Windows 7 Enterprise Startup Slow?

Feb 3, 2013

I am having slow start up problems with Windows 7 Enterprise 32 bit. It worked fine when it was first installed a few years ago, but has gotten progressively slower.ave cleaned registry, new drivers, checked background, etc. etc. Tried Windows start up repairer several times.

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Windows 7/64 Enterprise Trial Download Slow

Feb 15, 2012

I am using Win 7/64 Pro and need to upgrade to Enterprise. The MSFT sites are extreemly slow downloading the trial version. Finally downloaded a Image file but it states that it is missing files on installation. Tries many times to download the trial from MSFT but at their upload rate it would take a month to get it. Any suggestions on a alternet site to get the Trial or a actual disk image that works? I have the activation code for 10 machines and I need to get three of them up ASAP.

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Slow Boot Time Slow Startup And Hangs?

Nov 18, 2011

I bought this Fujitsu laptop for less than a year. Its only for my school work. It takes forever to bootup, startup and it sometime hangs when I open up a program or typing.For the bootup, it takes very long time on the window logo, after that the black screen, followed by the welcome page with the loading cursor. Each of this process take a long time. For startup, its not so long but its still quite lag. For the opening up of program and typing, everytime I open up my visual studio, it will take a long time to show up and even if it showed up, it will be "not responding".So I will have to open it a second time before I can start using itWhen I am typing my codes, it will randomly hang and show that the program is not responding. I am still able to move my cursor though.

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Slow Windows 7 Startup

Apr 20, 2012

I have Win 7 Enterprise x64 installed for few months, and it started to clog up. When I start it up, after wallpaper shows up, hard drive starts to grind like I'm defragmenting it, and it keeps doing it for half a minute.If I try to start up firefox during those initial seconds, it works slow, and so do other programs. I have 15+ GB free on my main C drive. I thought about clean install but the pain of reinstalling the programs and settings makes me cringe so I would like to try to clean the computer up.What programs do you recommend for the job? I can check for viruses and malware with Security Essentials, are there other programs that could possibly check if I have too much startup programs, and somehow optimize Windows back?

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Windows 7 Startup Is Slow

Aug 28, 2011

My windows7 ultimate 32 bit takes to longer to display desktop with all icons and wallpapers.Now here is the problem details: When i enter password at logon screen, welcome screen appears for 7-10 seconds but after that a black screen with cursor appears, then appears the taskbar(on the bottom of same black screen), then appears wallpaper, then all desktop icons, then gadgets and then any other programs(background ones).This all process takes about 3-4 minutes(so annoying).I remeber my pc used to boot in less than 1 min.When i looked into event viewer, i found a lots of errors and warnings.Tell me if you need any kind of logs, I will provide them.I also tried disabling all startup items and unnecessary services but no gain.Also tried safemode but still no improvement. And one more thing, please don't advice me too defrage my harddrive, running antivirus scan, check disc bla bla bla.I already tried all of them.I am alos attaching a screen shot of my event viewer.

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Windows 7 Is Slow At Startup?

Sep 14, 2011

I reinstalled windows server 2003 on my and one particular networked machine which used to run smoothly on windows 7 is now very slow when its booting up

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Slow Windows 7 Startup?

Jan 4, 2012

mengchiv and this is the first time, my pc is toshiba satelite c640 is installed win 7 , it ok at the first but now it very slow when start up, is used 3 minutes for starting up ,, and when i used Microsoft word program it is really slow, when i type some word ,,, or when i chat to a friend on face book also

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Windows 7 Is Very Slow In Startup?

Dec 15, 2012

My windows 7 operating system has became very from 2 days what should i do for that?

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Windows 7 Extremely Slow Startup?

Feb 25, 2011

this computer has been working the it stalls at "starting windows" for about 9 minutes before it starts. Then the computer works fine.I loaded the latest bios. I disconnected all usb devices. I disabled all startup services in msconfig. I had windows look for any system errors and found none. I used the windows install disk to repair and update the os

asus p6x58d-e
windows 7 64bit
24 gig ram
i7 950
GTX-470 latest drivers
antec 1000 watt power supply
nec pa271w monitor

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Windows 7 64 Bit With SP1 Mouse Slow To Startup

Jul 18, 2011

The mouse is slow to start up after first power up and login. Is there a way alter the start up to activate the mouse asap. The mouse is a Microsoft basic optical usb. I have it pluged in to a usb powered bus. The laptop has only 2 usb plugs and one is in use by the usb bus and the other by another device which will only work when not plugged in to a bus.

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Slow Startup And Shutdown In Windows 7

Aug 4, 2011

New Laptop and having trouble with a very slow startup and shutdown in windows 7. 6GB RAM and 750 HD N950 4core.

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Brand New Windows 7, Slow Startup?

Aug 11, 2011

3 minutes upwards on my new Windows 7 x64 Ultimate system It was already like that before I even installed anything. I already tweaked it and disabled a lot of startup services using Black Viper's Configurations. Still no go.Intel i7 2600 @ 3.4 Ghz8 GB RAMATI Radeon 4650 HD ASUS P8H67-M L67 (motherboard)

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Why Laptop Windows 7 Startup Is Slow

Oct 26, 2011

I want to know why my laptop startup is so slow.It takes approximately 7 or 10 minutes to start.But after 10min all programs work well.

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Windows 7 Slow Startup After Crossfire?

Jan 30, 2012

I've been having longer then normal windows load time after getting my second 6950 in my comp. I noticed that it starts up then goes into black screen with cursor then takes another 5 seconds to completely load into windows. Im thinking its something to do with adding another video card as i haven't experienced this before adding it.

My Windows is installed on my Intel 320 80 GB SSD. Game performance stays the same. just the load up time for windows has slowed down a lot and there's always a black screen with the cursor before it fully loads in now. I have the latest CAT

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Windows 7 On Laptop Is Running Slow On Startup?

Aug 12, 2011

i have a laptop with windows 7 and its become really upon startup, in particular when i click on the mozilla icon.... take foreva. From what i read thus far, i need to switch off programmes that are running on start up but not sure which ones to switch off

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Slow Startup For Windows Logon Screen?

Nov 5, 2011

i am using windows 7 os but it takes about 5-6 seconds to go for logon screen?

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Slow Startup Of Windows 7 Logon Screen?

Nov 5, 2011

how to recure from slow starup of windoes logon screen.

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Windows 7 Pro Slow Startup To Go For Logon Screen

Dec 4, 2011

I am using win7 professional 64-bit os. It takes about 8-seconds to come for logon screen. Whether below mentioned procedure is suitable for the solution of slow startup:

1. Click on the Start orb, enter "regedit", and press the "Return" key.
2. Go to the following "folder" (also known as "keys" in Windows registry slang): HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem
3. If you see an entry called "DelayedDesktopSwitchTimeout" on the right-hand side of the folder, move on to the next step. Otherwise, you need to create the entry. To do that, right-click on a free space in the folder, and select "New/DWORD (32-bit) Value". Type in "DelayedDesktopSwitchTimeout", and press "Return".
4. Double-click on the entry. Now all you need to do is to enter the number 5, and click "OK".

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Windows 7 Startup Slow (2 To 3 Minutes) Without Boot Manager

Dec 17, 2011

I have a 64G SSD drive and a 300G hard drive. I set c drive drive to be the whole SSD drive. Cd drive to d: and an e drive to be 100G. (out of the 300G). I am running an AMD phenom quad core with 12 G of memory. I have tried diabling all start programs. I downloaded all of the latest drivers from Gigabyte and also got the AMD series series 7 chip set drivers from AMD. When windows boots, it sits at starting windows for 2-3 minutes and then loads.

I have set custom events for ids 100-110 and it shows nothing or warnings on event 100 with no details. Once the balls become the windows icon, windows brings up my long on. Here is the vital clue, I installed Norton ghost 15. when I copy the drive to a third hard drive, the boot manager comes up. When I select boot windows 7, it load starting windows and then the balls with the windows icon almost instantly. It stays like this way even when I disconnect the 3rd drive. If I remove boot manager, I am back to 2-3 minutes to get past starting windows.

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Very Slow To Startup With Windows 7 Home Premium (HP TouchSmart)?

Jan 15, 2013

I bought 2 new computers, both HP windows 7 home premium, TouchSmart all in 1 computers.1 works perfectly and the other takes about 10 minutes to get past the black screen that says "Starting Windows",once it does, the computer seems to run fine. It is still under factory warranty until Sept. 2013.

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Computer Is Not Slow Other Than Startup

Aug 4, 2011

So I bought a new Hitachi Deskstar 2 SATA-600 2 TB (3,5'') harddrive yesterday. (I had a WD 320 GB harddrive before changing to the 2TB.)And now, my computer takes maybe 4-5 minutes to show the boot screen (the screen that first appears when you boot your computer, often a green, blue or black one). And while the computer boots up, I can hear this ticking noise from the fans. Demonstration (the best I can):and so on. But when it finally boots (when the boot screen comes up) the fan-noise stops, and goes back to the "normal" noise.But my computer is working fine otherways. My computer is not slow other than the startup, and every program or game is working perfectly fine.I think maybe it have something to do with the size of the harddrive? Could there be problems changing from a 320GB to 2TB? [code]

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Slow Startup - Took About 15 To 20 Minutes

Sep 14, 2011

My laptop was working fine until about two days ago. I can't remember doing anything harmful to it specifically but suddenly significant loading issues have manifested. Today it took me about fifteen to twenty minutes simply to get to the stage where the computer was usable. Once it reached this stage, everything is fine and nice and speedy again. I have run virus checks using Malwarebytes and AVG (nothing detected), run CCleaner, defragged and removed all unnecessary start-up programs, resulting in no improvement whatsoever.

My specs are as follows:
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M 430 @ 2.27GHz, x64 Family 6 Model 37 Stepping 2
Processor Count: 4
RAM: 2546 Mb
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M, 1024 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 596211 MB, Free - 527235 MB;
Motherboard: TOSHIBA, NWQAA, 1.00, 123456789AB
Antivirus: AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 2011, Updated and Enabled

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Computer Startup Very Slow?

Feb 10, 2013

My computer's startup is very slow. I'm pretty sure my system is clean from any kind of malware, I just think it's all the programs that run on startup that is causing this problem.

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Slow Startup On New Dell 660?

Dec 12, 2012

I have just installed a new Dell 660 desktop, everything is fine bar the boot time,when starting the Dell sign comes up with the blue bar, as it reaches halfway it freezes for about 1 to 2 minutes, at the same time there are two notes saying f2 and f12, when the blue line is complete the next page shows and asks me to choice, on pressing enter up comes W7 and everything runs okay. As i have only basic knowledge of computing i would be most grateful if any answers be put in simple language, i am now using DVI instead of VGA that is the only change i have made from my old desktop

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Slow During And After Startup - Svchost.exe?

Oct 27, 2010

For a quick run down of specs, I'm running Home premium 64-bit on an Advent Roma 4001, Intel Dual Core T4400, 4GB RAM and 500GB HD.

It's during the log-in screen that it tends to hang, on both the "Please wait..." and "Welcome" messages it takes between 30 seconds - 2 minutes, but the main problem occurs after logging in. The CPU usage, apart from System Idle Process (of course) is pretty much zero, and the RAM usage is down at about 30MB. Everything seems responsive, however, when I attempt to open a program or process I'm getting incredible lag, the type of unresponsiveness that would tempt you to do a hard reset.

The strange thing is it doesn't actually appear to be unresponsive. The programs all load given time and, for all running slowly for an amount of time, still run. What I have noticed is that svchost.exe seems to kick in at an undefined time and puts the RAM usage up to about 62,000K, with the CPU usage still being very low. When terminating the process, the theme will lose it's transparenecy and revert to a white theme, with processes continuing to run extremely slowly, until a few minutes pass, the windows 7 theme (with transparency) kicks in again and everything loads up immediately. After that, everything's fine - lightning fast.

I've tried chkdsk, messing around with msconfig and various other things to no avail. Am I missing something here? I'm stumped. I think given the problems I've been having aside from this (booting) I'm tempted to put it down to a faulty CPU or Harddrive (the 500GB size supports that probability, I think).

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Very Slow Startup No Internet?

Jul 8, 2012

When starting up my pc this morning, the startup was exceptionally slow. It initially said it had to install various drivers that were missi. I kept receiving a message saying that windows could not connect to the System Event Notification Service. My McAffee antivirus software keeps turn off the firewall as well.

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Slow Startup And Performance Over All

Jul 16, 2012

its about 6 months i m using the same window, but now it starts really slow and over all performance of my system is also down. i have dell n5110 i5 with 4gb ram, and please i dnt want to reinstall window, also i am using selective startup.

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Very Slow Startup On Pavilion G6

Aug 12, 2011

I recently purchased a pavilion g6 laptop running windows 7 with intel i3 core. got to home and it started up great within a couple of minutes. Went through onscreen tutorials and was prompted to allow windows to automatically update which I did. Windows then went on to update about 11 things, which were for security and x64bit, I was then prompted to restart which I did. It then went on to configure the updates which took 4 hours, Now everytime the laptop is turned on it takes 15 minutes to load. (this time is from the time I press the power button to the desktop screen) For the first couple of minutes I get a black screen with the windows logo, then the pale blue 'please wait' screen which lasts about 5 mins. I am then prompted to input my password. Another pale blue 'please wait' screen for a couple of minutes. The screen then goes blank for the remainder if the time (but I can see and move the pointer onscreen)I have done a troubleshoot and the results came back that I have to many programs running at startup which may hamper performance but as these are reinstalled or have been automatically updated I'm not sure which ones are needed, below is a list of these programs.

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Computer Slow At Startup?

Sep 30, 2012

have a problem, when i turn on my computer i need to wait almost 5 min to operate normal. In that first 5 minutes, a cant move a mouse how much is slow. That happened suddenly yesterday, when i restarted computer. My AV eset smart security 5 didn't find anything.

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Toshiba Laptop Is Very Slow At The Startup

Sep 28, 2011

My Toshiba laptop isn't working well. It started get VERY slow at start up then it gave me options for safe mode. It was very slow either way, so I just restored it to factory settings. It worked perfectly, then the next day it happened again.I restored it again to factory settings, now today it's doing the same thing.

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Slow Startup And Freezing Once Logged In?

Feb 29, 2012

about a week or two ago i posted on the virus and malware removal forums and followed all the steps i was given and afterwards my computer stopped freezing and started up normally again. now it has started again, although no blue screens like before, and im wondering if its something else... I use norton i dont know if that could be it? I was wondering because if its not causing it then ill have removed it for no reason... it seems like it was for some other people though

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2310M CPU @ 2.10GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7
Processor Count: 4
RAM: 3019 Mb
Graphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics Family, 1285 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 291992 MB, Free - 190325 MB;
Motherboard: TOSHIBA, Portable PC
Antivirus: Norton 360, Updated and Enabled

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