Accounts :: Windows 8 - Any Way To Merge Folders Of Two User Profiles
Apr 16, 2014
With Windows 8 there is no way (that I am aware of) to avoid having to create a user profile. So now I have my user profile and the stupid Public profile. For some reason some stuff gets put into the Public profile and some stuff is being put into my profile.
An example would be documents.
The majority of my documents are stored in Users/<name>/Documents yet for some reason there are a bunch of documents that I use being stored in Users/Public/Public Documents
Is there a way to merge these 2 folders and then get rid of the Public profile completely?
I have a user with a machine that was setup with Win 8.1 Home. The machine has been upgraded to 8.1 Pro and joined to a domain (WinSrv 2003). I need to get the content/configuration from their old local machine user profile to their new domain user profile.
I tried to copy the contents of their ../users/<name>/.. folder from the local user profile to the new domain user profile (after they had logged in once, and then logged off). This did not work. When I did the copy, I grabbed all files, including hidden...was that my mistake, or is the issue broader?
In the end....they want their old stuff and configuration under their new credentials/profile.
I just got a new laptop that had a second Hard drive bay, so to speed up copying all my information from my old laptop (which had Windows 7) I just took the HD out of the old and put it in the new.
Everything seems to work fine unless I try to access the files stored in the /users directory (which is where almost all of my work files were). When I double click the file for my username on my old computer, it tells me I do not have permission to view this folder.
Under that is a button that says Click here to permanently gain access to this folder (with an admin icon).
So... I click there. Then as it begins to open the folder, the green bar flies up and stops at about 95% and just sits there.
I had about 40GB of data in subfolders to this, is that how long it takes to change all their permissions? Or do I have to put the HD back in the old laptop and copy it another way?
I had the idea of redirecting my User/Tom/Documents' folder to SkyDrive/Documents on both my desktop and laptop using the Properties/Location tab to keep everything in sync. Turns out that with all the folders various applications create in 'Documents', this creates a lot of clutter, so I wanted to restore the 'Documents' folder back to its original location and just sync my genuine documents using SkyDrive. However, upon attempting this, I'm met with the message "can't move the folder because there is a folder in the same location that can't be redirected". How can I get around this? I have tried doing the action in safe mode but to no avail, the same message once again.
I had changed the locations of several folders under C:Usersmyname to my personal server share (Documents, Desktop, Favorites, Links, and Pictures if I recall correctly).
Documents was redirected to servernamemyname Desktop, etc was recirected to servernamemynameDesktop and so on
servername was recently taken out of service and what was servernamemyname is now my H: drive. Fine and good. My stuff was moved and is all in the new spot. Except that since I had all of those folder locations changed they're no longer visible under C:Usersmyname and my Desktop won't load because it can't find that directory (servernamemyname). How can I get those back without creating a new login profile (which I did on another system I use)?
My buddy wants me to relocate his Documents and Pictures folders (by going to Properties/Location tab/Move on those folders) so that they would be in his Google Drive folder, and thereby backed up automatically to the cloud.
I've been getting this single warning since the very first boot after a clean install of Windows 8 Pro. This is the only warning I get along with 19 informationals that are easy to understand and logical.
Event ID 1530, User Profiles Services
Windows detected your registry file is still in use by other applications or services. The file will be unloaded now. The applications or services that hold your registry file may not function properly afterwards.
DETAIL - 1 user registry handles leaked from RegistryUserS-1-5-21-4208045085-1828888239-1443801484-1001:
Process 1028 (DeviceHarddiskVolume2WindowsSystem32svchost.exe) has opened key REGISTRYUSERS-
I did a Clean Install on a new SSD Drive. When I tried the Relocate User Profiles to another Partition, the System gave me a message that I would have to re-install, but the Windows 8 CD will not re-install. What can I do?
So, I wanted to download a game from the windows store and had to create a Live/microsoft account. After doning so win 8 made that account the account that I use to sigh-in to windows. Didn't wanted that so I went to user managment and deleted the account from thare. The problem is that I also accidenly deleted my windows user account as well.
After I restarted, I got to the password screen and my windows user was gone, just "other user". I tryed to enter the windows user name and password but nothing. the screen also showed the microsoft acount name but here also the password dident work (probably because a deleted them both from the system...)
I am trying to add a second account to my machine and whether I try a Local or Microsoft account, I get the same "User Profile Service failed the sign-in. User profile cannot be loaded" error every time I try to sign in for the first time. I've Googled this a bit and it seems everything I've found yet (except one) has been with logging in to existing profiles. For the one that was with a new profile, the solution didn't work.
I tried deleting all files similar to the specified one (file in C:UsersDefaultAppDataLocalMicrosoftVSCommon12.0SQM with name of "sqmdata-####-###-#####.sqm"), but that had no effect. I'm guessing this is because I have VS2013 installed, as this happens with my laptop as well. I don't want to delete my profile, I have important (and large) data in my documents folder that I don't want to lose. I'm guessing this will have to do with messing with the registry, but I don't know where to begin.
I have been using an unelevated admin user account since installing win 8.1 pro and I've been having problems constantly (UAC nagging me, access denied when trying to kill processes and so on) and I decided I want to use the elevated admin account as my main. I understand security risks and convenience is more important to me as I don't have any sensitive information on my laptop. I was wondering if I can merge the user account I used until now, which has all my app settings, with the elevated admin user account and use that one from now on.
like everyone else my tiles are missing but for some reason I am under temp user. I'm looking apps there's only a few. I can click on computer, users: to select files from the main user but I cannot sign in as that user. When I click on users it only shows administrator and activate guests. This happened two weeks ago
I have recently installed 8.1 on my desktop with 3 local user accounts (no Microsoft accounts) and no user passwords, and Guest account Off. I have bypassed the lock screen but whenever the computer is switched on or a user signs out, the OS loads the last user instead of going to the user select screen. Something that all Windows OSs have done from go to Win 7. I can back arrow which does display the user select screen.
Or more importantly, any way to make it act like all previous Windows systems. I would not be fussed if this was a single user computer.
I was trying to locate some files in my user folders in Windows 8 I was looking for the app data files to restore my email from an old version to a new clean install of the client. I could not find the folder although I knew it existed as this is where the app is storing my email, so I figured it was hidden. I started to look for the setting I knew in 7 that would allow you to see hidden files when you ran the folder properties. The only thing I saw anywhere about hidden files was on the first page of the properties where it says read only and hidden so I checked the box and told it to apply. (I know, stupid thing to do since I did not understand what it was doing. This is so unlike me) Now I do not have any user folders and not much works. How can I restore my user files?
I'm on HP laptop 2000-2d27dx Windows 8.1. My login screen shows only one user account. I have to click on arrow to switch to other existing user accounts. Is there a way to display all user accounts at login screen?
I have never had a firm understanding of creating user accounts especially those added to a domain. I have to install windows 8.1 on my work laptop and I need to have someone from my work add a user to our domain. What would happen if I installed windows 8 and all the programs that I use before the user was added to the domain. Will this user have access to all the programs that were installed or would I potentially need to perform a hack or re-install the programs on that account?
I am using windows 8 on an HP desktop computer. I created 2 users (same computer). What I would like to do is have both users have the same desktop files and start menu between the two. For example the first one I created has a bunch of folders I put on the desktop recovered from my old computer, but when I log on with the other account they are not there. I also installed ms office on my computer with the first user- but it is not available to the other one.
Is there a way to link these 2 so I can still have different logins but access the same files?
How to correct user accounts in windows 8 Pro on new HP Pavilion g7 2246nr, I set notebook up using Microsoft account then called Microsoft when problems started, and we decided to switched to a local account. They created a new user account, then copied all my files to it. But I ended up with i administrator account that could not be deleted. That worked but my files are broken up between 3 other user accounts. I spoke with Microsoft to try and consolidate the accounts and they used a command line in cmd, run as an administrator, but it did not finish, or I may have cut it off by accident.
I am still working with the system but it has problems. I have reloaded the software 3 times so for. How to correct the problem without reloading all the software again? Also after setting up sharepoint in Office Pro Plus, it created another administrator account in UAC. I did not think this was going to happen? Right now in the UAC I have two administrator accounts with the sane name, In c:users there 5 with the temp file they created. What that command line they attempted to use was to correct and consolidate the user accounts.
How to correct the problem without reloading all the software again.
I read an article saying that some Windows version updates will choke if the user folders are located on a separate partition. Any problems upgrading from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1 when their user folders on located on a partition other than the c: drive?
Recently, I set up a test administrator account and a test standard user account. Having served their purposes, I deleted them--or so I thought. Now, when I go Computer > C: > Users, I still see both of the user folders. When I try to delete them, I am told that I need administrative permission, but I am logged on as an administrator, specifically, the original administrator on the computer. Perhaps I need to take ownership of the folders in order to delete them, but I have not had to take ownership in such a long time that I am hesitant to do so without hearing from others--that taking ownership is the right path to deleting the folders. I know that we have a "take ownership" tutorial so I can check it out if need be.
I also have the option of stopping sharing of the folders--which would work a little since one or both still show up as shared folders on my network in a place or so. Probably this part of what I have typed is best ignored since stopping sharing won't delete the folders.
Prior to last week my computer was running Windows 7, the computer also has a 3TB MyBook external drive on which I ripped over 100 movies from DVD/Blue-Rays that I own (and still have). The reason for doing that was 1) so I could watch the movies on my TV without the hassle of inserting the dvd into the blue-ray player, and (2) reduce the amount of storage space (I threw away the original containers and put them in a simple DVD file).
Last week I installed a new internal hard drive and did a clean install of Windows 8. Consequently my admin account's user name was changed to be the same as my Microsoft account name. Now I can't access any of the folders on MyBook without taking ownership of them one-at-a-time. That is going to be very very time consuming to do that for over 100 folders. Any faster way to accomplish this?
I don't know why Microsoft won't allow computer Administrator to access any folder on his computer. This is just dumb.
The situation gets even worse -- after taking ownership of the folders I still can't access any of the files or sub-folders. I have to do that for every folder and file, somewhere around 500 of them! I feel like just reformatting the drive and starting all over again.
I have come across a problem with Windows 8.1 and local user accounts all of a sudden.
When I logon using a local username and password I keep being told that my password is incorrect.
The password IS correct. The account does exist.The account is NOT disabled.
I can login with a Microsoft Online Account fine. But I don't want to (and shouldn't have to) use this option. I have also tried converting the Online account to a Local account but once I do this and log off I am told again that my password is incorrect, which it isn't.
I recently had both the guest and the built-in "Administrator" account enabled, but just today I decided to turn them off. Now there are two folders in C:Users (Guest and Administrator), and I was wondering if I can delete them. I probably will use neither ever again, but I do not want to mess up anything. I just wanted to get rid of some space.
I have an Asus Transformer that comes with a 30GB SSD and 8.1 - so space is at a premium. I put my user files on a 64GB MicroSD card and was trying to Include the folders into the relevant libraries. That works well when I do it and the SD folder shows under e.g. Documents. But when I go back later to Explorer, it is nowhere to be seen.
Then I try to include it once more, but at that time it says that the folder is already included. Where is it hiding. The folders are accessible via the SD card though.
When I use the Administrator Account everything runs well. I switch to Standard User Account and only when I click on my folders the screen flash to a blank page and take me back to the main desktop page. I tried again and the same thing happen always, flashes to a blank page and take me back to the desktop page. It only when I click on my folders.
I have just upgraded from Win 8 to Win 8.1.I set no password option for start up and wake up from sleep. When I start the window it starts for "Otheruser", and the startup screen shows the following:
Other user User name or password is incorrect. Tryagain. OK
When I click OK the screen displays the name of the Other user and prompts for apassword. But this name is actually my first name (Jim), which appears as a folder in "OS > Users" along with another folder with my name in the following format: jimlee_000. The latter is the real folder that has all my files, while the jim folder has only AppData folder. When I enter my password the windows starts normally.
How can I fix this and make the windows start with me rather than Other user? Shall I just delete the jim folder in OS> Users? Why does Windows create two folders with my name anyway? I checked Control Panel / User accounts and there is only one user--me.
I am having this issue with adding a user or clicking on manage another account and with the guest account having a password. first I cant add anyone not even from the main administrator account that I enable. I running windows 8.1 preview