Login Screen Of Last User And Running A Command

Jun 2, 2013

In Windows 8, it is possible to run a command whenever the login screen of the last user is displayed in a local computer? This command should always be run with elevated rights and just before this screen appears.

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Run A Command When Login Screen Of Last User Is Displayed In Local Computer

Jun 2, 2013

In Windows 8, it is possible to run a command whenever the login screen of the last user is displayed in a local computer? This command should always be run with elevated rights and just before this screen appears.

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Run A Command When Login Screen Of Last User Displayed In Local Computer

Jun 2, 2013

In Windows 8, it is possible to run a command whenever the login screen of the last user is displayed in a local computer? This command should always be run with elevated rights and just before this screen appears.

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Accounts :: Changing Local User Login Name On Login Screen

Sep 15, 2014

Windows is asking me for a password despite I've never had a password.

Here's what happened:

I've never had a password and choose during the win install to have 1 local account without password.

I used to have a user/login name with an non ascii character (é), and it was causing me some trouble. Hence I decided to change it with ascii only characters. Control Panel, users etc ... properties, changed the name of the local user.

Reboot, and boom, Windows asks me for a password and is displaying the former user name !! But there's no option to change the user name, I've read that there should be a back arrow but it's not here (probably because windows "thinks" there's no point since there is only 1 user).

I don't know what to do, I used a Linux live usb distro to use some tools that can reset password and unlock account, however:

1/ it can only reset password, which seems not to be the issue here, the issue is the wrong user name
2/ the linux tool shows 1 local user with the last update name

So I'm guessing windows is not using the proper name to login, but doesn't provide any mean to change it.

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Security :: Windows 8 Black Screen After User Login?

Jul 11, 2013

How can I stop avast from making a black screen popup.

How to solve Windows 8 black screen problem after login - It didnt work.

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Accounts :: At Login Screen Hide Guest User (Windows 8.1 RTM)

Sep 21, 2013

I'm using Windows 8.1 Enterprise RTM

At the login screen I see my user ID and a Guest user. Can I hide the guest user at login screen - I only want to see my user.

I DON'T want to boot in bypassing the sign on screen. (Note this is NOT the same as booting direct to desktop !!!).

This is new in Windows 8.1 RTM - I never had this in previous editions of windows.

(Note I really don't want to DISABLE the account - I just don't want to see it at login).

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Accounts :: New User Cannot Login (user Profile Service Failed)

Jun 3, 2014

I am trying to add a second account to my machine and whether I try a Local or Microsoft account, I get the same "User Profile Service failed the sign-in. User profile cannot be loaded" error every time I try to sign in for the first time. I've Googled this a bit and it seems everything I've found yet (except one) has been with logging in to existing profiles. For the one that was with a new profile, the solution didn't work.

I tried deleting all files similar to the specified one (file in C:UsersDefaultAppDataLocalMicrosoftVSCommon12.0SQM with name of "sqmdata-####-###-#####.sqm"), but that had no effect. I'm guessing this is because I have VS2013 installed, as this happens with my laptop as well. I don't want to delete my profile, I have important (and large) data in my documents folder that I don't want to lose. I'm guessing this will have to do with messing with the registry, but I don't know where to begin.

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Accounts :: Make All User Accounts Display At Login Screen?

Oct 28, 2013

I'm on HP laptop 2000-2d27dx Windows 8.1. My login screen shows only one user account. I have to click on arrow to switch to other existing user accounts. Is there a way to display all user accounts at login screen?

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Add User Command To The W8.1 Start Button?

Oct 24, 2013

Is there any way to add a command to the Windows 8.1 start button (right mouse click throws up a menu).

That could be quite useful for launching something like a user tool bar from the start button.

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How To Elevate Command If User Is Not Admin

Mar 25, 2014

I am trying to elevate a command given (in this case just another cmd.exe) if the user is not admin. However i get the error:


C:Usersmetul_000>runas /user:administrator cmd.exe
Enter the password for administrator:
Attempting to start cmd.exe as user "WINDOWS8administrator" ...
RUNAS ERROR: Unable to run - cmd.exe
1326: The user name or password is incorrect.

This is a personal pc, and I know i put in the password correctly as i have done it a few times slowly typing in my admin password to confirm that it is input correctly. So why am i getting this error? Initially my overall goal is to get this python script to say you are admin ...

import ctypes
import subprocess
import sys
import os

[Code] ......

if you are admin its done, but if you are not admin then it reruns itself with the so called run as command to get admin rights. However currently it just pulls up the run as usage messages. The full command this script attempts to run then is:

C:Usersmetul_000>runas /user:administrator "python3 test2.py"
Enter the password for administrator:
Attempting to start python3 test2.py as user "WINDOWS8administrator" ...
RUNAS ERROR: Unable to run - python3 test2.py
1326: The user name or password is incorrect.

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Execution Of DOS Command Each Time User Logs Off

May 24, 2013

In all editions of Windows 8, how do I make sure that it executes a DOS command each time a user logs off?

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Execution Of DOS Command Each Time User Logs Off?

May 24, 2013

In all editions of Windows 8, how do I make sure that it executes a DOS command each time a user logs off?

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Browsers/Mail :: Unable To Login To Facebook Directly After Running CCleaner

Feb 2, 2014

After running CCleaner v 3.27.1900, I am unable to Login to Facebook directly. Selecting the icon in my favorites, IE, only results in the loading icon, with no connection to the site. The same thing occurs when manually entering a search and selecting Facebook.

However, when I receive an email advising me of activity from one of my Facebook friends, I can select SEE COMMENT and go directly and quickly to the Facebook page.

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Upgraded To 8.1 - Cannot Login With Domain User

Jul 28, 2014

I've just upgraded to 8.1.

I was always able to login as a different user and use my work network user credentials i.e. workgroupusername. On this version I can do this. I can only add users once logged in and switch between them on the login screen.

This version doesn't show the 'login with different user' link. I've looked around the settings, but haven't had any luck with getting it to appear on the login screen.

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Accounts :: Windows 8.1 Login For Only One User?

Nov 6, 2013

I have just upgraded to 8.1 and my user insists on my microsoft password before it lets me log in; the other three users do not have this problem. How do I remove this annoying factor from my log in. I want to go straight to the user log in screen without this annoying bit.

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Accounts :: Unable To Login As Standard User On Windows 8.1 PC

Jul 29, 2014

My son is no longer able to logon to his standard user account on my Windows 8.1 U1. I am unable to switch users following a cold start of the computer. Also, I am unable to switch users while logged on to my account.

My System:
Dell XPS 8100 with Intel i5 processor and 6GB DDR3 ram. The desktop initially included Windows 7 Home Premium. I upgraded to Windows 8 Pro as a $40 Windows Store purchase. I've since updated to Version 8.1 and the first update following the release of 8.1. At time of upgrade to Windows 8, all prior updates to Windows 7 were current and successful. Since upgrading to Windows 8, all updates are current and I only experienced 1 update "Failed" (KB2919355), which upon a reinitialization after the failure, was successful. Until this problem, the PC and operating system have run very well with no real problems.

As noted above, there are 2 users on this PC. Myself (administrator), and son (standard user). I can't pinpoint an exact date when my son was no longer able to logon to his account; however in checking the registry I find that the last notation of his login activity under error reporting was a successful login and logoff done on April 30th. And even though attempts have been made since that time to login to his account, there are no notations of this in the error reporting log that I can find. Most likely that's because I can't get to a point that will allow me to "initiate" a login for his account. It's as though his account does not exist.

What Happens When:
Boot - When the computer boots, it only presents a login screen for my account. There is no right-arrow allowing me to switch users. Switching to a secure login via Ctrl Alt Del yields the same results.

After I'm logged in - If I click to switch users, once again I will get a login screen with my account only and no way of switching users. If I wake the computer from sleep or from screen saver mode, I'm presented with my user picture and password, however, this time I do get a right-arrow to switch user. When I click the arrow, the screen goes black for about 5-7 seconds, at which time I'm presented my user login and no switch user arrow.

Efforts to Resolve:
I've researched this issue the the past month or so and have checked and/or tried just about everything that's out there from Microsoft, Windows 8 Forum, The Windows Club, and a few other sites as well. As I follow the suggested fixes, everything seems to be as it should be. I've yet to find anything that does not appear to be "right". For example: SFC /scannow says everything's OK. If I go to User Accounts, both accounts are present. If I go to C:Usersmy son's account, it is there. I am able to create another account with name and password. However, I am unable to open that account for the same reasons that I'm not able to open my son's account. The new account created is NOT reflected under C:UsersNew Account, so I'm unable to copy files from my son's account to the new account.

Because of the time delay from when my son first informed me that he's been unable to open his account, my restore points are all following when it probably occurred. I do have a Macrium image from late March that is available. However, I'm wondering if I brought the PC back to a state from this past March if I would be able to install all updates to get the system current. I know Microsoft was imposing time constraints associated with updating to Update 1 following Windows 8.1 ...

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Accounts :: How To Delete User Account On PC Running 8.1

Sep 15, 2014

I'm wanting to delete a user account on a PC running Windows 8.1. I was just wanting to know whether or not all of the files/photos under this user account will also be deleted along with it? I wish to keep all of the documents and files, I simply want the account deleted. If you could let me know how the process works

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Deleted Windows 8 User Accounts - Other User In Password Screen?

Jul 13, 2014

So, I wanted to download a game from the windows store and had to create a Live/microsoft account. After doning so win 8 made that account the account that I use to sigh-in to windows. Didn't wanted that so I went to user managment and deleted the account from thare. The problem is that I also accidenly deleted my windows user account as well.

After I restarted, I got to the password screen and my windows user was gone, just "other user". I tryed to enter the windows user name and password but nothing. the screen also showed the microsoft acount name but here also the password dident work (probably because a deleted them both from the system...)

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Accounts :: Want To Eliminate MS Login And Change Default User Folder

Oct 25, 2013

I have preinstalled Win 8 on new desktop, now upgraded to 8.1. When I first started setting it up and it required an account login, I didn't really realize that it was going to exist outside my computer. I used my full name and primary email account for it. Then, it set up a folder(s) under Users (using my name), in the file structure. When I copied over say "Documents" from my Win 7 machine, they now show in a path of: This PC / Windows / Users / (myname) / Documents. I will not be using "the cloud" for anything, and want to only have a local account with Admin Privileges and a local account for using 99% of the time. Hence a multi-part question:

1) If I make a change to my MS password, like setting it up with a non-identifying username/password with a Hotmail email (which I never use), how will it affect my docs/pics/music/etc that is under Users / myname? If I change the MS login to a LOCAL login, what effect would it have instead?

2) Is there a way to get (myname) out of the file structure and rename it something neutral, or will that bring chaos?

3) And, as long as I'm asking things...I created the new Admin-Account and Daily-Account, but it seems like neither of them can access anything. They just get "permission denied" - even on the Admin one. I set up a Hotmail account for them both, so they have MS logins as well. Can I just switch them to LOCAL logins as well?

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Accounts :: Windows 8 And 8.1 Auto Login User Account Without Password

Oct 25, 2013

I've been trying to set my brothers laptop to auto log in the user account without password using control userpasswords via command prompt but i'm having problems.

I supposed to get this screen below

But I get this screen below and can't change the to auto login

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Accounts :: Win 8.1 Only Loads Last User - Won't Display User Screen

Sep 15, 2014

I have recently installed 8.1 on my desktop with 3 local user accounts (no Microsoft accounts) and no user passwords, and Guest account Off. I have bypassed the lock screen but whenever the computer is switched on or a user signs out, the OS loads the last user instead of going to the user select screen. Something that all Windows OSs have done from go to Win 7. I can back arrow which does display the user select screen.

Or more importantly, any way to make it act like all previous Windows systems. I would not be fussed if this was a single user computer.

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Hardware Drivers :: Black Screen With Cursor After Login Screen?

Jul 14, 2014

I have recently installed windows updates and after restart the black screen occurred after I typed my password. About five days before that I have reinstalled my Mobile Intel 4 series driver and now in Device manager it shows 3 grayed out monitors which were installed when I have reinstalled the Video driver. The monitor driver that Is currently loaded was installed when I installed the OS itself.

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DIR Command To Prevent More Than 25 Lines To Disappear In Full Screen Mode

Apr 1, 2014

The average monitor can display 25 lines of text in full screen mode. When you list a directory containing more than 25 files, some of the filenames disappear off the top of the screen before you have a chance to read them. What do you add to the DIR command to always prevent this?

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Lock Screen Appear But Login Screen Disappeared

Mar 17, 2013

This morning I woke up to find that I could not log in to my windows 8 computer. The first 'lockscreen' would appear, but the when I clicked to go to the next screen to log in, all I see is text in the bottom right hand corner telling me about windows updates that will automatically update in two days (I have already installed most of the newest WUs).... Having issues with the latest WU?

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How To Disable Screen Login

Nov 12, 2012

I'm administrator for my laptop runs windows8 pro.. I don't want every time have to type my password I tried using netplwiz but failed to do so, as looks as good only for second user ...

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Windows 8.1 Login And Black Screen

Oct 18, 2013

Just installed 8.1. When I logged back on, there was only a blank screen with a cursor. I activated task manager and a warning appeared stating, "?CreateRect@Value@DirectUI@@SAPEAV12@HH... could not be located in the dynamic link library C:WindowsSystem32Windows.UI.Immersive...

SFC scannow fixed the issue for awhile then i got force logout then i login the same issue reappear... I dont feel like doing fresh install ...

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Lock Different Language On Login Screen

Dec 1, 2013

Today I changed my language options and happened to come across a BSOD. When I restarted, I found out that the input language for my password has also been changed, and my usual key combination for changing languages does not work. Thus, I cannot enter my password to change my language back to English. find a way to change the input language on the login screen?.

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Black Screen For A Few Seconds Before Login

Nov 2, 2013

Windows 8 was fine. For Windows 8.1 I had Windows 8 format and do a clean install and then immediately upgraded to 8.1. Now at least half of the time when I boot up after BIOS info and the windows logo shows briefly I see a black screen for 2 to 5 seconds I'd say. Then the lock screen. So after I get to where I can input my password everything is fine.

But I can't figure out why there is this few seconds of black nothing before I can input my password. I can't see that anything is wrong.

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Black Screen With Some Usability After Login

Mar 1, 2014

I can log in, which takes much longer than ususal, to be taken to the desktop screen. everything is black except for the cursor and the windows icon in the bottom left. Ctrl+Alt+Del gets me to that normal menu and I can open task manager and from there open windows explorer and from there open most programs. I cannot get to the normal home screen, run disks or change tabs.

I have run start-up repair and enabled safe mode to no avail.

I cannot refresh or restart as i bought windows 8 online and have no physical copy of it.

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Windows 8 Can't Go Past Login Screen

Aug 12, 2014

After installing a game of Minecraft he claims that around that time, the computer has not been able to boot. So he brought it over to me, and I'm not to familiar with Windows 8. So I try turning on the laptop and it freezes at the login screen. It has his username, and the little loading screen like its trying to load the account, then it freezes and it stops there. So what I'm trying to do is a system restore to an earlier time. Maybe even to boot into safe mode. How to access System Restore is to hold shift while restarting the computer. Except I can't access the computer. It doesn't go past the login screen. I can go into the BIOS, but nothing else. Any method were I can do something to access system recovery another way? What I can do besides a system restore? But simply put.. Turn on, goes past the Asus loading screen, gets to login screen, username is displayed. Computer freezes. Sometimes it just goes to a black screen and stops there.

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Windows 8 Black Screen After Login

Jul 10, 2013

For some reason after I sign into my user on my desktop, A blank screen appears and nothing loads. I tried the avast configuration since I'm using avast but it didnt work. I tried scanning the system in command promp and it says one corrupt ile was repaired...

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