Change The Setting To Lock PC When Idle?

Aug 13, 2010

Does anyone know where I might the setting that allows my computer to need password access after it has been idle for a period of time? I use my office PC remotely quite a lot so therefore it must be left turned on in the office. At the moment the default seems to be set to never 'lock' of its own accord as it has been accessible this morning without a password.I have tried looking in control panel but cannot find anything there (unless I am a real dumbo which is always a possibility!)

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Windows 7 Lock-Up After Idle?

Jun 18, 2012

The issues come when I leave the PC overnight, idling, with the monitor physically turned off (I use the power button). When I come back in the morning and turn the monitor back on, there is a black screen and the PC won't wake.I have left the computer idling during the day for many hours with the monitor being in standby (PC turns it off, not me).Interestingly, when the PC "hangs" after the night I can still access stuff over the network, and play some videos on my TV which is DLNA-ed to it. Logs do not show any issues, in fact there is some logging going on all night meaning the PC isn't totally dead. However, I try plugging some USB devices in and out, but it doesn't make that USB recognition noise.

Things I have tried:

- playing around with power settings, ie. disabling USB turn-off, disabling ULPS on my vid card (ultra-low-power-savings mode), changing the screen turn-off times, turning sleep and hybernate/hybrid off

- note it is NOT a taskbar auto-hide issue. If you are having crashing problems after idling (still able to access PC for 10s of seconds before it freezes), be sure to check out information on the auto-hide of the taskbar

Other info:

- I run utorrent overnight As a test, I turned my monitor off (physically) during the day, and came back to a "hung" system. I think this may be the root of the issue but it's still driving me up a wall because it's such a weird problem. I have to keep trouble shooting the issue to be certain. Furthermore, my main concern, and the reason for writing this post, is that I want to make sure this is not some hardware issue that is later going to progressively get worse. To me it doesn't seem like a hardware thing, but maybe there are some experts out there who can shed some light.

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Lock RDP Session When Idle For A Specified Period Of Time

Jun 13, 2012

How do I configure Windows 7 to lock my RDP session only (but not the console session) after predefined time of inactivity (idle)? By default Windows 7 does not disconnect or lock RDP sessions.

Thinstuff F.A.Q | Support Topics - Config RDP timeout. Disable Remote Desktop Auto Lock Screen on Idle - Lock via Screen saver. How to Disable Lock Screen Using Group Policy | - Lock via Screen saver policy.

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Screen Goes Into Lock Mode When Left Idle?

Jun 10, 2012

For some reason my screen goes into the "enter admin password" mode when left idle.How can I make that stop? I get the reason for it, say if you worked in an office and don't want anyone to use your computer when your away, but this is a home computer.

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Setting Magnifier To 125 Percent And Lock It?

Jul 6, 2010

I just bought a new Dell Studio laptop with Windows 7 installed. At the bottom right of the IE 8 explorer window is a number (change zoom level). I like it set at 125% and to stay at that number. Whenever I am working in my email on IE, the number will change on its own and I have to set back to 125%. Is there a way to set this number ar 125% an have it stay at that number?

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Change Caps Lock Key To A Very New Key Unused From Everywhere?

Aug 16, 2012

I'm playing a lot and when using mumble, I use a "Push to talk" function.The problem is that I need a key which interacts with nothing else, as I also talk when on IRC, on browsing the net. how to create another key (brand new, without any use) so I can use it on Mumble as Push-to-Talk key?

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Change Auto-lock Of Mouse Pointer?

May 11, 2012

how to change auto lock of my mouse pointer

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Can't Change Setting In Homegroup

Sep 26, 2011

If you can't change the settings in homegroup e.g to stop document sharing, or you can't enable printer sharing then make sure your Windows Firewall is on.

I've been using a default setup of an Internet Security product with it's own filewall, but Windows woul not allow me to share a printer or change what I wanted to share.

Error message: "Printer settings could nor be saved. Opperation could not be completed (error 0x0000006d9)"

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Cannot Change System Icons Setting

Jan 15, 2013

So i installed windows 8 transformation pack, and then window update to service pack 1 now my volumn network action center etc cannot be accessed. Sorry for crappy grammar, typing this from an ipad as i am currently restoring back.

Uh, i tried the solution of group policy editing and got a error message with three choice about mmc. i tried sfc scan and it get disrupted at 14 percent and said that the scan cannot be completed. I tried deleting hideScanetwork and rebooted but it doesnt work. I tried editing the dword 00000000 for hidesca but it doesnt work.

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Can't Change Windows Update Setting

Feb 2, 2010

I just did a clean installation of Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit on my Fujitsu Lifebook U820. I am signed on with an account that has administrative permissions, but when I go to Windows Update and try to change the settings, the dialog tells me "Some settings are managed by your system administrator." As such it will not let me change how important updates are done and is stuck on "Never Check for updates (not recommended)". I am the only user of this laptop, at my home and it is not part of a network. Could I have selected an incorrect option during my Win 7 installation? How do I change this as I want Windows 7 to update automatically? I've spent hours trying to solve this.

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Getting A Setting In The Registry And Change The Screen Resolution?

Jul 8, 2012

A setting in the registry and change the screen resolution?

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How Fo Change Setting For Gaming In Full Screen?

Jul 29, 2012

i just have my new laptop today, tried to installed previous favorite games. and now end up all games are not in full screen mode. there is black bar on left and right side on the screen. Please help me to figure the problems.

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Change Security Setting On Multiple Files To Everyone?

Apr 20, 2012

In the public folder I have a Pictures Sub folder with 100's of locked files. How to un lock the files for everyone?Example of the path C:UsersPublicPublic PicturesCamera*.jpgWant to change all files, folder is open to everyone.

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Change The Bluetooth Setting On A Laptop Using Windows 7?

Dec 20, 2011

How do I change the setting for the bluetooth setting on a laptop using windows 7? I am trying to set up a bluetooth microsoft number keypad and is not working. trying to find a solution to set up the bluetooth configuration.

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Laptop Screen Doesn't Change To Brightest Setting

Nov 25, 2009

When I've had my laptop on battery power where the screen is dimmed to conserve battery after being shut off and last running on battery when I plug it in and start up the screen is still dimmed and not all the way up like it should be. My settings are dimmed on battery and bright plugged in.

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Change Setting To AHCI In Bios And Then Install Windows 7

Mar 1, 2011

Im installing a new SSD and i wanted to use it as an oppertunity to change everything over to AHCI and wanted to clarify one thing before i went ahead. Im going to change the setting to AHCI in the bios and then install windows 7 on the SSD. Once i get into windows i was going to plug in the old Hard drives. With the old hard drives being used when my computer was on IDE will they be able to be read or will all the data be lost.

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Administrator Turned To Guest Account After Change In Netplwiz Setting?

Mar 4, 2012

The computer (Notebook, Home Premium) had an option to press ctrl+alt+del to log in, and I wanted to change that, so I went to netplwiz and unclicked the option to require users to press ctrl+alt+del to log in.I restarted and then I realized after Flash player tried to update that the computer is telling me to enter an administrator password but there is no place to enter the password. After that, I also realized that the only user on the computer who is supposed to be the administrator, is shown as a guest account.While I was unclicking that option in netplwiz; I saw that the only user was defined as "boinc, administrator". I didn't much care about that at the time; could that boinc thing could be the reason for the only user being change to guest from administrator?I had to restore the computer like 2 weeks ago because of that (It is not a main computer, so it is not being used that much).How can I make sure that this 'guest' thing doesn't happen again when changing system settings?Is the 'boinc' thing the reason for this? Could it be another thing?

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Change Any Kind Of Audio Shifting Setting Within Media Center?

Dec 25, 2012

Is there any way to compensate for the bluetooth headphone audio delay while watching Live TV in Media Center? For movies it's simple I can do it through Media Player Classic but I don't see how to change any kind of audio shifting setting within Media Center.

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External Hard Disk Is Lock And Lock Recovery Key Lost

Nov 7, 2011

my external hard disk is lock and lock recovery key lost?

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Setting Can Change To Shut Off Power To USB Buses / When Power Off PC?

Jun 9, 2011

I use my PC for audio production and I have a few external controller devices that are USB powered, for example a midi keyboard. I recently had to build PC due to a theft....long story short after building the new PC I've noticed that my USB buses have continual power to these external devices after I've powered down the PC. My old windows 7 PC did not do this. Is there a setting I can change to shut off power to the USB buses when I power off the PC? Or is this a hardware issue?

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PC Will Not Idle

Aug 8, 2011

Since I upgraded my PC, I realized that it won't detect idleness. I set my monitor to turn off after 1 minute, but that doesn't happen. The same applies to anything I set to turn off, or show away after X minutes.

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Using 5gb+ Ram Idle

Nov 23, 2009

I just installed windows 7 ultimate x64 and noticed that its using over 5gb of my 6gb of ram, on idle! I have no idea what's going on. Any idea?

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CPU Spiking When Idle?

Apr 17, 2011

It seems that when I leave my laptop alone to go into sleep mode, the CPU keeps spiking at rather random intervals. Sometimes it spikes to 30% on one core just for a second.I have it set to dim display at 5 minutes, turn monitor off at 15 minutes, and to sleep at 20 minutes. It seems that just before the screen turns off, at about 14 minutes the BFE service and svchost.exe (defragsvc) take up about 50% of my CPU!!I have also seen the ssdp discovery service running and taking up some CPU power aswell?So far I have run a full scan of Microsoft security essentials, Malwarebytes anti malware, and Spybot search and destroy, none have found anything at all.Before the reformat I haven't experienced anything like these spikes. I don't know if that's because I haven't been paying attention to it this much, or if something has infected me, or if something is wrong with my windows 7 installation...

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CPU Ussage When Idle

Nov 29, 2012

I have a computer I run as a headless server for serving files and streaming media and a game server I use windows remote desktop to remote in to it and control it.

When logged in with RDP the cpu's idle around 15% (1 or 2 when I turn off the game server) However if i close the RDP client then log back in later.. the CPU usage whilst i'm logged out is around 80-90%?

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How To Idle A Rarely Used HDD

Jul 25, 2012

On my desktop PC, beside the main HDD with the master-partition I also use a separate HDD which I actually access quite rarely, say once a week.So I want to know if there's any application utility out there which can let me stop the HDD when I don't need it running and restart it when I need it.I want to reduce both the overall power consumption and the wear of the disk.

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BSOD Only When Idle

Mar 20, 2012

This has been with me for a long time (can't remember how long) must have been about 2 years now. Just decided to try to solve it. When I'm using the computer, everything is fine. My video card is pretty old. When playing some games, sometimes the game crashes (and I get a notification about how my graphics sucks), but no BSOD. I haven't really exhaustively tested, but I think I've used it for 10 hours straight without any problems. The problem comes when I leave it alone (10-30 minutes.. I haven't seen it alive beyond 30 minutes of idle), even if its downloading something or running an antivirus scan. I have been able to run a full scan at startup (before windows loads), which took about an hour, with no problems. I used windows update to install all the latest updates (from windows). I have hibernate disabled and no screensavers, no standby after x minutes/hours. I do sometimes put it to sleep from time to time and there are usually no problems.

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BSOD Usually When Idle?

Apr 26, 2012

I have a Dell XPS with most stock hardware (added 1 HDD and removed 1 optical drive). I am running Windows 7 Ultimate x64 with and i7 and 12gb of ram. The Windows install is not factory, but it is from a disc I got from dell when I called and complained long enough (and to several different people) that I did want all of the standard junk that is on the factory restore.Most nights my computer apparently BSODs while I am asleep and yesterday was the first time I saw it happen. I am unfamiliar with reading the crash reports after the fact, but I was able to see on the 1 BSOD I saw that it mentioned my ATI Radeon HD5800 graphics card (atisys___ or something of the sort). I then removed the ATI drivers and software complete with Driver Cleaner and reinstalled the newest version. I do no do and have not done overclocking.

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BSOD While PC Was Idle?

Jun 5, 2012

Just had a BSOD while PC was idle,had a few BSOD before but never had a problem with it,it's got way too annoying now though,below are my specs:

OS:Win 7 Ulti x64 OEM
Ram: 8GB DDR3
Proccessor: Intel Core i5 2500k @ 3.30 GHZ
Graphics card:Nvidia Geforce GTX 560 DirectCu
Age:Less than 8 or 9 months

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Svchost 100% CPU Only When Idle

Aug 25, 2010

lve finally after a while caught why my system randomly shoots up 10C in temp while idle.. it relates to svchost, however this leaves allot of questions because as far as lm aware svchost is a process that runs many others under it..

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Too Much RAM Being Used On Idle (Windows 7 Pro)?

Jan 15, 2013

Just recently I have started having the issue of too much RAM being used on both my desktop and laptop.I am by no means a novice when it comes to computers.The desktop is a custom build and the laptop is a $3600 workstation.Both systems have never given me this problem until I installed Microsoft Office 2013.I can data this problem as soon as I started using this version of office.However, new updates on Windows 7 cannot be ruled out as a possible issue so I am posting on the forums to see if anyone else is having similar issues.

Here are screenshots of task manager. As you can see, there is no program using more than 80MB of RAM. I cannot figure out what is occupying all the space. Could it be clipboard? This usually happens after I am done working on assignments (which require quite a bit of copying and pasting graphs in uncompressed TIFF format created in MATLAB).

Side note: After restarting my desktop,the system usually uses around 1.8GB RAM and laptop uses around the same. This issue is on both laptop and desktop.

Relevant desktop specs: Intel i7 2700k, OCed at 4.5GHz (liquid cooled), Intel 330 180GB SSD, Nvidia GTX570, Western Digital Black 1TB for storage, Corsair Vengeance 8GB RAM working at 1600 MHz.

Relevant laptop specs: Intel i7 920XM, Intel 330 180GB SSD, Nvidia Quadro 880M, Western Digital Black 320GB for storage, Corsair Vengeance 8GB RAM, working at 1333 MHz.

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RAM Usage At 46% Idle

Oct 29, 2009

My Win 7 Acer RAM (3GB) is running at 46% idle? This seems to be alot?

Though it does not increase that much with windows open, even when I open WMP and play music it only goes up to 49-50%.

I use the gadget on screen and double check it with task manager, they are the same.

This is more than the previous Vista Basic machine, which I returned, it ran at 40%?

Is there a way to adjust or sort this?

Oh, this morning it went up 99% and I could not switch it off, I had to hold the button to switch off?

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