laptops running windows 8, and can successfully share files, and the printer connected to one of them, but I would like to also connect my laptop running Vista to be able to print. I can see both Windows 8 machines in file manager/devices on the Vista machine, but if I try to connect it asks for a username and password.
I haven't been able to work out what username it is looking for - tried a lot of combinations for each PC name with the homegroup password and log on passwords, but nothing seems to work.
I've just bought an HP N54L which has a Broadcom NetXtreme NIC. Bit of a bargain and since I've never had the slightest issue with my HP N40L (running Server 2008 R2) I decided to get a new one
I did a bit of research on the hardware and so made sure I flashed the BIOS to the latest rev. I then installed Windows 8 Pro 64 on it - the installer went smoothly with no hiccups. It received an IP via DHCP as well as the default gateway address. I can see my other devices on the same subnet
My neighbour and I share one internet connection, him on (eg) and me on (eg)
My Router is and his Router is My Router handles all traffic from my subnet to his. His Router handles his own kit plus the link to the internet. Neither Router is set to restrict access by hardware (eg: by MAC)
While my N54L could see all the devices on my subnet, and I could browse it's shares from one of my other computers, it cannot access the internet. I do not receive a ping back from my neighbours router
I have temporarily disabled the Windows Firewall and any other protection during testing. Windows 8 is a clean build with no 3rd party software on it as yet...
I have tried using netsh to reset the tcp stack and ipv4 I've checked all routes on the N54L and they match all my other devices I've double checked both my Router and my neighbours Router (I have administrative access to it)
I tried the default driver on the Windows DVD, also the latest for Windows 8 on Broadcoms website as well as (just to test) the latest for Server 2012. Tried setting the network as both Public and Private (via a re-install since it wouldn't let me swap type). Tried both DHCP and static IP. I only have the 1 Default Gateway, which is my own Router
Whatever I do, this PC seems stuck in it's own subnet
I've checked the network cable too which works fine
My other kit (which all works fine) is a mix of: Server 2008 R2, Server 2008, Server 2003, Win7 64, Win7 32, XP SP3, Linux of various flavours, and Android
So my suspicion is that this is a Windows 8 "feature" ? Any particular settings within the NIC itself?
I may stick my Server 2k8 R2 build on it just to test my theory, and prove that the PC with it's NIC works fine and that the problem is limited to Windows 8. I bought Windows 8 because I want Hyper-V and want to tinker with Storage Spaces.
I shifted to another town and joined uni. Since then my laptop ( dell vostro) is unable to connect to the university's WiFi network. The network icon says connections available, but simply does not display anything on clicking it.
I went to cmd and when I type ipconfig - it says "no operation can be performed while media is disconnected". I have also tried setting up the university's WiFi network manually (using wpa-2 enterprise and aes). It just does not catch it. Also tried deleting all network profiles, setting up manually, restoring windows to a previous point and using cmd (netsh - shows media disconnected; access denied to reset)...
I have checked 100 times to see if airplane mode is off, wireless (radio) is on. There is no switch on vostro to fiddle around..
Is there a way to setup network profiles or something so that when I bring my Surface Pro to work and connect to the wireless network there it will use the static ip address I have but when I disconnect and then connect to my home wifi it will go back to DHCP? On my MacBook Pro I can go into the network settings and change the location profile I have setup for networks but I don't see anything like this for Windows 8.
This ONLY happens to the windows 8 and none of my other computers, this happens to a lot of people and on other forums they say "Change your MTU, set subinterface "Wireless Internet Connection" mtu=1492 store=persistent" but that DOESNT work, It says theres bad syntax even though i type it the exact same way I see it. what is "Wirelesss Internet Connection" ? do I put the name of my connection? How do I know if 1492 is the right number?
I just checked in my device manager and found and new device installed that I didn't install. It's a WAN miniport (Network Monitor) #2, which has the yellow triangle and exclamation point in it. Windows can't laod drivers required for this device. (code31)
I don't have any wireless hardware on my PC. This was installed on 5/15 and I believe it came with the last the 8 auto updates (18 of them I think) because the dates match. It wont update through device manager, it wont uninstall.
I have an ASUS RT-AC68U router with 9 DBI dual band antennas. I need a program that allows me to copy and paste files to the external hard drives which are connected to the router's USB ports. An example of the application I am seeking is called "Silex Virtual Link", I need one like this, I used to use this 1 on my old D-Link DIR-825 router but it is not working with my new ASUS router and ASUS tech support couldn't solve anything.
yesterday i connected my windows 8 lap to net and was downloading a file from torrent. today morning when i got awake, i just shutdown my lap.. after some time when i switchon my laptop, it was working fine.. but whenever i connected to wifi or 3g net., windows 8 get stuck, and i am not able to open internet explorer or chrome. , it prompt me to shutdown using power button. ( not able to shutdown with charms bar) . i am able to open internet explorer/ chrome when net is not connected.
When I ran a video with subtitles in Windows 7 over RDP, the video worked perfectly but my subtitles didn't load. But when I played the same video in Windows 8 over RDP, they did.
Is there something...different about Windows 8's RDP that allows this to work?
I've got a new desktop which is connected to my house wifi using an USB adaptor. The signal quality is constantly at 5 bars but I find myself frequently having to refresh multiple times whenever I load a new page on the browser either because it's not loading or pictures or not showing. Pages become near impossible to load when i am downloading stuff(torrents, upgrades, games etc). Also noticed other computers in the house are also affecting mine when they are in the process of downloading files. Torrents, updates all make it impossible for me to browse the net. Pages literally refuse to be loaded at all whenever something is downloading. I also have to infrequently refresh pages even when nothing is downloading because it's not loading or pictures are not showing. None of the other computers are affected however.
Any program that requires an internet access is also struggling to get connected. I had to use direct links to install certain programs such as Adobe reader/flash. It's often impossible to check for updates in programs or even sign on to clients like Steam/Origin which requires a connection. I had to try for ages before it signed in online but it's still having trouble loading images and such.
What is strange however is that I'm having no issues holding a connection when downloading bigger files such as direct downloads, windows update, steam game downloads and torrents. No drop outs that I've noticed. But it is faily slow averaging 400kb/s.
Everything else in my house including my laptop, another desktop, ipad and phone works fine. No issue browsing the net while downloading.
Wireless is connected through an USB adaptor pluged in to the back of my desktop. I've tried two adaptors (ASUS USB-N13 and Linksys AE1200) and both of them runs into the same problems. Running windows 8.1 and using ESET NOD32 as an antivirus with the windows firewall turned on. Desktop specs are as follows:
CPU: i5 4670K Mobo: Gigabyte GA-Z87X-UD3H RAM: G.Skill Ares F3-1866C9D-8GAB 8GB (2x4GB) GPU: EVGA GeForce GTX 780 SSD: Samsung 840 EVO Series 250GB HDD: Seagate 2TB OS: Windows 8.1
This is extremely frustrating and has never happened with any other computers I've used before.
I just bought a brand new computer and i am having trouble getting it to STAY connected to the wifi. It has windows 8 which i am not to keen on, and also know veery little about. It connects fine but after anywhere from 5-30 minutes it will go to limited connectivity. After this i disconnect from the wifi network and reconnect and the process starts all over again. I have tried many things in the cmd prompt as those have solved others with this or similar problems but to no avail. Also i changed the power settings not not allow the adapter to turn off. i am starting online college in 5 days and i need a reliable internet connection.
I just installed win 8 (already activated via wmc) i am having problems with my wifi (Realtek8187B) everytime i restart my laptop it is connected but no internet, but when i disable and then re-enable the wifi adapter it works i have internet connection.
I just bought a Lenovo Y500 a couple of days ago and it came with a pre-installed Windows 8 everything seems working fine but when it comes to Wifi it randomly disconnects a lot , sometimes shows limited access and most of the time the signal strength bars keep going up and down.