Svchost.exe Memory/CPU Usage?

Feb 18, 2013

I've been noticing lately that sometimes my computer starts working on its own. Upon hearing the working sounds, I check the Task Manager and it tells me that svchost.exe -LocalSystemNetworkRestricted is taking up to 70MBs of memory at times. Most of the time it stays at ~50MBs. Also, sometimes this same process takes up to 50% of my CPU for a fw seconds.I did a tasklist /svc on cmd.For LocalSystemNetworkRestricted, it gave me these: AudioEndpointBuilder, CscService, hidserv,

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High SVCHOST.exe Memory Usage

Jul 25, 2011

I'm having quite a bug problem with a high memory usage in one of the svchost.exe processes(more than 120,00+ memory usage) and if i try to use another program like firefox, the computer crashes.I'm using an VAIO VGN-NW310F 2.2GHz Intel Pentium Dual-Core T4400 Processor (1MB L2 Cache; 800MHz Front Side Bus) 4GB (2GBx2) DDR2 800MHz Memory; 8GB Max 320GB 5400RPM Serial ATA Hard Drive; DVD/CDRW Optical Drive; 802.11 b/g/n Wireless Connectivity (Amazon information above.)

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Svchost.exe And Wmiprvse.exe Dominating CPU And Memory Usage

Oct 18, 2012

I had svchost eating into my CPU usage a lot for the past month. I usually got by by killing the process (I shouldn't have had, should I? =X). Recently, this other service wmiprvse has joined svchost in wreaking havoc in my computer.

I've read some other similar forum posts, but the solutions seemed to be vary from case to case. My comp specs follow:

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M 460 @ 2.53GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 37


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High Memory Usage In One Svchost.exe Process

Jan 18, 2013

I have encountered a very high memory usage in one svchost.exe process on my win 7 64-bit. Attached screen shots of process associated with it. Some times it goes up about 300Mb too. I have tried several suggestions already available for this issue. But No luck. I've tried by updating Windows (ref), scanning PC by TREND officescan. Also when I tried with only with Microsoft Services using Selective Startup option in msconfig as suggested here, issue remains same. (With that can I conclude that it is related with malware?)

Also need to note that the WLAN AutoConfig service (wlansvc) associated with that svchost.exe make sense as I've encountered some problem uninstalling wireless router software.I feel that that has not been properly uninstalled. how to check/or rectify it.

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Svchost Cpu Usage?

Oct 27, 2012

my cpu usage is spiking when i'm running nothing on my pc. when i look at the services shown they are various all with pid 872

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Svchost.exe Putting Out Very High CPU Usage In Services Power?

Jan 21, 2011

I have a system I am working on that no matter what I do svchost.exe keeps CPU usage on a Quad core hovering around 70-80% and temps in excess of 120F with a ThermalTake BlueOrd cooler installed. It is a custom system I built, with the following specs:

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional , 64 bit
Processor: AMD Phenom(tm) 9850 Quad-Core Processor, AMD64 Family 16 Model 2 Stepping 3
Processor Count: 4
RAM: 1791 Mb
Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 4200, 256 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 305142 MB, Free - 265597 MB;
Motherboard: ASUSTeK Computer INC., M4A785-M, Rev X.0x, 105424870002755
Antivirus: Microsoft Security Essentials, Updated and Enabled

Usage spikes when Outlook, IE8 and SKype are running after a random time period. I had this system on my bench for 2 weeks straight running benchmark tests and stress test software which all came back "PASS." I scanned for malware, virus, rootkits, etc. to no avail (all clean). Because of the extraordinarily high usage, USB drives are not working properly (take more than 2 hours to come up) and the system is sluggish. This should not be happening on a QuadCore system with a high-performance cooler. I even went so far as to format the HDD and perform a fresh install of everything. It worked perfectly for about 30-min then the BluRay drive stopped recognizing discs, CPU usage spiked up to 70%+ (two cores are at 94-97% usage all the time), and it won't pick up USB devices.

HiJackThis log:

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.4
Scan saved at 2:32:41 PM, on 1/21/2011
Platform: Windows 7 (WinNT 6.00.3504)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v8.00 (8.00.7600.16700)
Boot mode: Normal


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Svchost Using Too Much Memory?

Sep 13, 2011

For the past few days, my computer, which usually performs well, has started becoming very slow and freezing. When I open Task manager, I notice that the user SYSTEM always consumes a lot of memory (about 1000 MB), slowing my system down to a crawl. The guilty process is nearly always svchost.exe (service-SysMain; PID-1948;Description-Superfetch).

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate , Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU 540 @ 3.07GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 37 Stepping 5
Processor Count: 4
RAM: 3893 Mb
Graphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics, 1722 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 59898 MB, Free - 5671 MB; D: Total - 138978 MB, Free - 119817 MB; E: Total - 138978 MB, Free - 132177 MB; F: Total - 138980 MB, Free - 64663 MB;
Motherboard: Intel Corporation, DH55PJ, AAE93812-302, BTPJ045000ZM
Antivirus: Kaspersky Internet Security, Enabled

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Svchost High Memory Use?

Aug 28, 2012

Ive notice for a while now that I have a svchost.exe using a lot of memory (see attached).Is this normal?If not, how to fix it?

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Svchost.exe Using Lots Of Memory

Dec 7, 2009

I noticed my memory usage was at 42%, when it is usually 25-30%. I opened task manager and found 12 different processes of svchost.exe running. One of then was using 149,156 k of memory, from which I understand is a whole lot.

Is this normal? And if it isn't how do I fix it?

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Svchost.exe Sucking Up Memory?

Aug 23, 2009

I gota 710 x3 phenom with 4gigs of 1066ddr2 on windows 7 64bit. All games run at max settings and I can play anything on it. However I see that my svchost. exe is sucking up so much memory sometims even 40% of it. Im afraid that my fps will be affected by another program using that much. How do I fix this issue on win7.

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High Physical Memory Usage With Low CPU Usage

Sep 10, 2011

I have a ACER D255 netbook with intel atom N550 (1.5ghz, 1mb L2 cache) 1gb DDR3 memory and 250 gb hdd. lately it has been a tad slow and freezing up will using google chrome. my task manager says right now that CPU usage is 4% but Memory is at 75%, sometimes up to 90%. it also says that i have 89 processes running.

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Something Eats Up Physical Memory Svchost.exe(localsystenetrestric?

Nov 23, 2011

couple a times a week something suddenly is eating up all my availible memory. some weeks ago i could se at the resource monitor that is was the svchost.exe, that has these services in use as seen in screenshoot, but now the resource monitor don't show svchost as a big mem hugger anymore. any help? my computer barely moves when this happens, only remedy is a reboot. it is usually at 99% use.opera always use alot of resources, but that only 5-15% so it is not that, the picture is to illustrate what programs that is running and svchost don't show up anymore as a mem hugger, and i don't know if it still that service that still use alot of mem or anything else?

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Chkdsk High Memory Usage / Memory Leak?

Jun 1, 2009

I find that if I run chkdsk and watch the memory usage in task manager it jumps by about 50MB every 2 seconds or so until it either finishes or hits around 3.2GB at which point my physical memory shows 99% used (I'm running 4GB), and the system of course slows to a crawl.f you just run a quick chkdsk on your boot drive you may not notice it, but try running something longer like chkdsk /r on a flash drive or chkdsk /f on a bigger internal drive (but not your OS drive as this would require a reboot) and watch the memory usage climb. I have duplicated this on both systems I have running Windows 7. My XP machine (checking the same USB flash drive) uses a much more normal amount of memory for chkdsk (20 - 30 MB).

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CPU Usage 100% / Physical Memory Usage Always Over 50%?

Jan 8, 2012

I have had my laptop for around a year now, and it's always been pretty fast for a cheapish laptop, It's an advent modena m100 in blue, but recently it has started getting real slow, like my CPU Usage is at 100% all the time and my Physical memory usage is running quite high aswell, without even having any programs open.

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Memory Usage Gets Slow After Usage

Nov 10, 2012

When I first boot up the machine and start using it (win 7 ultimate 64bit) the memory usage stays arround 40%. If I keep using it, the memory usage will slowly increase until it reaches 99%. If I boot up the machine and just leave it there for a couple of hours, the same happens.I try to restart (via windows), it logs off, shuts down the system, the coolers keep spinning, the motherboard lights are still on, but it doesn't boot up again. It remains like that. I have to restart via reset button or power button.

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Memory Usage Goes Up Gradually (Memory Leak)

May 22, 2010

Memory Usage Goes Up Gradually (Memory Leak)When I starting the Windows (in the first few hours) everything is normal But after 1 day or 2 (sooner or later) the amount of available memory gradually goes down and the physical memory usage increasing. This increasing, continues until the memory usage reaches near the 88% and at that point , there isn't any memory available to operate any software . Also when memory reaches that point, I can't access any drive in the HDD; because everytime I want to open any folder, the following error appears :c: is not accessible.Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service At this point, I even can't shutdown or restart Windows normally; I must restart windows manually by pressing the restart button.after restart, everything goes to normal again; but this problem appears again and again ...

my system :
OS : Windows 7 x86
Cpu : Intel P4 3.0GH
Vga : nVidia 6600
MB : Gigabyte GA-8I915G Duo
PSU : Corsair 750W
RAM : 2GB DDR-400 Transcend
(I have these memories for 2 years)
Physical Memory: 2000 mb
Paging File: 2000 mb
Virtual Memory: 6000 mb

0- using some optimizing and freeing softwares like (Memory Booster Gold - RAM Saver Pro - CleanMem)

1- Scanning my computer with antivirus and antispywares

2- Changing antivirus software

3- Updating windows with all updates available via Windows Update

4- Updating drivers of all hardwares

5- Downloading and installing the following hotfixes that are related to memory leak : The memory of the nonpaged pool may leak when you enable IPsec on a computer that is running Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7 A memory leak issue occurs in the Windows Management Instrumentation service on a computer that is running Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7 FIX: A memory leak may occur when you use the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Library in Windows Vista, in Windows 7, in Windows Server 2008, or in Windows Server 2008 R2 A memory leak occurs when an ADO Recordset object calls the UpdateBatch method A nonpaged pool memory leak occurs when you use a WFP callout driver in Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, or in Windows Server 2008 R2

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Increased Memory Usage With Added Memory?

Nov 5, 2011

I just built a new computer and started with 8GB of memory. A few weeks down the line I purchased another set of the same memory because it was on such a good deal and had great reviews (newegg). It also was working well for me, so I figured maybe more could be better.

I haven't noticed any decrease/increase in system performance except Alt-Tabbing has recently got slower. Also, Windows 7 was sitting tight on 1.3gb to 2gb of memory usage prior to the extra 8 (now 16) being added. Even when gaming, it went up to like 3gb. Now that I've added the extra it's going up to 4.5gb or better. Also, is it possible to speed up my alt-tabbing? It seems to have a good 3-4 second pause in it instead of being immediate like it was.

Computer specs:
Windows 7 HP 64-bit
gSkill 16gb 1866 memory (BIOS shows it at 1866, too)
Intel i5-2500k Sandy Bridge (OC'd 4.6 with factory Overclock presets)
ASRock z68 Extreme4 mobo

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"Out Of Memory" Error, All Apps Continually Increase Memory Usage

Sep 20, 2011

I have windows 7 64 bit and also running a ssd. Just a few days ago I've started to have an issue where after my computer is running for a couple hours all processes continually increase the amount of memory they are using until I get an out of memory error. Here is a pic of it around 75%. I have 8 gigs of ram (kingston) that before this never went above 4gigs of use, so not sure what is causing this suddenly.

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CPU Usage 100 % And Memory Usage Almost 2gb?

Dec 24, 2012

I am using windows 7 ( 64 bit ) my cpu usage is now 100 % and memory usage is almost near to 2 GB..I installed Avast months i have newly installed Microsoft Security Essentials ..

1) when i try to uninstall Avast there is no uninstall option even in Add/Remove program it does not show up in list.

2) When i try to end process of Avast it shows me message ."Access Denied " although i am administrator and only single user

3) What i want just to keep my CPU Usage down ( almost 5 to 10 % Max )because i have not installed any thing to use CPU usage like 100 % I have visual 2008 with Sqlserver 2005 and office 2007, like these

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Windows 7 Memory Usage 100%?

Feb 20, 2012

My computer memory usage is @ 100%. I have started my computer in safe mode and ran malware & panda antivirus to clean up my computer. When I reboot it runs great; however, the second time that I reboot-- it starts the memory usage @ 100% again. This is a vicious cycle.

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[MEMORY] Why Is CPU Usage Constantly At 100%

Nov 28, 2011

I'm using an ASUS X5DC laptop with a 250gb hard drive and 4gb RAM. My CPU usage is constantly staying at 100% unless the system is idle which even at that it only goes down to 86%.

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Memory Usage In 64-bit Windows 7?

Jan 11, 2009

does it really run 900 mb of ram idley and if so i thought this was supposed to be less of a resource sink than windows vista hehe

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Windows 7 Memory Usage?

May 17, 2011

I have just bought a new computer. It has Windows 7, 2.67Ghz i5, 450GB HD, and 4GB RAM. I am getting crazy surges in my Memory usage. I have been reading that the bloatware that comes with the computer (sony vaio stuff) can contribute to this (you may notice there are 99 processes). This surge (picture) occurred when I opened chrome but it was listed as using up around 25MB, which was also the largest program by memory usage. Can someone please explain how I can lower my memory usage? It has surged to 100% a couple of times before and i have only had this computer for 2 days! The computer averages 65% when I am simply surfing the web.

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Memory Usage While Downloading

Aug 22, 2009

I having some problems with memory in PC. (Win 7 64bit)

I use Flashget classic ver. (latest)

I left PC to run over night and i find dead PC in the morning.

It usualy runs with 600-700MB when i run PC, but after some time running Flashget i got 1,7GB+ untill PC stop respond (it has only 2GB of RAM)

Now with litlle more details..

This is my PC after turning ON:


And about 2 hours later running Flashget, downloading 250KB/sec.


When i turn off download manager, memory still stay high. Only restart helps.

Somebody said that i have too litlle memory for 64-bit Windows. Lets say thats true, will 2GB more be enouf? (4GB total) and how i will find same memory moduls almost 1,5 year after I bought this PC? Can they be different?

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Tweaking Memory Usage

Jun 24, 2009

just installed windows 7 7260 on my friend's laptop. but he only has 512MB of memory. Is there information on tweaking memory usage, I want to keep memory usage to minimum so that he won't have memory problems. I already suggested he should upgrade to 1GB, but for the time being I would like to know if there is way to tweak the memory usage, like stop services that are not needed or frequently used.

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High Physical Memory Usage?

Dec 2, 2012

When I start any game like MW3, BO2 , my Physical memory usage goes up to 50%.. My RAM is 4GB..This wasn't happening to me before.. It started getting like this 2 days ago.. Yesterday I ran a registry clean and it was ok.. Game wasn't lagging, but today it's lagging again.

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High And Weird Memory Usage?

May 18, 2011

I have a not so old PC.Running Win 7 64bit.Since today my PC starts to stutter and being weird and laggy.So i went to my Task Manager.. and found this.

1st I thought, hmm nothing weird..
Till i saw: Cashed 878
and : Availeble 850
free : 0
Installed memory: 4gigs.

Why is my pc going so slow?

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How To Reduce Physical Memory Usage

May 11, 2011

What can I do to lower the Physical Memory Usage in my Laptop?

For information, I am using Windows Seven Ultimate (build 7600) with RAM 1 GB, Intel Core i3 M350 @ 2.27 GHz.

When I hit task manager, the Physical Memory:
Total : 941
Cached : 85
Available : 81
Free : 0

Physical Memory average 92% all the time (currently I am using Windows Classic for it is known as the simplest and lowest taking memory of windows setting). If I am using it in normal Windows Seven Aero Themes, my laptop has a big chance to go Blue Screen.

Yes, I gotta tell you that my laptop got Blue Screen suddenly after previous days I set administrator and user password in BIOS. I thought at that time it is just because of it, then after I reset it to default way (no password at all) the system is still has a big chance to go Blue Screen.

I have tried to clean up with Ccleaner, defrag all my disks, using spyware malware removal, and it give me no positive result at all. It is still always goes above 800MB Memory usage with Physical Memory average above 80% all the time.

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Intermittent High Memory Usage?

Oct 21, 2012

I have a Sony with win 7 64-bit and 4 gigs of ram. About a month ago I started to notice my computer running slower. When I checked windows task manager (performance) it was using 3.5 gigs of my memory. I restarted the computer and it went down to 1.5. I have on occasion had to restart twice to get the memory down. I have run virus checks and reg cleaner but it still occurs.

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High Physical Memory Usage?

Dec 2, 2012

When I start any game like MW3, BO2 , my Physical memory usage goes up to 50%.. My RAM is 4GB..This wasn't happening to me before.. It started getting like this 2 days ago.. Yesterday I ran a registry clean and it was ok.. Game wasn't lagging, but today it's lagging again..I used CCleaner, Glary Utilites, MalwareBytes, scanned with AV.. but nothing is happening?

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70% Physical Memory Usage On Startup?

Jul 27, 2012

with a browser the number goes up to 90 (firefox or chrome), safe mode is around 45-50.

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