When Open A Large Program Like Photoshop Only Recently But It Seems To Not Like This?

Dec 10, 2010

1/ My first problem is the speed/latancy of my PC, Its lagging quite alot now after running smoothly for a good 4 years with only 1 complete reinstall (from vista to Windows 7 ultimate 32bit which Im running now)Im finding it slowing to snail pace at times and when I open a large program like Photoshop only recently but it seems to not like this as much and even turns my PC to look more like Windows 98 when opening folders/web browsers all horrible and blocky.2/ I seem to have encountered a google type virus, which basically feels the need to open up adverts when I click on a link Ive seached for on google.Malwarebytes doesnt pick anything upAdaware picks up a load of unrelavant stuffSearch & Destroy finds nothingBut I still have the problem, Ive read up about it and even after deleting the problem you can still have this infecting your PC. Ive tried looking in the registry and looking at links on google where people have had the same problem but nothing.

3/ I have an external HDD which runs pretty smoothly. I keep it only for music and recently found 1 folder would slow up the entire drive to the point of crashing when ever I opened it and tried listening to the music in that folder. looking into this it has seemed to be 1 .wav file that has been causing problems, Ive removed this now and its sat in my recycle bin, Nothing will remove it from recycle though its just sat there, Cant delete it, Cant delete it with disk cleaner etc. nothing its still there

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Photoshop CS4 Won't Open After Windows Reinstall?

Jul 31, 2012

I reinstalled windows the other day there on my primary HDD but on me secondary HDD I have Adobe CS4 installed. It's still there but won't open when I click it. Just the license agreement but when I click accept it just disappears.

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When Open Any Icon On Desktop, Opens Photoshop

Mar 14, 2011

When I open any icon on desktop, opens photoshop. all of my exe file open with photoshope.

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File Open Dialog And Thumbnails Photoshop

Jun 24, 2011

I'm not talking about PSD files here, just jpgs and other "regular" image formats. I have no problems with seeing thumbnails by default in any other software's File Open dialogs other than Photoshop (CS4 in my case). No matter what I have tried in Folder Options (yadda yadda) PS CS4 refuses to display thumbnails unless I manually choose "Icons" from the view menu once I am in the dialog. (Ideally I'd like it to automatically display Extra Large Icons.) This is driving me nuts as I work on jpg photos all day and every day. Sure I can use Bridge, but it is SO slow, or something else, but someone out there must have a fix? I can't see anything obvious in the Adobe areas of the registry and don't know enough about it to hack it myself.I realize you can use Libraries to get thumbnails, but that's about as many clicks (or more) than File>Open>View>Ex Large thumbnails every single time!!

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Unable To Open Windows 7 Normally With Photoshop Essentials 11 Installed?

Feb 8, 2013

I have been using PSE 7 for a few years. I just bought PSE 11. The PSE 11instruction sheet said it is OK to have two versions installed at the same time. I installed PSE 11.I restarted the computer and Windows 7 wouldn't open. I tried a couple of times and then opened Windows 7 in Safe Mode. I used System Restore to eliminate PSE 11 and, and after a Windows 7 opened normally (with PSE 7 still installed).I uninstalled PSE 7 and restarted Windows 7 normally. I installed PSE 11 and Windows 7 would not open. In Safe Mode I uninstalled PSE 11 and reinstalled PSE7 and Windows 7 is opening normally now.Did I just waste a lot of money upgrading to PSE 11?Adobe Forums have not been able to provide an answer to this problem.

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Open A Program Using The Open With Option And It Changed The Icons For Every Program?

Sep 6, 2010

I tried to open a program using the open with option and it changed the icons for every program on my laptop. I changed the desktop (network, my computer etc) icons back to default but can't manage to change the others. If i go into properties for the program and change it that way it doesn't do anything.

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How To Make All Folder Open Up With Large Icons

Apr 4, 2011

can some one pleas tell me how to make all my folder open up with large icons? so i wont have to do this every time i open one. or make a new folder?

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Pictures Not Valid To Open Large With Win32?

Jun 29, 2011

Unable to open large picture with win32. What can I do?

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Processor That Can Run A 3d Architectural Program Without Freezing On Large Sites

Feb 24, 2011

I need a processor that can run a 3d architectural program without freezing on large sites, an intel i7 is recommended, but its a little pricey. Will the i3 with 6 gig ram will work. I am using the Chief Architect Program to render 65 2 bedroom house on 30 acres

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Open All Photo Folders In Extra Large Icons?

Aug 10, 2011

I would like to open all my photo folders in Extra Large Icons. And the rest of my folder in List. Is there a way to do that and make them open that way all the time.

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Many Program Cant Open Only Run As Administrator Open The Program

Jan 9, 2013

many program I cant open Only Run as Administrator I open the program how to disable Run as Administrator I want to open a double click program

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Every Program Try To Open, Windows Asks Open With?

Apr 12, 2012

every program i try to open, windows asks open with?

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Where Are The Extra-Large And Large Icons Stored

Mar 7, 2011

If you extract the icons from imageres.dll or shell32.dll then the maximum icon size is about 64x64 and 32x32 for most icons. I am trying to extract the largest icons, where can I get them.

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Large & Extra Large Icons Blank?

Sep 7, 2010

My client's computer was infected with a virus obtained via Facebook. I removed this and multiple other infections (and I'm pretty thorough with my scanning). She gets it back, starts working on it, and apparently her devices and printers icons are blank. Not missing, like with a "blank page" icon, just... blank. Here's the kicker: it only happens with large and extra large icons. It also happens with normal folder icons. When I change it to medium or lower, they come back. I've tried rebuilding the icon cache database several times, tried sfc /scannow, tried chkdsk, tried uninstalling any recent updates, etc... There have been no hardware changes, the hard drive has been tested as good (no bad sectors), her dual monitors are at a sane resolution, and I'm confident that the viruses has been removed.

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'Open With' Every Time Try To Open A Program?

Jun 2, 2011

My girlfriend recently lent me her laptop (Windows 7 32bit) it was still using IE so when I go to install chrome the built in 'security program' (Windows 7 internet security 2011 or something like that) tells me that chrome is a threat and wont let me use it.. Now after finding out that Windows 7 internet security 2011 is a joke and just wants my money I run spybot search and destroy, it finds plenty of viruses and such like which are all removed.Now I have the strange problem...When I try to run any program or file the 'open this file with' window comes up. With some programs I can browse the program files and locate the program, select open with (I can't select 'always use the selected program') and away we go, but with others it simply doesn't open or will open the program in the background (unusable) and give me the 'open with' window again.. I have tried putting the Malwarebytes installer on USB but the laptop still gives me the 'open with' window when I try to install that

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Open With: Can't Add Program To Open Files

Dec 16, 2012

Im having a problem with opening files I use to open with two programs. One is mkv, vob and divx files with homecinema. And snes roms with an emulator. Basically win 7 would let me select the program and it would show up on the list of programs to use. I would select always use and I'm done. But I moved the folders containing the files to a different folder and now my two programs I use will not show up in the open with list. I now have to go to the program itself and search for the files. Its a pain because I could click on the files and get right to them.

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Cannot Open Any Program

Sep 30, 2012

Cannot open any program

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Files Asking For Program To Open?

Jan 5, 2012

After I most recently restarted my computer, every program or file I try to open prompts me with a window asking for which program I want to use open the file, followed by a list of programs. Normally this would just be an inconvenience, because I can always just search for the same program I'm trying to open, but for some reason the "always use the selected program to open this kind of file" box is grayed out. I recently recovered from a virus, so I suspect this may be a side effect

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BSOD, And Now Can't Open Any Program

Aug 10, 2012

started getting BSOD a few days ago, thats when i realized my sister didnt have any virus protection on her computer. kinda late i know... so i downloaded avg and did a few scans with it. everytime i ran a scan it would find 60 tracking cookies or more and about 20 rootkit's but it would not remove the rootkits. i found somewhere that unhackme could get rid of the rootkits so i downloaded that. it found a trojan and attemped to remove it, then rebooted the computer. now nothing will open on the computer. i have a log that unhackme created dont know if that is helpful.

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How To Open A Pinned Program Twice

Jan 30, 2011

my dad is struggling with Windows 7.he just want to open Firefox twice when he is surfing to a second website.but you can't when something is pined on the taskbar.

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Can't Open Any Program Including IE

Apr 18, 2012

I don't know what happened but yesterday its like my computer died, It worked fine then all of a sudden shut down and now its a mess, When it starts up it takes forever and Norton doesn't start, It won't allow me to do any updates through the control panel, I can't open any program that includes explorer(obviously am not using my computer), norton, anything and trying to open stuff in safe mode does nothing either.I tried the .exe fix by downloading it on a different comp and using a usb drive but i just get random error messages and nothing seems to happen when it says it merged.I tried a system restore but even the oldest choice it gave me I still had same issues. At this point I'd be fine wiping everything clean and starting with it as a new computer like when i got it i am not worried about losing any info I can deal with it.

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All Icons Open The Same Program?

Aug 9, 2012

My son did something to the computer and now if you click on any icons or programs, they all open an info screen for Minecraft (game). I can't even get Explorer to open. He does not remember exactly what he did or how, and I am stummped.

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Cannot Open Any Program Or Download

Oct 11, 2009

Recently installed the windows 7 beta today, having a few problems and after countless hours searching google for a fix i simply cant find any, so here goes:

- I cant open any programs, at all - im getting the error 'This program is not a valid Win32 Application' even when i have made sure it is.

- I can download files, but when they are complete the file/s are not there and the sizes are '0 kb'

- Also i cant make them appear on my desktop when finished downloading? Even if i run it in administrative mode.

P.s. Also if anyone has any links for Soundblaster 5.1 drivers/anti viruses etc? I cant get any to work, even some that state as win32 windows 7.

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How To Add A Program To The 'Open With' Dialogue?

Oct 27, 2009

For some reason, Photoshop CS4 is not present in the right click 'Open With' dialogue list, and of course all the programs I don't use are. Is there a way to add a program to the open with menu?

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How To Start / Open / And Use A Program With No GUI

Jan 18, 2012

I want to use several of the Sysinternals suite of tools. Some have a GUI,but many don't. Ignorant me just double clicks on their generic icon and a brief flash of the command-line interface screen and nothing more. Can someone point me to some information on the use of this type of program?I'm not a complete novice on the use of the command prompt screen, as I use it for sfc /scannow, ipconfig, pinging to find my latency, etc.

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Which Program Need To Open . Bok File's

Nov 20, 2012

which prog i need to open . bok file's

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Which Program Do I Need To Open Links?

Oct 11, 2011

I think I deleted a program in my computer that allows links (files) to open. Do you know which program my computer needs to open links with windows 7?

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Reset Program Files Open With?

Jun 13, 2011

How exactly do you reset the program files open with, as some idiot in my family has decided that they don't know what a zip file is and that they may get somewhere with it by setting all zip files to open in power DVD... yeh. but now im faced with he problem of I can't extract any zip files, so how can I reset it so windows will open them as normal in explorer when I double click them, and let me extract them as normal, preferably without a system restore of any kind.

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All Windows Programs Open With The Same Program

Jan 23, 2013

When I try to open a program (Internet Exlorer, Adobe Player, Skype, Google Chrome and so on) they all open with Windows Media Player. When I try to change it by right clicking on the program and select "open with..." and then select the right program it either starts opening all the programs with the selected program, or it doesn't save the program I want to "open with...". Also all the programs have changed their icon on the desktop What do I do? Do I have to reinstall every thing, or is there a magical way that I can get Google Chrome to open when I click on "Google Chrome" and not Windows Media Center?

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Action Can Not Be Done Because File Is Open In Another Program

Jan 24, 2011

every SINGLE TIME i try to move a folder around, i get "this action can not be done because the file is open in another program".i've shut down EVERY PROGRAM AND SERVICE except explorer and STILL get the same thing!this is my biggest beef with Win7 and would do anything to get around it.

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Power Failure While Using EXE Program Now Won't Open At All

Mar 3, 2012

Recently, after a pretty heavy storm we had a power failure. At the time I was using an .exe program ...and I also had firefox operating. When I booted my computer up again neither program would function. I wasn't too bothered about firefox, but the other .exe program is pretty important as I need it for my job. Anyway, I managed to get the .exe program working again by opening it with the Compatibility Wizard and running it as if it was XP. (However it wouldn't permanently "save" in this mode, so had to go through the wizard everytime I had to use it).

Before I "found" the Compatibility Wizard solution, I restored the computer to before the power failure, but this didn't make any difference. Now I have had a second power failure. Once again with the .exe program open. And now it won't open at all, either with the wizard or without it. I reinstalled the program...and it still didn't work. (Although Firefox did when reinstalled). I have done a Registry Repair with RegSofts registry repair software....but still nothing. Now I am "a bit" stuck, to say the least !

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