More Workgroups At Local Accounts

Dec 25, 2009

I use my laptop at home and also in my work. But I have got a problem with diference in workgroups. In work we use workgroup A and at home I use workgroup B. I also use two accounts. One in work and second at home.

I need to set up one workgroup in home account and another workgroup in work account.

I use win 7 proffesional. But in both networks are computers with XP and Vista.

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Local Accounts And Custom Profile?

Aug 4, 2012

I have Windows 7 SP1 and I want to create a custom default profile so that, when I will have to create the local accounts, they already will have the custom profile.

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Local Accounts And Custom Default Profile

Aug 4, 2012

I have Windows 7 SP1 and I want to create a custom default profile so that, when I will have to create the local accounts, they already will have the custom profile.

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Program To "Run As Administrator" In Local User Accounts

Jan 11, 2012

I want to run a program as administrator in a local user account.My problem is, i have multiple user accounts in my windows7. I have bittorrent and many active torrents in my user account which have admin privileges. But for Other local users, bittorrent open in a separate account mode having no active torrents (because the torrent is running only in my user account)Is there any way to run (or sync) the downloading of bittorrent in the stated accounts.

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Can't See Both Workgroups

Dec 10, 2009

On Xp, the following was a 30-second job: on Windows 7 I've spent hours and got nowhere....

My main workgroup is "bp" and that is what my main Windows 7 PC is joined to. I also have a QNAP NAS which is on a workgroup called "nas". On XP, I could see both workgroups easily by browsing the Windows networks, but on Windows 7 it only shows me the workgroup that the Windows 7 PC is part of - not the other workgroup on the network.

So how do I browse all networks on the newsgroup ?

All I want to do is access the NAS drive, which is at TS109iiMultimedia but even I type that into the 'Map Network Drive' box it asks me for user name & password. As far as I know there is none, and I certainly didn't those to access it from XP.

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Workgroups Are Not Grouped In W7 Like XP?

Nov 11, 2009

I used the “at work” option to setup my workgroup during installation,

we are peer to peer without domain. In XP Pro I'm used to clicking on "my network places", then clicking on "view workgroup computers" to see my group, now I don't see a workgroup option it just expands every computer in the system without grouping them, very frustrating to wait for them to load then scroll thru them all to try to find a computer in my group. Any help with this?

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What Is The Difference Between Local Disk C And Local Disk D

Feb 3, 2013

What is the difference between local disk C and local disk D? I have about 4 GB space left in C and D is empty. Is there any advantage in putting a system image on D? Are both C and D contained in the hard drive, and if the hard drive goes bad you lose it all anyway?

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Is It Possible To Combine Accounts

Jun 25, 2012

I've had the seemingly common issue with the last user and the 'other user' showing on the login screen, and once I finally dealt with it (well sort of, but that's another post for another time), I was back onto the standard user account I was missing, and was happy to be back with my old files. When I was dealing with that whole login issue I had been using a new account I set up that would work for the time being. Once I got this account back, I deleted that old account but chose "save files" (or some phrase along those lines) and assumed they'd be under the account 'Administrator'. But I looked on my files logged into Admin and in that folder, nothing is there.So then, I typed in C:Users in the start bar and found a list of ten or so accounts I managed to angrily make and use and not use in the last few months. All of them, one or two more than the others, have files I need. My question is this: Is there anyway to "combine" all the files from these accounts, since they seem to still exist although the accounts don't since I click on them from the list and up come the files, and have them on this account I'm logged into that I've gained back?

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Deleting Contacts With 3 Accounts In WLM?

Jun 8, 2012

Try to delete in WLM account A but deletion occurs in accounts B and C as well. How can you delete contacts in WLM in one account but keep contacts in other accounts?

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Guest Accounts Logging On And Off?

Jul 28, 2011

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium , Service Pack 1, 64 bitProcessor: AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 215 Processor, AMD64 Family 16 Model 6 Stepping 2Processor Count: 2RAM: 3839 MbGraphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 9200, 256 MbHard Drives: C: Total - 469882 MB, Free - 127374 MB; D: Total - 469884 MB, Free - 453597 MB; J: Total - 238472 MB, Free - 76867 MB; Motherboard: Acer, Aspire X3400,,Antivirus:Microsoft Security Essentials, Updated and EnabledNot sure why I have tried turning them off and on again and making new ones but they log off automatically after a few seconds without loading

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Delete Old User Accounts?

Apr 26, 2011

I have an admin account, but it's the only account for my computer. I used to have plenty of old accounts, some of which were also admin accounts. When I decided to delete them, I chose to keep the files just in case. Now I realize I don't need them but it won't let me delete them.

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Did Not Transfer E-mails Or Accounts?

Oct 3, 2011

I have installed two ssd's in raid 0 configuration all I want to do is tranfer my e-mails from my old C drive, I tried easy transfer but it did not transfer my e-mails or accounts. I did what was previously suggested on this forum, I booted from my old C drive exported my e-mail accounts to a folder on another drive then booted from my new drive and imported them it worked, I got the accounts but no e-mails is this correct ? Where are e-mails kept in win 7 if I could find them I could copy them to a folder then copy them to windows live on my new C drive

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Can't See All User Accounts At The Log In Screen?

Jan 7, 2012

When I boot my machine (Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit) I get to the user accounts log in screen where it attempts to auto login and fails. I click the little "ok" button and see two user accounts, myself (BlackViper) and "Other" with no picture, and a blank for the password.I have no password on my account, but when I click on the icon associated with my account, it asks for one. I can leave it blank and log in just fine.I then "log off" and see three user accounts at the log in screen (Administrator), (BlackViper), and (Anawvyah). At this point I can access any of the three, and they all work just fine and the correctly associated pictures are there...

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Removing User Accounts?

Feb 18, 2012

I'm tired of my actions being blocked so I just want to leave the administrator account and delete the rest of them since I'm the only one on my pc. I can have only the admin account with these other accounts deleted without it causing any computer problems correct? I believe this is the case but I just want to make dang sure first.

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Sync WLM Accounts On 2 Computers?

Jun 20, 2011

I have email accounts set up in Windows Live Mail on my work computer and need to sync those with accounts on my personal. I've created the account on my personal and have received all the emails in my inbox... but is there any way to export and import a whole account so the sub folders are synced too?

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Two User Accounts And IE Behaves Different

Jul 5, 2011

A month or so ago I noticed I could not listen to Cartalk (A PBS radio show) online when I always could before. Tried to troubleshoot. Reset IE8 and still no joy. It works just fine with Google Chrome so I know it is related to IE8.

Just created a new account (standard vs. my admin) and of course I can listen just fine on that account. Again tried to troubleshoot. Looked at add-ons. Made them identical, still no joy. Once again completely reset IE8 and still nothing.

So why would the website work just fine with the standard account and not my admin account? This is driving me crazy. I know I can use the standard account or chrombut I really want to know why this is happening.

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Eliminating Email Accounts?

Oct 11, 2011

How do I eliminate any email addresses I have in Accounts in Windows Live Mail and completely start Fresh in Accounts.

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Not All User Accounts Showing?

Nov 10, 2010

not all my user accounts are showing it shows the user account of the last person that logged in and then it shows other user then when i click on it i have to type my user name and password in i dont want other users to show up just all the accounts

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3 User Accounts On Boot Up

Nov 16, 2010

when i boot up i go straight into windows i dont have no user accounts to login too, but this am i booted up my laptop and was faced with 3 user accounts ? _admin ime_user and the account i created shut the ?uck up both admin and user wont let me login says wrong pasword and my account has no password so that lets me login so where did the admin and user accounts come from and why are they showing up now ?

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Adding User Accounts?

Jan 11, 2011

I have a laptop with Win 7 Home Premium, and one user account with administrative rights. Now, I would like to add two standard user accounts. How would I do that?I have experimented with copying over User files and folders, but I have really no idea what I should copy, if anything at all.

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Corrupt New User Accounts?

Feb 19, 2011

I'm having problems with creating new user accounts, admin or otherwise. Login works fine, but icons are all generic and windows explorer turns up the "page failed to load" error. In contrast, my regular admin acct works perfectly. I noticed this after a hard shutdown but am unsure there is a connection. I performed a system restore from an earlier restore point from before the unsafe shutdown but no luck.

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How To Merge 2 User Accounts Together

Apr 4, 2012

I want to merge my account into the main administrator account. The main Admin account is basically untouched and can be overwritten in the case of any conflicts.My current account is also an Administrator account. I'm trying to move it to the main one to be able to bypass the login screen. I can not delete the other Admin account because it is the main one and does not have the "delete account" option (however the Admin account I use and have all my files on does have the "delete account" option)

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How To Consolidate User Accounts

Jun 6, 2012

I don't share my notebook with anyone, so I'd like to consolidate my user accounts, if practical:Administrator Admin Chuck "Chuck" is the only one I use and AFAIK has all the admin rights as the default, but could be wrong.

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Importing Contacts To All Accounts?

Oct 30, 2012

I just created 3 new accounts in Outlook 2010 and set one of them as the default. Then I imported a csv file containing another compute's contacts. All went as expected but for the fact no contacts appear in the other accounts. I also imported another csv file for Calendar to the default account and each account shows the correct calendar entries. I guess Contacts don't behave like Calendar. So, I tried to import the Contacts csv file into the other accounts but could only find 'suggested accounts' a a target for the import.How can I get each account to have Contacts?

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Hide Programs From Different Accounts?

Dec 22, 2011

I use my PC for general use, gaming and web development. Currently have Windows Ultimate.What I am aiming for, is to have three accounts, General / Gaming / WebDev and have different programs installed on each.However, I do not want the other accounts to SEE these programs (I know I can just hide program icons etc).But want I want it to replicate, is like having three separate windows 7 machines... just with 3 different accounts.I know this can be done with a client-server set up.. but this is not really something I want to get into...I know applocker can deny access.. this is fine.. but ideally I would want the accounts to not even have visibility of the programs, not just be denied the permission to access them.Could I install the programs to the user account folder for each account? I think this would do what I want, but is this a good practice to do?

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Way To Hack Gmail Accounts

Jul 10, 2012

Way to hack gmail accounts

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User Administrator Accounts?

Oct 12, 2012

Recently I deleted an account that seemed to be automatic with Windows 7. It was not one that myself or my husband set up, but on that seemed to be administrator-type. I don't recall if it required a password. Anyway, I had no idea what it was for so I deleted it. Since then, I have noticed that windows is not working as well and I have a lot of issues with different webpages (even popular ones like Google & Facebook).Any idea what it was and how to get it back

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Remote Logins To Different User Accounts?

Jun 6, 2011

How do I setup remote login that would allow 3 or 4 people to login to the same computer.Each person would have their own Windows User Account name, with different privileges.I don't know what software could do this. Could I please have some recommendations? The computer being connected to would be Windows 7, and there is no special network equipment besides a consumer router.This is a very small business and keeping costs under control is important

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Mail Accounts - MS Exchange Server?

Nov 28, 2011

I had Outlook 2003 set up with two different mail accounts. One was a work account that I set up as an Exchange Server account so I could share calendar, contacts and all email folders.When I purchased a new laptop and migrated programs / data from and XP machine to the new Windows 7 machine I noticed that my work account had been converted to a pop3 account and no long enabled calendar sharing, sent folders,tc. and I could no longer send emails.I'd like to be able to have another Email Account so I can set it up in Exchange format, but I can not figure out how to do that in Windows 7.When I try to start Windows Mail from Programs menu it is missing. I assume this is due to an answer I gave during set up which leads me to believe Outlook 2003 is not wholly compatible with Windows Mail.If I want to continue to use OL2003 with Windows 7 should I just bite the bullet and set up my work account as a pop3 account, or is there a way to create a new mail account that I can set up in MS Exchange Server

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Windows 7 Will Not Display Accounts Properly?

Dec 29, 2011

I'm running Windows 7 and it's all been dandy up until today. Windows has started giving me problems with my user accounts where there were no problems before. There are two accounts on my computer. I have the admin account as I own the computer, the other account is a standard account that my roommate uses. Today I turned the computer on, and on the screen where it would generally show the two icons for the two accounts, it only showed mine in large. Below there was a button saying "switch user", and I clicked on it. Then the screen showed two icons, one of which was mine. The other was blank and simply said 'other user' underneath, where it should have said "Krysta" and shown her chosen icon. I tried clicking on it, and it asked me for account name and password, which I gave, and it then took me to her account. Then I tried to switch back to my own, and the screen now only shows Krystas icon. When I click "switch user" underneath it, I get the same blank icon beside it, and have to enter my account name and passowrd again to get back to my account. So, windows will only display one account at a time, and I'm not sure why.

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU P6100 @ 2.00GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 37 Stepping 5
Processor Count: 2
RAM: 5814 Mb
Graphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics, -1316 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 461477 MB, Free - 354933 MB;
Motherboard: Acer, Aspire 5742Z
Antivirus: AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 2011, Updated and Enabled

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Can't Open Pictures Or New User Accounts

Jul 31, 2012

OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5300 @ 2.60GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10
Processor Count: 2
RAM: 6109 Mb
Graphics Card: Intel(R) G45/G43 Express Chipset, -1265 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 938406 MB, Free - 886307 MB;
Motherboard: Gateway, EG43M
iAntivirus: Microsoft Security Essentials, Updated and Enabled

My computer suddenly tells me it can't open my pictures on one of my user accounts by asking what file do I want to use to open it or to go online to search for an opening file. I tried to start a new user account, and I'm told I need to tell what file I want to use to complete and open this account.

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