Accounts :: New User Cannot Login (user Profile Service Failed)

Jun 3, 2014

I am trying to add a second account to my machine and whether I try a Local or Microsoft account, I get the same "User Profile Service failed the sign-in. User profile cannot be loaded" error every time I try to sign in for the first time. I've Googled this a bit and it seems everything I've found yet (except one) has been with logging in to existing profiles. For the one that was with a new profile, the solution didn't work.

I tried deleting all files similar to the specified one (file in C:UsersDefaultAppDataLocalMicrosoftVSCommon12.0SQM with name of "sqmdata-####-###-#####.sqm"), but that had no effect. I'm guessing this is because I have VS2013 installed, as this happens with my laptop as well. I don't want to delete my profile, I have important (and large) data in my documents folder that I don't want to lose. I'm guessing this will have to do with messing with the registry, but I don't know where to begin.

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Accounts :: User Profile Service Failed Logon

Mar 15, 2014

For some reason my computer loads slowly. I log in then black screen with mouse only can be seen. it takes <10 seconds for explorer.exe to appear. I searched for fix and found that it can be fixed by creating new profile. So, I went ahead and created profile. Logged off my current one and find this error when trying to load the new one. "User Profile Service service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded".

I then ran sfc /scannow command in Administrator command prompt. It found few files but was unable to repair them. Unfortunately I cannot open log because I have access denied popping up (was working before).

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Accounts :: The User Profile Service Failed To Logon - No SID Key

Aug 28, 2014

I created a new account on Windows 8.1. The login attempt resulted in a "The User Profile Service failed the logon" error.

Attempted the standard registry fix (linked below). However, a SID key does not exist for the new account.

I've tried deleting the account, recreating, recreating in safe mode. Same error at login.

Standard The User Profile Service failed the logon error fix.

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Accounts :: Windows 8 PC - User Profile Service Failed Sign In

Apr 28, 2013

The User Profile Service service failed the sign-in. User profile cannot be loaded. (Window 8)

Today when I tried to use my laptop, I got an error when attempting to log on with my profile. It states:

"The User Profile Service service failed the sign-in. User profile cannot be loaded."

I am using a different PC right now, of course. I had Googled the error, but none of the solutions (thus far) will work in my predicament. It is a Windows 8 PC, so I cannot access the system BIOS in order to perform a system restore, cause unfortunately, it goes straight to the log on screen(Which is become SOLID BLANK COLOR). I don't have a second profile on the system, either. I can't find any way to access the BIOS, Settings, Admin. Profile, or anything.

(SOLID BLANK COLOR) the back ground image for the log in screen is a solid color and not an actual image, anymore.

I can't access the start menu to open the CMD, because I cannot log into my profile and there is no other profile on the PC, besides Administrator ... Which is, unfortunately, hidden. I cannot make it visible, because I'd have to log in to accomplish such a task ...

The problem is not that I am incompetent and cannot conjure a new profile or complete simple tasks on a computer. My predicament seems to be that I cannot access anything. I need to log onto my profile in order to reach the CMD, or any other settings for that matter. Unless there's some, very well hidden, way to run CMD from the log in screen. I know that there is a minuscule detail that I am overlooking, but I cannot find it.

If there's any way to access CMD, BIOS, or anything at the log in screen.

When I opened mu laptop (I'm using ASUS) = Its going STRAIGHT to the BLANK SOLID Screen and There's that. Nothing.... I cannot find anyway how to log in using safe mode and try anyway boot using f1 or anything....

IMPORTANT Problem: didnt's have a cd Windows 8, just found out this problem, didnt even made another account... and other PC is using win7...

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Accounts :: The User Profile Service Failed Sign In - Cannot Be Loaded

Jul 17, 2013

Whenever I make a new user account I get:

"The Profile Service service failed the sign-in. User profile cannot be loaded."

I've tried going into regedit and altering the user account, however there is not an S-1-5 entry associated with it. This happens every time I create a new user. My admin and other user account work fine.

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User Profile Service Failed To Sign-in

Oct 25, 2013

Computer fails to log-in, get the following message: The User Profile Service failed to the sign-in. User Profile cannot be loaded. Have tried to boot to Safe Mode by pressing F8 repeatedly but cant get to the option.

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Constant Error User Profile Service?

Sep 15, 2014

I have a lenovo y510p and after experiencing constant nvidia driver crashes, I found this error constantly repeating:

imgur: the simple image sharer
imgur: the simple image sharer
imgur: the simple image sharer

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Network / Sharing :: Windows Server 2012 / User Profile Service Error

Mar 30, 2014

I am having issues with my clients. Every time they logon, the information won't go through the PC client and load up. I get this problem in the image below.

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Accounts :: Windows 8 - Move User Profile To HDD

Jul 28, 2013

I built a new PC to be used primarily for gaming purposes, so I installed Windows 8 Pro onto 128GB SSD. I wanted to move my User profile to my HDD, and followed the directions posted here: User Profiles - Relocate to another Partition or Disk

After doing this and exiting Audit mode, Windows acted as if I had were installing the OS and wanted a product key. I skipped this step, went through the configuration, but when I used my email for my Windows account, it says that a user is already using that account on my PC. Obviously, because I had been using my computer earlier today. So since it knows there is a user with that account, why can't I access it when I start my computer? A friend of mine says I may have installed Windows twice on accident, but he isn't sure.

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Accounts :: Windows 8.1 Sometimes Can't Access User (Admin) Profile

Mar 13, 2014

Sometimes when I boot Windows 8.1, I get a generic screen that tells me that my profile couldn't be accessed and I now have a temporary profile. I went to the event viewer and it also said that it couldn't find my profile. I am the only user and administrator. Is there a way to make a new user profile AND not loose my files and settings.

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Accounts :: Changing Local User Login Name On Login Screen

Sep 15, 2014

Windows is asking me for a password despite I've never had a password.

Here's what happened:

I've never had a password and choose during the win install to have 1 local account without password.

I used to have a user/login name with an non ascii character (é), and it was causing me some trouble. Hence I decided to change it with ascii only characters. Control Panel, users etc ... properties, changed the name of the local user.

Reboot, and boom, Windows asks me for a password and is displaying the former user name !! But there's no option to change the user name, I've read that there should be a back arrow but it's not here (probably because windows "thinks" there's no point since there is only 1 user).

I don't know what to do, I used a Linux live usb distro to use some tools that can reset password and unlock account, however:

1/ it can only reset password, which seems not to be the issue here, the issue is the wrong user name
2/ the linux tool shows 1 local user with the last update name

So I'm guessing windows is not using the proper name to login, but doesn't provide any mean to change it.

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Accounts :: Windows 8 Guest User Profile Account Unsafe To Use?

Aug 13, 2013

I was told to never use the Guest user account as it was not safe to use. I was told that I should open up another standard account without a password.

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Accounts :: Move User Profile By Windows Easy Transfer Wizard

Nov 4, 2013

It looks like this PC can't run Windows 8.1. This might be because the Users or Program Files folder is being redirected to another partition."

By using the Customize feature of Windows Easy Transfer Wizard, I created a MIG transfer file, without selecting the user folders (such as Documents, Pictures or Video).

If the MIG file is copied to the C: drive, will the User Profile be created on the C: drive, when Easy Transfer is run?

I am guessing that the default User Folders will be created on the C drive, and then the locations can be changed to match the present physical location on my other partitions.

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Accounts :: Lost / Deleted User Account And Temporary Profile Error?

Mar 1, 2014

You've Been Signed In With A Temporary Profile error In Windows 8 and boy was that a mistake, i went to where it said to go to Regedt32.exe, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionProfileList i found 2 accounts the temporary account and my account, the fourm said to reroute them to the right account so i made the temporary account go to my account and then i restarted the computer it did the exact same thing exept that when i went to user it had replaced my account with another temporary account. Any way to get all of the things i had on my user or is it gone. (BTW i have no restore checkpoint to where i can go back)

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Accounts :: User Profile Over 70GB - Repetitive Long Directory Names?

Sep 15, 2014

This seems bad, and I'm concerned something is wrong with the way the OS is behaving. Can't delete the many too-long profile directories in backups. Is this symptomatic of some future failure?

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Accounts :: Make All User Accounts Display At Login Screen?

Oct 28, 2013

I'm on HP laptop 2000-2d27dx Windows 8.1. My login screen shows only one user account. I have to click on arrow to switch to other existing user accounts. Is there a way to display all user accounts at login screen?

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Accounts :: Windows 8.1 Login For Only One User?

Nov 6, 2013

I have just upgraded to 8.1 and my user insists on my microsoft password before it lets me log in; the other three users do not have this problem. How do I remove this annoying factor from my log in. I want to go straight to the user log in screen without this annoying bit.

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Accounts :: Unable To Login As Standard User On Windows 8.1 PC

Jul 29, 2014

My son is no longer able to logon to his standard user account on my Windows 8.1 U1. I am unable to switch users following a cold start of the computer. Also, I am unable to switch users while logged on to my account.

My System:
Dell XPS 8100 with Intel i5 processor and 6GB DDR3 ram. The desktop initially included Windows 7 Home Premium. I upgraded to Windows 8 Pro as a $40 Windows Store purchase. I've since updated to Version 8.1 and the first update following the release of 8.1. At time of upgrade to Windows 8, all prior updates to Windows 7 were current and successful. Since upgrading to Windows 8, all updates are current and I only experienced 1 update "Failed" (KB2919355), which upon a reinitialization after the failure, was successful. Until this problem, the PC and operating system have run very well with no real problems.

As noted above, there are 2 users on this PC. Myself (administrator), and son (standard user). I can't pinpoint an exact date when my son was no longer able to logon to his account; however in checking the registry I find that the last notation of his login activity under error reporting was a successful login and logoff done on April 30th. And even though attempts have been made since that time to login to his account, there are no notations of this in the error reporting log that I can find. Most likely that's because I can't get to a point that will allow me to "initiate" a login for his account. It's as though his account does not exist.

What Happens When:
Boot - When the computer boots, it only presents a login screen for my account. There is no right-arrow allowing me to switch users. Switching to a secure login via Ctrl Alt Del yields the same results.

After I'm logged in - If I click to switch users, once again I will get a login screen with my account only and no way of switching users. If I wake the computer from sleep or from screen saver mode, I'm presented with my user picture and password, however, this time I do get a right-arrow to switch user. When I click the arrow, the screen goes black for about 5-7 seconds, at which time I'm presented my user login and no switch user arrow.

Efforts to Resolve:
I've researched this issue the the past month or so and have checked and/or tried just about everything that's out there from Microsoft, Windows 8 Forum, The Windows Club, and a few other sites as well. As I follow the suggested fixes, everything seems to be as it should be. I've yet to find anything that does not appear to be "right". For example: SFC /scannow says everything's OK. If I go to User Accounts, both accounts are present. If I go to C:Usersmy son's account, it is there. I am able to create another account with name and password. However, I am unable to open that account for the same reasons that I'm not able to open my son's account. The new account created is NOT reflected under C:UsersNew Account, so I'm unable to copy files from my son's account to the new account.

Because of the time delay from when my son first informed me that he's been unable to open his account, my restore points are all following when it probably occurred. I do have a Macrium image from late March that is available. However, I'm wondering if I brought the PC back to a state from this past March if I would be able to install all updates to get the system current. I know Microsoft was imposing time constraints associated with updating to Update 1 following Windows 8.1 ...

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Accounts :: Want To Eliminate MS Login And Change Default User Folder

Oct 25, 2013

I have preinstalled Win 8 on new desktop, now upgraded to 8.1. When I first started setting it up and it required an account login, I didn't really realize that it was going to exist outside my computer. I used my full name and primary email account for it. Then, it set up a folder(s) under Users (using my name), in the file structure. When I copied over say "Documents" from my Win 7 machine, they now show in a path of: This PC / Windows / Users / (myname) / Documents. I will not be using "the cloud" for anything, and want to only have a local account with Admin Privileges and a local account for using 99% of the time. Hence a multi-part question:

1) If I make a change to my MS password, like setting it up with a non-identifying username/password with a Hotmail email (which I never use), how will it affect my docs/pics/music/etc that is under Users / myname? If I change the MS login to a LOCAL login, what effect would it have instead?

2) Is there a way to get (myname) out of the file structure and rename it something neutral, or will that bring chaos?

3) And, as long as I'm asking things...I created the new Admin-Account and Daily-Account, but it seems like neither of them can access anything. They just get "permission denied" - even on the Admin one. I set up a Hotmail account for them both, so they have MS logins as well. Can I just switch them to LOCAL logins as well?

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Accounts :: Windows 8 And 8.1 Auto Login User Account Without Password

Oct 25, 2013

I've been trying to set my brothers laptop to auto log in the user account without password using control userpasswords via command prompt but i'm having problems.

I supposed to get this screen below

But I get this screen below and can't change the to auto login

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Accounts :: At Login Screen Hide Guest User (Windows 8.1 RTM)

Sep 21, 2013

I'm using Windows 8.1 Enterprise RTM

At the login screen I see my user ID and a Guest user. Can I hide the guest user at login screen - I only want to see my user.

I DON'T want to boot in bypassing the sign on screen. (Note this is NOT the same as booting direct to desktop !!!).

This is new in Windows 8.1 RTM - I never had this in previous editions of windows.

(Note I really don't want to DISABLE the account - I just don't want to see it at login).

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Lost User Accounts - All Icons For User Tasks Are Blank Piece Of Paper

Jan 29, 2013

Today I thought I'd set a picture for my user account.

Nothing happens when I click or double click on the user account icon in the control panel.

I then went to check if our other pc was the same but that's fine.

I did notice that on mine instead of an icon of two people the icon is that of a folder.

I have tried accessing it through "Godmode" and it says it can't find it and also all the icons for user tasks are a blank piece of paper.

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Deleted Windows 8 User Accounts - Other User In Password Screen?

Jul 13, 2014

So, I wanted to download a game from the windows store and had to create a Live/microsoft account. After doning so win 8 made that account the account that I use to sigh-in to windows. Didn't wanted that so I went to user managment and deleted the account from thare. The problem is that I also accidenly deleted my windows user account as well.

After I restarted, I got to the password screen and my windows user was gone, just "other user". I tryed to enter the windows user name and password but nothing. the screen also showed the microsoft acount name but here also the password dident work (probably because a deleted them both from the system...)

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Accounts :: Transfer Main User To Elevated Admin User?

Sep 15, 2014

I have been using an unelevated admin user account since installing win 8.1 pro and I've been having problems constantly (UAC nagging me, access denied when trying to kill processes and so on) and I decided I want to use the elevated admin account as my main. I understand security risks and convenience is more important to me as I don't have any sensitive information on my laptop. I was wondering if I can merge the user account I used until now, which has all my app settings, with the elevated admin user account and use that one from now on.

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Accounts :: How To Select Files From Main User But Not Able To Sign In As That User

Apr 8, 2014

like everyone else my tiles are missing but for some reason I am under temp user. I'm looking apps there's only a few. I can click on computer, users: to select files from the main user but I cannot sign in as that user. When I click on users it only shows administrator and activate guests. This happened two weeks ago

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Accounts :: Win 8.1 Only Loads Last User - Won't Display User Screen

Sep 15, 2014

I have recently installed 8.1 on my desktop with 3 local user accounts (no Microsoft accounts) and no user passwords, and Guest account Off. I have bypassed the lock screen but whenever the computer is switched on or a user signs out, the OS loads the last user instead of going to the user select screen. Something that all Windows OSs have done from go to Win 7. I can back arrow which does display the user select screen.

Or more importantly, any way to make it act like all previous Windows systems. I would not be fussed if this was a single user computer.

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Accounts :: Win 8.1 Home - Merge Domain User Account With Local User Account

Aug 28, 2014

I have a user with a machine that was setup with Win 8.1 Home. The machine has been upgraded to 8.1 Pro and joined to a domain (WinSrv 2003). I need to get the content/configuration from their old local machine user profile to their new domain user profile.

I tried to copy the contents of their ../users/<name>/.. folder from the local user profile to the new domain user profile (after they had logged in once, and then logged off). This did not work. When I did the copy, I grabbed all files, including hidden...was that my mistake, or is the issue broader?

In the end....they want their old stuff and configuration under their new credentials/profile.

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Updated To 8.1 - User Profile Missing

Oct 11, 2014

This desktop computer came with Windows 8 pre-installed and was updated to 8.1 from the MS free download around a year ago. While updates were automatically downloaded, the settings were not for auto updates. I attempted to install updates a few months ago but got many failures (as did many others I read about) and after installing KB2919355 the desktop was messed up and the missing profile problem was evident. Did a system restore which fixed everything and it has been stable ever since - with no updates installed.

Today after several attempts (and hours) I finally got all the Windows updates installed without failures, However, when any application icon shortcut is selected, the "Missing Profile" message comes up. I am able to start the program from the Program Files folder using the executable file and once started all appears normal. Tried re-creating the shortcuts on the desktop but get the same error message. This applies to Firefox, Thunderbird, Word, etc. Also notice that the pressing the windows key + X does not work but windows + C works as well as windows + R. Those keys and icons all work from the administrator logon so the problem seems isolated to the default user.

After researching the problem I created a new user (while under admin privileges) but no profile was created. When attempting to logon to the new user, the message "The User Profile Service service failed the sign-in. User profile cannot be loaded." Checked the User folder on the C: drive and the new user was not there.

So, before I give up and re-install windows 8.0 &8.1 ( and have to re-load a bunch of programs).

System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 8.1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3330 CPU @ 3.00GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9
Processor Count: 4
RAM: 6026 Mb
Graphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics, -1984 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 937328 MB, Free - 666832 MB;
Motherboard: Gateway, IPISB-VR
Antivirus: Windows Defender, Disabled

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Browsers/Mail :: Access Outlook With New User Profile

Aug 18, 2014

I've created a new user profile. I need outlook on the old user profile to be moved to this new user.

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Setup Installation :: Moving User Profile Files?

Jun 26, 2013

I just did a clean install of Windows 8 on a 256GB SSD. How do I move my User Profile Files (My Documents, etc.) to another drive?

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Accounts :: Deleted User Account But User Folder Was Not Deleted

Sep 15, 2014

I recently deleted a user account, and clicked yes to also delete all associated files...the user was successfully deleted, however, the user's folders/files remain, and cannot be deleted. Is it possible to associate that user's folder with a new user's login? If not, what needs to be done in order to delete the remaining user folder?

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