Complex API That Is Very Slow?

Sep 7, 2011

I am struggling with a complex API that is very slow as a solution to my .Net Grid winform application. So I need a high performance p my .Net Grid winform application.

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Complex Windows 7 Error Install And BSOD

Mar 27, 2011

I'm end up with my problem because it started from bad o worse.So the error exisits that.First I Downloaded a IP Change programm.Later my PC just restarted and from then on it's just shuting down his self after Windows 7 Startup with a IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL Bsod,So I tried so much thinks to fix it and were breaking my brain but at last didn't anything work.

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Slow Boot Time Slow Startup And Hangs?

Nov 18, 2011

I bought this Fujitsu laptop for less than a year. Its only for my school work. It takes forever to bootup, startup and it sometime hangs when I open up a program or typing.For the bootup, it takes very long time on the window logo, after that the black screen, followed by the welcome page with the loading cursor. Each of this process take a long time. For startup, its not so long but its still quite lag. For the opening up of program and typing, everytime I open up my visual studio, it will take a long time to show up and even if it showed up, it will be "not responding".So I will have to open it a second time before I can start using itWhen I am typing my codes, it will randomly hang and show that the program is not responding. I am still able to move my cursor though.

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Windows 7 Browsers Slow IE & FF / System Slow Overall

Jan 15, 2013

Win 7 Slow thru-out, especially loading of IE9 and Firefox. [code]

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Why Is IE9 So Very Slow

Feb 6, 2013

My home network is 2 desktop PC's and one Laptop all running Windows 7.My pwn desktop has a wired connection to the hub the other two are connected wirelessly. Both the wireless connections are work well with IE9, so the problem has to be with my PC.I have just reinstall Windows 7 - 64 bit from scratch, and yet IE9 (32-bit version)is taking some 5 minutes to download even the first screen of, say PCA.64-bit version is just as bad.I did think that the problem might have been caused by the fact that the PC was downloading all the Windows updates, but this has now stopped and IE9 is still very bad. I have managed to install Chrome and this is working fine, although I blowed if I can get Norton Safe to work in Chrome.

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Fan Run Too Slow, CPU Is Really Hot

Aug 23, 2009

I've got some weird problem with my Windows 7 and my laptop fan. First, this is my laptop spec:

- Toshiba Satellite 09V

- Intel Dual-Core @ 1.5Ghz

- 3Gb Ram

The problem is before with XP, when my CPU get the 65oC, my fan turn on and turn very fast to evacuate the most air possible.

But with the new Windows 7, the fan turn but at a low speed, whatever the cpu temperature. Today, I've got 82oC and the fan don't turn faster to cool down the CPU.

In the performance setting in Windows 7, I've choose the "high performance", to get all the juice from my laptop (and in this setting, when I switch to battery, my laptop can run 2h30).

So, what can be the problem? Return to XP.

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Slow Down My Pcs Cpu,gpu Or Just The Pc Itself?

Nov 2, 2011

I am currently wanting to know is there a way that I can reduce the performance of my cpu, my gpu, or just my pc as a whole I have noticed that recently my laptop has been getting a little hot and as of right now the only thing im doing to try and keep it warm is that I have a fan for it, and I also use the windows power management settings thats come with windows seen here in this screenshot.I also wanted to know is it possible to get rid of unneeded processes that are located under the systems "windows task manager" and or other programs that have a habit of running in the background I think getting rid of unwanted background applications would help my pc stay cool aswell.

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Some Programs In VPC/XP Are Very Slow?

Jul 8, 2011

I am running Windows 7 Home Professional with the Virtual PC running Windows XP. Some things work at normal speeds, but a couple of others (which run fine in an XP-equipped box) hang up in the middle of some operations. MS Money 98 is one.

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Slow Boot Up

Sep 18, 2011

whenever i boot up windows 7 ,i see the circle over the wireless network icon in the taskbar.It takes around 3 minutes to connect to the home network.Once the connection is established windows works fine with optimum speed.

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USB Transfer VERY Slow?

Nov 7, 2011

I have an Acer Netbook and just plugged an external hard drive in via USB. I have 2.18G to transfer and it is telling me to wait another 2 hours and 15 minutes.It has Intel Atom N570(1.66GHz) and win7 Starter.

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Computer Is Very Slow

Dec 11, 2011

I hsve a very new computer an acer. I also have high speed internet . the computer is only a couple of months old.

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Web Surfing Is Very Slow

Feb 2, 2013

For about the past week audio issues. Audio randomly cuts out. Must turn off and turn on speakers and all is fine again for a few minutes, then cuts out again. Problem occurs both when streaming and/or listening to music on hard drive. As of past 24 hours, now web surfing slow. 50% of time web page hangs, other times, it pulls up the page successfully.

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Laptop Is Getting Too Hot And Slow?

Apr 28, 2011

from last 1 month my laptop is getting too hot, even when watching a movie on media player alone, i don't know if there are some programs which are causing it to process more and more which makes my laptop slow at the same time and along with becoming hot

here is the hijackthis log

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.4
Scan saved at 6:54:54 PM, on 28-Apr-11
Platform: Windows 7 SP1 (WinNT 6.00.3505)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v9.00 (9.00.8112.16421)
Boot mode: Normal


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Very Slow Up Windows 7

Aug 17, 2011

I have been using windows 7 for some years. Recently i formatted my pc since unwanted programs,bugs,viruses and junk was accumulating and i wanted a fresh start.The pc came with windows 7 64bit pre-installed and the re-seller gave me a cd along with it.After i formatted the pc(i only formatted the c: drive,i kept all the important and backed up software,drivers and any important documents in the D: drive)After going through procedures and a successful installation the windows booted and apparently it took 5-10 minutes to get to the desktop icons.Here are the things i did afterwards.

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My Laptop Is Slow

Nov 9, 2012

my computer(laptop) is realy slow. example it took me 3minutes to get this page to load.please help me to make my laptop fast and keep all my files

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Windows 7 Is Very Slow?

Feb 8, 2011

I've had windows 7 now since it's been released and my computer runs 3gb of RAM. Recently my computer has really slowed down. I have opened task manager and the CPU in idle state is over 50% used and when you click something the whole thing grinds to a halt. I have checked processes and nothing is showing, I have scanned my hard-drive for virus's and spyware and nothing.

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IE Started To Become Slow

Aug 26, 2011

I had to post this here because nothing from the sections indicated to me where to put it instead of here: my IE started to become slow and I think my Microsoft Security Essentials is connected in some way (or it's something else, and that's connected to what's going on to these two). My IE started to act slow today, to the point where it was only easy to close it, but not work it (searches, sites). Now it seems okay, but I still have no clue on what to do if it happens again.Next is my Microsoft Security Essentials; it's been acting funny since last night. I did a quick scan, and most was done until it stopped at

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IE 9 Downloads Are Slow?

Apr 2, 2012

I don't mind IE 9 but I went back to IE 8 because my download speed seemed to be cut in half. I have internet speed of 7 mbps-Verizon. The download manager in IE 9 is slow.

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Chrome Slow On SSD

Sep 25, 2012

So I picked up a OCZ 256GB Vertex 4, and since I reinstalled Windows and everything on it Chrome has always been slow. Closing tabs sometimes takes several second. Sounds like a small problem.

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Slow Dvd Burning?

Aug 4, 2010

At this moment I'm burning a data dvd using Windows Explorer. It formatted the empty dvd and I had to drag my files (more than 4 gB) to the empty dvd folder. Then it started copying the files (burning them). But it's extremely slow? It is transferring the files at a speed of about 594 kB per seconds and burning the disc this way will take about more than 2 hours?Don't know if it matters but I was using the Live File System.

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PC Is Slow To Boot Up?

Jul 23, 2011

My Computer is running Windows 7, 64 bit.

Everytime when I do a restart, it takes a while to boot up my PC. I forgot the procedure to cut those softwares from running up. The only thing I remember is unchecking some software in a list. So when I do a boot, it doesn't take long.

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How To Keep Desktop From Going So Slow

May 6, 2012

i just recently gotten a virus that called "smart hdd virus". i googled it and and tried to remove it in safe mode, and i think i halfly removed it cause i got rid of the s.m.a.r.t. repair popups. i think i downloaded a antivirus i think it may have been a tracking cookie virus. i dont remember how though. now, whenver i login into windows 7 laptop, the desktop and files take a whole lot more to load than usual, i would click the start button and there would be no files loading up, it took atleast maybe 5 minutes to come up. then whenever i try to navigate through the start button im not able to because i cant access the desktop and its takes forever to load, there is a circlish loading bar on it so i have no access to the desktop whatsoever. the only way i can access files is through the start button but that doesnt help much. oh and whenever i try to open my browser it would take a really long time as with other programs as well. and whenver im trying to login through sites like Internet, facebook, and twitter, they wont let me login and im using opera internet browser. i think this is cookie virus im not sure and this has been happening for the past 4 days i cant get ride of it.

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Very Slow Start Up?

Nov 8, 2012

I have hidden all micorosoft services and have only the necessities running at start up, pretty bare bones. It takes at least 4 minutes for the pc to start up. What could cause this, and is there a way for it to start up faster? I mean, even once I get to my desk top, it takes a few minutes before I can even click anything. I defrag once a week and I am virus free. I do have a lot of software installed, I have 600gb free out of 1tb, and none of my software runs at startup

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Laptop Going Slow

Dec 23, 2009

Lately My laptop has been going slow, I don't Know why and very hard to manage it exemple if I want to open my computer i Need to wait Like 10 secs or more while when on vista it was like 3 secs (same for windows 7 when I installed it) but Now I need alot of time and my CPU keeps Loading I don't know why even when i am not doing anything. Someone suggested that I put something to cool it down but it didn't work so far for me.

Is there a program or anything that making my laptop slow and my CPU always making this sound ? "SHHHH..." like it's loading or something..

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RAM Very Slow In Games?

Sep 6, 2011

Alright, so it's not a problem i'm having.I find my currently RAM very slow in games and such, so I i'm reding my brothers RAM, and installed them, and all the games went quite smooth.I'm having the P5Q Pro Motherboard which doesn't support DDR3, but DDR2. As you probably know, DDR2 is REALLY expensive because it's outdated (Really, you won't believe the prices), so it's actually cheaper to buy a new Motherboard, and then get the DDR3.So i've been looking at this motherboard (GIGABYTE - Motherboard - Socket 775 - GA-P41T-D3P (rev.1.3)), it looks quite nice, and it has my Intel Quad Q9550 supported, and supporting DDR3.But my brother is unsure that it will run the newest technology of DDR3 like these (Vengeance - 2 x 4 GB sticks DDR3).So will they run on the Gigabyte motherboard, and how is the Gigabyte motherboard, or just the label Gigabyte after all? Can I trust them? How are there products? Or most importantly, can I run Corsair 2 x 4 GB DDR3 Vengeance RAM.

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Slow On IDE Drive

May 15, 2009

A few days ago I tried to install W7RC on my machine. I tried to install it in a 80GB SATA drive, but the installation would always freeze at extracting files, then shut down with an error message.

I tried then to install it on another 80GB drive, this time an IDE one. The installation failed again (not at the same point but a little while after). But after a couple more tries, it eventually installed.

Now everything's fine and installed, but incredibly slow. Like, 10 or more minutes to boot. Then when actually using the menus inside Windows, it's slow at times (I'm guessing it's when Win needs to load something) but overall it works well.

Could this extreme slugginess be caused by the IDE drive? Now I've read in some other topics that extracting errors during installation usually disappear if the installation DVD is burned at slow speeds... But I'm not willing to download and burn the whole thing again just to find it had nothing to do with the drive.

What do you guys think? Will it boot faster in a sata drive?

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Computer Seems To Slow Down

Jun 9, 2009

i have a toshiba laptop 4 gb ram 2.66 processor 9800mgt video card.

this week i have installed windows 7 and whenever i open a new window my computer seems to slow down like the window comes but slower.

and in flash games whenever i play a flash game it's slows down like when you get low fps on normal games.

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It Is Running Very Slow

Aug 22, 2011

It is an HP dv7-4080us Notebook with Intel i7 processor, running windows 7 64bit. for the past 2 years, it has been running very fast, but then I brought it on one of my vacations. After that, it ran very slow, and I have not been able to fix it. It runs fast in safe mode. I scanned it with Norton, and I'm currently scanning with Avira. No viruses. I also made it so that no processes or services that weren't needed for the system started on startup. I barely noticed any change in speed.

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Welcome Screen Slow

Jul 28, 2009

I have some slow boot, I don't know if that's normal or not as I didn't have this slow boot with Windows 7 x64 RC1 7100. The welcome screen will take like 8 seconds and then the desktop appears without shortcut icons, it takes 2 seconds for them to appear.

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Computer Is Slow

Sep 2, 2009

I put out a post a day or two ago about my 64 bit Windows 7 on my Intel E6550 was slow. After the response I got from you guys I am going to stay with the 64 bit no matter what. So I figure I can go out and just build another computer and reload Windows 7 (64 bit from scratch) or find a program which I though you guys could help me with. There are dozens of programs out there that say it will make your computer faster, fix your registry, Hard Drive problems and so on.

I had one of these programs about 15 years ago but I quit using them as I got better with computers but I feel I could use one now because I generally don't trust them but if it screws up my computer, so what, I have backups and I have other computers and I really don't care or mind if I have to format and re-load, it might give me something to do in my old age. So my question is can you recommend anything?

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Slow Windows Pop Ups

Aug 8, 2012

For some reason, whenever I restart my computer, it goes into a "slow-mo mode" until a seemingly random moment in time. Usually it comes out of it's stupor after a few wake ups from hibernation.While in "slow-mo mode," all animations, actions, game-play, everything is cut in half. It's not an FPS drop, everything just plays like a video in slow motion.I've searched and searched for someone with a similar problem, but have yet to find anything related.

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