Installing Office 2010 - Error 1935?

Dec 13, 2010

I bought Microsoft Office 2010 Family and Student, but i can't instal it.The installation stop at 3/4 and an error message appear:Error 1935. An error occurred during the installation of assembly {3FA0170E-227C-37C7-BAC0- 64691a992C81}. HRESULT : 0x80070002.I found a lot of topics on this subject but no solution to my problem.I've tried lot options:I've unloaded the trial version of Office 2007.Install .Net framework 1.1, 2.0, 4.0

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Error 1935 Failed To Install Office 2010?

Oct 15, 2010

I have tried several times to Install Office 2010 and keep getting error 1935 half way through. I did remove the trail MS Office 2007 but not sure what else I should remove, I list all MS files I have.MS NET Framework 4 Client Profile,MS Office Live Add-in 1.5,MS Office suite activation assitant,MS Sliverlight,3 of MS SQL Server's,2 of MS Sync Framework's,4 of MS Visual's,MS Works,2 of MSXML,Compatiable Part 2007 Office system,Is there anything listed that I shoudl remove as I have no idea,Obviusly I have goggled and end up paying 30 for PC Health which was a waste of time.I have tried to repart NET Framework 4 but just hangs up.

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Error 1935 - Impossible To Install Office 2010

Oct 7, 2011

I had Office 2007 running fine on my Win 7 x64 machine, don't ask me why I decided to waste my time to uninstall it and try to install Office 2010... Get the error 1935 bla bla.... for about 20 trials to install.

Tried all the rounds suggested: .NET repair, system restore now no longer complete (no change to system), no matter which restore point I choose..., disble Anti-virus (Kaspersky), try to install in Safe mode, I probably forget half of the list I have tried... Always same result. Worse: I get the same thing if I try simply to reinstall Office 2007!

I get that (no details needed - I see this had been a classic for at least 5 years now with no effective solution but to reinstall Win 7 or Repair - even though I have read the latest sometimes did not even worked). Both are out of my options: this machine run much more important programs/projects (recording studio, video editing) for fooling around with reinstalling. Plus, I have a OEM install and paid for online purchase of upgrade to Win 7 Pro. So even repair in these conditions is not possible from what I read.

I have not read anything new written since early 2010 on this topic, is there anything new to solve it? It appears MS have not been able to solve this for 6 years, and 3 versions ! I had same problem last year with Expression Web 2 and 4, finally been able to solve with 4 after a system restore. I was hoping to do the same here.

I'm now left with the unpractical option of doing all my Office work on my laptop. Funny enough: I have a Mac version of Office 2011 on a Mac and it run soooo smoothly. Even more funny: I *only* have this install problem with MS products, no other *non-MS* programs!..

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Office 2010 Error 1935 During Iinstallation Af Assembly Component

Apr 28, 2010

We have identified a potential bug in the installer for Microsoft Office 2010 32-bit under Windows 7 32-bit. After entering the initial product key, if Office 2007 is already installed, the user will be prompted to perform an Upgrade or Custom install. If the user chooses a custom install under the 32-bit platform, the installer will attempt to first uninstall Office 2007 and then install the Office 2010 components. However, a symptom of the problem will begin with an unusually slow installation process, after which an error will appear: "Error 1935: An error occured during the installation of assembly component {E60D1DD4-B04F-4D3A-9E6D-63A0D4D8E4F1}. HRESULT: 0x80070005. Setup failed. Rolling back changes." This error occured with Microsoft Security Essentials v2 resident in the background, as well as XMarks for IE, Logitech Mouse and Keyboard, Realtek HD Audio Manager, and Intel Graphics Media Accelerator for Mobile. After some time the setup will apparently hault a roll-back.

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Error 1935 - Install Office 2007

Mar 8, 2009

When I try to install office 2007 it give me the same error 1935.

P.S. I try everything regard to .net (it seems that on major cases this is the probleme) and it didn't work

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Error 1935 While Installing Programs?

Sep 8, 2011

anytime I go to install a program whether it be Office, Quicken I get this install Error?error 1935.An error occurred during the installation of assembly conponet {97F81AF1-0E47-DC99-A01F-C8B3B9A1E18E}. HRRESULT:0x80070422

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Error 1935 While Installing Software?

Jan 7, 2013

I was trying to install a program on my computer and it popped up with an error 1935Doing research I found this to be a .net framework problem. Now I have tried to fix, reinstall and everything else I can think of to the .net framework's that are currently on there now and it has not worked. When I uninstall and reinstall them the same 1935 error pops up. I tried to install Microsoft .NET Framework SDK v2.0 (64bit) and it wouldn't allow the install because of the error

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Error 1935 Installing C++ 2005

Jul 8, 2012

I've had a problem for quite some time now. Im unable to play any Dirt game, gta or f1 series because I need to have installed c++ 2005. Problem is when I try to install, I get the following error: Microsoft.VC80.ATL.type="win32".version="8.0.50727.42".publicKeyToken"="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b".processorArchitecture="amd64" Ive tried searching for the error on this website, I found a bunch of stuff but none related to c++ 2005. I tried fixing it but with no sucess at all. What I find wierd is that it says "processorArchitecture=amd64". I might be noob there, but Im using an i5 2500k.

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Error 1935 Windows 7 While Installing Bluetooth?

Nov 9, 2012

when i am installing blutooth to my computer error 1935 is comming n installation is cancelled

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How To Avoid 1935 Error When Installing Autocad On Windows 7

Apr 28, 2012

how to avoid 1935 error when installing autocad on Toshiba satellite L300 using win7

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Installing A New Dictionary For Office 2010?

Aug 15, 2012

I am trying to install a Romanian dictionary (which doesn't come together with the office 2010 default installation), but I keep getting a very message at same stage, something like: the installation has encountered an error, and no other details regarding the problem. I have a windows 7 pro 64x, I've downloaded the 64 version of the dictionary (language pack), because the office is x64 also; I tried to install it from a privileged user and I guess that's it.

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Microsoft Office 2010 Not Installing?

Nov 10, 2012

Trying to install Microsoft Office 2010 Home and Student on a brand new computer, went through the process with no problems so when it finished it wanted me to restart, so I did and when it restarted absolutely nothing, no word, excel anything except the same installation startup software so I tried again and this time it came up with some starter version of word and excel...thats it, no proper programs just rubbish, no outlook, publisher or powerpoint. Decided to restart thinking it just a glitch and now all I've got is Onenote. Given up after 2 hours of being annoyed at every step trying to get it to work

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Classic Menus For Office 2010 Doesn't Work On Office 2010 Starter

Oct 21, 2012

Classic Menus for Office 2010 doesn't work on Office 2010 Starter.

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Uninstall Office Trial 2010 After Installing 2007?

Nov 11, 2011

I bought a new computer with a trial version of office 2010 installed but not activated. I all ready have 2007 and I installed it. Will I have a problem if I uninstall the trial version (2010)?

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Installing MS Office 2010 Via MDT Image Deployment Without Prod Key

Aug 20, 2012

I am trying to set up a MDT Deployment that will install Win 7 and MS Office 2010. With the Win 7 install I am able to have the system ask for the Windows Key after the install has completed. I would like to do the same for MS Office. I am going to be using this deployment tool for every new computer we get going forward and don't want to have to update my deployment every time I run one. I simply would like to deploy the image and then enter the Product key and activate it.

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"Error 1935" When Installing Applications

Aug 25, 2010

1- I was trying to install my Microsoft Flight Simulator X and I got the "Error 1935" at the end when it was "Publishing Product information", it then rolled the action back and I got this exact error massage:

Error 1935.An error ocurred during the installation of assembly
0.0",type="win32",processorArchitecture="x86"'.Please refer to Help
and Support for more information.

2- So I looked up what "Error 1935" was and found this site(link below) which says, "This error occurs during the system update stage of the installation when the Microsoft XML Parser 4 installs."


3- I then went to this site(link below) to update my Microsoft XML.


4- But when I start installing Microsoft MSXML 4.0 SP2 Parser and SDK it gets stuck at "Publishing Product Information" part. In about 10-20 minutes it rolls back the action and says in ended prematurely because of an error, and that nothing has changed and you need to rerun it again at a later time.

5- I found this form(again, link below) that explains why the Microsoft MSXML 4.0 SP2 might not be installing.


Here is what the link says for me to do:

Click Start
Click All Programs
Click Accessories and right click on the Command Prompt.
Select the Security Tab and choose "Run as Administrator"
Click on Command Prompt
Type SFC /Scannow.

This will scan and fix any corrupted operating system files.

6- I did exactly what the instructions said, but after starting the Command Prompt I got this massage, "Windows Resource Protection could not start the repair service". So yet again I looked up what this was and found this right away(link below).


I did what it says in this link also, but it was already set to manual. I reset it again to manual and Command Prompt still had the same error. I have also tried uninstalling Advast and booting up in my Windows cd and Starting up only the core system 32 files and Command Prompt and starting in safe mod to try and all with no success. I have Windows 7 Pro 64bit that was a upgraded from Windows XP Home. And a cd that I can use to boot from with my Win 7 pro 64bit on it.Not sure where else I can go with this. I am wanting to get this MSXML 4.0 working for more than just installing applications, because I am having problems with it with other applications, minor ones though. And just to get in fixed in and for itself.

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Receiving Error Message When Opening Office 2010?

Oct 8, 2011

I am running windows 7 ultimate 64 bit. Whenever I try open outlook or anything in office 2010 I receive the following error message: please wait while windows configures microsoft office single image 2010.

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Error 1406 On Microsoft Office Professional 2010

May 7, 2012

I have had Microsoft Office Professional 2010 installed on my home computer for a couple of years and a few days ago it refused to open any Office files saying something about the registry and that I had to fix Office using programs in the control menu. This didn't work so I tried uninstalling office and reinstalling it but I get the following error message:

Error 1406. Setup cannot write the value to the registry key SoftwareClassesInterface {9149345A-5191-11CF-8700-00AA0060263B} TypeLib. Verify that you have sufficient permissions to access the registry or contact Microsoft Product Support Services (PSS) for assistance. For information about how to contact PSS, see C:UsersMajaAppDataLocalTempSetup000012d8PSS10R.CHM.

I have full administrator permission and controls on my computer. I have uninstalled any useless programs that have recently been installed including a norton web checking side program but it hasn't made any difference.

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Inatall Office 2010 On Windows 7 - Get The Error : Setup Cannot Find ?

Jan 23, 2013

I'm trying to inatall Office 2010 on Windows 7 and I get the following error :

Setup cannot find Browse to a valid installation source and then click on OK.

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MS Office 2010 - Online Install Error In Unpacking Download While Checking CRC

Sep 29, 2012

I changed my os to win 7 64 bit, I'm trying to install Microsoft 2010 office 64bit from an online link. it downloaded and goes to unpack when I get an error while it's checking crc. It stops and the error says insufficient disk space or errors on disk. I have 80gb free on my drive. and I cleaned the disk from previous installs.

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Error While Installing Office 2007

Nov 6, 2009

While installing office 2007 as upgrade or new install it runs for awhile and message comes up it can't find setup.exe

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Unable To Install Office MS Office 2010 On Windows 7 - No Sufficient Permissions

Sep 25, 2011

I am not able to install microsoft office version 2010 on my windows 7 ultimate x32 bit. It gives an error "that u don't have sufficient permissions to install text on your computer" or something like this.....

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Importing Template Files From Office 2003 To Office 2010

Mar 10, 2012

Having upgraded my desktop PC to Office 2010, I need to import three seperate letter template files for use in Word. These were lost during the upgrade but are on my laptop, which still runs Office 2003, as .dot type files and I also have them copied to a memory stick. However, I am at a loss as to how and where to save them into the new programme on my desktop PC. If it makes a difference, I should add that I do not use Libraries and have disabled them.

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Error Installing Office Professional 2007

Jan 24, 2010

I am trying to install Office Professional 2007 on a computer with Windows 7 Home Premium. Is this OS compatible with this suite? I receive an error after trying to install and the error instructed to get help information from a file located at C:Users... I could not find the app folder in the location it stated. This makes me think, that the windows 7 home premium edition has to be upgraded to the home pro in order for this suite to install. does anyone have any suggestions?

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Can't Open Office 2007 Files With Office 2010

Aug 16, 2010

I now have a new problem, before I managed to open 2007 files by opening Office 2010 and then from inside the application choosing to open a file. The problem I have though is if I just try to open an Office 2007 file then I can't open it, and I can't change the default program to open it. How do you get Office 2010 to open all the Office 2007 files such as word, excel etc?

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Open An Office 2007 PST File In Office 2010?

Mar 3, 2011

I've recently got a new machine and had copied my old PST file over. Whenever I go to open it I get "File access is denied. You do not have the permission required to access the file C:Users*username*DocumentsOutlook Files*pst file name*"I created a test archive and was able to open that one (same location ) just fine.

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Office 2010 Windows 7 64-bit Won't Open Office 2007?

Sep 24, 2011

Just bought a new laptop with Windows7 64bit installed-my first exposure to Windows7. I had Office 2007 installed on my old Dell 32 bit machine. I had also recently pruchased Office 2010 and installed that on my new machine.Now, when I try to open those 32bit 2007 files with 64bt 2011, Iget an error message that "no picture file is available", or words to that effect. When I try to "open with", the only option displayed is "Microsoft Office" with an icon that looks like a picture file. When I try to browse to the proper office program(Excel, for example), there are none of teh Office suite programs displayed, only "Microsoft Office".I can navigate seperately to the proper progran, Excel, etc., and drag the file into the application, and it opens, and all seems to work OK. I "save as" the proper application file, but it still will not open with double-click on the file name.

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Does MS Office 2010 Work With Access From Office 2003

Aug 16, 2012

I use now MSOffice 2003 but want to upgrade to the Student version 2010 which comes without Access.Does the Access from MS Office 2003 work in tandem with MSOffice 2010

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How To Load Office 2007 On Pc With Office Starter 2010

Jan 25, 2012

When I try to enter product key it states that it is an out of date version. Can Office 2007 still be loaded some way?

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How To Load Office 2007 On Pc With Office Starter 2010

Oct 30, 2012

My new computer came with Office 2010 Starter installed. I believe I activated it. Then I installed my last legal version of Office Home 2007. Now neither one seems to be working properly. I probably should have uninstalled 2010 prior to installing 2007. How do I remove 2010 without screwing up 2007?

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Installing Java And Office 2007 - Internal Error 2502 / 2503

Nov 12, 2010

Trying to install Java and OFfice 2007 on Win7 32bit. Getting Internal Errors 2503 and 2503. Don't have C: WindowsInstaller folder.

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