Removing Unallocated Partiton On Boot Drive?

Jul 13, 2012

I used a windows image in transfer my computer to a new ssd drive. The image copied even the hd size. The ssd is a 256 and my old hd was a 160. I now have 150gb boot section, a 100mb reserve and a 90gb unallocated space. what can I do to remove the partition and combine the space so I have access to the full drive? I searched and couldnt find anything.

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Setup Was Unable To Create A New System Partiton Or Locate An Exsisting System Partiton

Nov 11, 2011

I have made a reformat on my hdd to install Win 7. But during install this message comes" Setup was unable to create a new system partiton or locate an exsisting system partiton" And if I start my computer without a DVD this message comes in the end "BOOTMGR IS MISSING"

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Removing C Drive With Boot Sectors

Nov 5, 2009

Drive C was an old IDE drive with XP on it. I installed and new SATA drive for WIN 7. Win 7 installed and activated just fine. Now I want to remove the Old IDE XP drive from the machine but the boot partition is on the IDE drive. I need to know how to remove the old drive and make the new SATA drive bootable into the Win 7 install on it.

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Windows Doesn't Boot After Removing Slave Drive?

Sep 9, 2011

I installed a new hard drive, and then installed windows to that new hard drive with the old one still connected and I now the two drives are somehow, linked so that if I remove the old drive, windows doesn't boot. When I reconnect the drive, windows boots up fine. I checked the boot priorities in the bios and its all as it should be.

I tried the windows repair disk, used the top option three times (as I've seen recommended on other forums), to no avail. I've tried the other options but the problem is, the windows installation is not detected, same with restore points, nothing works.

I think there's something to do with the Disk Management utility. I have the two disks, disk0 and disk1, disk1 is the disk I want to remove.

this is what the page looks like:

disk0 (boot, page file, crash dump, primary partition) disk1 (system, active, primary partition) + (8mb unallocated)

It seems the System-(thing?) is on disk1 so when i remove the drive, the computer doesnt boot. Makes sense. What doesnt make sense is that windows ISNT installed on that disk so why the hell is "system" on there and causing trouble??

Would making the partition on disk0 active solve my problem? I dont want to click on anything and break it so I ask here.

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External Drive Was Readable, Now It Is Unallocated?

Apr 23, 2012

The situation is fairly simple. This morning i.1: Unmounted and unplugged my external drive which is a WD My Book Essential 2TB2: Took it to a colleague and tried to connect it to his IMac4 which has OS X3: Nothing worked, we could see the drive but couldn't access it even with the help of somme tools made for that.4: Took it back home, plug it in....nothing. It doesn't show in My Computer and according to Disk Management and Paragon Partition Manager the space is unallocated.What do you think is happening?

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Unallocated Hard Drive Space

Nov 5, 2009

I have a 5610Z Acer Aspire with Windows 7 (32 bit). I pulled a very boneheaded move getting to upgrade from Vista.

I deleted my D:drive (50 G). I back up to a 500 G external hard drive. Is there a way to add the 59G to C:drive where I could use the space.

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How To Create A New Drive When There Is No Unallocated Space

May 28, 2012

my pc hard disc is 0f 500 GB.....the problem is that when i go to disk management option there is no unallocated space...which i can use to create new driveas my c drive is of 451 to get unallocated space??

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Larger Drive Has Unallocated Space

Feb 2, 2013

I just swapped out a failing 1Tb samsung HDD to a WD Black Caviar (the noisiest drive EVER!) and the additional drive space is unallocated, when I access disk management I see the drive, System, C, D, and 931 Gb unallocated. What to do with the unallocated space?

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How To Allocate Part Of Hard Drive That Is Unallocated

Nov 1, 2011

How do I allocate part of my hard drive that is unallocated ? I have 128 gb allocated and 104 unallocated some please advise d davies

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Possible To Overwrite Hard Drive Unallocated Space?

Jun 8, 2011

Is it possible to overwrite unallocated portions of your hard drive, primary drive with OS and files, without losing anything?

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How To Add Unallocated Space To Local Drive In Windows 7

Oct 12, 2012

will you please tell me how to add unallocated space to local drive

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Can't Delete Unallocated Partition On External Hard Drive

May 18, 2011

I created a new partition and formatted it into Fat32 so my PS3 could recognize it. Now I don't need it. I now have a 30 GB and a 100 MB partition, and I don't know how to get rid of them.

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Hard Drive Suddenly Appearing As Unallocated Space

Dec 23, 2010

I have been running a Dual-Boot Setup of XP Pro and WIN 7 successfully for some weeks while I get familiar with Windows 7. Recently I have almost exclusively been booting into WIN 7. In this D.B. Setup The booted OS appears as Primary Partition on the C: drive with the non-active OS as "Unallocated Space " on the D: drive. This all happens on the No 1 Hard Drive. No 2 Hard Drive has been partitioned into several Partitions, the First one as a Primary Partition with the remaining Partitions as Logical drives.

Today , when I booted into WIN 7 , there was no sign of the second hard drive and its Partitions even although both drives (Serial Drives) were recognised in the initial part of the Bios screen during this bootup. When I looked in Disk Management, I saw that the first Partition on the second hard drive appeared normally as a Primary Partition but that all remaining space on this drive was shown as "Unallocated Space". I then re-booted into the XP OS . This showed the second hard drive and all its Partitions normally, i.e. with its first Partition as the Primary and all subsequent ones as Logical Drives.

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Unable To Extend My C Drive Partition From Unallocated Space

Aug 14, 2011

New to the forums and need some help here as I'm lost. I just got my new laptop and noticed that the C drive (O/S) was getting full and wanted to add more space. I deleted the recovery partition of 25GB so I could extend my C partition.

However, I do not have the option to expand my C drive, see the print screen link below:

I also tried using minitool partition wizard which looked to be successful but upon reboot I got an error.

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Create A New Volume With Unallocated Space On 3TB Hard Drive?

Nov 13, 2011

I currently just set up my new build. I decided to go with Western Digital Caviar Green 3TB for my hard drive. However, I split the hard drive into two parts: 2 TB and roughly about 770 GB unallocated space. I installed Window 7 on 2TB partition. Now, I decide to use the rest of 770 GB of unallocated space. I tried to use Computer Management, but it doesn't give me the option to create a new volume from unallocated space. Similar thing happened with EaseUS Partition Master. With Acronis Disk Director, it doesn't even recognize the unallocated space at all!!! So how can I create a new volume or even merge it with my C drive? Do I have to reformat my hard drive and split them again and do a clean installation again?

Note:I already checked, my BIOS recognizes my hard drive with 3 TB. The unallocated space is right after my C drive. There is only 1 primary MBR partition (C drive), and 100 MB system files right before it.

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Hard Drive 1MB & 101MB Unallocated / Unusable Space?

Jan 25, 2012

I have a 500GB hard drive that has 2 unusable bits of space. My obvious question is.Can it be fixed so they can be used or is this stuck like this?

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WD Passport Drive Showing Up With Unallocated In Disc Management?

Jul 2, 2012

So it was working fine, i turned off my computer and went to bed, when turned it on the next morning the drive was no longer showing up so i checked disc management and it was in there as unallocated, the only options that are there when i right click are:Im running Windows 7 ultimate x86 (32bit) on PC and the External Hard Drive is a Western Digital 1TB Model WD 070A USB device.

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Unallocated Space On Left Of All Partitions - Cannot Extend F Drive

Jul 8, 2012

I recently formatted my laptop and re-partitioned it. I ended up making some Unallocated Space on the left of all the partitions. Here's a screenshot of the Disk Management window - I want to extend [Backup F:] with whole of the unallocated space. How can I do it?

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Free Space Refusing To Be Set As A Partiton?

Jun 10, 2012

I have just installed Windows 7 on my new Segate 2 TB HDD. It's running great, but when I went into computer management, I noticed about 114 GB of free space. When I tired to create a partition, Windows reports that there's isn't enough space available to complete this operation. I don't know what's wrong,[CODE]

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Western Digital Drive Showing Up With Unallocated In Disc Management?

Nov 24, 2011

So it was working fine until one of the latest windows auto update, i turned off my computer and went to bed, when turned it on the next morning the drive was no longer showing up so i checked disc management and it was in there as unallocated, the only options that are there when i right click are: Offline, Properties and help.Im running Windows 7 ultimate x64 on a sony vaio VPCL118FG and the External Hard Drive is a Western Digital 2TB Model WDBAAU0020HBK?

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Removing Dual Boot?

Oct 23, 2009

Is it possible to stop dual booting without formatiing my harddrive? My boot splash screen order is:Windows 7Windows VistaI want to delete my WindowsOLD direcorty and boot to Win 7 only.Win 7 and Vista are on the same partition.

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Removing Entry From Boot Record?

Jul 27, 2011

I have 2 HDs in my tower, 1 has windows 7, and 1 has server 2008 R2. I installed the server OS to play around with Hyper-V but enver did and I want to remove it to throw a linux distro on it. What's the easiest way to fix the boot record to reflect that server 2008 isn't there anymore?

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Booting After Removing One OS In Dual Boot?

Aug 29, 2011

I originally had Vista on this PC and then dual booted it with win7pro. I'm upgrading my 2x 250GB to a single 2TG drive and will use the 2x250G for something else. To prepare for the transition to the 2TB I deleted the repartitioned and reformatted the HD vista was on. It will boot into win7pro if I have the win7pro DVD in the DVD drive. If it isn't I get no system disc error during boot. I had boot problems before but those times it was missing such and such file like BOOTMGR or NT something. Anyways the last time it was recommended to use EasyBDC. I'm sure EasyBDC can be used to solve this boot problem too I just don't know exactly what to do. The automatic boot recovery feature of the win7pro DVD doesn't solve it but then that feature has never solved the boot problems I had in the past either.

When EasyBDC first opens it sees win7pro on drive C: and lists no other entries.Under edit boot menu it shows only win7pro as I expected the check box to the right of it is checked and default is indicated "yes". I selected skip boot menu since it is the only OS choice now and clicked save. I went to BCD backup/restore section and selected change boot drive, clicked preform action, and chose C: and proceeded. Eventually a message came up and said it completed and to reboot. I still have the message no system disc unless the win7pro DVD is in the DVD drive.

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REMOVING XP From Windows XP/7 Dual Boot

Dec 2, 2009

Have XP, then installed Windows 7 as Dual Boot. Now trying to get rid of XP. All is backed up in case of disaster.

I've tried 3 different procedures in these forums with no luck. Last thing I tried was using EasyBCD to remove the boot option. Now the computer just boots straight into Windows 7, but I noticed that the XP partition is still active. Made the Windows 7 partition active, but when I reboot, I just get a blinking cursor on the upper left of the screen and nothing happens.

I've tried the Windows 7 installer/ Repair my computer/ and running Startup Repair 3 times and still no luck. just get the blinking cursor on the corner of the screen. I then have to boot from CD with Partition Wizard and reactivate the XP partition and I boot again into Windows 7.

The only thing I am hesitant to do is delete the XP partition. If I do and then I can't boot, I can't make XP active again to boot and would have to restore everything and would be where I started again.

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Removing Vista Boot Completely

Aug 29, 2009

I have multiple hard drives (not partitions) on my system. My new RAID-0 SSD has the Windows 7 install on it while my old WD Raptor has my vista boot on it. I have been trying to find a way to remove the old Vista drive as I want to reformat it and turn it into a developers drive (for my various PHP projects).

Is there any way to remove this drive so it doesn't effect the Windows 7 drive? I tried removing the drive and rebooting but it fails to boot. I can't reformat it regularly as Windows tells me it is a System Partition. I believe that since my system relies on the Vista disk to boot that this causes an issue right? Well how do I fix this issue if you don't mind me asking?

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Removing Windows XP From Dual Boot?

Aug 13, 2011

I recently decided to install WinXP on my Windows 7 Homepremium computer. I partitioned my hard drive into 2 and installed XP on the 2nd one.How do I delete XP completely and still keep everything from Windows 7?Is it possible to just do system recovery on Windows 7 and return it to an earlier state?

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Removing Vista From Windows 7 Dual Boot?

Jan 13, 2012

I have attached the screen shot from Disk Manager which shows how I installed Windows 7 on a machine that originally ran Vista.After I used Windows 7 I have not used Vista for over a year so I moved the Windows 7 to the start of the HDD using Partition wizard and some instructions on the web.I now want to delete all the vista files and stop the dual boot getting the PC to go straight in to Windows 7.

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 32 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz, x64 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 11
Processor Count: 4
RAM: 3327 Mb
Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series, 512 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 509906 MB, Free - 305018 MB; D: Total - 205479 MB, Free - 183636 MB; E: Total - 715401 MB, Free - 300404 MB;
Motherboard: ASUSTeK Computer INC., P5Q-PRO
Antivirus: Norton Internet Security, Updated and Enabled

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How Will Removing Partition Effect Boot Manager ?

Sep 11, 2009

I should know the answer to this question but my mind isn't working. I have done this before but can't remember how *exactly* I did it.

I took my sister's 150GB HD and set her up with a dual boot with Windows 7 and XP. She now wants me to take Windows 7 off and just use XP for a while. If I use a 3rd party partitioning tool to remove the Windows 7 partition FROM WITHIN XP, will this screw up the boot manager? I think it should be fine. Just take out the partition and extend the XP partition into the free space and it should just boot to XP. Is this correct?

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Removing Windows XP SP3 On Dual Boot With Win7

Nov 3, 2009

I Cleaned installed Windows 7 (64bit) to dual boot with my already existing Windows XP SP3 (32bit). Everything is great and life is fantastic!

I'm ready to remove XP now.

Any suggestions on the steps to follow, and remove XP, without screwing up my fast, great and fully working Windows 7.

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Removing Windows 7 From A Dual Boot System?

Mar 8, 2011

I have a system that dual boots with Windows 7 (64 bit) and Windows XP (32 bit); each OS is on its own hard drive. I want to reformat the Windows 7, deleting the OS in the process. What I'm wondering is where is the boot loader located? Is it on the Windows 7 drive (since it was installed after XP), and will I need to do anything special to have the system load Windows XP by default after the Windows 7 installation is gone? Will the system simply detect the old XP installation and load it without the bootloader?

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Removing Windows 7 And Format SSD Drive?

Nov 9, 2011

Bought Windows 7 ultimate full version from ebay uk to install on a new SSD drivelisting states Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate, Full Version, Standard License for PC - Retail 32 Bit and 64 Bit Edition I bought it for a gaming machine that I was building but I couldn't afford to finish it so I am selling all the parts. It is brand new but it isn't sealed as I opened it thinking I was going to use it at some point. I guarantee that the serial key has never been used because it was sealed when I bought it.On install its blocked by microsoft.Okay remove OS format ssd drive a get refund,go back to old ide drives.My question is how do I format my ssd to clean/new condition.

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