Changing Properties Of Mp3 Files?

Jan 24, 2011

i want to change the properties of an album like artists,tracks etc.but i can'tthe properties, it wonti think the problem lies hereiwent to help and support and read the following note: The Remove Properties dialog box only removes properties that were added using Windows. If you added properties using a different program, you must remove those properties using that program.

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Changing Font Name Properties?

Mar 16, 2012

when I copied over fonts to the windows fonts and told it to replace the current font it didn't do what I wanted. For example I copied over a font with the name HS.ttf, and when I now look at the corresponding font it is called HS_1.ttf. I have a certain program that looks in the WindowsFonts folder for a font called HS.ttf and it currently can't find that file. I thought no big deal I'll just rename HS_1.ttf to HS.ttf. That's where I have a problem, when I try to do that it gives me the error 'Cannot rename HS_1: A file with the name you specified already exists. Specify a different file name.' When I do a search for a file called HS.ttf it can't be found anywhere. How do I go about finding and removing this HS.ttf and renaming my HS_1.ttf file so that my program can correctly find the font file I want it to?

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Properties - Change To Allow Use Of Read Only Files

Feb 7, 2012

Windows 7 ProAdministrator Acct.

Desktop background photos are stored in this hidden folder C:WindowsGlobalizationMCTMCT-USWallpaper

There are other folders in C:WindowsGlobalizationMCT that I want to use as well but not allowed to change properties.

I copied them into the MCT-US folder on 1 computer but would rather just change properties on my other computers.

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Properties Mistake Files Have Become Hidden

Oct 3, 2011

I was trying to unhide some files and now I've gone and changed some permissions which has resulted in files being classed as hidden. I can see them (they're at 50% transparency) but how do i get them back to being normal?

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Windows 7 Can't Set Security Properties On Files From An Old XP HDD

Jul 16, 2011

Heres the background.

1. XP Pro pc dies (Yayyyyy!!!!!!)

2. Removed HDD to export data to a HDD on a Windows 7-32bit (HDD is a hitachi deskstar HDT722516DLA380)

3.Connected HDD to the laptop via a USB kit i bought

4.Everything seems fine

5.Attempt to move files -Access Denied-

Heres my problem everytime i try to move anything it says its denied i give it admin but it doesnt copy it anyway. I go to folder properties and set the security to allow "Everyone" Full control but it still wont work it says access is denied and i cant apply it. I can go into an individual file and set security settings there and be able to retrieve it however it is inefficient to try to do this to the next 3000 or so photos/files. Can anyone reccomend me what i should do? or perhaps theres a program that

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Can't Change Properties To Share Files

Jan 7, 2012

I have been unable to share files. Not only between two computers both running Windows 7, which I'm trying to sync some files in (OneNote), but I can't even change the properties.

I've tried everything, from going into advances sharing settings in the drive and giving full permission, to just the basic right clicking on the file, clicking Share With, and trying to click Homegroup, or going into specific people, and no matter what, it just keeps saying Nobody, with the lock icon next to it.I have gone into the firewall and made sure that's not an just seems that no matter what, Windows just will not allow me to share ANY files in my documents folders.

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Not All Files Being Copied/not Appearing In Properties

Apr 24, 2011

I'm trying to back up my "data" drive to an external hard drive. The properties on the disk show that there is 910 GB of data on the disk. But, when I select all files on the drive (hidden files/folders shown), it only adds up to 899 GB. Even worse, when I begin copying files, only 835 GB is found and begins to copy. What could be causing this/how can I copy ALL my data? Running Windows 7 Professional x64 Drive contains media files (lots of media files), software installers, .iso files, backups, and system images. Plus a lot of other stuff. Image of drive + file information: [URL] Edit: Tried taking ownership of all files and directories, and allowing my user full control.

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Error Is Keeping Me From Applying Properties To Files

Jun 13, 2009

I was trying to write properties to some music files. I have done it before to the same file on vista, but forgot to save so im redoing it. When I attempt to save what I have just entered I get this:

"An unexpected error is keeping you from applying properties to the file. if you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem.

Error 0x8007000D: the data is invalid.

I have all updates, and the files are good.

Any help would be great.

BTW I can write info to most file but some give me this error. They were all off the same backup hard drive, transfered at the same time and I have writen properties to these files before.

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Disappearing Files After Properties Edit In Windows 7?

Aug 10, 2011

this may be similar to some of the problems already mentioned but: we are editing images as we have done thousands of times before but today for some reason when we hit it he apply button the image file disappears. We can restore the file but everytime today we try to edit the properties of the file

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Files And Icons Not Changing When Moved

Jul 18, 2012

Hard to describe in a short title.I have been having a few strange problems here and there with the system. Not sure if it's Malware or if I've just done something wrong.Basically whenever I move a file the icon for the file remains in place and whenever I try to move the icon Windows recognizes that it isn't there even though the icon remains, exiting and re-entering the folder which contains the icon makes it go away. Similarly whenever I empty or fill the recycling bin the icon doesn't change it's appearance until I navigate away from the desktop.I've also been having other issues.

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PDF Converter Or Changing Pdf Files Into Word?

Dec 7, 2011

Is it possible to change pdf files into Microsoft Word document?

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Changing Program Files To Another Drive

Jun 2, 2012

I bought a SSD 60GB and installed Windows. I have a 1TB storage drive, but I want everything to be defaulted there. I changed registry so that "Program Files" is default on the storage drive. But here is what is happening, I'm installing for example AI SUITE II to that directory, but it's still creating ASUS stuff on the SSD drive? Is there any way to get all parts of the program installed to the data drive?

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Changing The Default Directory For All Internet Files?

Sep 9, 2012

I want to change the default directory of my Internet access files like the Temp,cookies, download etc to a new hard drive. Actually, all data is stored in my SDD drive and I want to displace them to a new location.

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Changing Drive Letters Caused Loss Of User's Files

Nov 19, 2009

i've changed drive letters of my hdd and partitions so that coused loss of user;s files foldr content. before i have done that change there were two partitions - C and D. on parition D were my music, my pictures and my videos content, but after i changed drive letter from D to E all those folders are gone. i can make shortcuts, but i want it to be like it used to be when i have installed Windows 7.

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Copying Entire Windows And Program Files To SSD - Changing HDD Drive Letter

Jul 3, 2012

Currently my Windows 7 is on the C drive, now my question is this: Is there a way I can say put in a SSD, then copy my entire windows and the Programs Files, Program Files x86 and the users folder to it, then switch my old HDD to the D drive and the SSD to the C and have it work just fine? Is there an easy way to do this? or will it require me to reinstall windows to do it? Been thinking about getting a 120 GB ssd for my os/program drive, and using my 1.5 tb drive as storage.

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Font Size Changing Whenever Changing Settings In Personalization?

Jul 8, 2012

This all started whenever I wanted to change my text size different by changing my DPI settings. What I did was right click, go to screen resolution, and clicked on "Make text and other items larger or smaller". From this I changed it to 100% from 125%. I noticed it had changed my font size to the 100%. It then made everything SUPER small when I changed my theme settings.Whenever I right click and go into personalization settings, I do the usual customizing to my likings. Since I want to save the theme, I do so by naming it, blah. Now I want to use the blah theme by click on it, and I do so. Everything is fine and dandy until I right click my desktop to refresh(out of habit). This is the before and after of the font sizes.


My workaround was to set a custom DPI setting, log off like it prompts me to, then changing it back to 100%, again prompting to do so. It is so annoying to do so.

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BSOD After Changing Already Changing Rams?

Jan 29, 2012

my system is stock ;

vertex2 120gb
i7 860
value rams ddr3 1333 2x2gb
odin pro 550w
gtx 460 1gb
windows 7 x64 ultimate

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Change The Properties?

Aug 29, 2011

I'm still not too familiar with Windows 7 that is installed on my laptand would like to know how do you go about changing the propertieswhen you put in a blank dvd or cd or a movie????There are certain programs coming up that I don't want towhen I insert blank media or movies. moranacus has chosen the best answer to his/her question.Click here to view the answer that was selected.

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Cannot Get Into System Properties?

Jan 31, 2012

I recently went through the Malware forum to get rid of some nastiness on my machine...and there appears to be one small casualty left to fix. I cannot get into System Properties any of the "normal' ways...-When I right click on "Computer" I do see "Properties" I click on it and the explorer window flashes once (like something tried to happen)-When I right click on "Computer" in the start menu, the start menu disappears (like it does when you open something)-When I use the keyboard shortcut (Windows key + Pause/Break) nothing happens. The only way I CAN get to system properties is by using the run command: "sysdm.cpl"

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Unable To See Properties

Jan 12, 2012

my prob is i cant edit,add,or even see my properties of mp3 files in my system. i am getting a error.

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Where Are 'Graphic Properties'

Dec 27, 2011

I'm running a game at the moment, which is leaving two black bars on either side of the screen when trying to play it. Anyway, I know that to fix this I need to go into the Graphics Properties and change some of the scaling settings.However, I cannot find the Graphics Properties anywhere. Some people are saying that I need to right click on the desktop and select it, but it isn't there when I right click.Basically, could somebody inform me on how to access the Graphics Properties so I can change my scaling settings please?

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Folder Properties

Apr 1, 2010

In this tutorial, we continue to explore the many features of Windows Explorer by taking a look at folder properties. We'll mainly be concentrating on how to customize folder types to make exploring your computer even easier.

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Fix For Network Connection Properties

Jul 2, 2011

I want to change DNS address but when in "Network connection properties" I select the "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) line the Properties button is not active and I can not click it to open and change the DNS address.Also I see now that Properties button is inactive for all the other lines too.. I can't find the reason of that..Did I restrict something by mistake? or is it another problem..I'm on Windows 7 Home Professional..

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Cannot Uninstall TCP/IP Or Open TCP/IP Properties

Jan 31, 2011

i have windows 7 home premium 64bit where im loggin as administrator. Im trying to access the properties of TCP/IP but i couldnt; when i click on TCP/IP and click on Properties; the properties screen just pops for blink seconds. Also uninstall option for TCP/IP is grayed whereas i can successfully uninstall/install other things like Client for MS Networks, File & Print Sharing for MS Networks.

I triend uninstalling network card driver and reinstalling it but still same problem. This problem is happening with my both Wireless Network Adapter and Wired Lan adapter.

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How To Remove The Properties Options

May 10, 2012

As the tittle says,I want to remove the properties feature because the feature isn't something I want to install.

Perhaps is caused by rootkit,however my ESET doesn't detect anything.

Look at screen-shot below,the properties option that I highlighted is what I want to remove,but I dunno the way to remove properties option. location where the properties feature located then I want to remove it as soon as possible. I try other AV because I just want to remove the option manually.

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Is That Possible To Remove The Properties Options

Jan 29, 2012

i'm looking for a way remove these options from my properties list.I want to remove the option where I highlighted,maybe there have some registry to clean up,please show me the way to remove these options

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My Computer Properties Not Working

Jul 8, 2010

I have vista 64-bit installed on my dell laptop and hope this is the right forum. I installed it a couple days ago after formatting everything on the hard drive. Now when I right click on my computer in start menu the properties don't pop up. I dislike vista already but is this vista-related? or infected? I don't think so, since I installed it a couple days ago after another virus had infected the system

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Can't View Drive Properties

Jun 12, 2012

This morning I attempted to view the properties of one of my drive in Windows explorer. Properties is a selection on the context menu, but clicking it does absolutely nothing. I have 3 drive in my system and the same behavior is true for all of them.To add to the mystery, properties works fine for files, directories and Computer. I'm using Windows 7 Home Premium with SP1 fully patched.

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Cannot Uninstall TCP/IP Or Open TCP/IP Properties?

Jan 31, 2011

have windows 7 home premium 64bit where im loggin as administrator. Im trying to access the properties of TCP/IP but i couldnt; when i click on TCP/IP and click on Properties; the properties screen just pops for blink seconds. Also uninstall option for TCP/IP is grayed whereas i can successfully uninstall/install other things like Client for MS Networks, File & Print Sharing for MS Networks.I triend uninstalling network card driver and reinstalling it but still same problem.

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How To Disable Mouse Properties

May 11, 2012

I wanted to know if their is a way to disable Mouse Properties to all clients using Windows Server 2008?

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Recycle Bin Properties - Add Or Remove

Feb 6, 2010

How to Add or Remove Properties from Recycle Bin Context Menu ?

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