Hardware Drivers :: Windows 8 Or 8.1 Constant Hard Freeze

May 29, 2014

I have never been able to operation windows 8 on my desktop computer, always thought it was a hard drive issue 2 days ago I get a brand new HDD and SSD for main OS, and low and behold it is the same issue, every time I try to install windows 8 or 8.1 it either during or after the installation, it completely locks up, freezes, if I'm playing music it's stuck, can't move mouse, heck with my old hard drive, I literally pulled out my hard drive was looking at my hard drive in my hand and windows 8 on the screen, frozen, this seems too iffy to not be a coincidence, but I got windows 8 to work (magically), and when I open device manager it says my PCI lan controller driver is missing.

I went online and found it on gigabyte with my motherboard z68-d3-b3 and found the driver, tried installing it, FROZE, hard reset, tried installing again, FROZE, for as I went looking for a solution I came across an article that said do not update z68-d3-b3 bios to eufi, and of course I did about the time windows 8 came out, many people have had problems with the eufi update, but could this cause my computer to crash at completely random times? it's not my hard drives I know that for a fact, I took out my laptop HDD with windows 8.1 on it and I connected it to my desktop and it still froze, used 2 other HDD and 1 SSD with windows 8 and windows 8.1, I tried both pirated and legit copies, I have a key for Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 (just no CD) I am completely lost with this MOBO, windows 7 works perfectly fine zero problems.

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Hardware Drivers :: Windows 8 On Asus X201E - Audible Constant Disk Trashing

Mar 31, 2013

I've recently installed Windows 8 on an Asus X201E. There is an audible constant disk trashing, although the HDD LED doesn't blink & the Performance monitor in the task manager also doesn't indicate any excessive disk access (literally 0% when nothing is going on). What could cause this? Besides the annoying sound, I'm worried about the disk wearing out.

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Debugging :: Constant BSOD Randomly With Various Error Codes - Nvidia Drivers?

May 29, 2014

Been experiencing seemingly random BSOD's for the past few weeks, and completely unable to solve the problem myself. It happens from a minute or two after startup to after 3 or 4 hours or working, and sometimes doesn't crash on intensive apps like Furmark.

I'm running a Lenovo Y400 with the newest Nvidia drivers, and have attempted rolling back and uninstalling with DDU but no success.

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Hardware Drivers :: Scanning And Repairing Drive Freeze?

Jul 19, 2013

I`ve got HP Envy Phoenix H9-1400ec with Windows 8 64bit. Can`t boot it, I`ve tried restarting and all that during the scanning and repairing process, but it`s just frozen on 1% for quite a few hours already(I just let it run in case some miracle happens...)

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Hardware Drivers :: Win 8.1 - Logitech K330 Keyboard And Mouse Randomly Freeze

Oct 15, 2013

I have recently upgraded to windows 8. I was previously using a logitech mk320 mouse/keyboard and experiencing the same issues. So I purchased the new K330 setup that is windows 8 compatible, but again same issues. A little less frequently, but same issues.

Basically the keyboard will randomly have a 3 to 15 second delay when typing. To make it worse when it does finally pick up it leaves out letters making it very hard to type anything. Secondly the mouse will also randomly be very choppy. Not completely unresponsive, but skip over large sections of the screen. It's almost like the batteries are dying, but I have replace them 2 times now with fresh ones.

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Hardware Drivers :: 4TB Hard Drive With Windows 8.1

Sep 19, 2013

I have just bought a 4TB external USB 3.0 hard drive. The plan is to copy all of the data from my current internal 2TB drive to the 4TB, then I'm going to crack the case of the external hard drive open, take the drive out, and put it in my PC to replace the 2TB drive that's in there now (which I know will void the warranty). This isn't going to be a boot drive as I have an SSD for that.

I had read that Windows does not support large drives of this size and that it would show up as 2 partitions, so I was prepared to convert the drive to GPT in order to have 1 large partition. However, I connected the drive up to my Windows 8.1 machine and it shows as 1 large partition of 3.63TB, which is about what I expected.

Does this mean I don't have to convert the drive after all? Can I do what I'm planning to do and everything will work fine? Or do I need to convert it to GPT before I copy all of my data over and if so, how do I do that exactly?

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Hardware Drivers :: Windows Cannot See External Hard Drive

Sep 15, 2013

HP Envy dv7, Windows 8

Seagate 2TB drive mounted in a Thermaltake, Max 5 enclosure. The drive does not show in Windows 8. Does show when running Disk Management (diskmgmt.msc) but shows as "Unallocated" without a drive letter. If run the Seagate drive tools, it shows up as unallocated, with drive letter "C". But there is obviously already a drive "C".

Disk Management does not present a means by which to assign a drive letter

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Hardware Drivers :: Windows 8 Doesn't See Second Hard Drive

Aug 26, 2014

a friend of mine recently brought me a notebook,Medion AKOYA 99380(s6214t). After booting and using notebook for some time,computer reported a Hard Drive error.It said:"Windows detected a hard disk problem. Back up your files immediately to prevent information loss, and then contact computer manufacturer to determine if you need to repair or replace the disk."

The HDD is pretty new and it didn't seem to have any hardware issues. However,I did a clean instal of Windows 8.1 on the notebook(normally I installed Windows on the 64GB SD Card located in the "tablet" part of the notebook,so that way a person using it can use it as a tablet,too). Everything seemed to work fine, no HDD errors from Windows etc.,but then I opened My Computer and second Hard Drive wasn't there.I thought that it's a Drive Letter problem so I went into Disk Management however it did not solve the issue.

Then I tried everything(re-formatting,changing from NTFS to other formats etc.) but it did not seem to work.But all of sudden,after doing something, I don't really remember what I did that made the Computer see it, but it finally worked,so I just started testing everything. And after I used it as a tablet only for a while,I plugged that part in the notebook again and then Windows gave me an option to Update and Restart. I was a bit afraid of how it will turn out,so I wanted to shut down and turn on for a couple of times before updating, just to see if it will cause any issues. When I was sure that it worked perfect before the update, I clicked the option to update.

After the update was finished,Windows ran extremely slow and it detected my second HDD, however not the way it should.It only said "Local Disk (D: ) but I could not access and it didn't show how much memory on it was used. I re-assigned a letter to it after a format,but it did not work. Then I shut down the notebook,pull the second hard drive out,connect it to computer with usb so windows sees it as an external hard drive,and bam,everything worked. I don't think that the HDD is the problem,nor the SATA connectors,it's most likely that the motherboards driver need an update. However,when I checked for it's name,it said "Medion AKOYA s6124t". I tried all the downloads from Medion's page,but no succes in finding a proper driver.

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Slow Windows - Constant HD Access

Apr 5, 2013

My HD usage is almost constantly at 100% making my brand new laptop pause when typing every few seconds.

Lenovo 530
I5 w/12GB RAM
2 months old

I tried a clean retail install of windows 8 pro, and without any other installed programs problem existed.

There is no program using more that 0.1mb/sec, its just usage.

Tried clean retail install of windows 7 pro, and without any other installed programs problem existed.

I did NOT notice this at all for the first month I had my new laptop.

The only thing that ever makes it better, is if the HD is being constantly accessed by a program, such as defrag - while defrag is running, my computer never pauses and it runs smooth as it should.

I tried Clean installs, turning off page file, turning off indexing. Is it a HW issue?

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Hardware Drivers :: Boot Windows 7 From External Hard Drive?

Mar 16, 2013

I'm currently using a Dell Inspiron 3520 laptop with Windows 8 on it. I have an external hard drive from a Windows 7 desktop. It recognizes the external hdd right away and I can access it but I can't figure out how to boot Windows 7 as the primary. I've tried changing boot order in bios but I've had no luck as it still boots Windows 8 first. Is there a way to use the Windows 7 as the primary drive ? Even a way to temporarly turn off the Windows 8 hard drive will work. I just need to access the Windows 7 hard drive without having to navigate through program files to have to open something.

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Hardware Drivers :: Get Windows 8 To Recognize Secondary Hard Disk?

Jun 3, 2013

How can I get Windows 8 to recognize my secondary HD? It is a WD Green 500GB SATA drive. My bios reads it, but Windows 8 does not.

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Hardware Drivers :: Can't Combine Hard Drive Partitions Windows 8

Apr 29, 2014

I have a Dell XPS-12 laptop. It's pretty standard, and I only use it for school. I'm a Computer Science major (which is incredibly ironic in this situation... wow), and I partitioned part of my harddrive off, about 32 GB, for a CentOS and then Kali Linux install, first to run a configuration and write some custom code for an open source captive portal my work has deployed and second for testing my place of employments security implementation (boy was it easy to gather some scary data with a simple wireshark capture..). I am extremely busy with being a fulltime student and also working 2 jobs and freelancing web development, and I haven't been able to figure out why after reformatting the partition I was using for the Linux installs, I could never reintegrate that partition into my own Windows partition. It's incredibly annoying as I only have a 128 GB SSD and after screwing with it for ten minutes, said screw it and just made it into a backup drive where I keep all my code and larger ISO images for different OS' I have (after just a year of studying CS, I've had to use a total of 6 different Linux OS', as well as messing with trying to get an ArchLinux install up and running correctly... I'm starting to feel like a collector)

why my harddrive is being super lame and finish that matrix for the Software Packaging class' final it's pretty obvious which I'm going to go with. Problem is, now, I'm starting to do a bit of freelance security consulting here and there, and I need to have a portable Kali partition with me. I also need to shrink the partition, but when I do I can never put it back into my main Windows partition so there really is no point.

Also, I'm running windows 8.0 right now, but I've had 8.1 before and the fixes still didn't work.

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Freezing And Hanging In Windows 8.1 On Constant Basis

Mar 16, 2014

I'm experiencing problems with freezing and hanging with Windows 8.1 on a constant basis. The problem occurs in the browser, when switching between programs and during start up and close down.

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Windows 8.1 Brightness Constant - Cannot Increase Or Decrease

Mar 30, 2014

i have windows 8.1 and i have brightness issue it is constant it is not increasing as well as not decreasing.

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Hardware Drivers :: Windows 8.1 - Hard Drive Does Not Show Up On File Explorer

Aug 5, 2014

I installed Windows 8.1.

My computer has an SSD which has the installation. My computer has a hard drive with file.

The hard drive shows up on Disk Management. The hard drive does not show up on File Explorer.

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Hardware Drivers :: Hard Drive Shows Up As Removable Disk Windows 8

Jun 10, 2014

My ssd broke so I went got a new one today I do a fresh install of win 8 but its showing up as removable disk .

My PC specs-sabertooth fx990 r2.0 mb. Windows 8 ...

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Hardware Drivers :: Windows 8 Not Recognizing External Hard Drive - Not Initialized

Apr 20, 2013

I recently purchased a WD 1TB external portable hard drive.When I first got it it was immediately recognised by my laptop (a 2 day old Asus Ultrabook S400C). This is my first time with Windows 8 so I am still learning to navigate it.

The first thing I did was transfer 650gb of movies and music across. I didn't format the hard drive first, maybe that was my first mistake. My files were still recognisable on my laptop and my WD TV Live media centre. The next day all of a sudden my media player wouldn't recognise it and when I plugged it back into my laptop it also cannot see it.

The device can be seen in device manager (when I click on properties it says it's working corectly), but not in the drives list in my computer. It is showing as "Disc 2" 'Not Iniitialised' and when I click on 'Initialise' and choose 'MBR' and hit OK it comes up with this error msg: 'The request could not be performed due to an I/O device error'.

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Debugging :: Constant BSOD Fresh Install Of Windows 8 Pro

Jul 12, 2014

I recently upgraded to an SSD, installing a fresh copy of Win8Pro.

I'm receiving constant BSODs, typically reporting BAD_POOL_HEADER and IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL

I've updated every driver I can think of (chipset, lan, usb, audio, video) as well as fully updating in windows update.

Memtest ran overnight finding no errors, and Western Digital's HDD utility reports no hard disk corruption.

I'm thinking either a bad driver, or some hardware failure that I can't nail down. My specs should be listed in my profile, with the addition of a 750w corsair PS and my HDD setup (AHCI, 1 crucial mx100 256gb SSD (primary), 1tb WD blue, and 1tb WD green as data drives).

Crash dumps should be attached, one may have driver verifier enabled.

Also, clean booting seems to be slightly more stable than a regular boot, so there's that.

Attempting to install windows 8.1 fails right at the end (after installing and setting up, reporting 0xC1900101 - 0x2003).

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Network / Sharing :: Windows 8.1 - Constant Disconnections Default Gateway Not Available?

Dec 16, 2013

I see that the constant "default gateway is not available" error is a common one for Windows 8. My connection drops every five minutes or less. It appears to get much worse when my brother is online on his computer on the same network. I've searched for solutions before, but none have worked so far. I've manually set the IP, I've turned off the power management option on the network, I've restarted my computer, I've made sure that my driver is updated,

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Hardware Drivers :: Hard Drive At 100% With No Activity

Nov 7, 2013

I recently discovered that one of my drives has been at 100% activity with no data being read or written. This particular drive is used for virtual instruments and samples for music. I've never had issues before, but I found it odd that loading projects took an insane amount of time to load, which lead me to check the disk usage of this particular drive.

Current response time spikes into the tens of thousands. Again, nothing is being written or read. If I open the drive, I can see all my files, but the drive never seems to stop "searching". I've attatched a picture below:

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Hardware Drivers :: Can't Read USB Or External Hard Drive

Nov 25, 2012

I just installed Win 8 last night and everything seemed fine before I turned off the computer. Now, I'm a student and I work a lot from my USB/HD. I have both my usb and HD connected to the computer but the computer doesn't read them now.

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Hardware Drivers :: Portable Hard Disk Failure

Apr 30, 2014

First of all.. let me say that this HDD does not have any kind physical damage. It has not been dropped.. nor it has a clicking or beeping sound.

The HDD is SeaGate FreeAgent Go 250 GB. I always watch movies in bulk. So I copy it to my HDD and plug it in the TV and use it. Today when I plugged it in to my PC for watching another set of movies, the copying was not going in a stable manner.. instead the graph showed mountain-like copying.. i.e. first it goes at much speed and then it loses and fall back to 1 or 2 mb/s.. So I thought that a defrag could set things right.

I defragged it and went for a coffee.. After coming back, the defrag was complete but i was unable to open the HDD.. I safely removed it but it said it was in use.. I shut down my PC and unplugged it.. turned on my PC but when I insert my HDD its unreadable.. it shows no percentage of free space.. only just Local Disk F.. ( earlier it used to show FreeAgent GO) I ran chkdsk F: /f /r.. but it showed some error.. I closed it. The log file is attached..

Now whenever I open my HDD, its stops responding.. I know it can be solved..

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Hardware Drivers :: Hard Drives Not Showing Up In Computer?

Aug 20, 2013

I am currently running Windows 8 64 bit and when I go to "My Computer" it is only showing my C: drive. I know my other drives (internal, external and dvd) are working because I can enter the directory name (ie. H: or E:) into the address bar and the content appears. Is there any way to fix this problem so that they show up in "My Computer"?

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Hardware Drivers :: External Hard Drive Not Recognized?

Aug 17, 2014

My portable hard drive stops showing up all of a sudden. It is connected to a USB hub. When I go to 'Disk Management' in 'Computer Management', the hard drive shows up as Unknown - Not Initialised. Also this hard drive works while not using the USB hub, and the USB hub works as well with other devices.

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Hardware Drivers :: Hard Drive Recognized But Not Usable?

Jan 18, 2014

I built my computer a couple weeks ago and am running windows 8.1. I currently have a 128gb SSD and a 1tb internal hard drive (WD Caviar Blue) I obviously used the ssd to boot windows and currently windows is detecting my 1tb hard drive but it is not usable. I have tried diskpart commands to clean and format and I keep getting the error message "DiskPart has encountered an error: The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error". The hard drive was brand new and cables are fine. This is what everything looks like..

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Hardware Drivers :: External Hard Drive In RAW Format

Jun 9, 2013

Is there a way I can back up my files from my 2tb WD My Passport External Hard Drive? I have a lot of files on there which I want to back up and convert to NTFS.

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Hardware Drivers :: Hard Drive Partitions Not Combining?

Jul 31, 2014

I am having a little trouble with windows disk management. I'm running a custom built rig with a 250GB SSD for OS & Programs, and a 2TB HDD for everything else. The hard drive was previously partitioned however I recently removed these partitions and Extended the main volume to fill the drive, however it is showing up as 3 distinct volumes in disk management (See attached screenshot). They're also Green from some reason and the disk is showing as a 'Dynamic' disk, which I don't remember changing.

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Hardware Drivers :: Cannot Get External Hard Drive To Connect

Aug 10, 2013

I have a Simpletech Simpledrive External Hard drive. It works on my desktop running xp. When I connect to my Asus N56DP Laptop, I hear the binging and all. But I do not see it in my control panel. I can see it in the device manager. Not in Disc MAnagement. Is there something I can do to get it to install and be accessible? I have some race car pictures I would like to post to Facebook.

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Hardware Drivers :: Spanning 2 External USB Hard Drives

Feb 4, 2014

Just purchase this HornetTek X2-U3 JBOD USB 3.0 (HT-3210U3) - 3.5" DUAL BAY - JBOD - HDD ENCLOSURES

The only reason was because I had a spare 1TB drive and 500GB drive that I wanted to span into one volume, according the product spec it supports JBOD, which from my understanding should allow hard drive spanning, I understand that if one drive goes the data is lost, but that is not a concern of mine as I have numerous backups of my data. The problem is when I try to span 2 disk I get the following error "The operation is not supported by the object"

Here's a screenshot of the drives in question :

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Hardware Drivers :: Cannot Eject Any Portable Hard Drive

Mar 30, 2013

PC : Compaq Presario CQ3623L

OS : Windows 8 Pro x64

Problem : Cannot Eject any Portable Hard Drive with Safely Remove Hardware Window. My Portable HD didn't show on Safely Remove Hardware windows, so I cant eject them.

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Debugging :: Constant BSoD Crashes With New CPU?

Feb 15, 2014

I always encounter BSoD with my newly bought cpu

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