Windows Could Not Start Network Location Awareness Service

Dec 30, 2012

so today i ran into a nice little problem in windows 7. when ever i try connecting to a network it says limited access. so after a bit of googleing i believe i have narrowed the problem down to the fact that my network location awareness service is stopped when i try to start it i get the error.Windows could not start the network location awareness service error 193: 0xc1.

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When I Start The Computer Up It Says "the User Profile Service Service Failed The Login?

Oct 6, 2011

I have a Dell XPS M1730 with Windows 7 Ultimate and it was doing an iTunes update and the lid got closed during the update process. Now when I start the computer up it says "the user profile service service failed the login, user profile cannot be loaded". The computer starts up in safe mode and won't let me do a system restore because it says it is shut off.When I look at User Profiles in Windows 7, it states that the users profile is as backup and the default profile is the local profile. How can I fix my computer to get my user profile back up and working?

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Network Location - Set As Home, Work, Or Public Network

Jan 14, 2010

How to Set the Windows 7 Network Location Type ?

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'User Profile Service Failed' When Changing Default User Location

Apr 22, 2011

I changed the values in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionProfileList in order to move the default user locations to my second partition. I then created a new user profile but when I try to login I get the message 'The User Profile Service failed the login'. When I set these values back to normal, new accounts work fine but I really want my user accounts on the second partition.

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Windows Search Service Does Not Start

Mar 5, 2012

I am having an issue with Windows Search Service. Almost every time I boot (in the morning), the Search service is disabled. Either I have to repair the function, or go into Services and restart it. Each time I do, I set the Windows Search service to start automatically. Sometimes it does, and sometimes not. This has been going on for several months. It got so bad; I installed another search program that worked just fine. But in the end, I actually reformatted my HD and reinstalled all apps and restored Documents. For a couple of weeks, everything was fine. Now it has started again.

I have tried every fix that seemed reasonable and that I found online. My virus software (AVG) finds nothing. I checked all the Windows components and they are correct. No repair needed.

Here is my SysInfo data:

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2720QM CPU @ 2.20GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7


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Windows Update Service Will Not Start?

Mar 7, 2011

I have a Toshiba laptop with 64 bit Windows 7 Home Premium installed.

Although it has updated in the past, I am now not able to start the Windows Update Service. There is no malware on the system and I have tried several methods found on the internet such as resetting the service. I have also been unable to install MATS RunWindowsUpdate.

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Wireless Network Location - Windows Taking Long Time To Get ID

Sep 6, 2011

Sometimes when I connect to a wireless network it takes windows a long time (+2 min) to id the network and set it as public. Is there anything I can do to speed this up?

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Restore Windows Backup Image Files From Network Location (XP Machine)

Feb 20, 2012

We are a small office, 5 or 6 computers. Only 3 are every day computers, other 3 are "server", admin and extra computer. The three in use every day are new win7pro x64 machines. Our server is xp pro (32bit) with a shared drive as our "server" drive. We access this for all our job related materials, etc. There is no network setup, just shared folders among our workgroup. we just got the new win7pro machines setup and are using Windows Backup function to create system images to the "server" computer in a shared folder. We've got the images created on 2 computers, and can see the .vhd files and associated folder structure. When testing to see if we could restore from these images, we got the error "Cannot locate backup sets on machine, etc."I moved the backup folder to the root of the drive, and made sure it was WindowsImageBackup or whatever the default is, but still could not find it.

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Mapping Network Location To Website Results In Empty Folder Windows 7

May 17, 2012

We used to map a network location an http site in Windows XP. Worked well, but under Windows 7 when we map the same location we show an empty folder and it should contain all the links from the site. I did notice that when we tried this on a different XP box we were prompted for the user ID and Password to login to the share (makes sense to me... ) but there was no prompt in Windows 7 - instead we just get "This Folder Is Empty" Did I miss something? We can access the website in IE... did not try to access the share using the computer name instead of the website... could try that.... however they use the mapping as above because they still use FrontPage to administer the site and this method provides the mappings etc that FrontPage likes to have.

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Windows 7 64 Bit Security Center Service Can't Start

Apr 12, 2011

A flag is appearing in the bottom right corner on my laptop running windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit version. On opening the action center by clicking on flag the message appears "Windows Security Center Service (Important) - The windows Security Center service is turned off" Next to this message is a button "Turn on now". When I click on the button gets an error message "windows security service can't be started". no details. checked my laptop for any virus, torjan, malware etc. using 3 different tools: McAfee, Windows malicious software removal tool, Malwarebytes No virus or suspecious programs try to start the security services manually using services.

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Windows Search Service Does Not Start At Boot

Mar 6, 2012

I am having an issue with Windows Search Service. Almost every time I boot (in the morning), the Search service is disabled. Either I have to repair the function, or go into Services and restart it. Each time I do, I set the Windows Search service to start automatically. Sometimes it does, and sometimes not. This has been going on for several months. It got so bad; I installed another search program (Copernic) that worked just fine. But in the end, I actually reformatted my HD and reinstalled all apps and restored Documents. For a couple of weeks, everything was fine. Now it has started again. On boot the Windows Search service does not start.I have tried every fix that seemed reasonable and that I found online (too many to recite here). My virus software (AVG) finds nothing. I checked all the Windows components and they are correct.

Here is my System information:

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2720QM CPU @ 2.20GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7
Processor Count: 8
RAM: 8075 Mb
Graphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics Family, -250 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 459737 MB, Free - 366381 MB; G: Total - 305242 MB, Free - 186944 MB; I: Total - 476937 MB, Free - 366068 MB; Q: Total - 15999 MB, Free - 7174 MB;
Motherboard: LENOVO, 4270CTO
Antivirus: AVG Internet Security 2012, Updated and Enabled

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Getting Error 1053 Where Trying To Start A Windows Service

Jan 15, 2013

I have created a service using the following command in cmd prompt:sc \computername create servicename binpath= C:WindowsSystem32sam.exeThen in the service list, I could see my service.When I right clicked on the service and clicked on Start , I am getting a pop-up with the following error: Windows could not start the newservice4 service on Local Computer.Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.

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Unable To Start JAR File As Windows Service

Dec 10, 2012

I've a jar file which contains a very simple program of displaying "Hello" message in the console. I've pasted the code at the end of this thread.I want to run this jar file as a windows service. This service gets started without any hiccup,However,It simply wouldn't start the service. I've tried running this service as using NET and Sc command. But in vain. Below is the error I'm facing:

C:Windowssystem32>sc start MajaService
[SC] StartService FAILED with error 193.

Further, as a workaround I created a .bat file for executing this .jar file and again tried creating a window service for this .bat file,In this event i get the followingh error:

[SC] StartService FAILED 1053:
The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.

Below is my program:
class Hello implements Runnable{
Thread thread;
thread = new Thread(this, "Hello1");
} public void run(){
try {
catch(Exception e){}
} public static void main(String[] args){
Hello h = new Hello();

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Server Service Not Able To Start In Windows 7 After Malware Removal

May 2, 2012

Following the removal of some malware [URL], I have not been able to enable my Server Service in Windows 7. I was advised to post this here. This means I cannot share files, use bonjour services, vnc etc. I have encountered Error 1068: The dependency or group failed when I enabled the server service in services.msc.

I have already tried the following (and none worked):
- Enabling in safe mode
- Enabling all startup services in msconfig
- Modifying the registries in folders: Ndisuio, EapHost, and Dhcp (with instructions specified on another site)
- Checking the firewall.

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Error 1083, Windows 7 Theme Service Won't Start

Jun 27, 2012

I recently got a virus on my PC and managed to get rid of it. I was using TDSS killer and it somehow removed my svchost.exe -k netsvrs file from registry and I am almost positive this is why I cannot start it. Although I do not know how to fix it. I am running windows 7 ultimate x64.

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Windows 7 Wont Start After Service Pack 1 Is Installed?

Dec 19, 2012

windows 7 wont start after service pack 1 is installed. i have to restore to before i installled everytime ivetriedinstalling it

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Change Network Location For LAN?

May 19, 2009

I currently have my Xbox 360 connected up to my Laptop via Ethernet and I am having a problem with streaming videos and music. Everything else works fine, it connects to Xbox Live etc, and connects to the Laptop and finds the video files, it just won't play them. It gives the error:

'The connection to your computer was lost. Make sure your computer is turned on, connected to the network, and running media sharing software.

Status Code: 53-C00DF238'

I can't find much information about this error apart from one person stating that the ethernet connection to their Xbox had made itself public rather than private and could fix it by changing it to private again.

This is where I'm having a problem. The connection is showing up as an unidentified network with no internet access and as a public network. I can't figure out how to change it to a private network, there just doesn't seem to be an option.

Everything else on the laptop is working fine, my firewall is configured correctly, media player 12 is sharing correctly, the homegroup is set up etc. It just won't stream the video and the only thing I can think of now is that it needs to be a private network in order to allow streaming. I just can't change it.

I have attached a screenshot of my network & sharing centre to show you how it won't let me change the network location type.

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Set Network Location To HOME

Oct 21, 2009

How do I set my network location, which is currently "public" to "Home"?

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Cannot Set Network Location To HOME

Nov 25, 2009

I have a desktop PC with a Broadcomm Gigabit ethernet onboard. I live in a rural area and do not have cable internet and I have to use wireless. I have a UM175 wireless USB device. I use the USB to connect to the internet and use "Internet Connection Sharing" to share with my local connection (Broadcomm).

I set the Broadcomm to and all the other PC's on my home network can get to the Internet through it.

My problem is I cannot get the Broadcomm network location to get set to Home. It keeps defaulting to Public, and because it is Public, I cannot use Homegroups with it because it is being seen as a Public network.

I tried removing the wireless card and, using Device manager, I disabled the Broadcomm and re-enabled it but when it came back online it automatically reverted to "Public".

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DCOM Service Disabled - Windows 7 Wont Start In Any Mode?

Aug 4, 2012

My windows 7 has DCOM Service Disabled - Windows wont start in any mode!Ive tried Safemode, safemode command prompt etc and I just get a black screenI can access CMD.exe using repair mode from the installation disk but not sure how to change services control manager settings from the command line. The systemroot is on D:Iv thought of some routes like, changing the registry or perhaps a batch file running on start up but not sure of how or where to place and enter into startup at the right time.

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1606 Can't Access Network Location?

May 30, 2011

error 606 cant access netwok location this is driving me nuts most programs when I try and load them in this comes up ...

I download the fix that w suggested but no change does anyone know how to fix this via regedit I cant even update word

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Unidentified Network - Cannot Change Name Or Location

May 5, 2009

I'm trying to establish a home network between my 2 computers both running win 7 7100 (main is x64, secondary is x86). they are connected directly with an Ethernet cable. my main computer shares its Internet connection with the secondary computer (thus mains ip address for that connection is static, secondary is dynamic, assigned by dhcp).

my main computer does not recognize the network connection between the 2 computers - it shows up as an unidentified network and i cannot change its name or location (it's stuck at public).

is there any way to get my main computer to recognize the network without adding any hardware?

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Error 1606: Could Not Find Network Location / 0

Sep 18, 2009

Upon installing Need for Speed: Shift, I get this error:

"Error 1606: Could not access Network location 0"

Can anyone tell me where "0" is located at in the registry?

All of my searches led me to the "Recent" folder, so I tried the method for that along with others and no go. I just can't find the 0 folder (or whatever it is?

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Explorer.exe Crash When Trying To Delete Network Location

Feb 27, 2012

Okay so I just tried to add a new network location in the My Computer.

I set the network address as \MYLAPTOP but the program didn't let me do that because I need to specify a folder. I don't want to specify a folder because I just want to use the root folder. So I then typed it as \MYLAPTOP\ with an extra slash at the end. The shortcut was made but it didn't work so I tried to remove it.

Now every time I press "delete" on the shortcut Explorer.exe crashes and restarts. I tried this in safe mode with and without internet access but it always crashed.

Now I'm just looking for a way to manually delete the icon through registry or some other editor.

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PXE Boot And Running Ghost From A Network Location

Mar 29, 2012

I used this weblog post (GHOST PXE Boot Via TFTP - Tygarbyte) to boot computer from network and run ghost on a network location. now when I try to boot several computers from the network and run ghost at the same time it gives me this error: error 52: A duplicate workgroup or computer name exists on the network.

I want to boot several computers and run ghost from a network location

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Network Location - Enable Or Disable Change

May 11, 2011

How to Enable or Disable Changing Network Locations in Windows 7 ?

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Virtual Machine Booting From A Network Location

Oct 8, 2009

I am looking at a solution to tap into the portability of virtualization across hardware. i.e. if I have my development environment as a VM, I can access it and bring it up from any machine on the network. This will enable me to be not attached to any physical machine and allow me to access my development machine seamlessly from anywhere if it is stored in a network location. I have mainly two questions around such a setup.

1) Is there anyway of hosting the VM without incurring the expense of both the host operating system and the guest operating system? The only functionality of the host operating system to host the VM.

2) Is it viable from a performance stand point to have a VM booted up on a machine from a vhd placed at a network location?

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Cannot Access Network Location %PUBLIC%Desktop

Nov 21, 2011

I'm trying to open and download apple, itunes. I've downloaded the program and its giving me a cannot access network location %PUBLIC%Desktop. ive also found a microsoft

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Fax Service Cannot Start

Nov 26, 2011

I am Running Windows 7 Professional. This is what it says every time I try and start the Fax Service.

The Fax Service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by any other service or program.

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Windows 7 Network Settings - Specified Service Does Not Exist As Installed

Jun 6, 2012

I booted up my Win 7 (32 bit) PC this morning and noticed that it was not connecting to my wireless network. I went to check the network settings in device manager and I got the message "The specified service does not exist as an installed service". I can see the file devmgmt.msc in the C:WindowsSystem32 folder, but when I run it from there I get the same message "The specified service does not exist as an installed service". I am also seeing this same message when I insert my Windows 7 CD and try and re-run the setup. Even if I try to run anything as an administrator, I get this message "The specified service does not exist as an installed service". Is this some sort of Malware? Is there any way of recovering from this?

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IPhone Network Location Doesn't Save When Disconnected

Oct 21, 2011

I have an iPhone 4 which has internet tethering. I can either connect this via the USB cable or wirelessly via my intel 6300N wifi card.

When I connect to my laptop via USB cable, the 'Set Network Location' box comes up, which I select Home Network. It is simply named 'Network', but I then go in and change 'Network' to 'iPhone'. This then shows up in the Network and Sharing Centre as iPhone on a Home Network. This works perfectly, is super fast and when I'm finished, I disconnect the USB and shut down.

When I next turn on my laptop and connect my iPhone internet tether via USB cable, I am once again asked to ''Select a location for the 'Network' network''. Windows 7 netwkr and Sharing centre isn't recognising the same iPhone is connected and asks me to set up a home network again.

I've gone into 'Merge or delete network locations' and the original 'iPhone home network' is set up (not in use) as well as the new 'Network' location that it's asking me to set up. If I merge the second 'Network' and original 'iPhone network', this removes the second network and I'm left with the 'iPhone Home network (in use).

If I disconnect the iPhone and reconnect, it asks me each time to select a network location for the 'network' network. If I don't merge them, I end up with Network 2, Network 3, Network 4 etc all the while still having the original iPhone network not in use as well as any other not merged or deleted.

Why won't it recognise the same iPhone as being connected and selecting the iphone home network that I set up and why does it keep asking me to create a new one whenever I connect?

This never happened before, with my laptop previously recognising the iPhone home network I originally created ages ago. There has been no significant updates or changes that I'm aware of, except that I updated my iPhone software, bt this has been done in the past numerous times with previous iPhone updates and hasn't happened before.

I have a Virgin wireless broadband usb modem, which the system recognises each time I connect it. It's only the iPhone connection that's not saving. The iPhone network is 'unmanaged' but so is the Virgin Broadband USB.

I have a Pioneer Dreambook P170HMx running Windows 7pro x64. If there's any other details you need, I'm happy to supply them. All I want is my system to save the network configuration and recognise when I connect the iPhone tethering that it's an already created iPhone Home Network.

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